Annotated Bibliography Occupational Social Work Compiled: Dr Adrian D. van Breda 24 January 2009

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Annotated Bibliography

Occupational Social Work
Compiled: Dr Adrian D. van Breda

24 January 2009

Bedryfsmaatskaplike dienste vir swart werknemers. 1988). Social work practice, 14(1), 28-29.

Highlights the objectives and various functions of the Industrial Social Work Section of Iscor's Personnel Division.

Abu-Bader, S. H. (2004). Gender, ethnicity, and job satisfaction among social workers in Israel. Administration in Social Work, 29(3), 7-21.

This study (1) examines the effect of ethnicity and gender on job satisfaction and job facets among social workers in Israel, and (2) develops two regression models predicting job satisfaction among Arab and Jewish social workers. A random sample of 218 social workers completed the surveys. The results of MANCOVA show a significant difference between Arab and Jewish social workers with Jews being more satisfied than Arabs. On the other hand, no significant difference between males and females was found. Two multiple regression models were developed. The first explained 23% of the total variance in job satisfaction, with two factors emerging as significant predictors of job satisfaction among Arabs: supervision and promotion. The second model explained 13% of the total variance in job satisfaction among Jews, with two factors emerging s significant predictors of job satisfaction: supervision and autonomy.

Akabas, S. H. (1983). Industrial social work: Influencing the system at the workplace. In M. Dinerman (Ed.), Social Work in a Turbulent World (pp. 131-141). Silver Spring, MD: NASW.

Akabas, S. H. (1990). Reconciling the demands of work with the needs of families. Families in Society, 15(2), 366-371.

Despite years of jawboning about the mutual interests of and the complementary relationship between employees and employers, American employers, for the most part, have not yet created programs hospitable to employees with dual concerns of work and family. Innovative and helpful programs such as flexible work schedules and job guarantees for employees who need to take dependent-care leaves, funding help for community day-care and eldercare programs, investments in worker safety so that the United States ceases to have the highest workplace death rate of any major industrial country, and provision of adequate health insurance for all employees and their family members have been virtually ignored by many companies as well as the federal government. To apply a well-turned phrase to the work-family situation in this country, if “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women in it merely players,” 1 think we need a better director for the work-family scenario.

Akabas, S. H. (1995). Occupational social work. In R. L. Edwards (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social work (19th ed., pp. 1779-1786). Washington, DC: NASW.

Enclycopedic introduction to OSW, defined as "policies and services, delivered through the auspices of employers and trade unions, to workers and to those who seek entry into the workplace." Articles gives background, conceptual framework, historical development, programme models, specialised strategies for workplaces, challenges and dilemmas of role and setting, and sexual harassment.

Akabas, S. H. (1995). The world of work. In N. Van Den Bergh (Ed.), Feminist practice in the 21st century (pp. 105-125). Washington, DC: NASW Press.

The hypothesis is that in most work settings, including social agencies, women are well-equipped to provide leadership. However, they have not been allowed to do so despite almost three decades of affirmative action legislation. The increasing diversity of the workforce requires a flexible response from corporate management that is more accustomed to tight control than to participative teamwork. Thie chapter explore that challenge in the context of the modern world of work. The discussion examines the present state of women in the workplace, followed by a historical overview of social services in that arena. It evaluates whether women's needs are met adequately by the existing service delivery system and considers the ways social work services might be delivered in the world of work if services reflected the needs of women and if a feminist approach informed the actions of providers.

Akabas, S. H., & Akabas, S. A. (1982). Social services at the workplace: New resource for management. Management Review, 71(5), 15-21.

Discusses resources that can help managers cope with workers' personal problems. Avoidance of conflict at the workplace; Social workers' role in improving the quality of the work environment; Examples of programs responsive to a humanistic approach; Momentum of industrial social work that has been speeded by the needs of personnel managers

Akabas, S. H., & Kurzman, P. A. (1982). The industrial social welfare specialist: What's so special. In S. H. Akabas & P. A. Kurzman (Eds.), Work, workers and work organizations: A view from social work (pp. 196-235): Prentice Hall.

This chapter includes a historic perspective identifying industrial social work as a field of practice that has a past. Industrial social work now appears to be expanding rapidly for various reasons - the trade unions, employers, social work. The paper cautions practitioners to be mindful of the signifcance of auspices - whose agent the practitioner is, confidentiality, protection of job status, etc.

Akabas, S. H., & Kurzman, P. A. (Eds.). (1982). Work, workers and work organizations. A view from social work. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Edited book: Work meanings through Western history / Arthur B. Shostak -- Work and social policy / Martha N. Ozawa -- Work, personal change, and human development / Leon W. Chestang -- The client as worker / Helen Harris Perlman -- "What do you do"? / Jerome Cohen and Brenda G. McGowan -- Applying business management strategies in social agencies / Rino J. Patti -- Taking account of the workplace in community organization practice / Jack Rothman -- Industrial social welfare specialist / Sheila H. Akabas and Paul A. Kurzman.

Babedi, N. (1988). Selected features of industrial social work practice with black mine workers on a gold mine. Social work practice, 6(1), 2-9.

Uses a schema created by R. Smalley to develop an understanding of industrial social work on a mine, with the black worker on his worksite as the primary focus. Asserts that the knowledge required to effective social work service relates to the place, the person, the problem, the process and personnel.

Bagali, M. M., & Joshi, S. S. (1996). Occupational social work in industry. Indian Journal of Social Research, 37(2), 149-153.

Social work intervention in industry is an age old practice. But, due to complexities and ever changing trend at work, a new way has emerged, in which and through which social work intervention at all levels has become necessity. The present paper is based on the emperical results, which explore the practice, prospects, avenue, area of industrial social work and the way it is done.

Bakalinsky, R. (1980). People vs. profits: Social work in industry. Social Work, 21, 471-475.

Social work's entry into the industrial world raises several issues that merit serious consideration. Primary among these is the basic conflict between the profession's dedication to people's well-being and industry's dedication to profits. How this conflict is resolved will determine the decisions made on other pertinent issues such as the nature of services offered industry, the auspices of such services, and, indeed, whether social work really belongs in the world of industry at all.

Balgopal, P. R. (1989). Occupational social work: An expanded clinical perspective. Social Work, 34(5), 437-442.

Helping employees to maintain a quality life in the workplace and at home is increasingly accepted as a goal of management and trade unions. In this context the social work profession is being solicited to deliver various services. The author suggests that social workers should use an expanded clinical perspective to treat clients environments in more tangible ways. The argument is Presented that established social work skills should be used more innovatively, and newer skills further developed. Also, the author suggests that practice be broadened beyond the One-on-one, Person-centered clinical social work. Elements of the occupational environment show be viewed as potential targets of change for the practitioner and the client. The expanded clinical perspective of occupational social work is based on an ecological and eclectic orientation, with a conviction that social workers, to be effective in the work setting, must be receptive to acquiring new knowledge and skills. These arguments are supported through relevant case illustrations.

Balgopal, P. R., De Silva, E., Mun, L. W., & Choo, Q. A. (1997). Improving quality of work life in Singapore: Implications for social work in industries. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 12(4), 51-60.

Discusses the value of Industrial Social Work (ISW) in resolving work-related problems and in developing and enhancing the potentials of the modern labor force, using Singapore as an example. Three case studies of different work settings (wellness and health enhancement, industrial accidents, and shift work) are presented, followed by an exploration of the potential roles of the social work in the industrial setting. Market forces, societal forces, and stress at the workplace make an ISW program a necessity rather than a luxury. The role of the industrial social worker ranges from an enabler/facilitator, to counselor, to planner, to organizer, to advocate, to educator, evaluator, consultant, and liaison person. Social workers are in a good position to educate workers and employers on public policy and other work-related issues. The authors point out the need for companies to expand their role to incorporate ISW programs in the work setting.

Balgopal, P. R., & Pirzynski, J. E. (1990). An analysis of preretirement plans: Challenges for occupational social work. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 5(3), 13-31.

This paper presents an overview of the problems of retirement, and an analysis of existing pre-retirement planning programs. After critically appraising the current programs, a descriptive model for a preretirement plan designed and implemented by an occupational social worker is suggested, which would humanize the retirement experience by making the workplace more responsive to the needs of its older employees.

Bargal, D. (1988, 10-13 November 1987). Occupational social work: Report based on participants’ papers and group discussions. Paper presented at the International Expert Meeting on Occupational Social Work, Wassenaar, Netherlands.

Bargal, D. (1993). An international perspective on the development of social work in the workplace. In P. A. Kurzman & S. H. Akabas (Eds.), Work and well-being: The occupational social work advantage. (pp. 372-385). Washington, DC: NASW.

This chapter seeks, by comparative analysis, to increase the understanding of OSW. It compares the academic and professional aspects of OSW in four countries - Australia, Israel, Germany and the Netherlands - in relation to these countries' economic, industrial, and social contexts. It also discusses the implications for the field of changes in the workplace and in the work forces in these countries and the USA. The analysis is based on three principle dimensions - societal characteristics, the professional and academic characteristics of OSW, and the characteristics of OSW in workplace.

Bargal, D. (2000). The future development of occupational social work. Administration in Social Work, 23(3/4), 139-156.

The author proposes a conceptual framework for examining the development and function of occupational social work in America. The framework includes three categories of characteristics: Societal aspects (e.g., labor-management relations), academic-professional development (e.g., research and training), and workplace domain of occupational social work. Force field analysis is proposed as a basis for identifying professional and organizational areas that may be addressed in the attempt to promote occupational social work as an academic specialization and field of social work practice.

Bargal, D., Back, A., & Ariav, P. (1992). Occupational social work and prolonged job insecurity in a declining organization. Administration in Social Work, 16(1), 55-67.

Prolonged periods of job insecurity create unique stressors within organizations, in the lives of employees, and in the professional role of occupational social workers. Moreover, the security of the social worker's own job is often threatened, hindering that person's performance. A case study of the Alon Tire Factory (Israel) illustrates a failing organization and delineates the attempts of the occupational social worker to cope with the decline through professional interventions at employee and managerial levels. Given the climate of tension between management and workers and the absence of organizational support of her professional role, the interventions of the social worker were limited. The Alon social worker could have become a resource consultant to the high-echelon management during the crisis. However, the role of consultant is difficult to assume during a crisis if, as was the case at Alon, an evolutionary process defining this role had not previously taken place.

Bargal, D., & Karger, H. J. (1991). Occupational social work and the new global economy. Administration in Social Work, 15(4), 95-109.

Traditional role descriptions for occupational social work are not sufficient for workers, families, and work organizations undergoing the changes associated with the new global economy. A shift in the emphasis of occupational social work is suggested. Industrial social workers must be advocates for workers so that the deleterious effects of the new industrial changes are moderated, if not eliminated. Social workers can achieve this by advocating for policies that minimize the stress and dislocation associated with industrial upheaval. In periods of rapidly changing economic conditions, social workers should refocus counseling efforts to 3 main areas: 1. helping employees to work through the traumas of job loss and the disengagement from a lost occupational identity, 2. counseling workers to prepare them for retraining, and 3. counseling employees to develop alternative life plans. Advocacy is perhaps the most important role in a period of industrial turmoil and can be expressed on 3 complementary levels: the organization, the community, and the society.

Bates, J., & Thompson, N. (2007). Workplace well-being: An occupational social work approach. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 15(3), 273-284.

In recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on employee welfare or, as it is being referred to with increasing frequency, "workplace well-being." Traditional approaches to such issues have tended to be either medicalized (via occupational health interventions) or individualized (for example, through employee assistance programs—EAPs). This article proposes a broader approach based on the problem-solving perspective of occupational social work. It is argued that such a broader approach offers a sounder foundation for tackling workplace problems and promoting well-being in general and for addressing the challenges of loss, grief, and trauma in the workplace in particular.

Berridge, J. R. (1996). New roles for employee assistance programmes in the 1990s: Occupational social work is back and different. Personnel Review, 25(1), 59-64.

Reviews the differences between employee assistance programmes (EAPs) in the USA and the UK, but also identifies convergent trends in the employment environment in both countries. Discusses recent developments for professional EAPs in the USA to be driven by occupational social work models, and for the interests of the employer to be taken more fully into account. Evaluates the extent to which these models represent a source of complexity and friction with the personnel management and trade union interests: in this respect, considers especially issues of confidentiality in the counselling relationship and potential conflict with the management advisory and consultancy role being advocated for EAPs. Concludes by suggesting that EAPs in the UK should reaffirm their basic values of individual confidential counselling, even if this stance does not always assure for them a high status or harmonious role.

Berridge, J. R., & Cooper, C. L. (1994). The Employee Assistance Programme: Its Role in Organizational Coping and Excellence. Personnel Review, 23(7), 4-20.

The actual impact on an organization by an employee assistance program (EAP) can be positive in avoiding resolving individual problems and stimulating the creation of a learning, coping enterprise. There are many EAP practitioners and provider firms, and EAP provision for an organization can be tailored closely to its needs and those of the staff members. The qualitative and quantitative payoffs of EAPs can both be shown as very positive across a range of objective performance criteria as well as on more subjective indicators which are increasingly becoming the key qualitative measures of organizational success. The decision to introduce and maintain an EAP in an organization represents a long-term strategic statement of philosophy on the part of the human resources management function.

Berridge, J. R., & Cooper, C. L. (1994). Qualified optimism: EAP prospects for the 1990s. Personnel Review, 23(7), 79-80.

EAP in Britain is reaching the stage of its development where it is not settling into comfortable early maturity leading to complacency, but it is being increasingly self-critical. The issue of quality is the key attribute which every EAP application must possess right from its originating philosophy, its inception in any organization, and through to its continuing maintenance of operation. Providers will need to develop not only quality assurance mechanisms, but public relations activities to communicate their achievements. Typically, EAP clients are opposed to the HR function owning the advisory mechanism.

Botha, I. D. (1983). Bedryfsmaatskaplike werk in 'n myn-opset. Acta academica, 11(18), 1-12.

Discusses the historical development of industrial social work, the place and role of the social worker in industry, and social work in the mining industry. Focuses on social work programmes implemented at a gold mine near Welkom. Published in commemoration of 10 years of the Department of Social Work (UOFS)

Bouwer, A. (2002, September 15-20). A case study on the role of a military social worker in the facilitation of change through a participatory community development process. Paper presented at the 34th International Congress on Military Medicine, Sun City, South Africa.

Briks, M. (2005). My professional life as an EAP social worker. The New Social Worker, 12(4), 14-15.

Personal experience as a social worker involved in employee assistance programs (EAPs) in Canada is drawn on to describe this work, highlighting professional responsibilities & challenges & client relations. Examples are provided of EAP workshops delivered to employees in the corporate workplace. Professional skills needed by EAP social workers are also identified.

Brilliant, E. L., & Rice, K. A. (1988). Influencing corporate philanthropy. In G. M. Gould & M. L. Smith (Eds.), Social work in the workplace: Practice and principles (pp. 299-313). New York City, NY: Springer.

The underlying thesis of this chapter is that social workers need to look carefully at the phenomenon of corporate support - both at the end product (the amounts that are distributed) as well as the process by which decisions are made. There is considerable room for growth in the total amount of corporate contributions. Questions have been raised about the manner in which corproate funds are allocated. Social workers' reluctance to be involved with corporate philanthropy will be addressed. We argue that there are significant possibilities for influencing corporate decisions about community services and that social workers should pursue these possibilities.

Burke, E. M. (1988). Corporate community relations. In G. M. Gould & M. L. Smith (Eds.), Social work in the workplace: Practice and principles (pp. 314-327). New York City, NY: Springer.

Corporate community relations (CCR) is part of a company's social responsibility mission. It can be defined as those programs and activities of a corporation that are designed to contribut to the improvement of a community's health, welfare, culture, community development, and other needs. The paper provides a history of CCR, a discussion on the increasing importance of CCR, the emerging CCR trends, and the consequences for social work.

Caplan, R. D., & Van Harrison, R. (1993). Person-environment fit theory: Some history, recent developments, and future directions. Journal of Social Issues, 49(4), 253-275.

In honour of John R P French, Jr, recipient of the 1992 Kurt Lewin Award, this article traces French's contribution to the development person-environment (PE) fit theory. The text examines recent extensions of PE fit theory. Extensions include the introduction of response surfaces to examine the homogeneity of effects of PE fit on indicators of mental health across all levels of P or of E and research examining the antecedents of PE fit. The Lewinian tradition of applying theory to the study of social issues is followed to suggest areas for future research.

Chandler, R. G., Kroeker, B. J., Fynn, M., & MacDonald, D. A. (1988). Establishing and evaluating an industrial social work programme: The Seagram, Amherstburg experience. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 3(3/4), 243-253.

Evaluated an industrial social work program in a small distillery that was based on a 3rd-party university model. The program is based on a participatory philosophy, and the importance of joint management and union "ownership" of the program is emphasized. The evaluation examined the health and attitudes of employees, absenteeism and productivity, cost effectiveness, and reduction of grievances using employee questionnaires. Analysis of questionnaires completed by 67 employees indicated significant approval of the program by employees. Absentee rates, accidents, and grievances were found to be reduced over a 3-yr period.

Chima, F. O. (2004). Depression and the workplace: Occupational social work development and intervention. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 19(4), 1-20.

Millions of United States Americans suffer from varied severity and forms of depression and other mental illnesses. This article addresses the pervasiveness and the cost of depression in the workplace. The actual prevalence of depression among employed persons is difficult to determine because depressive disorders are underreported. Literature, nevertheless, suggests that depression is widespread and with serious consequences for sufferers, their families, their employers and for the nation overall. This article discusses the prevalence of depressive disorders in the workplace and the nature of depression as a mental health issue. A discussion of the field of occupational social work practice and ways to recognize and help employees with depressive disorders is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved) (from the journal abstract)

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