Moderation:Moderation shall be awarded subject to a maximum of 5 % of external total marks to be awarded in Semester. b) For a course concerned, the maximum of moderation awarded shall be limited to 10 % of the total marks to be awarded for the external course concerned. c) If a student fails for a single course, this limit can be enhanced to 15 %of external in the course d) However Board of examiners concerned, shall have the liberty to fix low percentage of marks for moderation subjected to the conditions mentioned in a), b) and c)
Grace marks: Grace Marks may be awarded to a student for meritorious achievements in co-curricular activities (in Sports/Arts/ NSS/NCC/ Student Entrepreneurship) carried out besides the regular class hours. Such a benefit is applicable and limited to a maximum of 8 courses in an academic year spreading over two semesters. No credit shall be assigned for such activities.