Appendix 4a/cuy 1998-99

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(Includes certain Commonwealth non-university degree-awarding institutions, eg former Australian CAEs)

Listed below (whether abbreviated in form or not) are names of institutions that have appeared in previous editions of the Yearbook, for use after academic qualifications in staff entries. Commonwealth university abbreviations appear in Appendix 3. Appendix 4b lists abbreviations by country (excluding Commonwealth countries and the USA) and Appendix 4c lists US abbreviations by state. For procedures to be followed when devising new entries, see the Supplement to this Appendix.

Abbreviation Full Name

A[Aachen see T.H.Aachen]

Aalborg Aalborg University Centre (Denmark)

Aarhus Aarhus University (Denmark)

[Aarhus Dent.Coll. see R.Dent.Coll., Aarhus]

Aarhus Sch.Archit. Aarhus School of Architecture (Denmark)

Abadan Abadan Institute of Technology (Iran) (later Abadan College of Petroleum)

[Abdul-Aziz see Jeddah]

Abidjan University of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) (later National University of the Ivory Coast)

Abilene Abilene Christian University (formerly College) (Texas)

Åbo Åbo Academy (Finland) (later Swedish University of Åbo)

[Academia Alfonsiana see Pontif.Athen.Lateran]

[Academia Sinica see Chinese Acad.Sc.]

[Acad.Fine Arts, Dusseldorf see Dusseldorf Fine & Appl.Arts]

[Acad.Fine Arts, Prague see Prague Fine Arts]

[Acad.Fine Arts, Warsaw see Warsaw Fine Arts]

[Acad.Med.Erfurt see Erfurt Med.]

[Acad.Med.Warsaw see Warsaw Med.]

[Acad.Mining & Metall., Cracow see Cracow Mining]

Acad.Potsdam-Babelsberg Academy of Political Science and Law, Potsdam-Babelsberg (Germany)

Acad.Romania Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania (apparently awarded qualifications)

[Acad.Sc.Warsaw see Polish Acad.Sc.]

[Acad.Technol.& Agric., Bydgoszcz see Bydgoszcz Technol.& Agric.]

[A.C.T. see Aust.Coll.Theol.]

[Adam Mickiewicz see Poznan]

Adams Adams State College (Colorado)

Adamson Adamson University, Manila (Philippines)

Addis Ababa University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) (formerly Haile Sellassie I University)

Adelaide Arts & Educn. Adelaide College of the Arts and Education (Australia)

Adelaide C.A.E. Adelaide College of Advanced Education (Australia)

Adelaide T.C. Adelaide Teachers’ College (later Adelaide College of Advanced Education) (Australia)

Adelphi Adelphi University (formerly College) (NY)

Adrian Adrian College (Mich.)

Adventist I.I.A.S.(Philippines) Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines

Aegean Aegean University (Ege Üniversitesi), Izmir (Turkey)

Aegean Sch.Engin. Aegean School of Engineering and Architecture, Izmir (Turkey)

Agnes Scott Agnes Scott College (Ga.)

Agostinho Neto University Agostinho Neto (Angola) (formerly University of Luanda, 1968; University of Angola, 1976; acquired present name, 1985)

[Agric.Acad./Coll.Szczecin see Szczecin Agric.]

[Agric.Acad.Lublin see Lublin Agric.]

[Agric.Acad.Moscow see Moscow Agric.]

Agric.Coll.Athens Agricultural College of Athens (Greece)

Agric.Coll.Brno College of Agriculture, Brno (Czech Republic)

Agric.Coll.Nitra College of Agriculture, Nitra (Slovakia)

Agric.Coll.Norway Norwegian College of Agriculture (Norges Landbrukshøgskole), Vollebekk (now Agricultural University of Norway, see Norway Ag.)

[Agric.Coll.Prague see Prague Agric.]

Agric.C.Sweden Agricultural College of Sweden, Uppsala (formerly Royal Agricultural College; in 1975 became part of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Agric.Univ.Gödöllö University of Agriculture, Gödöllö (Hungary)

[Agric.Univ.Poznan see Poznan Agric.]

[Agric.Univ.Warsaw see Warsaw Agric.]

Aichi Aichi University (Japan)

Aichi Gakuin Aichi Gakuin University (Japan)

Aichi Med. Aichi Medical University (Japan)

Aichi U.E. Aichi University of Education (Japan)

Ain Shams Ain Shams University, Cairo (Egypt) (formerly Heliopolis University)

[Air Force(USA) see U.S.Air Force Acad.; U.S.Air Force I.T.]

Airlangga Airlangga University, Surabaya (Indonesia)

[AIT, Bangkok see Asian I.T., Bangkok]

Aix-la-Chapelle We accept this form of Aachen if it is given (but not for the T.H.)

Aix-Marseilles University of Aix-Marseilles (France)

Aix-Marseilles I University of Aix-Marseilles I (University of Provence) (France)

Aix-Marseilles II University of Aix-Marseilles II (France)

Aix-Marseilles III University of Aix-Marseilles III (University of Law, Economics and Science) (France)

Akita Akita University (Japan)

Akron University of Akron (Ohio)

Aktubinsk Aktubinsk University (Russia)

Alabama University of Alabama

Alabama A.& M. Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University

Alabama State Alabama State University

Al Ahliyya Amman Al Ahliyya Amman University (Jordan)

Alaska University of Alaska

Alaska Methodist Alaska Methodist University (became Alaska Pacific University, 1978)

Alaska Pacific Alaska Pacific University (formerly Alaska Methodist University)

Al-Azhar Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Egypt)

Al-Baath Al-Baath University (Syria)

Albany Albany State College (Ga.)

Albany Med.Coll. Albany Medical College (NY)

[Albany, N.Y. see Union (N.Y.)]

Albany Pharm. Albany College of Pharmacy (NY)

Albert Einstein Coll.of Med. = part of Yeshiva University

[Albert Ludwig see Freib.]

[Albertus see Königsberg]

Albertus Magnus Albertus Magnus College (Conn.)

Albert Szent-Györgyi Med. Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged (Hungary)

Albion Albion College (Mich.)

Albright Albright College (Penn.)

Albuquerque University of Albuquerque (New Mexico)

Alcalá University of Alcalá (Madrid)

Alcorn Alcorn State University (Mississippi) (formerly Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College)

Alemaya Alemaya University of Agriculture, Harer (Ethiopia)

Aleppo University of Aleppo (Syria)

Alexander Mackie C.A.E. Alexander Mackie College of Advanced Education (Australia) (later part of Sydney College of Advanced Education; awarded BEd)

Alexandria Alexandria University (Egypt) (formerly Farouk I University)

Al-Fateh University of Al-Fateh, Tripoli (formerly part of University of Libya)

Alfred Alfred University (NY)

Algiers University of Algiers (Algeria)

[Algoma awards degrees of Laurentian University, of which it is an affiliated college]

Al-Hikma Al-Hikma University of Baghdad (Iraq) (supported by the Society of Jesus; no longer in existence)

Alicante University of Alicante (Spain)

[Al.I.Cuza see Jassy]

[Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic see Islam.Imam Mohd.Ibn Saud]

Allegheny Allegheny College (Penn.)

Allen Allen University, Columbia (S. Carolina)

Alliance Alliance College (Penn.)

Alma Alma College (Mich.)

Alma(Los Gatos) Alma College, Los Gatos (Calif.) (later the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley)

Al-Mustansiriyah Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad (Iraq)

Aloysius Inst.Philos. Aloysius Institute of Philosophy, Gallarate (Italy) (Vatican institution)

[Alphonsianum Academia = theological faculty of Pontif.Athen.Lateran, qv]

Alverno Alverno College (Wis.)

[Amazon see Natnl.Peruvian Amazon]

Ambassador Ambassador University, Big Sandy (Texas)

Amer.Coll.Phys.Ed. American College of Physical Education (Ill.) (consolidated with De Paul University, 1946)

Amer.Cons.Mus. American Conservatory of Music, Chicago (Ill.)

Amer.Grad.Sch.Internat.Mgt. American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale (Arizona)

American Baptist Coll. American Baptist College, Nashville (Tenn.)

[American(Beirut) see Beirut]

American(Cairo) American University in Cairo (Egypt)

American Coll., Greece American College of Greece

American Coll., Switzerland American College of Switzerland

American(D.C.) American University (DC)

American Internat. American International College (Mass.)

[American(Texas) see Pan American]

Americas(Mexico) University of the Americas, Puebla (Mexico)

[Americas(Puerto Rico) see Internat.Inst.Americas]

Amer.Inst.Foreign Trade American Institute for Foreign Trade (Arizona) (formerly American Graduate School of International Management)

[Ames see Iowa State]

Amherst Amherst College (Mass.)

Amiens University of Amiens (France) (since 1970 University of Picardie)

Amir Kabir U.T. Amir Kabir University of Technology, Teheran (Iran)

[Amos Tuck Sch.Bus.Admin. see Dartmouth]

Amoy Amoy University (China) (see also Natnl.Amoy)

Amst. University (formerly Municipal University) of Amsterdam (Netherlands) (see also V.U.Amst.)

Anatolian Anatolian University (Turkey)

Andalas University of Andalas (Indonesia)

Anderson Anderson College (Indiana)

[Andes see Los Andes, Bogotá; Los Andes, Mérida]

Andover Newton Andover Newton Theological School (Mass.)

Andrés Bello Universidad Cátolica Andrés Bello, Caracas (Venezuela)

Andrew Andrew College (Ga.)

Andrews Andrews University (Mich.)

[Ang./Angelicum see Pontif.Athen.Angelicum]

[Angel Kancev see Roussé T.I.]

Angelo State Angelo State University (Texas)

Angers University of Angers (France) (see also Catholic Facs., West; C.U.West)

Anglican Theol.Coll.(B.C.) Anglican Theological College (became part of Vancouver School of Theology; affiliated to University of British Columbia)

[Anhai see Anhui]

Anhui Anhui University, Anhui Province (China)

Anhui Agric. Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui Province (China)

Anhui Educn. Anhui University of Education, Wuhu (China)

Anhui Med. Anhui Medical College, Hefei (China)

Ankara University of Ankara (Turkey)

Annaba Université d’Annaba (Algeria)

Anna Maria Anna Maria College (Mass.)

[Annapolis see St.John’s(Md.); U.S.Naval Acad.]

[Ann Arbor see Mich.]

Ans. Pontificum Athenaeum Anselmianum (Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo) (Vatican City)

Anshan Iron & Steel Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, Liaoning Province (China)

Antioch Antioch University (formerly College) (Ohio)

Antioquía University of Antioquía (Colombia)

[Anton de Kom see Suriname]

[Antonio Narro see Saltillo]

Antwerp State University Centre of Antwerp (Belgium) (see also State Comm.C., Antwerp; U.I.Antwerp)

[Antwerp Comm. see Comm., Antwerp; State Comm.C., Antwerp]

[Antwerp Trop.Med. see Inst.Trop.Med.Antwerp]

Aoyama Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo (Japan)

Appalachian State Appalachian State University (N. Carolina) (formerly Appalachian State Teachers’ College)

Aquila University of Aquila (Italy)

[Aquinas... see also Pontif.U.S.Th.Aq.; St.T.Aquinas; St.T.Aquinas(Ill.)]

Aquinas Aquinas College (Mich.)

Aquinas(Ill.) Aquinas Institute of Philosophy and Theology (Illinois) (see also St.T.Aquinas(Ill.))

Aquinas(Iowa) Aquinas Institute of Theology (Iowa)

[Arabic Langs.(Khartoum) see Khart.Internat.Inst.Arabic Langs.]

Arak H.E.R.C. Arak Higher Education Research Complex (Iran)

Araneta Araneta University (Philippines) (later Gregorio Araneta University Foundation)

[Aristotle see Salonika]

Arizona University of Arizona

Arizona State Arizona State University

Arkansas University of Arkansas

Arkanasas State Arkansas State University

[Arlington = part of Texas]

Armenia Engin. State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan (?formerly Erevan P.I.)

Armidale C.A.E. Armidale College of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with the University of New England)

Armour Tech.Inst. Armour Institute of Technology (Ill.) (amalgamated with Illinois Institute of Technology, 1940)

Armstrong Armstrong College (Calif.)

Art Center(Calif.) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena (Calif.) (formerly at Los Angeles)

Art Center, Los Angeles Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles (Calif.)

Arthur D.Little Inst. Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute (Mass.)

[Art Inst., Chic. see Chic.Art Inst.]

Arts, Belgrade University of the Arts, Belgrade (Serbia)

Arts, China Chinese Academy of Arts/Arts Academy of China (variant translation), Beijing

Arts(Pa.) University of the Arts, Philadelphia (Penn.)

Aruba University of Aruba (Netherlands Dependencies)

Arvika Mus. Folkliga Musikskolan, Arvika (Sweden)

Arya-Mehr Arya-Mehr (later Sharif) University of Technology, Teheran (Iran)

[Ås Agric. see Norway Ag.]

Asbury Asbury College (Kentucky)

Asbury Theol.Sem. Asbury Theological Seminary (Kentucky)

Ashland Ashland College (Ohio)

Ashridge Ashridge (a business college in Herts. Does MBA/EMBA programs, apparently. Not sure about it, but included!)

Asian Inst.Management Asian Institute of Management, Manila (Philippines)

Asian I.T., Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand) (formerly SEATO Graduate School of Engineering (GES))

Asmara University of Asmara (Ethiopia)

Assemblies of God Theol.Sem. Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Missouri) (see also Northwest Coll. Assemblies of God)

Assiut Assiut University (Egypt)

Assoc.Mennonite Bibl.Sems. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries (Indiana) (formed from co-operative relationship between Goshen Biblical Seminary and Mennonite Bible Seminary)

Assumption(Bangkok) Assumption University (Abac), Bangkok (Thailand)

Assumption(Manila) Assumption College, Manila (Philippines)

Assumption(Mass.) Assumption College, Worcester (Mass.)

Astrakhan Inst.Fish Institute of the Fish Industry, Astrakhan (Russian Federation)

Astrakhan T.I. Astrakhan Technical Institute (Russian Federation)

[Asunción see Natnl.Asunción]

Atatürk Atatürk University (Turkey)

Ateneo de Davao Ateneo de Davao University (Philippines)

Ateneo de Manila Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)

Athens National and Capodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

[Athens Agric.Coll. see Agric.Coll.Athens]

Athens Econ.&Bus. Athens University of Economic and Business

Athens Sch.Econ. Athens (Graduate) School of Economics and Business Studies/Science (Greece) (formerly translated as College of Economics and Commerce)

[Athens T.U. see T.U.Athens]

Atlanta Atlanta University (Ga.) (now part of Clark Atlanta)

Atlanta Art Atlanta College (formerly School) of Art (Ga.)

Atlanta Sch.Art Atlanta School (later College) of Art (Ga.)

[Atlantic(Florida) see Florida Atlantic]

Atlantic Inst.Educn. Atlantic Institute of Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) (awards own BEd, MEd, PhD)

Atlántico Universidad del Atlántico (University of the Atlantic) (Colombia)

Atlantic Sch.Theol. Atlantic School of Theology (Canada)

Atlantic Union Atlantic Union College (Mass.)

Atomi Gakuen Atomi Gakuen Joshi Daigaku (Women’s University) (Japan)

[Attila, Jozsef see Szeged]

A.U.Barcelona Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)

Auburn Auburn University (Alabama)

[Aug./Augustinianum = part of Pontif.Lateran, qv]

Augsburg Augsburg University (Germany)

Augsburg Coll. Augsburg College (Minn.)

Augsburg Theol.Sem. Augsburg Theological Seminary (Minn.) (became Augsburg College 1963)

Augustana(Ill.) Augustana College (Ill.)

Augustana(S.Dak.) Augustana College (S. Dakota)

Augustana Theol.Sem. Augustana Theological Seminary (Ill.) (later Augustana College)

[August 1st see Xinjiang Ag.]

[Augustinianum = part of Pontif.Lateran, qv]

Augustinian(Wash.) Augustinian College (Washington) (now merged with Washington Theological Union) (cannot trace as a separate institution: information from Australian Catholic compiler (1994))

A.U.Madrid Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)

Aurora Aurora University, Shanghai (China) (pre-war)

Aurora Coll. Aurora College (Ill.)

Aust.Coll.Theol. Australian College of Theology, Sydney (examining body)

Aust.Film, TV & Radio Sch. Australian Film, Television and Radio School, North Ryde, NSW

Austin Coll. Austin College (Texas)

Aust.Inst.Dramatic Art Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art, NSW

Austin Peay Austin Peay State University (Tenn.)

Austin State (Stephen F.) Austin State University (Texas)

Aust.Maritime Coll. Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania (degree and postgraduate level courses; given in Australian Directory of Higher Education Courses 1983)

[Austral(Chile) see S.Chile]

[Autonomous... see A.U...; also Chapingo; Mexico Metropolitan; Mexico Natnl.; Mexico State]

Aveiro University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Averett Averett College (Virginia)

Avignon Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (France)

Avila Avila College, Kansas City (Missouri)

Avondale Coll. Avondale College, Corranbong, New South Wales (awards BA(Th))

Azabu Azabu University (Japan)

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan State University, Baku

Azerbaijan Inst.Petroleum Tech. Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum Technology and Chemistry, Baku

& Chem.

Azerbaijan P.I. Azerbaijan Polytechnical Institute, Baku

Azusa Pacific Azusa Pacific University (Calif.)

B[Babes-Bolyai see Cluj]

Babson Babson College (formerly Institute) (Mass.)

Baghdad University of Baghdad (Iraq)

Baghdad Pharm.Coll. College of Pharmacy, Baghdad (Iraq) (became part of University of Baghdad, 1957)

Baghdad Technol. University of Technology, Baghdad (Iraq)

[Baguio see St.Louis(Baguio)]

Bahia (Federal) University of Bahia (Brazil)

Baker Baker University (Kansas)

[Baku... see Azerbaijan...]

[Baldwin, Mary see Mary Baldwin]

Baldwin-Wallace Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio)

Balearic Is. University of the Balearic Islands, Palma (Majorca) (Spain)

Ball Ball State University (Indiana) (formerly Ball State Teachers’ College)

Ballarat C.A.E. Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Victoria (Australia)

[Balmes see Jaime Balmes]

Baltic(Germany) Baltic University (Germany)

Baltimore University of Baltimore (Maryland)

Bamberg University of Bamberg (Otto Friedrich Universität Bamberg) (Germany)

[Banda Aceh Islamic Studies see Inst.Isl.Stud., Banda Aceh]

Bandung University of Bandung (Indonesia)

Bandung Inst.Educn. Bandung Institute of (Teacher Training and) Education (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP)) (Indonesia)

Bandung I.T. Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)

[Bandung I.T.T.E. see Bandung Inst.Educn.]

[Bangkok see Chulalongkorn]

Bangkok Coll.of Educn. Bangkok College of Education (Thailand) (in Minerva)

[Bangkok Devel.Admin. see Natnl.Inst.Devel.Admin., Bangkok]

Bangkok Open Ramkhamhaeng University (Open University), Bangkok (Thailand)

[Bangkok I.T. see Asian I.T., Bangkok]

Banja Luka University of Banja Luka (Bosnia Herzegovina)

Bank Street Bank Street College of Education (NY)

Baotou Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China (there are several institutions here, including Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering, Medical College, Teachers’ School)

[Baptist... see also American Baptist Coll.; Berkeley Baptist; Calif.Baptist; Central Baptist Coll.; Central Baptist Theol.Sem.; Conservative Baptist Theol.Sem.; E.Baptist Theol.Sem.; E.Texas Baptist; Golden Gate Baptist Theol.Sem.; HK Baptist; H.K.Baptist Theol.Sem.; N.American Baptist Coll.; N.American Bapt.Sem.; N.Baptist Theol.Sem.; New Orleans Baptist; Oklahoma Baptist; Ouachita; S.Baptist; S.Baptist Theol.Sem.; Southwestern Baptist Theol.Sem.; S.W.Baptist; Tor.Baptist Sem.; Wayland; W.Baptist Bible Coll.; W.Conservative Baptist Sem.]

Baptist Bible Coll.(Mo.) Baptist Bible College, Springfield (Missouri)

Baptist Theol.Sem.(Malaysia) Baptist Theological Seminary, Malaysia (untraceable: information from Charles Sturt compiler November 1996)

Barat Barat College (Ill.)

Barcelona University of Barcelona (Spain) (see also A.U.Barcelona)

Bard Bard College (NY)

Bari University of Bari (Italy)

Bar-Ilan Bar-Ilan University (Israel)

Barnard Barnard College (NY)

Barneveld Barneveld College (Netherlands)

Barrington Barrington College (Rhode I.)

Barry Barry University (formerly College), Miami (Florida)

Barton Barton College, Wilson (N.Carolina)

[Baruch Coll.(N.Y.) see C.U.N.Y.]

Basle University of Basle (or Basel) (Switzerland)

Basle Immunol. Institut für Immunologie, Basle (Switzerland)

Basque Basque University (Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) (formerly University of Bilbao), Bilbao (Spain)

Basrah University of Basrah (Jami’at Al-Basrah) (Iraq)

[Batangas I.T. see Pablo Borbon Memorial I.T.]

Bates Bates College (Maine)

[Bathurst see Sacred Heart(N.B.)]

[Batory see Vilna]

Baumon T.U. Baumon Moscow State Technical University (Russia)

[Bavarian Julius-Maximilian see Würzburg]

Baylor Baylor University (Texas)

Baylor Coll.Med. Baylor College of Medicine (Texas)

Bayreuth University of Bayreuth (Germany)

[Beaux-Arts, Paris see École Nat.Sup.Beaux-Arts, Paris]

Beaver Beaver College (Penn.)

[Beijing... see also Peking...]

Beijing Beijing University (China)

Beijing Aeron.& Astron. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China)

Beijing Ag.Eng. Beijing Agricultural Engineering University (China)

Beijing Agric. Beijing Agricultural University (China)

Beijing Arts & Crafts Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, Beijing (?now Central Academy of Arts and Design) (China)

Beijing Arts & Des. Central Academy of Arts and Design, Beijing (?formerly Central Academy of Arts and Crafts) (China)

[Beijing Business & Econ. see Internat.Business & Econ., Beijing]

Beijing Bus.Inst. Beijing Institute of Business (China)

Beijing Broadcasting Inst. Beijing Broadcasting Institute (China)

Beijing Fine Arts Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (China)

Beijing Foreign Lang.Inst. Beijing Institue of Foreign Languages (China) (see also Beijing 2nd Foreign Lang.Inst.)

Beijing Forestry Beijing Institute of Forestry (sometimes referred to as Beijing Forestry University) (China)

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