Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

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Davaran, Amir Tavakol Ebrahimi, Abbas Ghaem

al Sabahi, Mahmoud Maleki, Hormoz Momaiezi,

Nezmeddin Movahed, Hossein Shah Hosseini

MDE 13/13/90 E Iran: Recent arrests - prisoners of


MDE 13/14/90 I MERAN 06/90: Iran: Detention without tria of

prisoners of conscience, health concerns,

fear of torture

MDE 13/15/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International urges

immediate release of government critics in


MDE 13/16/90 E AI News Release: Televised "confessions"

heighten Amnesty International's concerns

about prisoners in Iran

MDE 13/17/90 E Iran: Prisoners of conscience - further

arrests of signatories to an open letter

MDE 13/18/90 I Update to MERAN 06/90: Iran: Detention of

prisoners of conscience; fear of torture;

health concern

MDE 13/19/90 Not issued

MDE 13/20/90 E Iran: Amnesty International presses for the

unconditional release of women prisoners of


MDE 13/21/90 E Iran: Violations of human rights 1987 - 1990

MDE 13/22/90 I Target Sector action for women prisoners of

conscience in Iran: follow-up

MDE 13/23/90 I Iran: Recommended actions for use with

research paper "Iran: human rights

violations 1987-1990"

MDE 13/24/90 E / I Iran: Medical concern: Arrests of prisoners

of conscience in Iran

MDE 13/25/90 E Iran: Prisoners of conscience still

detained, mass executions continue

MDE 13/26/90 E AI News Release: Iran: "Relentless and

ruthless" abuse of basic human rights: new

Amnesty International report cites hangings,

torture and jailing of critics.

MDE 13/27/90 I MERAN 09/90: Iran: Secret executions of

political prisoners in 1988; thousands of

officially-announced executions for criminal


MDE 13/28/90 E / I Medical letter-writing action:Iran: Medical

concern: Dr Fatemeh Izadi

MDE 13/29/90 I Iran: questions and answers

MDE 13/30/90 E Iran: Arrest and execution of a Christian



MDE 14/01/90 E UA 38/90 - Iraq: Possible extrajudicial

killings: many killed by government forces

in southern Iraq

MDE 14/02/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International

appeals to Iraqi President to spare life of

British-based journalist: Farzad Bazoft

MDE 14/03/90 E UA 103/90 - Iraq: Death Penalty / Concern

about trial proceedings: Farzad Bazoft,

Daphne Parish

MDE 14/04/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International

condemns execution of journalist in Iraq:

Farzad Bazoft

MDE 14/05/90 E Further informationon UA 103/90 (MDE

14/03/90, 12 March 1990) - Iraq: Death

penalty / Concern about trial proceedings:

Farzad Bazoft, Daphne Parish

MDE 14/06/90 E Iraq / Turkey: Iraqi Kurds at risk of

forcible repatriation from Turkey and human

rights violations in Iraq

MDE 14/07/90 I Iraq: Amnesty International's concerns

regarding the forcible repatriation of Iraqi

Kurdish refugees in Turkey

MDE 14/08/90 I Iraq/Turkey: MERAN 05/90: Forcible return of

Iraqi Kurds from Turkey to Iraq

MDE 14/09/90 E AI News Release: Kurdish opponents

"disappear" under amnesties in Iraq: Amnesty

International fears for safety of refugees

in Turkey

MDE 14/10/90 I Iraq: Recommended actions for follow-up MEC

approaches for use with external paper on

Iraqi Kurds

MDE 14/11/90 E UA 297/90 - Iraq: Death penalty: Jalil Mahdi

Saleh al-Nu'aimi

MDE 14/12/90 E AI News Release: Iraq: Iraqi government

opponents arrested in Kuwait

MDE 14/13/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International

appeals to Iraqi authorities on human rights


MDE 14/14/90 E UA 344/90 - Iraq / Kuwait: Arbitrary arrest

/ fear of torture: Haidar Ashkanani,

Muhammad Kadhim, 'Ali Kadhim, 'Abd Al-Muhsin

Kadhim, Jawad Al-Qallaf, Muhammad Ibrahim

MDE 14/15/90 E AI News Release: Iraqi forces killing and

torturing in Kuwait, says Amnesty

International fact-finding team.

MDE 14/16/90 E Iraq / Occupied Kuwait: Human rights

violations since 2 August

MDE 14/17/90 E AI News Release: Iraq: Amnesty International

urges end to torture and killings: major

report details widespread human rights


MDE 14/18/90 I Iraq / Occupied Kuwait: recommended actions

for sections and groups for use with

external document MDE 14/16/90

MDE 14/19/90 E Medical letter-writing action: Iraq /

Kuwait: Human rights violations since the

Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

MDE 14/20/90 I Iraq / Occupied Kuwait report: questions and



MDE 15/01/90 E Amnesty International fears killing of

Palestinians by Israeli forces 'condoned and

even encouraged' by government

MDE 15/02/90 E Israel and the Occupied Territories: written

statement to the United Nations Commission

on Human Rights on the Israeli Occupied


MDE 15/03/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Husnia

'Abd Al-Quader - Administrative Detention

MDE 15/04/90 E / I Israel and the occupied territories: Sa'id

Muhammad Darwish Abu Za'rur: administrative


MDE 15/05/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Yusuf

Muhammad Hasan al-Ju'beh: Administrative


MDE 15/06/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories:

Muhammad Husayn Sawahla - Administrative


MDE 15/07/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: 'Adli

Muhammad Rajih Da'na - Administrative


MDE 15/08/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Kamal

Abu Khadija - Administrative detention

MDE 15/09/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Jamal

'Abd Al-Hadi Sa'id Nakleh -Administrative


MDE 15/10/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Sabri

Tumayzi - administrative detention

MDE 15/11/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Niyzah

Farah Muhammad Mazara'ah -administrative


MDE 15/12/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Khalid

Rushdi Hasan Al-Zarghal -administrative


MDE 15/13/90 E Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ahmad

Hazza' Ibrahim Shuraym -Administrative


MDE 15/14/90 E UA 179/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: Torture / Ill-treatment: Ahmad

Abu Surur, Muhammad Abu Surur, Walid Abu

Surur, Mustafa 'Akal

MDE 15/15/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Na'il

Muhammad 'Abd al-Rahman Hattat -

Administrative detention

MDE 15/16/90 E UA 201/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: Fear of extrajudicial

executions: killing of unarmed Palestinian

civilians including Mustafa 'Ali Shrakeh and

'Abd al-Latif al-Saqa

MDE 15/17/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Nayef

'Ali Nayef Sweitat - Administrative


MDE 15/18/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Limited

Medical Letter-Writing Action: 'Abd al-'Alim

Yunis 'Abd al-Hafeth Da'na

MDE 15/19/90 I List of Government Authorities in Israel and

the Occupied Territories

MDE 15/20/90 E UA 307/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: Torture: Riad Shehabi

MDE 15/21/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Tawfiq

Barghuti - Administrative detention

MDE 15/22/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Musa

Yasin Abu Saha - Administrative detention

MDE 15/23/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: 'Ata

'Abdullah Muhammad Salameh -Administrative


MDE 15/24/90 E Israel and the Occupied Territories:

Administrative detention cases

MDE 15/25/90 I MERAN 07/90: Israel and the Occupied

Territories: Administrative detention

MDE 15/26/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Samir

Muhammad al-Khatib - Administrative


MDE 15/27/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Jamal

Khaled Khalaf - Administrative detention

MDE 15/28/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Baker

Jamal - Administrative detention

MDE 15/29/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Saleh

Hasan Badr - Administrative detention

MDE 15/30/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Sami

Ataya Ziad Abu Samhadanah -Administrative


MDE 15/31/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Rashid

'Id Mahmud Huwaitah - Administrative


MDE 15/32/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Emad

Khamis Halabiyah - Administrative detention

MDE 15/33/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Saleh

Ahmad 'Ayad - Administrative detention

MDE 15/34/90 I Recommended case action for people held

under administrative detention orders in

Israel and the Occupied Territories

MDE 15/35/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Samih

Muhammad Slibi - Administrative detention

MDE 15/36/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Farid

Ibrahim Abu Mukh - Administrative detention

MDE 15/37/90 E UA 392/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: torture: 'Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin

MDE 15/38/90 E AI News Release: Israel / Occupied

Territories: Amnesty International calls for

immediate judicial inquiry in the killings

of Palestinians by Israeli forces

MDE 15/39/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr

Ibrahim Isma'il Husayn al-Habash -

Administrative detention

MDE 15/40/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: 'Iyad

'Ali Muhammad Haddad - Administrative


MDE 15/41/90 E UA 454/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman Husayn


MDE 15/42/90 E UA 457/90 - Israel and the Occupied

Territories: torture: Rami Fakhri 'Abdullah


MDE 15/43/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Salah

Hikmat Taher al-Masri -Administrative


MDE 15/44/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Khaled

Ibrahim 'Ayyad - Administrative detention

MDE 15/45/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories:

Muhammad Khaled al-Baydu: Administrative


MDE 15/46/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Mustafa

Yusuf Muhammad Khawajah -Administrative


MDE 15/47/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: 'Imad

Muhammad Saleh Da'ud - Administrative


MDE 15/48/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Zaher

Nafedh Mahmud Abu Sakha -Administrative


MDE 15/49/90 E / I Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ahmad

Hazza 'Ahmad Shuraym - Administrative



MDE 16/01/90 E UA 123/90 - Jordan: Faisal al-Zuyut, 'Abd

al-Majid Fattih

MDE 16/02/90 E Jordan: Human rights protection after the

state of emergency

MDE 16/03/90 E AI News Release: Human rights moves in

Jordan welcomed: Amnesty International calls

for further safeguards


MDE 17/01/90 E Further information on UA 447/89 (MDE

17/01/89, 17 November 1989) - Kuwait:

Incommunicado detention / fear of torture

and extradition: Sayyid Muhammad Baqir

'Abbas al-Musawi and Detention without

charge or trial / fear of torture: Faisal

'Abd al-Hadi al-Mahmid, 'Abd al-Hamid al-

Saffar, Sayyid Walid al-Mazidi, 'Abd al-Rida


MDE 17/02/90 E Further information on UA 447/89 (MDE

17/01/89, 17 November 1989) - Kuwait:

Incommunicado detention / Fear of torture

and extradition, and follow-up (MDE

17/01/90, 2 February 1990) - Kuwait:

Detention without charge or trial / Fear of

torture: Sayyid Muhammid Baquir 'Abbas al-

Musawi (al-Muhri), Faisal 'Abd al-Hadi al-

Mahmid 'Abd al-Hamid al-Saffar, Sayyid Walid

al-Mazidi 'Abd al-Rida Karoun

MDE 17/03/90 E UA 76/90 - Kuwait: Fear of Torture: Hassan

Habib al-Salman, Saleh Jahwar, Kadhim 'Abd

al-Hussain, Jawad al-'Attar, Sayyid Jalil

Tabataba'i, Sayyid Ali Tabataba'i, Sayyid

Taleb 'Abd al-Majid al-Kadhimi, 'Adel

Dashti, Sayyid Mustafa al-Mazidi, Sayyid

Anwar al-Mazidi

MDE 17/04/90 E Further information on UA 76/90 (MDE

17/03/90, 20 February 1990) - Kuwait: Fear

of torture: Hassan Habib al-salman, Saleh

Jawhar, Kadhim 'Abd al-hussain, Jawad al-

'Attar, Sayyid Jalil Tabataba'i, Sayyid

Taleb 'Abd al Majid al-Kadhimi, 'adel

Dashti, Mustafa al-Mazidi, Anwar al-Mazidi

MDE 17/05/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International cites

torture reports in apparent crackdown on

Shi'a Muslims in Kuwait

MDE 17/06/90 E Further information on UA 76/90 (MDE

17/03/90, 20 February, and follow-up MDE

17/04/90, 28 February 1990) - Kuwait: Fear

of torture: Hassan Habib al-Salman, Saleh

Jawhar, Kadhim 'Abd al-Hussein, Jawad al-

'Attar, Sayyid Jalil Tabataba'i, Sayyid 'Ali

Tabataba'i, Sayyid Taleb 'Abd al-Majid al-

Kadhimi, 'Adel Dashti, Mustafa al-Mazidi,

Anwar al-Mazidi, Khalil Musa al-Musa, Faisan

al-Saffar, 'Abd al-Muhsin Jamal


MDE 18/01/90 E UA 425/90 - Lebanon: extrajudicial

executions: over 30 people captured and

executed by Syrian forces

MDE 18/02/90 E Further information on UA 425/90 (MDE

18/01/90, 22 October) - Lebanon:

extrajudicial executions: further killings

and arrests by Syrian forces


MDE 19/01/90 I Authorities in Libya with names in English

and Arabic


MDE 23/01/90 E AI News Release: Rights abuses in Saudi

Arabia - most victims are Shi'a Muslims,

says Amnesty International

MDE 23/02/90 I Lawyers action on detention without trial in

Saudi Arabia

MDE 23/03/90 I MERAN 01/90 - Saudi Arabia: detention

without trial of prisoners of conscience and

possible prisoners of conscience

MDE 23/04/90 I Saudi Arabia: order form for photographs

MDE 23/05/90 I / E Medical letter-writing action: Amputations

carried out in Saudi Arabia

MDE 23/06/90 I Update to MERAN 01/90: Saudi Arabia:

Detention without trial of prisoners of

conscience and possible prisoners of


MDE 23/07/90 I Update to lawyers action on detention

without trial in Saudi Arabia

MDE 23/08/90 E AI News Release: Saudi Arabia: Amnesty

International fears hundreds of Yemenis

tortured by police, appeals to King Fahd

MDE 23/09/90 E Saudi Arabia: Torture, detention and

arbitrary arrests (includes correction)

MDE 23/10/90 I Saudi Arabi News Release: questions and


MDE 23/11/90 E UA 493/90 - Saudi Arabia: detention and fear

of torture of prisoner of conscience: Salih


MDE 23/12/90 I The Shi'a movement in Saudi Arabia


MDE 24/01/90 E Further information on UA 186/88 (MDE

13/07/88, 14 July 1988) and follow-up (MDE

24/10/88, 1 December 1988) - Syria: Torture

/ health / legal concern: Albert Laham,

Victor Laham, Zaki Mamroud, Eli Swed, Salim

Swed, Jack Lalo and Mordechai Lalo

MDE 24/02/90 I Syria: Action on engineers arrested in 1980-


MDE 24/03/90 I MERAN 03/90: Syria: Detention of prisoners

of conscience and possible prisoners of


MDE 24/04/90 E Syria: The detention without trial of

members of the Syrian Engineers' Association

MDE 24/05/90 E / I Medical letter-writing action: Syria: Numair

'Ashur Al-'Askari

MDE 24/06/90 E / I Syria: Medical letter-writing action:

Imprisoned health professionals

MDE 24/07/90 E UA 193/90 Syria: Death in custody / torture:

Munir Fransis, Samir Haddad, Youssef Ghaith

MDE 24/08/90 E UA 363/90 - Syria: health concern: Muhammad

'Id Ashawi


MDE 25/01/90 E Further information on UA 283/89 (MDE

25/01/89, 31 July 1989) - United Arab

Emirates: Ill-treatment / torture concern:

Mahmud Sulaiman Abdi

MDE 25/02/90 E Further information on UA 422/89 (MDE

25/02/89, 30 October) - United Arab

Emirates: fear of torture: 2 persons aged 16

and 18, names unknown


MDE 26/01/90 E Further information on UA 462/89 (MDE

26/04/89, 24 November 1989) - Yemen Arab

Republic: Incommunicado detention: 'Abdo

Fari' Qassem 'Ali al-'Ubad

MDE 26/02/90 E Further information on UA 462/89 (MDE

26/04/89, 24 November 1989) and follow-up

(MDE 26/01/90, 17 January 1990) - Yemen Arab

Republic: Incommunicado detention: 'Abdo

Fari' Qassem 'Ali al-'Ubad


MDE 27/01/90 E Peoples' Democratic Republic of Yemen:

Further information on medical letter-

writing action (MDE 27/01/89, 11 October):

Hussein Omar Thubian


MDE 29/01/90 E Morocco: human rights violations in garde a

vue detention

MDE 29/02/90 I Morocco: group level action on human rights

violations during garde a vue detention,

February - April 1990

MDE 29/03/90 I Lawyers group action, Morocco

MDE 29/04/90 I Medical Letter-Writing Action - Morocco:

human rights violations in garde a vue


MDE 29/05/90 E AI New Release: Amnesty International calls

on King Hassan II to end "wide range" of

human rights abuses in Morocco

MDE 29/06/90 I Morocco: MERAN 02/90

MDE 29/07/90 I Morocco: Questions and answers

MDE 29/08/90 I Questions and answers on Morocco

MDE 29/09/90 E AI News Release: Moroccan Government orders

Amnesty International delegates to leave

MDE 29/10/90 E Further information on: UA 320/89 (MDE

29/06/90, 22 August) and follow-ups MDE

29/08/89 (14 September) and MDE 29/09/90 (6

November) - Morocco: Death in detention /

health concern: Alami Bouti Hassan,

Boukourou Abddelfattah, Abdelilah


MDE 29/11/90 I Morocco: Update to MERAN 02/90

MDE 29/12/90 I Morocco: Amended list of government

authorities in Morocco

MDE 29/13/90 E Morocco: Al-Adl w'al-Ihsan trials and

Amnesty International's concerns

MDE 29/14/90 Not issued

MDE 29/15/90 E Further information on UA 199/89 (MDE

29/01/89, 21 June 1989 and follow-ups MDE

29/02/89, 4 July, MDE 29/04/89, 12 July, MDE

29/10/89, 6 November) - Morocco: Health

concern: Moulay Tahar Douraidi, Hassan

Aharrat, Noureddine Jouhari

MDE 29/16/90 I Morocco: Al-adl w'al-Ihsan trials and

Amnesty International's concerns

MDE 29/17/90 E Morocco: "Disappearances" of people of

Western Saharan origin

MDE 29/18/90 I Morocco: "Disappearances" of people of

Western Saharan origin: recommended actions

for groups working on the Morocco

"disappearance" dossier

MDE 29/19/90 E Morocco: Amnesty International's concerns

MDE 29/20/90 E AI News Release: Morocco: Amnesty

International calls for investigation into


MDE 29/21/90 E / I Morocco: Medical concern: continuing hunger-


MDE 29/22/90 I Morocco research paper and briefing:

standing order amendment form


MDE 30/01/90 E UA 188/90 - Tunisia: Legal Concern:

Professor Moncef Ben Salem

MDE 30/02/90 E Further information on UA 188/90 (MDE

30/01/90, 14 May) - Tunisia: Legal concern:

Professor Moncef Ben Salem

MDE 30/03/90 E Tunisia: Summary of Amnesty International's


MDE 30/04/90 Tunisia: Government Authhorities (document


MDE 30/05/90 E UA 470/90 - Tunisia: death penalty: Nacer


MDE 30/06/90 E UA 519/90 - Tunisia: death penalty: Lamrari


MDE 30/07/90 E Further information on UA 519/90 (MDE

30/06/90, 28 December) - Tunisia: Death

penalty: Lamari Dali


MDE 31/01/90 E UA 451/90 - Republic of Yemen: fear of

execution: Hassan Yussif 'Abdullah al-Bishri


POL 10/01/90 I Amnesty International Report 1990

POL 10/02/90 I Amnesty International Report 1990 - order


POL 10/03/90 E Amnesty Interational Report 1990. (Covers

the period January to December 1989)

POL 10/04/90 E AI News Release: Governments target ethnic

groups for torture, killings: Amnesty

International details violations in annual


POL 10/05/90 E 1990 Annual Report Summary. (Includes


POL 10/06/90 I Amnesty International Report 1990: questions

and answers

POL 10/07/90 I Planning the Amnesty International Report



POL 21/01/90 I Letter from Chairperson of the Mandate

Review Committee to Sections

POL 21/02/90 I Letter to Section Chairpersons from

Chairperson, IEC and Chairperson, MRC

POL 21/03/90 I Mandate Review Committee: draft final

report: 1. The Mandate - its essence,

rationale and characteristics (includes

appendix on multiculturalism)

POL 21/04/90 I An outline of relevant Mandate issues

(prepared by the Mandate Review Committee

for the information of sections)

POL 21/05/90 I Proposed title for Mandate Review Committee

POL 21/06/90 I Mandate review committee: Draft final

report, Part 2: Perpetrators and their


POL 21/07/90 I Mandate review committee: Draft final

report, Part 1: The mandate - its essence,

rationale and characteristics

POL 21/08/90 Not issued

POL 21/09/90 I Mandate Review Committee: Draft final

report: Part 3: The victim's attributes as a

determining factor

POL 21/10/90 I Letter to Sections from Mandate Review


POL 21/11/90 I Mandate Review Committee (MRC): Draft final

report part 5: Formal grounds for measures

against freedom of conscience / expression

POL 21/12/90 I Letter from Chairperson of Mandate Review

Committee to Section Chairpersons about

September meeting.

POL 21/13/90 I International meeting on the Mandate Review,

22-24 February 1991: introductory circular

POL 21/14/90 Not issued

POL 21/15/90 I Mandate Review Committee: Draft final report

part 7: Organizational issues


POL 32/01/90 I Human rights education project: "Teaching

for freedom": Operation a day's work 1990


POL 33/01/90 I IEC-approved guidelines on refugee work:

detention of asylum-seekers and refugees

POL 33/02/90 I IEC-approved guidelines on refugee-work:

restrictive measures

POL 33/03/90 E / I Harmonization of asylum policy in Europe:

Amnesty International's concerns, April 1990


POL 34/01/90 I Report of the international workshop on

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