Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

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Damian Flores Vela, Warren Trigozo Garcia,

Cesear Saavedra Grandez, Mauro Flores

Sanchez, Edgar Vilcarromero Tangoa, Hugo

Garcia Rodriguez, Eleazar Garcia Armas,

Javier Tuanama Valera

AMR 46/68/90 I Peru: Evaluation of November 1989 - March

1990 action

AMR 46/69/90 E UA 452/90 - Peru: fear of "disappearance":

Ernesto Rafael Castillo Paez (includes


AMR 46/70/90 E UA 455/90 - Peru: "disappearance" / torture:

Cesar Sakamoto Sanchez

AMR 46/71/90 E Further information on UA 389/90 (AMR

46/59/90, 26 September) - Peru:

"disappearances": Emilio Lobaton Palomino,

Timoteo Pinco Telio, Dina Tello Melgar,

Bernardino Melgar Quispe, Delia Melgar

Quispe, Irene Melgar Quispe, Julia Mendoza

Gomez, Evaristo Huamancusi Barboza, Victoria

Espinoza Cconislla

AMR 46/72/90 E Further information on UA 397/90 (AMR

46/62/90, 4 October) - Peru: fear of

torture: Constantino Saavedra Munoz

AMR 46/73/90 E UA 472/90 - Peru: death threats: Javier Diez


AMR 46/74/90 E UA 482/90 - Peru: "disappearance": Juan

Camacho Castro, Ruben Camacho Castro, Jesus

Donaires Chacon, Margarita Escalante


AMR 46/75/90 E Peru: Reports of torture at the Madre Mia

Military Barracks

AMR 46/76/90 I Peru: Government authorities


AMR 51/01/90 E UA 63/90 - USA (California): Death penalty:

Robert Harris

AMR 51/02/90 E UA 69/90 - USA: death penalty: Carl Kelly,

Edward Ellis

AMR 51/03/90 E United States of America: The death penalty

in California

AMR 51/04/90 E Follow-up to UA 69/90 (AMR 51/02/90) - USA:

death penalty: Carl Kelly, Edward Ellis

AMR 51/05/90 I United States of America: Selected federal

and state authorities

AMR 51/06/90 I Establishment of a regional action network

to cover United States of America and Canada


AMR 51/07/90 E Further information on UA 69/90 (AMR

51/02/90, 16 February) and follow-up AMR

51/04/90 (28 February 1990) - USA: Death

penalty: Edward Ellis

AMR 51/08/90 E USA: The death penalty government survey

finds pattern of racial disparities in

imposition of death penalty

AMR 51/09/90 E Further information on UA 63/90 (AMR

51/01/90, 23 February) - USA: Death Penalty:

Robert Harris

AMR 51/10/90 E UA 139/90 - USA: Death penalty: Ronald

(Rusty) Woomer

AMR 51/11/90 E UA 152/90 - USA: death penalty: Jessie

Tafero, Bennie Demps

AMR 51/12/90 E Further information on UA 428/89 (AMR

51/49/89, 2 November and follow-ups AMR

51/50/89, 15 November and AMR 51/53/89, 30

November) - USA: death penalty: Dalton


AMR 51/13/90 E / I USA: the case of Dalton Prejean, scheduled

for execution in Louisiana

AMR 51/14/90 E Further information on UA 139/90 (AMR

51/10/90, 9 April) - USA: Death penalty:

Ronald (Rusty) Woomer

AMR 51/15/90 E Further information on UA 69/90 (AMR

51/02/90, 16 February and follow-ups AMR

51/04/90, 28 February and AMR 51/07/90, 23

March) - USA: Death penalty: Edward Ellis -

plus correction, 17 May 1990.

AMR 51/16/90 E Further information on UA 152/90 (AMR

51/11/90, 19 April) - USA: Death Penalty:

Jesse Tafero, Bennie Demps

AMR 51/17/90 E Further information on UA 152/90 (AMR

51/11/90, 19 April) - USA: Death penalty:

Jesse Tafero

AMR 51/18/90 E UA 183/90 - USA: Death penalty: Fred


AMR 51/19/90 E Further information on UA 152/90 (AMR

51/11/90, 19 April and follow-ups AMR

51/16/90, 3 May and AMR 51/17/90, 4 May) -

USA: Death penalty: Jesse Tafero, Bennie


AMR 51/20/90 E Further information on UA 428/89 (AMR

51/49/89, 2 November 1989 and follow-ups AMR

51/50/89, 15 November 1989, AMR 51/53/89, 30

November 1989 aNd AMR 51/12/90, 20 April

1990) - USA: Death penalty: Dalton Prejean

AMR 51/21/90 E / I USA: Follow-up to the case of Dalton

Prejean, Louisiana

AMR 51/22/90 E Further information on UA 69/90 (AMR

51/02/90, 16 February and follow-ups AMR

51/04/90, 28 February, AMR 51/07/90, 23

March and AMR 51/15/90, 1 May plus

correction, 17 May) - USA: Death Penalty:

Edward Ellis

AMR 51/23/90 E Further information on UA 183/90 (AMR

51/18/90) - USA: Death penalty: Frederick


AMR 51/24/90 E UA 257/90 - USA: Death penalty: Wallace


AMR 51/25/90 E UA 258/90 - USA: Death penalty: Kenneth


AMR 51/26/90 E USA: Follow-up to UA 257/90

AMR 51/27/90 E Further information on UA 258/90 (AMR

51/25/90, 22 June) - USA (Texas): Death

Penalty: Kenneth Granviel

AMR 51/28/90 E Further information on UA 257/90 (AMR

51/25/90, 22 June 1990 and follow-up AMR

51/26/90, 5 July 1990) - USA (Alabama):

Death penalty: Wallace Thomas

AMR 51/29/90 E USA: First Illinois execution for 28 years

is scheduled for September 1990

AMR 51/30/90 E Further informationon UA 69/90 (AMR

51/02/90, 16 February, and follow-ups AMR

51/04/90, 28 February, AMR 51/07/90, 23

March, AMR 51/15/90, 1 May plus correction,

17 May, and AMR 51/22/90, 19 June) - USA

(Texas): Death penalty: Edward Ellis

AMR 51/31/90 E Further information on UA 183/90 (AMR

51/18/90, 10 May 1990 and follow-up AMR

51/23/90, 21 June) - USA (Louisiana): death

penalty: Frederick Kirkpatrick

AMR 51/32/90 E UA 334/90 - USA (Illinois): death penalty:

Charles Walker

AMR 51/33/90 E UA 336/90 - USA (Oklahoma): death penalty:

Charles Coleman

AMR 51/34/90 E UA 340/90 - USA (Wyoming): Death penalty:

Mark Hopkinson

AMR 51/35/90 E Further information on UA 183/90 (AMR

51/18/90, 10 May 1990, and follow-ups AMR

51/23/90, 21 June and AMR 51/31/90, 1

August) - USA (Louisiana): Death penalty:

Frederick Kirkpatrick

AMR 51/36/90 E Further information on UA 336/90 (AMR

51/33/90, 16 August) - USA (Oklahoma): death

penalty: Charles Coleman

AMR 51/37/90 E Further information on UA 334/90 (AMR

51/32/90, 15 August 1990) - USA (Illinois):

Charles Walker

AMR 51/38/90 E Medical letter-writing action: United States

of America: Execution of CHarles Walker

AMR 51/39/90 E Further information on UA 183/90 (AMR

51/18/90 and follow-ups AMR 51/23/90, 21

June, AMR 51/31/90, 1 August and AMR

51/35/90, 5 September 1990) - USA

(Louisiana): Death Penalty: Frederick


AMR 51/40/90 E Further information on UA 340/90 (AMR

51/34/90, 22 August) - USA (Wyoming): death

penalty: Mark Hopkinson

AMR 51/41/90 E Further information on UA 340/90 (AMR

51/34/90, 22 August and follow-up AMR

51/40/90, 25 September) - USA (Wyoming):

death penalty: Mark Hopkinson

AMR 51/42/90 E United States of America: Allegations of

police torture in Chicago, Illinois


AMR 52/01/90 I Government Authorities list: Uruguay


AMR 53/01/90 E Further information on UA 448/89 (AMR

53/08/89, 17 November 1989) - Venezuela:

Torture: Juan de Dios Monte Gonzalez, Hector

Crespo Gonzalez, Nelson Arevalo Ceballo,

Edgar Crespo Ceballo, Yumari Maria Marcano,

Henry Osuna

AMR 53/02/90 E Venezuela: Reports of arbitrary killings and

torture: February / March 1989

AMR 53/03/90 E UA 190/90 - Venezuela: Ill-treatment /

prison conditions: Amilcar Rodriguez Macias

AMR 53/04/90 E Further information on UA 190/90 (AMR

53/03/90, 14 May) - Venezuela: Ill-treatment

/ prison conditions: Amilcar Rodruiguez

Macias and other prisoners transferred to El


AMR 53/05/90 E Further information on UA 190/90 (AMR

53/03/90, 14 May and follow-up AMR 53/04/90,

30 May) - Venezuela: ill-treatment / prison

conditions: Amilcar Rodriguez Macias and

other prisoners

AMR 53/06/90 E Further information on UA 190/90 (AMR

53/03/90, 14 May and follow-ups AMR

53/04/90, 30 May and AMR 53/05/90, 31

August) - Venezuela: ill-treatment / prison

conditions: Amilcar Rodriguez Macias and

other prisoners

AMR 53/07/90 E UA 431/90 - Venezuela: second anniversary of

El Amparo killings


action 09/89: Venezuela: Arbitrary killings

by police and military personnel: an update

of the cases and overview of activities

undertaken by groups

AMR 53/09/90 E Further information on UA 431/90 (AMR

53/07/90, 23 October) - Venezuela: legal

concern: El Amparo Killings


AMR 57/01/90 I/E St. Vincent and the Grenadines: CARRAN 01/90

AMR 57/02/90 I Update to CARRAN 01/90: St Vincent and the

Grenadines: Death penalty for under 18s


ASA 01/01/90 I Creation of Chiran and Kotoran and

dissolution of Easran

ASA 01/02/90 I Protection of Vietnamese asylum-seekers:

background information


ASA 11/01/90 E UA 27/90 - Afghanistan: Legal concern:

Mohammad Mohsen Formoly, Abdul Jalil,

Mohammad Hakim, Abdul Gharib Khairkhah and

others, names unknown

ASA 11/02/90 I Afghanistan: Government Authorities List

ASA 11/03/90 I Saran 3/90: Afghanistan: Arrest and

imprisonment of members of National Unity


ASA 11/04/90 E Afghanistan: arrest and imprisonment of

members of the National Unity Party

ASA 11/05/90 Not issued

ASA 11/06/90 E UA 168/90 - Afghanistan: Death Penalty:

Seyed Hamza, son of Seyed Mahboob

ASA 11/07/90 I Update to SARAN 03/90: Afghanistan: Release

of members of National Unity Party

ASA 11/08/90 E Further information on UA 27/90 (ASA

11/01/90, 19 January 1990) - Afghanistan:

Legal concern: Mohammed Mohsen Formoly,

Abdul Jalil, Mohammad Hakim, Abdul Gharib

Khairkhah and others, names unknown

ASA 11/09/90 I Afghanistan: Government authorities list

ASA 11/10/90 Not issued

ASA 11/11/90 E / I SARAN 10/90 - Afghanistan: The case of

nuclear physicist Dr Mohammad Younis Akbari

ASA 11/12/90 E Further information on UA 168/90 (ASA

11/06/90, 1 May) - Afghanistan: death

penalty: Seyed Hamza, son of Seyed Mahboob


ASA 13/01/90 E Bangladesh: reports of deaths in police

custody during 1988 and 1989

ASA 13/02/90 E Bangladesh: reprisal killings of tribal

people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in May


ASA 13/03/90 I Death penalty action DP 04/90 (April - June

1990): Bangladesh: Promoting abolition

ASA 13/04/90 I Bangladesh: Government authorities list

ASA 13/05/90 E Bangladesh: Reprisal killings of tribal

people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in May

1989 - an update

ASA 13/06/90 E Bangladesh: Deaths in custody: the

Government responds

ASA 13/07/90 E UA 483/90 - Bangladesh: arrest of opposition

leaders: Sheikh Hasina, Dr Kamal Hossain,

Mostafa Mohiuddin Monto, Mirza Abbas

ASA 13/08/90 E Further information on UA 483/90 (ASA

13/07/90, 28 November) - Bangladesh: legal

concern: arrest of opposition leaders:

Sheikh Hasina, Dr Kamal Hossain, Mostafa

Mohiuddin Monto (a.k.a. Mostafa Rahman

Monto), Mirza Abbas

ASA 13/09/90 E Further information on UA 483/90 (ASA

13/07/90, 28 November and follow-up ASA

13/08/90, 3 December) - Bangladesh: arrest

of opposition leaders: Sheikh Hasina, Dr

Kamal Hossain, Mostafa Mohiuddin Monto,

Mirza Abbas


ASA 16/01/90 E / I Myanmar: Medical letter-writing action: Aung

Gyi Lwin, Maung Gyi Lwin, Myo Thein

ASA 16/02/90 E UA 61/90 - Myanmar: Fear of torture: U Htwe

Myint, U Tin Soe and two others

ASA 16/03/90 E Further information on UA 61/90 (ASA

16/02/90, 12 February 1990) - Myanmar: Fear

of torture: U Hitwe Myint, U Tin Soe, U

Thein Han, Dr Maung Zaw, U Zaw Pe Win, U

Sein Hla Oo, U Ne Oo, U Kyaw Min, Dr Khin


ASA 16/04/90 E Myanmar: Prisoners of conscience and torture

ASA 16/05/90 E Torture of political prisoners rife in

Myanmar: security forces beat prisoners

routinely, relentlessly

ASA 16/06/90 E UA 198/90 - Myanmar: Torture: Nay Min alias

Win Shwe

ASA 16/07/90 E UA 210/90 - Myanmar: Fear of torture:

arrests of 30 political activists

ASA 16/08/90 I Myanmar: Research paper and briefing -

standing order amendment form

ASA 16/09/90 E Myanmar: Amnesty International Briefing

ASA 16/10/90 E Myanmar: "In the national interest":

Prisoners of conscience, torture, summary

trials under martial law.

ASA 16/11/90 E UA 319/90 - Myanmar: Health concern /

prisoner of conscience: U Tin U

ASA 16/12/90 E / I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - end March

1991: Main action circular

ASA 16/13/90 E UA 327/90 - Myanmar: possible extrajudicial

execution: four dead, two monks and two


ASA 16/14/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: order form for photographs

ASA 16/15/90 E Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1990: Torture Testimonies

ASA 16/16/90 E Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: List of names of detainees

ASA 16/17/90 E UA 361/90 - Myanmar: legal concern / fear of

torture: Kyi Maung, Chit Kaing, Ohn Kyaing,

Thein Dan, Ye Myint Aung, Sein Hla Aung

ASA 16/18/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: Recommended actions for small sections

and groups without a section

ASA 16/19/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: Target Sector Circular

ASA 16/20/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: Recommended actions for sections in EC

Member States

ASA 16/21/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: Recommended actions for approaches to

home governments, parliamentarians and


ASA 16/22/90 E UA 391/90 - Myanmar: legal concern / fear of

torture: Kyi Hia, Kyi Win, Ye Naing, Ngwe Oo

ASA 16/23/90 I Order form for Myanmar campaign video

"Battle for Burma"

ASA 16/24/90 E UA 393/90 - Myanmar: legal concern / fear of

torture: Sein Hlaing, Myo Myint Nyein, Nyan


ASA 16/25/90 I Myanmar campaign 7 November 1990 - 31 March

1991: Questions and answers

ASA 16/26/90 E AI News Release: Myanmar: Killings, arrests

continue in military crackdown on opposition

ASA 16/27/90 E UA 415/90 - Myanmar: legal concern / fear of

torture: U Maung Maung Lay Ngwe

ASA 16/28/90 E Myanmar: Recent developments related to

human rights

ASA 16/29/90 E UA 440/90 - Myanmar: fear of torture / legal

concern: Khin Maung Swe, Chan Aye, Soe Thein

and other political leaders and students

ASA 16/30/90 E UA 441/90 - Myanmar: fear of torture / legal

concern: U Laba alias U Wayama and other

Buddhist monks

ASA 16/31/90 E UA 445/90 - Myanmar: possible extrajudicial

execution / allegations of ill-treatment /

legal concern: Shin Ah Sein Na, U Tay Za Ni

Ya, Shin Zawana, Shin Kay Tha Wa, U San Di

Mar, U Thuriya, Shin Thuriya, Shin Thondara,

Shin Sarana, Shin Pyin Nya Tri, U Thiri

Kinzana, U Kuthala, Sin Wizaya, U Kawithara,

U Pyin Nya Wara, Shin Theik Kha, U Zanaka,

Shin Egga, U Kay Thaya, U Nan Taw Batha, U

Kokkhana, Shin Wiseiktha, Shin Yarzeinda, U

Pyin Nya Wuntha

ASA 16/32/90 E Further information on UA 361/90 (ASA

16/17/90, 11 September) - Myanmar: legal

concern / fear of torture: Kyi Maung, Chit

Kaing, Ohn Kyaing alias U Ohn Kyaing, Thein

Dan alias U Thein Dan, Ye Myint Aung, Sein

Hla Aung

ASA 16/33/90 E Further information on UA 441/90 (ASA

16/30/90, 1 November) - Myanmar: fear of

torture / legal concern: U Laba, alias U

Wayama and other buddhist monks, and new

names: Ma Khin Mar Swe, Daw Nan, Maung Aye,

alias Khin Maung Aye, U Soe Myint

ASA 16/34/90 E Further information on UA 440/90 (ASA

16/29/90, 1 November) - Myanmar: fear of

torture / legal concern: Khin Maung Swe,

Chan Aye, Soe Thein, plus: Kyaw Min, Tin

Htut, Aung Khin Sint, Sein Hla Oo

ASA 16/35/90 E Further information on UA 440/90 (ASA

16/29/90, 1 November and follow-up ASA

16/34/90, 7 November) - Myanmar: fear of

torture / legal concern: U Naing Naing, Hla

Than, Tin Maung Win, Kyi Aye, Yan Aung,

Myint Soe, Than Htaik, Ko Ko Gyi, Moe Saw U

ASA 16/36/90 E UA 469/90 - Myanmar: death in detention:

Maung Ko

ASA 16/37/90 E Further information on UA 361/90 (ASA

16/17/90, 11 September) - Myanmar: legal

concern / fear of torture: Kyi Maung, Chit


ASA 16/38/90 I Myanmar: Campaign update

ASA 16/39/90 E Myanmar: Update on human rights violations


ASA 17/01/90 E UA 06/90 - People's Republic of China: Legal

concern / arrest: Tian Qing

ASA 17/02/90 E UA 34/90 - People's Republic of China: Long

Xianping, Hu Ji

ASA 17/03/90 E UA 37/90 - People's Republic of China: Legal

concern: Yao Yongzhan

ASA 17/04/90 E Medical letter-writing action - People's

Republic of China: Han Dongfang

ASA 17/05/90 E UA 58/90 - China: Fear of torture / legal

concern: Zhao Sujian

ASA 17/06/90 E UA 59/90 - China: Fear of torture / legal

concern: Pu Yong

ASA 17/07/90 E UA 70/90 - People's Republic of China (Tibet

Autonomous Region): Fear of execution:

Lobsang Tenzin

ASA 17/08/90 I China Campaign 16 May - end June 1990:

Recommended actions

ASA 17/09/90 E China: the massacre of June 1989 and its


ASA 17/10/90 E / I Chiran 01/90: Peoples' Republic of China

(Tibet Autonomous Region): One year under

martial law: an update on the human rights


ASA 17/11/90 E UA 101/90 - China: Legal Concern / Fear of

torture or ill treatment: Wang Jang Lie and

21 others

ASA 17/12/90 E UA 107/90 - China (Tibet Autonomous Region):

Death penalty: Ma Youde

ASA 17/13/90 E UA 108/90 - China: Death Penalty: Thirteen

sentenced to death in Anhui province; sixty-

five executed in Guangzhou, Guangdong


ASA 17/14/90 E / I Peoples' Republic of China: Arrest of

alleged organizers of an "escape route" for


ASA 17/15/90 E UA 111/90 - China: Death penalty: Five

people in Guangdong province: Ao Jingli,

Deng Zhongguang, Pan Yousheng, sentenced to

death; Mo Fuju, Zhong Weixiong, suspended


ASA 17/16/90 E / I Peoples' Republic of China: Catholics

imprisoned in China: Recent arrests and

long-term prisoners (Chiran 03/90)

ASA 17/17/90 I Peoples' Republic of China: Order form for

photographs for campaign 16 May - end June


ASA 17/18/90 E People's Republic of China: Torture and Ill-


ASA 17/19/90 E People's Republic of China (PRC): prisoner


ASA 17/20/90 E AI News Release: China called to account for

pro-democracy prisoners: Amnesty

international publishes names of the


ASA 17/21/90 E People's Republic of China: Death sentences

and executions

ASA 17/22/90 I China: update recommended actions to Chiran

01/90 (ASA 17/10/90) - People's Republic of

China (Tibet Autonomous Region): 1 year

under martial law: an update on the human

rights situation in Tibet

ASA 17/23/90 I China: updated adresses for quick case sheet

ASA 17/24/90 E People's Republic of China: List of people

detained for activities related to the 1989

pro-democracy movement. Includes two

updates: ASA 17/24/90 add 1 and ASA 17/24/90

add 2.

ASA 17/25/90 E People's Republic of China: Summary list of

people detained for activities related to

the 1989 pro-democracy movement

ASA 17/26/90 I Questions and answers on China

ASA 17/27/90 I Update 2 to Chiran 01/90: People's Republic

of China (Tibet Autonomous Region): One year

under martial law: an update on the human

rights situation in Tibet -recommended


ASA 17/28/90 I Questions and answers on China

ASA 17/29/90 E People's Republic of China: Health / legal

concern: Liu Qing, former prisoner of


ASA 17/30/90 E UA 213/90 - People's Republic of China

(Tibet Autonomous Region): Death Penalty:

Migmar Tashi, Dawa (or Dama), Dhundup


ASA 17/31/90 E / I People's Republic of China: Update on

Catholics imprisoned in China. CHIRAN 03/90


ASA 17/32/90 E Further information on UA 213/90 (ASA

17/30/90, 24 May) - People's Republic of

China (Tibet Autonomous Region): Migmar

Tashi, Dawa (now known to have been

executed); Dhundup Tsering, suspended death


ASA 17/33/90 E UA 225/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: Yu Yongchuan, Zhang Xuejun

and 7 unnamed in Chengdu; 11 unnamed, in


ASA 17/34/90 E UA 231/90 - People's Republic of China

(Tibet Autonomous Region): Arrest / fear of

torture: Sichoe Dorje

ASA 17/35/90 E UA 232/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: Zhao Qigui and five unnamed,

Ding Zhongsheng and four unnamed: executed

in Zhengzhou plus 8 unnamed, suspended death

sentences in Zhengzhou, plus four unnamed,

executed in Guangzhou

ASA 17/36/90 E UA 233/90: People's Republic of China: Death

penalty: 10 unnamed, executed in Shanghai, 1

unnamed, suspended death sentence in

Shanghai, 4 unnamed, death sentences in


ASA 17/37/90 E UA 235/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: 14 sentenced to death in

Heze, plus unknown number of suspended death

sentences: Chen Dejin, Han Dehu, Lin Shijin,

Luo Guohong, Song Jianmin, Zhao Yongpin: all

sentenced to death in Fuzhou; Jiu Hesheng,

suspended death sentence

ASA 17/38/90 E Further information on UA 37/90 (ASA

17/03/90, 29 January) - People's Republic of

China: Legal concern: Yao Yongzhan

ASA 17/39/90 E China: Update (4) on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement

ASA 17/40/90 E UA 255/90 - People's Republic of China:

Torture / health concern: Xiao Xuehui, Duan

Juan, Xiong Changping

ASA 17/41/90 E UA 278/90 - People's Republic of China

(Tibet Autonomous Region):Death Penalty:

Liao Weidong, Wang Changyong, Wen Chenzhang,

Xu Fengzhen

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