Student/Faculty Ratios (JAA27): Ratios are returned as 4 digit numbers in the format xx.yy. The actual “ratio” for the faculty is considered to be 1, and as such, is not actually listed. A ratio value of 15.76 would indicate for the given population there are 15.76 students to 1 faculty member. Values include all faculty members (full time, part time and administrative faculty). For the course ratio type, only primary instructors assigned to a course for the given college and term are used to calculate the ratios. In this context, we use two different pieces of data to render “college”. For plan based results (first major, all majors) the college to which the major “belongs” is used and the credit hours are the total credits for all students for the given term whose major(s) are assigned to the given college. The results do NOT take into account majors which are split across multiple colleges (there are only 4 of 238). Course based populations follow the subject of the course which is assigned to a single college. For those familiar with the annual report provided by the office of academic affairs, all logic in this series matches that logic.
Three ratio types are included
1st major. This population selects the 1st assigned (aka primary) major of the student from all careers. You will not find these ratios in the annual report.
All majors. All majors from all careers are included. You will not find these ratios in the annual report.
Course. Includes all enrollment sections which are not cancelled and have enrollments > 0 for the given college/term. Ratios included in the annual report follow this logic.
Ratios are also broken out for all academic careers as well as for the undergraduate career.
Select a displayed College (JAA27B) value will open a new browser window with the results for the “departments” associated with the selected college returned. The only ratio available/applicable for departments is the course ratio described above.
Caveats about the results.
Official student/faculty ratios are calculated each year by the Office of Institutional Research. The results produced by these queries should not be considered official, and should not be compared to the annual results produced by the Office of Institutional Research.
Although there is logic to only include the college of the primary instructor for the given course, in any given term, there are active courses which have NO primary instructor as well as those with MULTIPLE primary instructors. You can view such data for your college by reviewing the results labeled “Outlying Data” in this reporting series.
Due to the complexity of the ratio data, the results for the most recent term should be considered preliminary. This is because the office of academic affairs spends hours once a year to produce the ratios which are only made available in July of each year for the PREVIOUS two terms. Ratios for the most recent term uses an automated algorithm which does not rely on the hours of review by a human. These ratios are as close to actuals as feasible.
Regarding the most recent term results; when you review the results can make a difference in the ratios. The ratios for the most recent term use real time data, which of course is dynamic. IF you review ratios for the most recent term in June, when faculty assignments may not be complete, the results may reflect this fact.
JACADAFFAIRS02 Academic quality metrics.
Course grade analysis (JAA05). Returns one row for the past 5 academic years. All numbers indicate the number of students who received the respective grade who were enrolled in a course whose subject is associated with the college you selected. The only drill down option is for a given academic year.
Select a displayed academic year (JAA05A). Returns one row for each term of the drilled to academic year. The only drill down option is for a given term of the selected academic year.
Select a displayed academic term (JAA05B). Returns one row for each course for the selected college and academic year. The only drill down option is for a given course.
Select a displayed course (JAA05C). Returns one row for each combination of course and instructor. The only drill down option is for a given instructor.
Select a displayed instructor (JAA05D). Returns one row for each course ever assigned for the given instructor, sorted in descending order by academic year. There are no further drill down options.
Bottleneck courses (JAA01). Returns one row for each course whose subject is associated with the given college. The definition of bottleneck is any course whose enrollment total/enrollment capacity is > 90%. All sections for a single course are collapsed into one row. Sorts in descending order by the filled capacity percentage field. Includes both overall CHP as well as the CHP attributed to general education.
5 year course histogram (JAA01A). Was modeled after a similar report used at Christopher Newport University and adopted as a metric by the office of Academic Affairs. There are no drill downs, and the same results appear regardless of college. The results are for Undergraduate courses only. The first row will always be the results for all undergraduate courses for the given academic year. Subsequent rows follow for each given college. The query returns 5 years worth of data. Each number represents the total number of course sections which were offered with the given enrollment total range.
Course consumption (JAA11). Returns one row for each academic year. Is hard coded to the students first major. The series follows the college code of the primary major as the first two fields in all queries in the series. The 9 college codes are hard coded and represent the college of the courses being taken (consumed) by the student. Each college has a CHP number along with its’ respective percentage. Due to some courses not being associated with one of the 9 colleges, the overall percentages may not add up to exactly 100%; this is normal. The only drill down option is for a given academic year.
Select a displayed academic year (JAA11A). Returns the same data as course consumption for the terms of the selected academic year. There are no further drill down options.
Enrollment Errors (JAA22). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years for each course associated with the selected college. During the enrollment process, each request for enrollment into a course will end with one of two baseline values; success or error. The results of this query return aggregate values of the percentages for each of these statuses. Additionally, each of the over 200 errors can “loosely” be attributed to having been “caused” by JMU, or the student. An example of a JMU error is if the course is full. An example of a student error is if the student has a hold on their record which prevents them from enrolling in any course. The “cause” of JMU/Student for these results have been validated by the Office of the Registrar. Apologies for the negative sounding verbiage.
Select a displayed row of data to drill into either the JMU (JAA22A) or student percentage (JAA22B). This will return aggregate values of the respective population.
Primary major completion (JAA09). Returns one row for each academic year (via the admit term) for the given college. Follows just the primary major of the undergraduates student population as of the census date of their admit term. Includes both true freshman and transfer students. The completion, active and did not complete categories are all calculated as of the date the query is being run. Completed is a term assigned to the students academic program, it is synonymous with graduated or conferred a degree. None of the students represented in the “did not complete” field are still active. For a break down of the reasons they are no longer active, follow the drill down for a given year. In addition to the overall Completed % field, there are percentage fields to indicate whether the student was conferred a degree inside the college to which they were admitted, or outside the college to which they were admitted. Meaning, IF you are reading a row of data for the College of Arts and Letters (CAL) the % inside college field indicates the total percentage of students who were conferred a degree whose primary major was INSIDE the College of Arts and Letters. Likewise; % outside college indicates the total percentage of the student population who were conferred a degree from a college other than CAL even though they began their career @ JMU from within CAL.
Select a displayed number in the “Did not complete” column (JAA09A). returns one row of data for each combination of status and reasons along with a total number of students. Not all status actions have action reasons.
Degrees Conferred (JAA25). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years of data related to degrees conferred which are associated with the given college.
5 year CHP (JAA03B). Returns one row for each of the last 5 academic years. The only drill down option is for a given academic year. FTE is defined by the office of Academic Affairs. It is calculated by taking the total number of units divided by (12* the number of terms).
Select a displayed academic year (JAA03A). Returns one row for each course subject area associated with the given college. The only drill down option is for a given course subject. .
Select a displayed course subject (JAA03C). Returns one row for each course.
1st year @ risk (JAA17). Returns student identifiable data, please adhere to the data stewardship policy. At risk is defined as a true first year Freshman (not a transfer student) whose calculated GPA from all of their mid-term grades is < 2.0. Data returned for their primary major only.
Outlying data (JAA18). Returns one row of data for each section of a course which meet any of the following reasons:
No enrollment capacity set. This prevents several data analytic calculations from being valid, and such courses are eliminated from those queries whose population depends upon this value being > 0
No instructor assigned. This prevents the course from being present in any instructor assignment or CHP data analytics.
No room assigned. This prevents the course from being present in any room capacity planning data analytics.
No room capacity set. This prevents the course from being present in any room capacity planning data analytics.
Multiple primary instructors. This may cause issues for instructor assignment and CHP calculations. There are proper ways to code such courses, such as by using the load factor field.
Plan Diversity (JAA07). Due to the nature of how users may want data returned, this query includes multiple prompts which allow it to be run in various ways. The college value will appear as the first prompt and be present. You must enter a from and to term value. To select a single term, enter the same value in both the from and to term. If you want data returned for just majors or minors, enter MAJ or MIN, leaving this prompt blank will return both. You must provide at least one academic level; valid values are 10, 20, 30 and 40 which represent Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors respectively. Press “View Results”. One row of data is returned for each academic plan (aka majors, minors) for the given college and term rage you provided. You may change the values used for the prompts, and press the “View Results” to refresh the results. Providing a wide range of terms can of course return a large set of data.
Course diversity by major (JAA20). Includes a prompt for a single course term. Enter a valid value and press “View Results”. One row of data is returned for each course subject area associated with the given college and the primary major (as of the course begin date) of the student. Is meant to be used to determine the diversity of the students consuming your courses.
Course diversity by college (JAA20A). Contains the same prompts as the previous query. This version replaces the major of the consuming student with the college associated with their primary major.
Course Planner (JAA24). Returns summary data for all future terms of the number of active students who are “planning” to need the given course for the selected college. At this time, the course planner feature for students has not been advertised. The only data present is from students who have found or wandered into the feature. As the office of the Registrar, major advising and other offices begin the embrace and advertise this feature, the results returned by this query will become more valuable.
Major Changes (JAA26). Reference the table below; this example is for the College of Arts and Letters (CAL). In this context, major changes do NOT include initial major declarations as those are not considered a “change”. Also, the table will always contain a list of major changes made during the last 5 academic years. The table below should be interpreted as follows:
1,722 students changed their major and remained within the CAL
286 students dropped a CAL major for a CHBS major
115 students dropped a CAL major for a CISE major
328 students dropped a CAL major for a COB major
546 students dropped a CHBS major for a CAL major
174 students dropped a CISE major for a CAL major
818 students dropped a COB major for a CAL major
183 students dropped a CSM major for a CAL major
To drill into a summary of major changes, select a hyperlinked number (JAA26A)
JACADAFFAIRS03 Space utilization metrics
Scheduling policy (JAA14). Returns one row of data for each of the 5 most recent academic years. The Office of the Registrar has a scheduling policy whose logic was used to create the results of this query. Refer to their website for details: . For a break down of a specific academic year, follow the drill down for a given year.
Select a displayed academic year (JAA14A). Returns one row of data per course subject associated with the selected college.
Possible consolidations (JAA16). Returns one row of data for each course associated with the selected college whose enrollment capacity is < 80% filled. This value was set by the office of Academic Affairs as a benchmark. The definition of a possible consolidation are two or more courses whose course id match for the same term and are meeting at the same times and have a matching meeting pattern.
Room Utilization (JAA15). Returns one row of data for each room used in classroom instruction whose course end date is > the date the query is being run. The weekday fields indicate the total number of units the course is being offered on the given day. Total contact hours is defined as the # of contact hours for the course meeting in the given room (from the course catalog) times the number of weeks in the given academic term session. The theory of the data being returned by this query is, the higher the numbers in the columns C-L are, the more the room is being utilized for the given term. Due to the nature of how course data is keyed, it would not be of value to attempt to return contact or course duration hours for the given meeting pattern. This due to those courses who meeting patterns are TBD, TBA, etc. etc. Although there are many ways in which room utilization could be calculated, the method used to key data for courses prevent many such calculations. These query results are not broken out by any value; following the drill down returns the same results regardless of which college is selected.
List of queries which need to be edited once a term to ensure the hard coded academic year/terms are accurate: JAA17, JAA23. As of 7/25/2018 all but the two listed queries have been changed to use expressions for the 5 years of data based upon the term_tbl.acad_year field and SYSDATE.