Queries whose name begins with jcob. Primary contact is Michelle Duncan duncanml@jmu.edu Section last updated 12/1/2015.
Jcob001 (TS): Marketing course analysis. 1/25/2011: cloned from jcob004 for Marsha Shenk. Returns course data for students in the marketing plan. Has hard coded references to 15 different courses. Basically let’s all of the course data filter thru for these students and sets values in expressions based upon if/when they have taken the course. Used to determine which students have taken which of the 15 courses.
Jcob002 (NTS): grade dist by plan. Has a hard coded term range that needs to be changed. Returns aggregate academic data for students who have ever taken COB300, and are in one of seven plans and the average grade points they’ve received in eight different courses.
Jcob003 (TS): Aggregate D/F for COB courses. Appears to have been cloned from jcob002, returns aggregate data for students in one of seven plans, who received a D, F or WF grade in a series of courses. Returns the total number (a count of) the failing grades received for each emplid
Jcob004 (TS): Management course analysis. For students in plan #7600 only, includes basic acad data, plus an indication of whether the student has NOT taken fourteen different “management” courses which they then use for course planning purposes.
Jcob005 (NTS): Preregistration data for COB. For students active in one of seven plans, returns numeric aggregates of 9 different courses, indicating the number of times they have taken the specific course. Prompts for term.
Jcob006 (NTS): COB never taken a course. Returns an aggregate value of the number of COB students (in one of 7 plans) (by acad level) who have never taken a prompted for course regardless of term.
Jcob007 (TS):COB majors; need to repeat crs. Cloned from a jusds series query for Phil Dubois on 12/1/2008. Looking for COB as a first major who received a d, f or wf grade in four specific COB courses. Do not want to include four specific COB majors.
Jcob008 (TS): Coreq check for COB291. Created for Earl Jones, COB, to check if students registered for COB291 have passed courses to remain in the course.
Jcob009 (TS): Taking crs1, never crs2&3. Classic query, active COB students who are taking the prompted for course, have never taken the other two prompted for courses.
Jcob010 (TS): COB d's in core courses. Returns grades for COB majors who received failing grades in “core” courses.
Jcob011 (NTS): Courses for HTM grads. Returns a list of courses and grades for hotel management (4 plan numbers) graduates. Cloned from jusdh017b for analysis by Brett Horton in the COB. See ITR04763
Jcob012 (TS): Acctg majors taken COB300. Cloned from jusds011 for Michelle Duncan. Needed a list of accounting majors who have taken the COB300 series of courses. COB300A, B, C and D
Jcob012a (TS): rewritten from scratch after attempts to tweak jcob012 failed to return results. Active students who have taken the "series" of COB300 courses defined as cob300A, B, C and D per Michelle Duncan, COB
Jcob013 (TS): List of grads by date/course. Hard coded date range, graduates in one of four plans who failed one/more of three econ courses.
Jcob014 (TS): List of grads by date/course. Similar to jcob013, but returns the grade for the three econ courses if they ever failed the course.
Jcob015: (NTS) test data for COB. 7/20/2010: Created for Michele Duncan. Needed a query to return eight different test scores for COB students taking the COB300 series of courses along with their high school GPA. Used for analysis of course placement. See ITR05635.
Jcob016 (NTS): COB300/487 term range. Returned rows allow user to determine how many terms between two courses. Written for Michelle Duncan. Needed to know how many students are taking cob487 less than a term before having taken cob300. "Requirement" that they wait at least one term.
Jcob016a (NTS): CO487 prereq check. Prompts for a term the student is enrolled in COB487. Returns a list of students who have not met the prerequisite for COB487 defined as having passed COB300A-D.
Jcob017 (TS): COB ttl hrs. earned. Identifies pre-COB 300 students and their total cumulative hours. Used as another gauge to determine who is NOT eligible to remain in the COB program.
Jcob018 (NTS): COB students in summer crses. Returns COB students and the summer mini terms (aka sessions) they are enrolled in.
Jcob019 (TS): Acad data by acad org. Cloned from jusds014, added citizenship data.
Jcob020 (TS): used to calculate the GPA of the lower level BBA courses to determine if the student has taken all of the required courses AND their calculated GPA meets the criteria. Has a lot of sub queries per logic dictated by Michelle Duncan in the COB.
Second does not exist: Includes the logic for the COB repeat grade process. Is the same as the university except for one case. If a student is taking a course repeat forgive, we do NOT throw out the old grade until the course being taken repeat forgive has been graded. The rest of JMU removes the previous course grades for students taking repeat forgive if they are simply enrolled in a course repeat forgive.
In order to cut down on records, made use of a record named class_tbl_se_vw and the crse_id field rather than joining to class_tbl for every instance of stdnt_enrl. Confusing to look at as have to refer to the courses by their crse_id values, and some course have as many as 5 such values as confirmed by Kelly Downey. This because of honors courses and various other reasons across the University. Cross reference table follows:
BBA students are required to complete 10 lower-level BBA core courses. They are:
COB 191 or MATH 220
COB 202
COB 204
COB 218
COB 241
COB 242
COB 291
ECON 201
MATH 205 or MATH 235 or MATH 231 or GISAT 151*
We use 9 core courses to calculate the BBA Core GPA. All of the courses above are used except calculus* because calculus is not taught or controlled by COB. We calculate repeat-credits and repeat-forgives just like the university. And we consider transfer credit in the BBA Core GPA just like the university – meaning transfer credit is not used in the GPA calculation. Note added on 12/16/2011 after researching how the query determined the requirement had been met: No need to hard code the date of the requirement being met in the DP "R" table because that table is cleared by Kelly Downey whenever she runs the DP process to populate the "R" tables, so will only contain data from the most recent run.
Jcob021 (NTS): COB300-MATH220-COB191. 2/28/2011: cloned from jcob016 for Michele Duncan. Needed a list of students who took COB300 and their grades for math200 or cob191
Jcob022 (TS): COB students with holds. 6/27/2011: written for Michelle Duncan, needed a query to determine how many COB students had holds preventing registration
Jcob023 (NTS): Basic course data for 100/200. 7/28/2011: Created for Phil Heap who needed a list of all 100 and 200 level COB courses and their enrollment information.
Jcob024 (TS): Prereq data for COB291. 10/10/2011: see ITI06129 for details. 1st sub query: is a COB major 2nd sub query: passed cob191 or math220 @ JMU 3rd sub query: OR transferred cob191/math220 4th sub query: never taken cob291 5th sub query: passed math205 or math 231 or math235 @ JMU 6th sub query: OR transferred math205, math231 or math325
Jcob025 (NTS): Transferred cob291 took cob300. 1/19/2012: created for Michelle Duncan per email request. Do you know if there’s an existing query that will identify all students who received transfer credit for COB 291? One of our department heads asked us to do an analysis of how well students perform in COB 300C when they have transfer credit for COB 291. There wouldn’t be many. But we do need some assistance identifying them as far back as say.2007.
Jcob026 (NTS): cloned from jusds014 for Michelle Duncan in the COB. Wanted to know how many fyr/trn students for a term range were trn to the COB. Decided to limit it by fall terms only and only selected their first major owned 100% by the org to eliminate partial plan ownership and 2nd majors, etc.
Jcob027 (TS): Ever took a, never passed B/C. Allows the user to enter a course the student is currently enrolled in (such as ACTG343) and two courses (COB242, COB242) the student has not passed with a B or better nor did they transfer the courses to JMU
Jcob028 (TS): COB300/218 analysis. Written for Pam Drake in COB. Desired analysis of students enrolled in the COB300 series of courses, what grade they had received in COB218, when COB218 was taken, and what their 1st and 2nd major was when COB218 was taken.
Jcob029 (NTS). COB MBA program analysis. Written for Tisha McCoy in COB. Returns a course analysis data set for students in the three academic programs GR120, GR125 or GR130.
Jcob030 (TS): COB 300 repeaters. 1st sub-query ensures they are a COB major. 2nd sub-query ensures they have never received a passing grade in COB300A (have never taken the series). 3rd sub-query states they have never been accepted before as indicated by their being active in a specific series of student groups.
Jcob031 (TS): Course anal for finance. Written for Pam Drake for the three plans which comprise finance. Returns analysis of the enrollment of such students in 6 different finance tracked courses.
Jcob032 (NTS): Math205/220 transfer anal. Returns data for students who have ever transferred in math205/220 and the grades received in cob191/291.
Jcob033 (NTS): Credit hour prod for COB. Returns course based (vs. enrollment based) credit hour production data for all courses defined in the 10 academic orgs considered part of the COB.
Jcob034a (TS): 1st prereq check for COB291. Cloned from jcob024, this version is for Marsha Shenk. They use a qualtrics survey to allow students to request an override to get into a section of cob291. She needs this query to return a list of students who do NOT meet the prereqs defined by the subqueries so she can email them and tell them WHY she is not going to give them an override. Decided to split this into two queries vs. a union query so we could tell them WHY they will not be granted an override, since there are two reasons. 1st subquery: is a COB major 2nd subquery: never passed nor registered for cob191,math220, math318 @ JMU 3rd subquery: never transferred cob191/math220/math318 4th subquery: never taken cob291
Jcob034b (TS): 2nd prereq check for COB291. Cloned from jcob024, this version is for Marsha Shenk. They use a qualtrics survey to allow students to request an override to get into a section of cob291. She needs this query to return a list of students who do NOT meet the prereqs defined by the subqueries so she can email them and tell them WHY she is not going to give them an override. Decided to split this into two queries vs. a union query so we could tell them WHY they will not be granted an override, since there are two reasons. 1st subquery: is a COB major 2nd subquery: never passed nor registered for math205, 231, 235, 236 GISAT151 @ JMU 3rd subquery: never transferred math205, 231, 235, 236 GISAT151 4th subquery: never taken cob291. 3/25/2015: updates made as part of removing G from subjects of gened courses
Jcob035 (NTS): Fin/Qfin not active. Written to return students no longer active in either the finance or quantitative finance majors who are no longer active in the program whose admit term > 1038. Users wanted to reach out to this population.
Jcob036 (TS): TRN students from VA CC grades. ONLY select those students who have exactly ONE row of data in acad_history with an extorgid OTHER than the VA ccs ID#. The logic of joining to acad_history twice and the subquery logic comes from Martha Ringwald who says this is necessary due to the way they key grades for VA CCS. The GRADES are always and forever keyed against the single orgid which is the overall VA CCS org vs. the real org which they attended, which could be one of any of the VA CC's. The hard coded logic is a little wonky, but whitemm said to use it to get them the best data we can. Basically, it says give credit to the VA CC if and only if the student attended just ONE VA CC OTHER than the hard coded orgid which represents the VA CCS. Weird, but it seems to work. User desired data to enable them to analyze grades for COB transfer students from VA community colleges
Jcob037 (TS): Study group students. Created for Michelle Duncan who desired a list of active study group students as defined by having data in the student attribute detail record.
Jcob038 (TS) Acad plan changes by org. cloned from jusds025e for Mary Morsch per email: I am looking for data and wondered if the Registrar has a query designed to provide it, or if I need to talk to Pete about requesting one. I am trying to determine which freshman (based on admit term 1158) have declared or changed their major to something in the COB since Mid-August when we stopped adjusting advisor assignments. There will be students out there who are now declared a business major but have a freshman advisor based on their original major choice. The COB would like me to identify these students so they can set up a special meeting with them before spring class enrollment. Is there a way to get a list of freshman based on admit term for this fall, and include the following information: Student Name, ID#, email, major, advisor name If I can get a report like that in excel, I will be able to sort it to find the information I need. Unless there is some other way to find students who have processed a change/declaration of major form?
Jcob039 (TS): COB204 analysis. cloned from jcob023 for Reyesyd in the COB. Needed to know IF a student was in a COB maj/min when a course was taken, and what they are today.