Human Rights
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2018
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ISSN 1837-6444
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Contents 8
About the Commission 10
Our purpose 10
Achieving our purpose 11
Organisational structure 11
Our functions 12
Legislation 12
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) 12
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) 13
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) 13
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) 13
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) 14
Responsible Minister 15
Location 16
Achieving a national reach 17
The year in review 19
President and Commissioners 22
Annual performance statement for
non-financial outcomes 23
Introductory statement 23
Purpose 24
Results 24
Introduction 24
Performance criteria 25
Appendices 25
Snapshot of Commission activity 26
Outcome 1:
Effective promotion and engagement builds increased awareness and understanding of human rights 27
Leadership 27
National survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment experienced by students at Australian universities 27
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) 27
Implementing the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) 28
Age and employment 29
Accessible housing 29
Regional conversations on racism and social cohesion 29
Engagement with United Nations Mechanisms 30
Effective reach among identified audiences—demonstrated by web analytics that exceed previous year by 5% 31
Web and social media reach 31
Events and launches 31
Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee and National Health Leadership Forum 32
Positive ageing 33
National Anti-Racism Partnership and Strategy (NARPS) 33
Contribution of expertise on human rights to court processes 35
Increased capability among organisations and employers to be diverse, inclusive and respectful workplaces 35
Business and Human Rights Program 35
Analysis—Outcome 1 37
Outcome 2:
Effective and timely information assists compliance with discrimination law and human rights, and effective investigation and conciliation of complaints 38
Efficient and effective information and dispute resolution services 38
The terms on which disputes are resolved include systemic outcomes 39
Legal information and resources assist employers and organisations to comply with discrimination and human rights 40
Analysis—Outcome 2 41
Outcome 3:
Expert and persuasive research contributes to preventing human rights breaches and proactively improving compliance with human rights obligations 43
Parliamentary debates and committee inquiry reports reference the work of the Commission 43
Submissions 43
Major reports and national inquiries lead to increased understanding of human rights 45
National survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment experienced by students at Australian universities and university responses to the Change the course report 45
Cultural Reform in the Australian Defence Force 45
Children’s Rights Report 2017 46
Stakeholders use our research increasing their capacity to promote human rights issues 47
Disability institutional violence report 47
Building capacity for child safety 47
Immigration detention and asylum seeker program 47
Analysis—Outcome 3 48
Outcome 4:
Human rights education activities increase understanding and build capacity about human rights 50
Education and training programs and resources are engaging, meet quality standards and increase knowledge to apply human rights in different settings 50
School Education Resources 50
Public Service Training 51
Participation in the investigation and conciliation process results in increased understanding of rights and responsibilities in the law 54
International technical cooperation activities increase human rights capacity and advance national reform in partner states 54
China-Australia 2017–21 Human Rights Technical Cooperation Program (HRTCP) 55
2017–21 Lao PDR-Australia Human Rights Technical Cooperation Program (HRTCP) 55
Access to Public Spaces for People with Disability Cooperation between the Human Rights Commissions of Sri Lanka and Australia 55
A developing relationship with the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights 55
Analysis—Outcome 4 56
Financial statements 58
Independent Auditor’s Report
to the Attorney-General 58
Statement by the Accountable Authority
and Chief Finance Officer 61
Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the period ended 30 June 2018 62
Statement of Financial Position
as at 30 June 2018 64
Statement of Changes in Equity
for the period ended 30 June 2018 66
Cash Flow Statement
for the period ended 30 June 2018 68
Notes to and forming part of the financial statements
for the period ended 30 June 2018 71
Overview 71
1. Financial Performance 74
Note 1.1: Expenses 74
Note 1.1: Expenses (continued) 76
Note 1.2: Own-Source Revenue and Gains 77
Note 1.2: Own-Source Revenue and Gains (continued) 78
2. Financial Position 80
Note 2.1: Financial Assets 80
Note 2.1: Financial Assets (continued) 82
Note 2.2: Non-Financial Assets 83
Note 2.2: Non-Financial Assets (continued) 84
Note 2.2: Non-Financial Assets (continued) 85
Note 2.2: Non-Financial Assets (continued) 86
Note 2.2: Non-Financial Assets (continued) 88
Note 2.3: Payables 90
Note 2.4: Non-interest Bearing Liabilities 91
Note 2.5: Other Provisions 91
3. Funding 92
Note 3.1: Appropriations 92
Note 3.2: Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements 92
4. People and Relationships 94
Note 4.1: Employee Provisions 94
Note 4.1: Employee Provisions (continued) 96
Note 4.2: Key Management Personnel Remuneration 96
Note 4.3: Related Party Disclosures 98
5. Managing Uncertainties 99
Note 5.1: Contingent Assets and Liabilities 99
Note 5.2: Financial Instruments 100
Note 5.2: Financial Instruments (continued) 102
Note 5.3: Fair Value Measurement 103
Appendix 1:
Outcomes and indicators 104
Appendix 2:
Projects, services and activities 106
Appendix 3:
Major events, reports, publications and
education resources 109
Events & launches 109
2017–18 Reports, publications, education resources 109
Index of Annual Report requirements 112
20 September 2018
The Hon Christian Porter MP
Parliament House
Dear Attorney,
I am pleased to present the Annual Report of the Australian Human Rights Commission for the period ending 30 June 2018. The report has been prepared pursuant to section 45 of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) and in accordance with the requirements of section 46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth).
As the Accountable Authority of the Australian Human Rights Commission, I am responsible for the preparation and contents of the Annual Report of Operations. I approved the Annual Report 2017–18 on 20 September 2018 by signing a memorandum.
Yours sincerely,
Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM
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