Australian rose annuals

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Patricia Routley’s “Australian Rose Annual” articles listed by author - 1970-1979 Page


Prepared by Patricia Routley. Copyright Patricia Routley.
___________ Crown gall 1970-157

___________ First stamp to smell of roses - from Bhutan 1975-90

Abrahams, W. (Hunter Valley RS, NSW) The limbo roses 1975-145

Adamson, J. (Hunter Valley RS, NSW) Secateurs 1975-129

Adamson, J. (Hunter Valley) Lead arsenate & other insecticides 1975-153

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1969 1970-14

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1970 1971-16

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1971 1972-50

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1972 1973-30

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1973 1974-17

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedings 1974 1975-46

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1975 1976-73

Allen, E. F. & Mrs. Allen pix 1977-21

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1976 1977-32

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1977 1978-30

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1978 1979-23

Allen, R., Dr. (USA) pix 1972-12

Allen, R. C., Dr. (Pres, World Fed,) pix 1973-11

Allen, Ray C., Dr. (American Rose Soc) Naming & registering Roses 1973- 21

Allender, R. W. (Preston, Vic) Once a rosarian, always a rosarian 1972-151

Allender, R. W. (RS of Vic) Soil and lime 1974-32

Allender, R. W. (Preston, Vic) pix of his best bunch of Christian Dior 1974-55

Allender, R. W. (RS of Vic) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-63

Allender, R. W. pix 1977-122

Allender, R. W. (RS of Vic) To grow champion roses 1977-153

Allender, R. W. (Preston, Vic) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-85

Allender, R. W. (RS of Vic) About soils 1978-150

American Nurseryman magazine, USA Germany’s Nat. Rosarium at Dortmund 1972-148

American Rose Magazine Single feeding research project 1970-163

American Rose magazine Lengthening the vase life of roses 1972-150

American Rose magazine Blue roses 1975-151

Anderson, H. C. (Pres, NRS of NSW) A National Rose Society for Australia 1972-57

Annabel, E. (NRS of NSW) Blind shoots 1970-145

Annabel, E. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Armstrong ? The Armstrong Nurseries Inc., USA 1977-27

Austin, David (England) New English roses - his hybridizing plans 1972-154

Austin, M. L. (Melville, WA) The philatelic rosarian 1975-128

Aves, J. J. (South Africa) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-76

Awards: T. A. Stewart award winners 48-74 1975-133

Balfour, R. C. (England) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Barnett, Lois (Balwyn Garden Club) Let’s talk about judging 1976-101

Barnett, Lois (Nth Balwyn Gdn Club, Vic) Australia’s exhibit at Roscent 1977-104

Barnett, Lois (Nth Balwyn Gdn Club) David Ruston gets a full house 1977-151

Barneveld, John Van, (America) Random impressions of Aust & NZ 1973-152

Baxter, J. G. (Doncaster, Vic) rose sprays 1971-77

Baxter, J. G. (RS of Vic) Weed control in roses 1977-125

Baxter, J. G. (RS of Vic) Companions for roses 1978-152

Beattie, J. A. (Uni of Tas) Soil 1971-87

Bell, R. J. (NRS of Vic) What odds? - hybridizing 1971-121

Bell, R. J. (Harkaway, Victoria) Australians in NZ for World Rose Conv. 1973-123

Bell, R. J. (RS of Vic) The decorative roses 1974-142

Bell, R. J. (RS of Vic) Colours in roses 1975-116

Bell, R. J. (RS of Vic) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-64

Bell, R. J. pix 1977-122

Bell, R. J. (RS of Vic) Australian raised roses 1977-134

Bell, R. J. (Harkaway, Vic) Rose breeding as a retirement hobby 1978-141

Bell, R. J. (Harkaway, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-117

Boote, C. pix 1971-147

Boote, C. R. J. (Dandenong, Vic) My twelve favourites 1973-53

Boote, C. (Dandenong, Vic) pix of his best rose ‘Bonsoir’ at 1974 show 1975-35

Bovey, R. J. (The Gap, Q’ld) Blind shoots 1970-141

Bovey, R., Dr. pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Bovey, R., Dr. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Bowen, F. M. (RNRS, UK) pix 1972-44&46&48

Bowen, Frank M. (RNRS, UK) Roses for pleasure 1973-16

Bowen, F. M. (England) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Brand, Harry K. My favourite rose 1970-146

Brickell, C. D. The RHS garden at Wisley, Surrey, UK 1975-119

Brown, A. L. (Warranmbool, Vic) pix of his best rose at 74 show., Red Queen 1975-84

Brown, A. (Warrnambool, Vic) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-97

Brown, C. A. (Ivanhoe, Vic) A view from the inside - answer to D. Ross 1971-125

Brown, C. (Ivanhoe, Vic) Blind shoots 1973-151

Brown, P., Mrs. (Warrnambool, Vic) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-125

Brundrett, Allen (NRS of Vic) Roses around the world 1971-114

Brundrett, A. pix 1971-147

Brundrett, Allen pix. T. A. Stewart Mem. Award 1972. 1973-29

Brundrett, A. (Vice-pres, NRS of Vic) Weeping standards 1973-79

Brundrett, Allen (Narre Warren Nth, Vic) Behind the nursery fence 1974-135

Brundrett, Allen (Narre Warren Nth, Vic) Roses in Chicago 1975-91

Brundrett, Allen (Narre Warren Nth, Vic) Behind the nursery fence 1975-131

Brundrett, Allen A spray warning - Malathion 1977-76

Brundrett, Allen Replacing plants in an existing bed 1977-103

Brundrett, A. (Narre Warren Nth, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-133

Burrell, Phyl, Mrs. (Glen Waverey, Vic) What! Modern roses have no perfume? 1972-134

Burrows, R. R. (Taroona, Tas) Advocates growing roses in pots 1979-152

Bushby, Mrs. M. (Sandy Bay, Tas) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-101

Buss, H. (South Africa) pix 1972-46

Buss, H. E. W. (Pretoria, Sth Africa) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-109

Butcher, D. S. (Ros Soc of NZ) pix. Awarded Dean Hole medal 1973-157

Campbell, A. G. (Myrtle Bank, SA) The use of almond shells as mulch 1970-121

Campbell, A., Dr. (SA) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Campbell, A., Dr. (SA). pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Campbell, A. G., Dr. (RS of SA) Growing roses in containers 1974-73

Campbell, A. G. (pres. NRS of Aust) pix. Consolidation of NRS of Aust. 1975-13

Campbell, A. G. , Dr. & Mrs. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Campbell, A. G. (RS of SA) Lengthening the vase life of roses 1975-40

Campbell, A. G. (RS of SA) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-57

Campbell, A. G. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Campbell, A. G. Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-59

Campbell, A. G. , Dr. pix 1976-107

Campbell, Allan Reviews Dr. Thomas’ book “Knowing...” 1976-146

Campbell, A. G. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Campbell, Allan G., Dr. pix. T. A. Stewart Memorial Award 1976 1977-31

Campbell, A. G., Dr. (RS of SA) Sprays, spraying & sprayers 1977-35

Campbell, A. G. Dr. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (NRS) Decorative roses 1978-41

Campbell, A. G. (Myrtle Bank, SA) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-83

Campbell, A. G. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Campbell, A. G., Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) Propagation in containers for amateurs 1979-66

Carroll, Jim (RS of WA) pix. T. A. Stewart memorial Award 1975 1976-31

Carroll, J. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Clark, Alister Rose wilt in A.C. Memorial Gardens 1970-160

Clark, Alister Article on him by R. T. Hamilton 1974-81

Clark, Alister Article about him by Mrs. Rupert Downes 1975-149

Clark, Alister Metal seat from Glenara now at St. Kilda 1976-151

Coggiatti, Stelvio (Italian RS) Rose trials in Italy 1975-85

Colbeck, B. (NRS of Tas) Blind shoots 1970-145
Cole, C. E. (Dept of Ag, Vic) Quarantine protects your roses 1970-68

Cole, C. E. (Dept of Ag, Vic) Diseases of the rose listed 1970-72

Conard-Pyle Co. Nurseries around the world - Conard Pyle 1979-44

Coon, Margaret E. (Ohio, USA) The unknown rose. Study of rose veins 1971-107

Cottrell, S. (Brisbane Q’ld) Blind shoots 1970-140

Cottrell, Stan (Q’ld RS) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-99

Cottrill, Iris (Cheltenham, Vic) Floral Art - history of arranging 1979-76

Cousin, R., Mrs. (Pakenham, Vic) Bird baths in the rose garden 1974-157

Cresswell, K. (Brisbane, Q’ld) Roses and animal manures 1970-32

Cresswell, H. K. (Chemical Institute, Q’ld) Chemical fertilizers 1971-70

Cresswell, H. K. (Brisbane, Q’ld) What makes soil rose-sick 1974-114

Cresswell, H. K. (Welington Point, Q’ld) Some thoughts on feeding roses 1976-105

Cresswell, H. K. (Wellington Pt, Q’ld) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-88

Cresswell, H. K. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Cresswell, H. K. (Wellington Pt, Q’ld) Fertilizers 1979-147

Cullen, L. B. Henry Edland Memorial Pavilion, UK 1971-158

Cullen, Marjorie P. (Vic Floral Art School) At the English Shows 1972-66

Cullen, Peter (Uni of Melb, Vic) The watering of gardens 1971-28

Cummings, J. E. (NRS of WA) pix. Awarded T. A. Stewart Mem Award 1971-27

Daw, F. M., (South Perth, WA) Miniature roses in the west 1972-152

Daw, F. M. (RS of WA) Roses for sandy soil 1975-65

Daw, F. M. (RS of WA) pix with his champion 1974 show F. Cloud 1975-67

Daw, F. M. (RS of WA) Of a long hot summer 1976-108

Daw, F. M. (Kensington, WA) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-97

Daw, F. M. (RS of WA) No. of days from pruning cut to flower 1977-137

Daw, F. M. (Sth Perth, WA) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-94

Daw, M. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Daw, F. M. (RS of WA) Fortuneana rootstock 1979-91

Dawson, Charles P. (American Rose Mag) Aluminium foil to deter thrip 1970-156

Dawson, Charles P. (Kentucky, USA) Powdery mildew 1972-144

Dawson, George (Ferntree Gully, Vic) Roses by cuttings 1970-57

Dawson, George (Ferntree Gully, Vic) Trial grounds in Aust - a necessity 1971-120

Dawson, George pix of (maybe?) Nellie Neil or Pakeha rose 1973-153

Dawson, George? Legacy Jubilee 1974-158

Deninger, Claude, (France) Botrytis 1978-20

Dickson, Pat Alex Dickson & Sons Ltd. nursery 1976-26

Dobbs, E. B. (NZ) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Doolittle, G. (USA) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Downes, Rupert, Mrs. Alister Clark 1975-149

Duncan, John, Mrs. My favourite rose 1970-147

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) Cecile Brunner 1970-23

Duncan, Walter (Eastwood, SA) Blind shoots 1970-143

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) My favourite rose 1970-146

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) Spraying: the key to artificial perfection 1971-100

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) Old shrub roses in SA 1972-102

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) ‘Lady Plymouth’ rose 1972-147

Duncan, Walter (RS of SA) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-60

Duncan, W. H. (RS of SA) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-100

Dunston, W. (Cunnamulla, Q’ld) Her rose wins best exhibit at local show 1979-154

Elliott, J. R., Mrs. (Sandy Bay, Tas) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-98

Elliott, J. R., Prof. (NRS of Tas) Balance of Nature - insects 1971-57

Elliott, J. R., Prof. (NRS of Tas) Down with the hybridists! 1970-19

Elliott, J. R., Prof. (Hobart, Tas) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-58

Elliott, J. R., Prof. (Pres. NRS of Tas) A National Rose Society for Australia 1972-56

Elphick, H. R. (Pres, NRS of WA) A National Rose Society for Australia 1972-57

Feurer, R. (USA) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-73

Frean, Sister Agnes (Braybrook, Vic) Reflections about the rose 1978-33

Frean, Sister Agnes (Braybrook, Vic) NZ holiday & roses 1979-81

Fuerer, R. (USA) pix 1972-12

Gathercole, Eileen, Mrs. (Blackburn, Vic) West Germany rose memories 1979-151

Gatty, A., Mrs. (Hobart, Tas) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-131

Gerard, A. H., Mrs. My favourite rose 1970-147

Gerard, I., Mrs. (Norwood, SA) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-129

Gerner, M., Mrs. (East Coburg, Vic) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-129

Gilad, David E. (Israel) pix. Roses in Israel 1978-48

Gillard, W. T. (Montmorency, Vic) Looking at Both sides - answer to D. Ross 1972-112

Gizycki, Z. A. (Melb, Vic) Poor leaves - poor flowers 1976-143

Gordon, Jean (Florida, USA) Exhibition of rose themed objects 1972-146

Gough, S. (Sth Morang, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-130

Gover, John (Christchurch, NZ) Roses on the Canterbury Plains, NZ 1970-123

Graham K., Mrs. (Mt. Gravatt, Q’ld. Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-123

Graham, Hugh (NRS of Q’ld) Growing roses in sub tropical Q’ld 1971-36

Graham, Hugh (NRS of Q’ld) pix. Wins T. A. Stewart Mem. award 1971 1972-43

Graham, Hugh (Pres. NRS of Q’ld) A National Rose Society for Australia 1972-55

Graham, H. (Q’ld) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Graham, Hugh (Pres. NRS of Aust) pix. Patience and optimism 1974-13

Graham, H. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Graham, H. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Grose, J. Mrs. & Mrs. (Dulwich Hill, NSW) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-126

Guiness Book of Records The largest rose - a Banksia at Tombstone 1976-141

Guiness Book of Records The largest bouquet - 243 Baccara roses 1976-154

Hack, Sue (Leongatha, Vic) Some pleasing roses 1979-138

Hamilton, R. T. (NRS of Vic) Roses - month by month 1970-111

Hamilton, R. T. Judging roses 1970-161

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) Bi-colours 1971-105

Hamilton, R. T. (NRS of Vic) Winter pruning for beginners 1972-90

Hamilton, R. T. (Vice pres NRS of Vic) Floribundas. 1973-93

Hamilton, R. T. (RS of Vic) Alister Clark 1974-81

Hamilton, R. T. (RS of Vic) Black spot - a different approach 1975-36

Hamilton, R. T. Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-57

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) Roses for special purposes 1976-111

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-93

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) The decorative rose - a criticism 1977-144

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg) Judging exhibition roses 1977-152

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) Judging - The day of judgement 1978-116

Hamilton, R. T. Decorative roses 1979-21

Hamilton, R. T. (Heidelberg, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-111

Hammond, Verna (Home Beautiful, Vic) A bouquet of roses 1970-91

Hamon, L. (Goulburn-Murray, Vic) Floribundas 1971-83

Hamon, L. (Goulburn- Murray, Vic) Show those floribundas 1972-107

Hamon, Louis (Goulburn Murray RC) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-62

Hargreaves, Mary (Armadale, WA) The National Trust & old roses 1974-160

Harkness, Jack Roses for a million years 1976-44

Harkness, Jack pix 1976-114

Harkness, Jack What’s in the future for roses 1976-115

Harkness, Jack pix 1976-116

Harkness, Jack The roses in our lives 1977-43

Harkness, Jack Confessions of a hybridist 1978-59

Harkness, Jack Plant breeders’ rights 1979-53

Harris, S. J. (Healesville, Vic) I like growing roses 1978-149

Heathcote, Ross (Coburg, Vic) Staging and judging of miniatures 1972-115

Heathcote, Ross (RS of Vic) Selecting garden roses for your friends 1975-23

Heathfield, John, Mrs. (Balwyn, Vic) Roses in floral arrangements 1974-71

Henshaw, J. Blind shoots 1970-144

Henshaw, J. W. (Heidelberg, Vic) Judging floribunda roses 1972-73

Henshaw, J. W. (Heidelberg, Victoria) My twelve favourite roses 1974-138

Henshaw, J. (Heidelberg, Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-60

Henshaw, John (Heidelberg, Vic) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-102

Henshaw, J., Mrs. pix 1979-127

Henty, E. (Balwyn, Vic) A bowl of roses 1971-85

Henty, E., Mrs. (Balwyn, Vic) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-126

Heyes, W. A., (Glen Iris, Vic) The joys of a novice 1977-123

Heyes, W. A. (Glen Iris, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-123

Heywood, Helen, (Hamilton, NZ) Wildflowers of the world 1973-121

Hilda Heinemann pix of Mme. Hilda Heinemann 1974-144

Hillary, Joan (Mt. Pleasant WA) Roses in my garden 1972-86

Hofman, John H. & Charles E. Erwin Roses and rehabilitation 1970-96

Hollis, L. (editor Rose Annual, UK) Blind shoots 1970-140

Hollis, Leonard (ed, Rose Annual, UK) The twelve best roses 1969-72 1974-36

Holmes, M. (Australia) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Honeybun, Terry (Doncaster, Vic) Decorative roses 1970-118

Honeybun, Terry (NRS of Vic) Hide bound or Aunt Sally? 1971-148

Honeybun, T. (RS of Vic) Random thoughts, really random 1975-102

Honeybun, T. (Doncaster, Vic) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-64

Honeybun, T. & Miss M. Honeybun pix 1976-114

Honeybun, T. pix 1977-122

Honeybun, T. (Doncaster, Vic) 24 beautiful HT’s from then and now 1979-143

Howard, D. R. (Somerset, Tas) We planted a rose - Fairlands. 1971-123

Howard, A., Mrs. (Punchbowl, NSW) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-125

Howard, Frances, Mrs. (Punchbowl, NSW) Basic flower arranging 1970-106

Hughes, Peter, Dr. (Kew, Vic) Genetical improvement of roses 1976-35

Hyde, W. B. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Jack, John (Mt. Gravatt, Q’ld) Spray Danger 1978-148

Jackson & Perkins Co. Rose Nurseries Around the World: J & P 1978-26

Jackson, Fred (WA) Obituary - pix 1975-114

Jessep, A. W. (RS of Vic) Israel and roses 1974-123

Jessep, A. W. (Malvern, Vic) Why a Rose Society 1977-83

Johnston, J. (Tas) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Johnston, J. (Tas) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Johnstone, Len (Q’ld RS) Decorative roses 1978-43

Kahl, M. Miss (Q’ld) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Kameoka, Y. (Japan) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

Kameoka, Y. (Japan) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-117

Keenan, Frank (Melb City Council, Vic) The use of roses in the city park system 1973-63

Keith, R. H. (Canada) untitled. NZ ‘..right here down under...’ 1972-18

Keith, R. H. (Canada) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-75

Kenneally, Jean, Mrs. (America) Judging roses 1974-158

Kent, L. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Kent, R. (Geebund, Q’ld) Blind shoots 1970-145

Kent, R. (RS of Q’ld) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-58

Kirk, S. (Main Ridge, Vic) Common problems in her garden 1979-152

Klesser, P. J. (South Africa) Virus diseases in South Africa 1973-127

Knight, L. W., Mrs. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Knight, Margaret, Mrs. pix. Awarded T. A. Stewart Mem Award 1970-31

Knight, Margaret, Mrs. (Hobart Tas) The perfect rose 1971-74

Knight, M., Mrs. pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Knight, Mrs. Margaret pix. Participation. 1977-13

Knight, Mrs. L. W. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Knight, Margaret, Mrs. Decorative roses 1978-42

Kopecky, Robert J. (Nebraska, USA) It’s a small world 1972-109

Korbosky, M., Mrs. (Ardross, WA) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-127

Kordes, W. & Sons W. Kordes & Sons - history 1975-17

Lamb, Ken, Prof. (New Guinea) Control aphids with yellow paint 1970-165

Lauer, John R. (American Rose mag) The meaning of spring 1972-156

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1970 edition 1970-2

Lawrence, L. V.? (editor ARA) World rose convention, Hamilton, NZ 1971 1970-67

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1971 edition 1971-2

Lawrence, L. V.? (editor ARA) World rose convention, Hamilton, NZ 1971 1971-41

Lawrence, L. V. pix 1971-147

Lawrence, L. V. Floribundas 1971-158

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1972 edition 1972-2

Lawrence, L. V.? (editor ARA) World rose convention, Hamilton, NZ 1971 1972-11

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) The international rose banquet 1971 1972-44

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Floral arranger’s favourites symposium 1972-123

Lawrence, L. V.? (editor ARA) NZ trial ground results 1972-147

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1973 edition 1973-2

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) National Rose Soc. of Australia constitution 1973-12

Lawrence, L. (Vic) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Lawrence, L. V. ? (editor ARA) World Fed. of Rose Soc’s objectives 1973-57

Lawrence, L. V. WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-74

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) ‘Lady Porritt’rose 1973-150

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) City of Hamilton rose 1973-150

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Poetry from WRConv NZ’s handbook 1973-155

Lawrence, L. V. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1974 edition 1974-2

Lawrence, L. V. (RS of Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-57

Lawrence, L. V. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Lawrence, L. V. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Lawrence, L. V. (Glen Iris, Vic) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-95

Lawrence, L. V. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Layton, S., Mrs. (Hunter Valley, NSW) pix 1973-78

Layton, S. (Hunter Valley, NSW) Roses for your pleasure 1976-124

Layton, Shirley Red spider or two-spotted mite 1977-150

Le Fevre, I. J. (RS of Tas) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-92

Le Fevre, I. J. (RS of Tas) Hobart’s public rose garden 1977-107

Le Fevre, I. J. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Le Fevre, I. J. (Sandy Bay, Tas) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-86

LeGrice, E. B. (Norfolk, England) Floribundas - advances in last 50 years 1971-31

LeGrice, E. L. (England) Rose breeding is fun 1973-33

LeGrice, E. B. (England) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-107

LeGrice, E. B. (England) pix 1976-23

LeGrice, E. B. (England) Rose hybridizing, a debt to the past 1976-24

LeGrice, E. What’s in the future for roses 1976-115

Lester, Francis E. (American Rose Annual) Plea to preserve old roses 1973-95

Lewis, Llew, (RS of Q’ld) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-59

Lindquist, R. V. (California) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-110

Long, Robert T. J. & Peter A. Long Hybridizing roses 1970-162

Lucas, R. M. (Broadview, SA) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-91

Lucas, T. (USA) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Ludbrook, J. (Uni of Adelaide) Lengthening the vase life of roses 1975-40

Lugton, W. A. (Ferny Creek, Vic) Roses in England 1972-88

Lyle, Eldon, W., Dr. (USA) Recent research with roses. pix 1972-26&46&47

Lyzaniwsky, Mrs. (Canada) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-68

Lyzaniwsky, Mrs. W. (Canada) Miniature roses in Canada 1974-151

Lyzaniwsky, Sylvia, (Canada) Decorative roses 1978-40

M. D. Publications Inc., NY, USA Perfume 1976-117

Macara, Alec, Rev. (UK) Tetanus immunisation 1970-157

Macgregor, Margaret, Mrs. (Glen Waverley)Twas the night before the morning after 1972-58

Mackay, M. R., Mrs. (Coff’s Harbour NSW)Do we ‘over-grow’ our roses? 1972-146

Macqueen, Sheila, Mrs. pix 1976-116

Marriner, M. (Mulgrave, Vic) The novice 1977-154

Martin, A. I., Mrs. (Myrtle Bank, SA) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-124

Martin, L. (Australia) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Martin, W. A. (Vic Rose News) Six feet between rose bushes 1970-161

Matheson, Jim (Raglan, NZ) Compost and roses 1972-49

Mattock, J. (England) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

May, K. (Manning, WA) The best in the West 1970-43

May, K. (Manning, WA) What do we want in a rose? 1972-96

May, Ken (Manning, WA) A few thoughs about roses 1973-150

May, K. (Manning, WA) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-90

Mayer, Theo (Quebec, Canada) Roses north of the 49th parallel 1971-141

McCambridge, I. (NRS of Tas) pix 1970-22

McGredy, Sam (Northern Ireland) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

McGredy, Sam (Northern Ireland) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-112

McGredy, Sam (Northern Ireland) pix with his rose ‘Picasso’ 1973-113

McGredy, Sam (NZ) pix 1976-23

McGredy, Sam An interview with Sam McGredy 1976-99

McGredy, Sam What’s in the future for roses 1976-116

McGredy, Sam (Sunday Post article) An interview with Sam McGredy 1976-147

McGredy, Sam (NZ) Breeding roses - getting started 1978-100

McGredy, Sam pix 1979-50

McKebery, Percia, Mrs. (Coleraine, Vic) Old mattress flock as a mulch 1974- 161

McKebery, Percia, Mrs. (Coleraine, Vic) Hair as a mulch 1975-122

McKivat, C. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

McLachlan, E. (Canada) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

McMahon, W. E. (Kentucky, USA) Random thoughts on roses 1974-145

Meilland, Sonia pix of her as a child 1979-49

Mellor, Don (Chillingham, NSW) Going hot and cold with roses 1972-68

Mellor, D. (Chillingham, NSW) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-89

Melville, G. F. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Melville, George F. (Pres) pix & presidents message 1978-13

Melville, G. F. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Melville, G. F. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Milledge, D., Mrs. (Hobart Tas) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-123

Milledge, R. A., Mrs. (Tas) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Milledge, R. A., Mrs. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Milledge, R. A. (Pres. RS of Tas) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-61

Milledge, R. A., Mrs. pix 1976-107

Milledge, R. A. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Milledge, R. A. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Milledge, Doris (RS of Tas) Pix. T. A. Stewart Mem Award 1978 1979-35

Miller, J. (Springvale) Minnie Watson 1974-159

Miller, R. (USA) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-73

Mitchell, I. (Glen Waverley, Vic) Roses in chain stores 1970-101

Moore, Ralph (California, USA) Miniatures - an adventure in rose breeding 1972-14

Moore, Ralph S. (California USA) Naming miniature roses 1974-128

Morrah, Pamela, (NZ) NZ’s official trial ground for roses 1970-168

Morrah, Pam (Palmerston, NZ) NZ Int rose trial awards, 1975 1976-126

Morrah, Pam (Palmerston NZ) NZ Int rose trial awards, 1976 1977-16

Morrah, Pamela (Palmerston Nth, NZ) New Zealand rose trials 1977-61

Morrah, Pam New Zealand int. rose trial awards 1978-154

Morrah, Pam (NZ) NZ int rose trial awards 1976-78 1979-149

Morris, C. H. R. Rose Georgiana Kingsley 1972-79

Mulley, Bert (Camden, NSW) Blind shoots 1970-142

Murley, J. J. (Bendigo, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-120

Murray, Harry (NRS of NSW) Preparing a rose bed - First catch your hare 1970-135

Murray, H. (Killara, NSW) New roses 1970-154

Murray, Nola (Wanganui, NZ) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-114

Murton, A., Miss (Vic Park, WA) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-124

Newman, C. (Bayswater, WA) New roses 1970-152

Nicholls, D. J. (California, USA) Miniatures and fairies 1970-158

Nielsen, Glenda (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Floral Art - Modern Trends and roses 1978-102

Nobbs, K. J. (Auckland, NZ) Roses for health 1979-103

Nowland, G. T. (Glenbrook, NSW) Roses in the Blue Mountains, NSW 1970-132

Nyman, E. H. (Hobart, Tas) To spray or not to spray 1978-29

Outram, Jack (Hamilton, Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-61

Packard, Judith H. (California, USA) pix. Roses in the tar pits 1970-44

Pal, B. P. (India) pix 1971-130

Pal, B. P. (India) Rose breeding 1971-131

Pal, B. P. (India) A review of his book “The Rose in India” 1974-111

Pal, B. P. (Rose Soc of India) Some notes on ‘Rose Edouard’ 1975-20

Pal, B. P., Dr. (India) Decorative roses 1978-40

Parkes, S. (Hunter Valley, NSW) pix 1973-78

Parkes, W. S. (Hunter Valley RS) Rose breeding 1975-94

Pask, May, Mrs. (Balwyn, Vic) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-132

Pask, May, (Vic Floral Art School) Taking the hustle out of exhibiting day 1975-70

Pask, May, Mrs. (RS of Vic) Rose recipes 1978-106

Paterson, K. (Brisbane, Q’ld) Blind shoots 1970-142

Pearce, Andrew, Rev. (Melb Hosp) Look at roses 1970-50

Pettigrove, W. (Torquay, Vic) Preparing new rose beds 1972-145

Phillips, E. M. (Rosanna, Vic) Soil preparation for roses 1971-128

Pickering, R. (Brighton East, Vic) Dorothy Lockett’s garden 1979-152

Pietsch, E. B. (Blackburn, Vic) Become an exhibitor 1972-139

Pietsch, E. B. (RS of Vic) Basics for beginners 1974-84

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1975 edition 1975-2

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) pix of his best bunch at 74 show. Red Queen1975-79

Pietsch, E. B.(editor ARA)? Roscent 76 to be held at Oxford, UK. details 1975-89

Pietsch, E. B.(editor ARA)? Roscent 76 to be held at Oxford, UK. details 1975-89

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1976 edition 1976-2

Pietsch, E. B.(editor ARA)? The second Australian Rose Convention 1976-17

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-57

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1977 edition 1977-2

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-88

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1978 edition 1978-2

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-83

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Preface to the 1979 edition 1979-2

Pietsch, E. B. (editor ARA) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-111

Pinson, George W. (Virginia, USA) Miniatures 1977-141

Pizzey, Graham Insects - The rosebed battleground 1970-59

Pizzey, Graham Living in harmony - symbiosis 1970-159

Plaister, R. (Moonah, Tas) Watershoots 1976-151

Poetry - ___________Eastern proverb ‘If a man finds himself with bread in both 1970-58

Poetry - ___________ ‘Some clever nurseryman, tis said 1970-131

Poetry - ___________ ‘Each lovely rose with regal grace holds 1970-169

Poetry - _______E. W. YELLOW ROSE 1971-35

Poetry - Anonymous (American Rose Mag) ‘The man who wants a garden fair, or 1971-59

Poetry - ___________ ‘An indolent vicar of Bray, his roses 1971-113

Poetry - ___________(Gisborne, NZ) WHAT IS A GARDEN A garden is a place 1972-72

Poetry - ___________ ‘And the magnificence of our Lord’s... 1972-114

Poetry - ___________ ‘The gardens where our roses bloom 1974-47

Poetry - ___________ ‘I often wonder why a rose so fair.. 1974-83

Poetry - ___________ WHAT IS A ROSE To some it is a symbol 1975-16

Poetry - ___________ WHY ROSES HAVE THORNS 1975-64

Poetry - ___________ ‘The crimson rule of gardening.... 1977-87

Poetry - ___________ AN IRISH BLESSING 1979-101

Poetry - Anacreon ‘O lovely rose! to thee I sing 1972-101

Poetry - Ballou, M. M. ‘Your charm has bound me with its power 1974-150

Poetry - Banzhae, Charles F. Jr. (USA) MY ROSE JAR 1972-53

Poetry - Blogg, John Kendrick THE ROSEThou stately dame that glorifies. 1976-145

Poetry - Brooke, Rupert GRANTCHESTER Unkempt about those 1973-156

Poetry - Browne, William ‘The heavenly roses in her face.... 1970-21

Poetry - Burns, Robert A RED RED ROSE. Oh my luve’s like a 1973-156

Poetry - De La Mare, Walter ALL THAT’S PAST. Oh, no man knows 1973-156

Poetry - De Morgan ‘Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs 1971-57

Poetry - Dobson, Austin A FANCY FROM FONTANELLE. The rose 1973-156

Poetry - Eliot, George ‘You love the roses - so do I’ 1970-29

Poetry - Franshawe, Sir Richard A ROSE Blown in the morning, thou shalt 1973-156

Poetry - French, Percy SONG OF THE IRISHMAN IN LONDON 1970-20

Poetry - Gandhi, Mahatma ‘The rose transmits its own scent without 1973-48

Poetry - Goldthorpe, Ruth EXHIBITION ROSE The rose is in similitude 1975-39

Poetry - Goldthorpe, Ruth ROSE OF DAWN Oh rose of dawn, your 1977-82

Poetry - Goldthorpe, Ruth SUPER STAR Oh solitary stem, a green 1977-106

Poetry - Goldthorpe, Ruth RAIN ON THE MASQUERADE ROSE 1978-25

Poetry - Greenwood, E. E. (Utah, USA) ‘Hell’s not fire as man supposes, Hell is 1975-134

Poetry - Greenwood, E. E. (Utah, USA) ‘I dreamed last night of my demise, a dumb 1975-134

Poetry - Gurney, Dorothy Frances ‘One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than 1971-69

Poetry - Herrick, Robert ‘Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old 1970-21

Poetry - Herrick, Robert ‘Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old 1973-156

Poetry - Hole, Rev. S. R. ‘Enter then the rose-garden when the first 1970-86

Poetry - Irish Blessing, An ‘Sure, and may there be a road before you 1979-101

Poetry - Keats, John ‘And the rose herself has got perfume 1970-155

Poetry - Keith, R. H. (Canada) NZ ‘..right here down under...’ 1972-18

Poetry - Landor ‘In Clementina’s artless mien Lucilla asks 1970-21

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy REMEMBRANCE Ah, quietly at the 1971-30

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy DIVERSION Ah bring to me a sweet 1972-65

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy DEEP IN A ROSE Oh lovely rose, your 1972-67

Poetry - Locklett, Dorothy NOW PINK, NOW RED We gathered roses1973-122

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy TWO ROSES Sweet rose Ah fairest flower 1973-129

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy BALLERINA Dance oh dance gay ballerina1974-110

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy ‘Roses red and pink and yellow..’ 1975-96

Poetry - Dorothy Lockett ROSES I LOVE 1975-132

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy MY FAVOURITE My garden is a happy 1976-109

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy QUEEN OF FLOWERS No other flower 1976-138

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy OUCH! I love roses, in bunches or just 1977-29

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy AH LOVELY ROSE Ah lovely rose, queen 1977-34

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy WHY I love my roses dearly. Indeed I love 1978-71

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy MY FAVOURITE My garden is my haven 1978-101

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy WHAT IS A ROSE A rose to me is many 1979-25

Poetry - Lockett, Dorothy BURNT OFFERING As my roses I prune 1979-43

Poetry - Lodge, Thomas ROSALIND’S MADRIGAL. Whilst wanton 1973-155

Poetry - Macgregor, J. D. REFLECTIONS ON A ROSE Oh noble 1970-41

Poetry - Macgregor, J. D. ELEGY IN JUNE One winter’s day 1971-104

Poetry - Marlowe, Christopher THE PASSIONATE SHEPHERD TO HIS 1973-156

Poetry - Matheson, Jim COMPOST & ROSES. My wife has a 1972-49

Poetry - Peacock, Thomas Love THE FLOWER OF LOVE ‘Tis said the rose1976-123

Poetry - Pettigrove, W. THE EXHIBITOR’S LAMENT It was in the1973-20

Poetry - Pettigrove, W. ‘Your roses give you lots of fun, the weeds 1974-69

Poetry - Pettigrove, W. ‘It was many many years ago I went to see 1975-125

Poetry - Plunkett, Joseph Mary I SEE HIS BLOOD UPON THE ROSE 1979-22

Poetry - Poole, G. (New Zealand) THE PRE-SHOW WAIL My heart is a-flutter 1973-120

Poetry - Quarles, Francis EMBLEMS. He repents in thorns that sleep1973-156

Poetry - Rossetti, Christina ‘There’s sweetness in the apple tree 1970-51

Poetry - Sappho ‘Its beauties charm the gods above 1971-122

Poetry - Shakespeare ‘Covering discretion with a coat of folly 1970-13

Poetry - Shakespeare ‘We marry a gentler scion to the wilder stock 1970-56

Poetry - Shakespeare ‘When I have pluck’d the rose, I cannot give1970-145

Poetry - Sheridan MY LOVE Won’t you come into the gdn.... 1978-115

Poetry - Smoke, Lloyd, (Dallas, Texas) ‘When you ask, why I grow roses.. 1974-26

Poetry - Spenser, Edmund EPITHALAMION Behold, while she before 1973-155

Poetry - Spriggs, I. R. (RS of Vic) ROSE OF BEAUTY Rose of the day 1975-100

Poetry - Stamp, Doris ‘Lovely perfume fills the air... 1975-75

Poetry - Tennyson, Alfred Lord MAUD. Queen rose of the rosebud garden 1970-21

Poetry - Tennyson, Alfred Lord ‘And is there any moral shut within the 1970-155

Poetry - Tennyson, Alfred Lord THE LOTOS-EATERS There is sweet music 1973-1

Poetry - Thomas, W. J. A ROSE It was a time when robins sang 1978-99

Poetry - Thompson, Francis ‘The fairest things have fleetest end 1972-108

Poetry - Visner, J. (New York, UsA) ‘of all the wonders God has.....’ 1972-122

Poetry - Wallace, E. L. TO ENA HARKNESS One bright October 1974-116

Poetry - Wallace, E. L., Mrs. ‘Fallen petals on the hearth-side lie 1977-140

Poetry - Waller, Edmund ‘Go lovely rose, tell her that wastes her 1970-21

Poetry - Ward, Eric ‘The roots of a rose go deeper than the soil 1979-86

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce MY FRIENDS THE ROSES How many 1974-70

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce LITTLE GREEN ROSEBUD Where is the 1975-63

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce SPEAKING OF ROSES A miniature rose 1976-98

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce ROSE PETALS ON THE GROUND 1977-143

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce BIRTH OF THE ROSE No sun was there 1978-81

Poetry - Wilson, Dudley Bruce THE INTRUDER There was gossip in the 1979-33

Poetry - Wordsworth, W. ‘The rainbow comes and goes and lovely 1978-154

Poetry - Worrall, F. J. (New York, USA) ‘Words are quite inadequate..’ 1972-143

Poetry - Younger, Mab GRANDMA’S GARDEN was full of flowers1973-143

Poetry - Younger, Mab SONG OF A SETTLER’S WIFE Oh pack 1975-72

Poetry - Younger, Mab WHERE THE BLACKBIRD NESTS 1976-28

Poetry - Zechella, Helen (Kentucky, USA) ‘With great anticipation, I planted.’ 1972-133

Prose - Bacon ‘God almighty first planted a garden. And 1978-138

Prose - Bacon ‘God almighty first planted a garden. And 1979-142

Prose - Beecher, Henry Ward ‘When a man can look upon the simple, 1979-110

Prose - Foster-Melliar, Andrew ‘A good rose should stand in a vase by itself 1970-122

Prose - Goulding, F. E. (Canada) ‘The aching back and the calloused hands 1971-106

Prose - Jefferson, Thomas ‘No occupation is so delightful as one as 1978-147

Prose - Jeffries, Richard, (English Naturalist ‘The hours when the soul is absorbed by 1973-137

Prose - Lauer, John R. (American Rose mag)The meaning of spring 1972-156

Prose - Porritt, Sir Arthur (Gov-Gen, NZ) ‘May yesterday’s roses bring you warm 1973-103

Prose - Prairie Garden ‘Gardening brings out almost as many 1979-149

Prose - Smith, Margaret Chase ‘The rose is a true mark of beauty and there 1973-143
Poulsen, Neils (Denmark) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-111

Priestly, J. L (Vic) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Priestly, J. L. (Hon Sec/Treas.) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Priestly, J. L. (Sec & Treas NRS) National Rose Soc of Aust 2nd AGM 1975-14

Priestly, J. L. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Priestly, J. L. (Hon Treas/Sec NRS) National Rose Soc of Aust. 3rd AGM 1976-14

Priestly, J. L. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Priestly, J. L. (Sec & Treas NRS) National Rose Soc of Aust 4th AGM 1977-14

Priestly, J. L. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Priestly, J. L. (Hon Treas/Sec NRS) National Rose Soc of Aust. 5th AGM 1978-14

Priestly, J. L pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Priestly, J. L. (Sec & Treas NRS) National Rose Soc of Aust 6th AGM 1979-14

Priestly, J. L. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Raban, N. (England) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-68

Raban, H. N. (England) WRConv, NZ panel on judging floral art 1973-96

Raban, H. N. (RNRS, UK) Decorative roses 1978-38

Rainbow, A. F., Dr. (Levin, NZ?) Verticillium wilt in roses 1975-76

Rehardt, O. V. (George Town, Tas) Malformed blooms 1979-153

Rich, Saul Plants as air purifiers 1972-136

Richardson, Andy (Burnie, Tas) pix Awarded life membership 1970-22

Richardson, Andy (Burnie, Tas) Blind shoots 1970-142

Riches, Neil R. (Cheltenham, Vic) Shrub roses, old, species and moderns 1974-92

Ridge, Antonia Book: “The man who painted roses” 1975-144

RNRS, UK Red rose machines installed in PO’s, UK 1974- 161

Robbins, W. (Shepparton, Vic) The best of the single roses 1973-136

Robertson, C. A., Mrs. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Roche, Baronne de la (Antwerp, Belgium) The rose in Belgium - past and present 1971-95

Ross, Deane M. (Bedford Park, SA) On the outside looking in 1970-83

Ross, Deane (Mitcham, Vic) Blind shoots 1970-141

Ross, Deane (Bedford Park, SA) New roses 1970-153

Ross, Deane M. (SA) Wild or species roses 1972-19

Ross, Deane M. (Bedford Park, SA) What’s in a name 1974-147

Ross, Deane Shrub roses 1974-157

Ross, Deane, (SA) Landscaping with roses 1976-76

Ross, Deane M. (Bedford Park, SA) Authentic old roses for old gardens 1977-117

Ross, Deane (Bedford park, SA) Homage to Francis Meilland 1977-81

Ross, Deane M. (Bedford Park, SA) Authentic old roses for old gardens 1977-117

Ross, Deane (Bedford Park, SA) Roses for all to see in public gardens 1978-109

Rossi, B. V. Mrs. P. Burrel quotes from his book 1972-134

Ruffels, L. A. (Hazelwood N., Epping NSW)Roses - market or discard 1972-94

Rumsey, Roy and Heather, (Dural, NSW) New roses 1970-26

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1971-23

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1972-60

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) Miniatures 1972-76

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1973-59

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1974-27

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1975-73

Rumsey, Roy and Heather Miniature roses 1976-32

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-63

Rumsey, Roy and Heather (Dural NSW) New roses 1976-96

Rumsey, Roy and Heather New roses 1977-85

Rumsey, Mrs. H. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Rumsey, Roy and Heather New Roses 1978-139

Rumsey, Heather, pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Rumsey, Roy and Heather New roses 1979-28

Ruston, David (Renmark, SA) Roses for floral arrangements 1970-62

Ruston, David (Renmark, SA) My favourite rose 1970-147

Ruston, David (Renmark, SA) pix of his Zambra exhibit 1971-22

Ruston, David (Renmark SA) Thoughts of a roving exhibitor 1972-83

Ruston, David (Renmark SA) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-130

Ruston, David Chairs judging floral art panel at WRC NZ 1973-96

Ruston, David (Renmark, SA) Roses of distinction 1974-49

Ruston, Mrs. (Renmark, SA) pix 1974-113

Ruston, David pix of DR in his garden with RS of Vic 1974-154

Sargeant, Harold, Nth Brighton, Vic A Queen without a throne 1970-11

Satterlee, Lester E. (Missouri, USA) Old roses in the USA 1972-38

Schnell, G. (NZ) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

Scott, Allan G. (NZ) Judging and staging roses symposium 1973-76

Scott, Allan G. (NZ) Judging roses in NZ 1973-138

Scott, Allan G. (NZ) Why are flower shows not popular? 1973-154

Scott, Allan G. (NRS of NZ) Progress against virus diseases 1974-126

Scott, Allan G. (NRS of NZ) pix. T. A. Stewart Memorial Award 1974 1975-27

Scott, Allen G. (NZ) pix 1976-43

Shaw, W. R. (Revesby, NSW) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-135

Shepherd, A. G. (RS of SA) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-103

Shepherd, A. G. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15.

Shepherd, Roy (USA) The ABC’s of hybridizing 1976-127

Sherwood, George (Levin, NZ) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-126

Simpson, E., Mrs. (Burnie, Tas) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-126

Simpson, Kitty (Lousiana, USA) Rosedown’s roses 1970-76

Sinclair, Val (Waverley Garden Club, Vic Floral art - in the eye of the beholder 1977-77

Sir Philip Messent, (Pres.) My favourite rose 1970-146

Smart, Charles (Sydney, NSW) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-61

Smith, Beaumont (Urrbrae, SA) Three old favourites 1970-162

Smith, George (RS of Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-61

Smith, R. W. (Mt. Eliza, Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-59

Smith, R. W. ‘Lady Vera’ rose 1975-147

Smith, R. W. (RS of Vic.) Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-62

Smith, R. W. pix of himself with his rose ‘Lady Vera’ 1976-90

Smith, Robert William (Vic) Obituary 1979-141

Smyth, L. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Spek, H. (Holland) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

Spek, Hette (Boskoop, Holland) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-116

Spriggs, I. R. (Noble Park, Vic) Thoughts of a novice exhibitor 1972-114

Spriggs, I. R. (Noble Park, Vic) Thoughts on roses I love 1974-155

Spriggs, I. R. (RS of Vic) Twelve beautiful roses 1975-100

Spriggs, I. R. (Treas., RS of Vic) Floribunda or hybrid tea 1976-29

Spriggs, I. R. (RS of Vic) Some roses which were outstanding parents 1977-146

Spriggs, I. R. (RS of Vic) Showing roses - for the beginner 1978-145

Spriggs, I. R. (Noble Park, Vic) Protect those seedlings 1978-151

Spriggs, I. R. (RS of Vic) A miniature dozen 1979-109

Spriggs, I. R. (Noble Park, Vic) Making a new rose - Symposium 1979-129

Steen, Nancy (NZ) pix of her arrangements 1970-124

Stephens, P. N., Mrs. (NZ) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-72

Stevens, A. W. (Vic Floral Art School) Favourite flowers for floral art 1971-60

Stewart, T. A. T. A. Stewart award winners 48-74 1975-133

Stewart, W. A. Obituary - pix 1975-111

Stone, B. J. T. (Nth Balwyn, Vic) Blind shoots 1970-141

Stone, B. J. T. (NRS of Vic) Perfume and the rose 1971-20

Stone, B. J. T. (Balwyn, Vic) pix of his Red Queen 1972-13

Stone, B. J. T. (NRS of Vic) pix 1972-44

Stone, B. J. T. (NRS of Vic) A National Rose Society for Australia 1972-54

Stone, B. J. T. (Pres. NRS of Vic) The NZ rose trial ground 1973-49

Stone, B. J. T. WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-69

Stone, B. J. T. (Vic) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Stone, B. J. T. (RS of Vic) pix. T. A. Stewart Memorial Award 1973 1974-34

Stone, B. J. T. (pres. RS of Vic) The foundation of the NRS of Aust 1974-41

Stone, B. J. T. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Stone, B. J. T. (RS of Vic) The Rose Society of Victoria - the 1st years 1975-48

Stone, B. J. T. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Stone, B. J. T. Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-60

Stone, B. J. T. (RS of Vic) Roses and the garden of Gethsemane 1976-83

Stone, B. J. T. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Stone, B. J. T. (RS of Vic) The Centenary Int. Rose Conference 1977-17

Stone, B. J. T. (Mrs. Gwen) pix 1977-21

Stone, B. J. T. (pres. RS of Vic) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-90

Stone, B. J. T. (pres, RS of Vic) Roses and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon 1977-110

Stone, B. J. T. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Stone, B. J. T. (RS of Vic) Roses and the Garden of Eden 1978-72

Stone, B. J. T. (North Balwyn, Vic) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-93

Stone, B. J. T. pix & president’s message 1979-13

Stone, B. J. T. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

Stone, B. J. T. Miniatures - past present & future 1979-36

Streeper, Richard D. (San Diego,Calif USA)Amateur rose breeding in San Diego 1977-130

Stubbs, L. L., Dr. Virus diseases in our gardens 1970-160

Sun-News Pictorial A Rose outlives love 1977-60

Sunter, Helen (RS of SA) My favourite rose 1970-148

Sutton, Jonathan, (Vic Dept of Agric) Recent research into control of rose diseases 1976-91

Swann, E. (Kalgoorlie, WA) Roses in the Nullarbor country 1974-48

Swann, R. W. (Cundletown NSW) Garlic aphids and roses 1973-152

Swarup, Dr. (New Delhi, India) WRConv, NZ panel. The rose hybridist 1973-118

Swarup, Vishnu, Dr. Breeding of modern roses 1974-117

Taschner, Ludwig, (Sth Africa) Skin budding in South Africa 1979-87

Taylor, A. (Pres, NRS of NSW) pix 1973-78

Taylor, A., Mrs. (NSW) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Taylor, A. (NSW) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Taylor, A. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Taylor, Alex (Pres. Nat. RS of Aust) Progress. 1976-13

Taylor, A. pix at 3rd NRS AGM 1976-15

Taylor, A. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Taylor, Alex (pres RS of NSW) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-96

Taylor, Alex pix. T. A. Stewart Memorial Award 1977 1978-35

Taylor, Alex (RS of NSW) Decorative roses 1978-42

Taylor, Frank, Mrs. My favourite rose 1970-148

Taylor, L. R. (Watsonia, Vic) La Stupenda 1970-167

Taylor, W. Gilmore (Renmark, SA) Thoughts on the ‘recommended roses’ lists 1970-103

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1970-25

Thomas, A. S., Dr. (NRS of Vic) Roses and – other plants 1970-35

Thomas, A. S. A review of his book ‘Better Roses” 1970-110

Thomas, A. S, Dr. New roses 1970-150

Thomas, A. S., Dr. (NRS of Vic) What next? 1971-43

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1971-99

Thomas, A. S. New roses 1971-151

Thomas, A. S. Blind shoots 1971-155

Thomas, A. S. Dr. Timing roses for Autumn functions 1972-29

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1972-41

Thomas, A. S., Dr. New roses 1972-141

Thomas, A. S. pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1973-27

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Do we need horticulture 1973-41

Thomas, A. S., Dr. New roses 1973-145

Thomas, A. S., Dr. pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1974-31

Thomas, A. S., Dr. roses overseas, 1973 1974-56

Thomas, A. S., Dr. pix at second NRS AGM 1975-15

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Perfume 1975-28

Thomas, A. S., Dr. New roses 1975-105

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Obituary of W. A. Stewart 1975-111

Thomas, A. S., Dr. A review of his book “Roses, Knowing, ...’ 1975-144

Thomas, A. S. Lorraine Lee rose 1975-151

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1975-152

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1976-33

Thomas, A. S., Dr. pix 1976-43

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Roses for the elderly & small spaces. symp 1976-58

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Josephine 1976-66

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Vintage new cultivars 1976-139

Thomas, A. S., Dr. His book reviewed by Allan Campbell 1976-146

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Blind shoots 1976-150

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Report of his 1976 overseas trip 1977-66

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1977-79

Thomas, A. S., Dr. If I were starting again - symposium 1977-99

Thomas, A. S., Dr. New roses 1977-138

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1978-28

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Decorative roses 1978-36

Thomas, A. S., Dr. My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-91

Thomas, A. S., Dr. & Mrs. pix 1978-92

Thomas, A. S., Dr. new roses 1978-121

Thomas, A. S., Dr. Lorraine Lee 1979-17

Thomas, A. S. (Balwyn. Vic) pix. Awarded 1st Australian Rose Award 1979-27

Thomas, A. S., Dr. (Balwyn, Vic) New roses 1979-64

Thomas, A. S., Dr. - Registrar of Names New rose registrations 1979-71

Thomas, Graham, (England) Roses I should like to grow to perfection 1971-11

Thomas, H. C., Mrs. (Hazelwood Park) My favourite rose 1970-148

Thomas, H. C. My favourite rose 1970-149

Threadgold, L. K. My favourite rose 1970-148

Thredgold, Lorna K. (SA) God in the garden 1974-160

Tingle, G., Mrs. (Moorooka, Q’ld) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-130

Treloar, W. G. (Portland, Vic) New roses 1970-154

Treloar, W. G. (Portland, Vic) pix of his best rose in 73 show, Red Queen 1974- 72

Truscott, C. H. , Mrs. My favourite rose 1970-149

Truscott, C. H. (SA) pix at first NRS AGM 1974-15

Van Barneveld, J. (America) WRConv, NZ panel.Trial grounds of world 1973-84

Wade, G. C., Prof. (Uni of Tas) Rose diseases 1972-97

Walkinshaw, E. N. (Mont Albert, Vic) Floral art basics 1975-80

Wallace, E. L. “To Ena Harkness” 1974-116

Wallace, E. L., Mrs. untitled ‘Fallen petals on the hearth......’ 1977-140

Wallace, Edith (Portland, Vic) Rose shows - more answers to D. Ross 1972-153

Waller, S. (Howrah, Tas) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-93

Walsh, M., (Ivanhoe, Vic) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-131

Warburton, R. F. E. (Du Pont) Benlate 1971-156

Warner, E. L. (Toorak Gardens SA) Walter Duncan talks of Mr. Warners gdn 1972-147

Watson, R. (Hobart, Tas) Blind shoots 1970-142

Weaver, H. (USA) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-69

Welsh, E. (Gosford, NSW) pix 1971-42

Welsh, Eric (Gosford, NSW) Potash - warning on chloride 1971-159

Welsh, E., (Gosford NSW) pix of his best bunch of roses - Evelyn Fison 1972-138

Welsh, E. (NSW) pix at 1st meeting of Nat Ros Soc of Aust 1973-13

Welsh, Eric (Gosford NSW) Carbaryl gives good control on Katydid’s 1975-153

Welch, E. pix at 4th NRS AGM 1977-15

Welsh, E. pix at 5th NRS AGM 1978-15

Welsh, E. (Gosford, NSW) My 12 best exhibition roses - Symposium 1978-87

Welsh, E. pix at 6th NRS AGM 1979-15

West, Colin G. (Eastwood, SA) Omar Khayyam 1970-29

West, C. (Eastwood, SA) Blind shoots 1970-140

West, Colin G. My favourite rose 1970-149

Williams, D., (Moffat Beach, Q’ld) From clay pot to silver pot 1970-74

Williams, Don (Moffat Beach, Q’ld) Just one, among the many 1972-121

Williams, Don (Moffat Beach, Q’ld) Roses, a daisy and a prune 1973-104

Williams, Geoff (RS of Vic) How I began growing roses - symposium 1975-62

Williams, G. E. (RS of Vic) Roses overseas 1975-97

Williams, H. (NSW) pix 1973-78

Williams, H. (Hunter Valley, NSW) The K. W. H. portable mister 1976-153

Williams, Neil (Waverley Garden Club, Vic) Is the modern rose a junkie? 1971-145

Wilson, Aphra (Nottingham, UK) Rose deterioration and disease 1975-135

Wilson, Col. (Camp Hill, Q’ld) Form 1979-72

Wise, J. B., Mrs. (South Africa) WRConv, NZ panel. Judging & staging 1973-71

Wise, Mary L. B., Mrs. (South Africa) Roses in South Africa 1970-87

Wise, Mary (South Africa) Roses around the world 1973-130

Wise, Mary, Mrs. (RS of South Africa) The rose library - rose books 1975-123

Wise, Mary, Mrs. (South Africa) Decorative roses 1978-40

Wisseman, E., Mrs. (Camp Hill, Q’ld) Floral arranger’s favourites 1972-126

Witchell, F. C. H. (RNRS, England) Random rosarian ruminations 1974-20

Woods, W. J. (Vic) pix of his best Aust bunch - Rod Stillman 1975-118

Wyatt, L. A. (ed, The Rose, UK) Strange raiment - striped roses 1970-52

Wyatt, L. A. (Middesex, England) The Victorian rose garden 1971-65

Wylie, Ann P (Uni of Otago, Dunedin NZ) Why the caninae roses are different 1978-124

Xavier, Sister Mary (Launceston, Tas) An ideal motor sprayer 1971-138

Xavier, Sister Mary. (Launceston, Tas) Retrospect. 1976-88

Xavier, Sister Mary (Launceston, Tas) If I were starting again - symposium 1977-89

Xavier, Sister Mary Random Thoughts 1978-107

Yamanaka, Paul (Hawaii) Rose growing in Hawaii 1974-112

Yande, V. N., Prof. (India) Rose in Art 1979-93
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