Aviation Industry: Issues & Challenges

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Review of Literature
From, if there is one industry that tends to find itself dragged onto the frontline of global security and cyber risks, Aviation industry is very vulnerable industry as it gets affected easily if there is any terrorist attacks or/and geopolitical posturing. Aviation industry is easily targeted by cyber criminals and/or global terrorists due to its highly vulnerable nature.
From recent airport attacks in Brussels and Istanbul to the shooting down of MH17 over Ukraine, horrifying images are more powerful than reassuring statistics.
Budding innovations in technology, the ways cyber criminals and global terrorists are using advance methods of attack; this demands the aviation industry to make sure it maintains its safety level.
Aviation Industry- Issues
The evolution of the international security landscape over the coming years will affect aviation in four ways as major issues,
1. Technology is rapidly democratizing the ability to inflict large-scale damage.
2. The merging of cyber and physical creates new vulnerabilities like remote attacks can cause serious real-world disruptions.
Computer software in civilian aviation are potentially hackable if not procured with safest and most secure methods.
Flight control systems, GPS-based navigation systems, fuel gauges and fuel consumption systems, maintenance computers, are the potential points of cyber vulnerability in aviation and many more may be growing.
3. As computers do more, human skills erode.
Automated systems are becoming able to handle more and more situations, meaning that humans need to step in only when something unusual and unexpected occurs. But when humans have less opportunity to practice and hone their skills, they become less and less capable of reacting quickly and appropriately in crisis conditions.
Increasingly, researchers are realizing that the most vulnerable points in many systems are those at which humans interact with automated procedures.
4. Due to new technologies which spread the information and misinformation very quickly– it becomes an easy target for attackers to cause maximum disruption.

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