Adress: Facultatea de Ingineria Instalatiilor, Bulevardul Pache Protopoescu, Nr. 66, sector 2, Bucuresti, România Tel: +40212524620, +402125246, Fax: +40212523967, Website:
Director Research Center - ILINCA NASTASE – tel 0733920679 ;
Axa 1 – Indoor Environment Quality – VLAD IORDACHE ; 0749218161 ;
Axa 2 – Building Physics and Transfer Phenomena – ANDREI DAMIAN ; 0745187582
Axa 3 – Mathematical and Numerical Methods for building Physics – CAMELIA GAVRILA ; 0724684846 ; ;
The experimental apartment is used for laboratory studies in the following research fields : Indoor Air Quality, Fluid Mechanics, Building Permeability, Thermal Comfort, Indoor Environment Quality, Pollutant transfer, Acoustics, …
Pollutant measurement system
Indoor Air Quality
Pollutant transfer outdoor-indoor
Indoor air quality prediction
Real building pollution level measurements
Laboratory experimentations
Factors influencing the pollutant transfer
Outdoor pollution monitoring. Pollutants: O3, NO, NO2, PM0,3-20m , CO2, VOC,
Pollutant absorption and resorption in materials
Particle Image Velocimetry
Fluid mechanics
Large scale 2D velocity fields
Passive control of jet flows and air diffusers optimization for improving mixing
Isothermal and non isothermal jet flow investigations for thermal comfort
Blower Door
Velocity measurements for different kind of applications (bio-dynamics, rheology, aerodynamics, …)
Vortex dynamics investigations
Building Permeability
Average permeability
Air leakage detection for old buildings
Permeability measurements in high-pressure and low-pressure conditions
Air tightness measurements for rooms and apartments and large buildings
Thermal human model
Thermal Comfort
Laboratory made thermal manikin
Thermal comfort measurements
Experimental validation of numerical models using a realistic thermal plume
Indoor Environnement Quality
Thermal comfort – operative temperature.
Acoustic comfort – sound pressure level.
Visual comfort - luminance level. Indoor air quality – air changes per hour.
IEQ prediction as a function of all comfort fields – monthly variation.
Mathematical modeling for IEQ prediction - tool for architects and engineers.
Correlation between IEQ and Energy Consumption.
Generators O2 si O3
IR Thermography FLIR

PM measurement GRIMM
Sonometer 2250 B&K
Other measurement devices and software for experimental research
Pillar Weather Data
Data Acquisition
PROBES for the measurement of temperature, humidity, air draft speed, thermocouples, pollutants measurements,
SOFTWARE, COMSOL, ANSYS Fluent, ENVIDAS, MS Office 2010, Windows 7, TRNSYS 16, LABView,
Other fields of research :
* Acoustical studies for building services and equipments. Occupants noise protection. Acoustical technical expertise.
* Thermo energetic studies for high complexity buildings
* Mathematical modeling of water quality in pipe distribution network.
* District heating system research studies.
Research Projects (over 20 projects in national research project competitions)
PNII IDEI 57/2007 Sistem de predictie a poluarii mediului interior corelat cu nivelul de poluare de la exterior. Persoana contact IORDACHE VLAD
PNII RP 2008 Dispozitivce terminale inovante de refulare a aerului pentru climatizare Persoana contact NASTASE ILINCA
PNII RP 2010 Evaluarea prin modele de regresie a consumului de energie in cladiri si integrarea sistemelor energii regenerabile … Contact CATALINA TIBERIU 0763915461 ;
PR NAT CERCETARE FONDURI DE CONTRAPARTIDA ELVETIAN Implicatiile reabilitarii termice asupra reglajului termic al instalatiilor de incalzire … Persoana contact IORDACHE FLORIN ;
PR. NAT. FRANCEZ RETEA PRIMEQUAL PREDIT Exposition des enfants a la pollution atmospherique en milieu scolaire. Outils de pred. et protect. Persoana contact IORDACHE VLAD
Published papers in ISI Journals (over 20 papers in ISI Web of Knowledge)
Nastase Ilinca; Meslem Amina; Vlad Iordache; et al., Lobed grilles for high mixing ventilation An experimental analysis in a full scale model room BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 547-555 DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.08.008
Iordache Vlad; Nastase Ilinca; Damian Andrei; et al., Average permeability measurements for an individual dwelling in Romania BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 1115-1124 DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.11.012
Nastase Ilinca; Meslem Amina Vortex dynamics and mass entrainment in turbulent lobed jets with and without lobe deflection angles EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS Volume: 48 Issue: 4 Pages: 693-714 DOI: 10.1007/s00348-009-0762-y
Blondeau P; Iordache V; Poupard O; et al. Relationship between outdoor and indoor air quality in eight French schools INDOOR AIR Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 2-12 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2004.00263.x
Catalina Tiberiu; Virgone Joseph; Blanco Eric Multi-source energy systems analysis using a multi-criteria decision aid methodology RENEWABLE ENERGY Volume: 36 Issue: 8 Pages: 2245-2252 DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.01.011
Researchers ID Nastase Ilinca C-3377-2011; Catalina Tiberiu C-4494-2011; Iordache Vlad C-5203-2011
Research: LEPTIAB : Laboratoire Universite de La Rochelle, FR, CETHIL – Centre thermique de Lyon, INSA Lyon, FR, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FLUID MECHANICS DEPARTMENT, Royal Military Academy, Bruxelles, Belgium, ICIEE - International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Danish Technical University, Copenhagen, DK
Industrial Partners: CIAT, Alstom, ENVIRONMENT, RSI Electro, Micronix
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