Section Two: Types of hastes that are denounced, that lead to corruption, apostasy and infidelity
Type One: Anyundue impatience in thismatterandfailure tomaintain patience causesone to be misguided by deviantleaders.These false claimantstake the opportunity to exploitthose who are ignorantof the traditionsof Imams(a). By propagatingfalseconcepts these people create doubts regarding the true reappearance andinvite people towardsindecenciesanddeviations.The same impatient people startfollowing these false claimants, eventhough Imams(a)have clearly informed the people of the signsthatwouldprecede the reappearance of ImamMahdi (a).They have made a specialmentionof the signsthatare certainandcommandedusto be steadfastonour beliefs. If we encounteraclaimantof being thespecial emissary (Naib-e-Khaas)of Imam(a)or one who claimsto be ImamMahdi (a);before the occurringof the certainsigns, we must not payany attentionto him. Weshould beseech Allah to keep ussafe fromthe deceitof that satan. TypeTwo: It ispossible that those who hasteninthismatter maybecome despairedthat it will not occur;asresultof which, thishaste would lead one todeny the numeroussayingsof the Prophet and the HolyImams(a)inwhich theyhavesaidthatthe divine governmentwillbe establishedone day;andtheyhave orderedusto awaitfor thisasmentionedinsome traditional reportthat we have quotedin the foregone pages. TypeThree: Sometimesmakinghastein thismatter willcause one todenyHisEminence, the Imamof the Time (aj)andthisismore severe hastethanthe previousone. Because itispossible that a personmay be havingfaith in theImamate ofthe twelfth Imamandthathe isalive, while at the same time heisdespairedandhopelessof hisadvent due to the prolongationof Ghaibat,he makeshaste about it,so thathemaydie of it.This isthesecondtypeof hastewhich issource ofhis death, andthe thirdtypeisthathe makeshaste to the extentof denying HisEminence ashe hasthe corrupted viewthat:If hehad beenthere he wouldhave revealed himself.
Kifayatul Athar, Pg. 309
TypeFour: Makinghastethat putsonein doubtandit isalso likethe previoustype;it canalso cause one togo out of thepale of faith andenter theleague of the companionsof Satan.Our Holy Imams(a)havesaidinsome of the traditionsthat:He(Allah)knewthat His special servantswill neverfall into doubts andif itwere not so He wouldnot havetakenawayHisProof fromtheirsight evenfora moment. Thistraditionis mentionedinKamaluddin, Ghaibat Nomaniandother books.209 TypeFive: Thatwhich willcause one to questionthe willof the Almighty Allah andlead one to objectto the Imamasregardsdelayinhisreappearance isthatone says:Why doeshe not appear, andstatementslike thisasone whomakeshastein thisregarddue to objectionagainstand doubt about the Almighty Allah,the followerofSatan,whomwhenAllah commandedto prostrate before Adamandsaid: