Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani Duties of People towards the Imam (a) Extracted from Mikyal al-Makarim fee fawaaid ad-duaa LIL qaaim Criterion of Nobilities on the benefits of praying for al-Qaim

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تي اعَ كَرّلا

هيذي هَ

نّ يإ

مّ هُّللا

ميَلاسّ لايب كَ


اَنّ برَ

اَن ِّيحَ

مَُلاسّ لا

دُوُعَ ي كَ


مَُلاسّ لا كَ


مَُلاسّ لا تَ


مّ هُّللا

كَ ييف ييئاجَ رَوَ


لَ ضَ


نِيطي عْ َاوَ

اهَ اّييإ ُُغْ ِّلَ بوَ

دٍ مّ َمَُ


دٍ مّ َمَُ

ىp َلعَ

لِّ صَ

َف نٍ َلاُف

ني ْب

ني َلاُف



ٌِّيدي هَ



كَ ُتاوََلصَ

كَ يلوسُ رَ


In place of so and so son of so and so recite the name of the particular Masoom for whose hadiya we are reciting the prayer.

  1. 45: Reward of Reciting Quran for Imam (a)

Ali Ibne Mughira is quoted in Al-Kafi that he asked Imam Kazim (a), “My father had asked your respected grandfather regarding the complete recitation of Quran every night and he told him, “Yes it can be completed every night.” When my father asked about completion of Quran in the month of Ramadan he received the same reply. So he used to finish reading the complete Quran forty times during the holy month of Ramadan. After him I continued this practice. On the day of Eid, I complete a Quran for the Holy Prophet (s) and after him for Amirul Momineen (a) till I reach you. So tell me how is this act of our considered by your goodself? Imam (a) said, “Your reward is that you shall be in the company of those exalted personalities.” The narrator said, “Such a high reward?” Imam (a) said three times, “Yes.”347

I say: The point of evidence in this is that the apparent meaning of the statements of Imam (a) consists of the reward upon those deeds is from the aspect that they should be gifted to the Holy Prophet (s) and the Imam and the proximity is to them and it is not the above mentioned quality of the Imams. Rather, it is learnt from the statement of the narrator that when he gifted the reward of reciting one complete Quran to Imam Musa Kazim (a) and when the Imam was alive, therefore he said: Since that time I am in this condition…and the Imam praised his actions and certified their correctness. The conclusion derived from this tradition is that: It is recommended to gift the reward of reciting the Quran to the Holy Prophet (s), Lady Fatima Zahra (a) and the Holy Imams (a). That which supports this matter is that the dedication of Prayer to them as was mentioned previously. There are other proofs also that can be derived by those who study the traditional reports. I beg to the Almighty Allah for the sake of Muhammad and his progeny, to give me and all the believers Taufeeq to perform this meritorious deed.

  1. Biharul Anwar, Vol. 98, Chapter 5, Pg. 5

  1. 46: Tawassul and seeking intercession through Imam Zamana (a)

The proof for the above acts during the period of Ghaibat is that Imam Zamana (a) is the ‘Babullah’ the door of Allah, through which people enter. Imam (a) is the sole channel of achieving Allah’s satisfaction. He is the one who will intercede for us with Allah. He is that same name of Allah whose tawassul is ordered for us. As mentioned in the traditions in the explanation of Quranic verse:

  1. And for Allah are the most beautiful names. So call Him by them.348

The Imams have said: By Allah, we are those beautiful names about whom the Almighty Allah has commended the people to call Him [supplicate Him].349 There are many other proofs but this much would be sufficient for those with insight.

In Bihar, it is narrated from our master, Imam Ali Reza (a) that he said: Whenever you are involved in hardships and calamities you must ask for the help of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime through us, and that is the interpretation of the verse:

  1. And for Allah are the most beautiful names. So call Him by them.350

In the same book it is narrated from Qabas al-Misbah in the discussion of supplications of seeking mediation from the Almighty Allah through the Holy Imams (a): Seeking mediation of our master:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Allah! I ask You by the right of Your Wali and Hujjat the Master of the Age that You make easy for me all my affairs. And suffice me against all oppressors and unjust and traitors and remove them away from me. Bestow me with the companionship of Hazrat as I have reached to the end of my efforts. And suffice me against all enemies and sorrows and griefs and in the religion and children and all of my people and my brothers and all the affairs related to him. Amen O, Lord of the worlds Amen.351

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