Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani Duties of People towards the Imam (a) Extracted from Mikyal al-Makarim fee fawaaid ad-duaa LIL qaaim Criterion of Nobilities on the benefits of praying for al-Qaim

: Praying to Allah that we do not lose the remembrance of Imam (a)

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64: Praying to Allah that we do not lose the remembrance of Imam (a)

We should pray to Allah that we never forgo the remembrance of Imam (a). This is so, because Allah has prescribed a code of conduct for us with regard to Imam (a) and it is subject to the fact that we remember Imam (a) constantly. A sentence of Shaykh Amri is quoted in Kamaluddin: “Do not erase the remembrance of Hazrat (a) from our hearts.”464 Please ponder upon these words. How it is an important component of Dua and how the Shias are advised to include such words in their invocations. We should never ignore this important point. We must keep them in mind especially when we have high hopes of having our invocations accepted. We must beseech Allah and request Him not to make us negligent of Imam’s remembrance. We must not delay this so much that one is afflicted with the malady of unawareness before he starts praying. According to the traditions of the Holy Imams (a) it is necessary for the momin to pray before the descent of calamities. One should avoid all such sins that deprive one of the Imam’s remembrance because it is a great misfortune as mentioned in supplications of Imams (a): “O Allah! Forgive us those of our sins that cause the descent of misfortune (and wretchedness).” Indeed, the wretchedness of forgetting the remembrance of Imam (a) is such an unfortunate thing that it makes one liable for calamities and misfortune in this life as well as the hereafter.

  1. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 513

  1. 65: Humbling our body for Imam (a)

The believer is duty-bound to humble himself before Imam (a) as mentioned in the tradition recorded by Ali Ibne Tawoos in his book Jamal al-Usboo. He has narrated it from Imam Sadiq (a) through his chains of narrators in the supplication of Friday. We have quoted it from the book Abwaabul Jannat Fee Aadaabul Jumuaat: “O Allah! I come to your door with a submissive heart and a humble and lowly body towards the guiding Imams. With a respectful heart, I seek Your nearness.”465 The Wali referred to in this prayer is Imam Zamana (a).

If it is said: It is possible that Wali means Imam in every age and the perfect believer. I would say: Even though it is a remote possibility we can say that it could be such if you take into consideration that the Imam himself is the most perfect believer. And the meaning of physical humility according to what can be derived from lexicons and traditions is that one must involve his body in service of the Holy Imam (a) at the same time acknowledging ones lowliness, as you are well aware of the greatness of the Imam in comparison to you. You also must keep in mind your lowliness in relation to the Imam and how fulfilling his right is obligatory on you; just as is the case of a slave and his master. Because the slave who understands the meaning of servitude, knows that he has to involve his body in the service of the master and along with this he never imagines that he is in any way doing a favor to his master. Rather he is aware that if he is in any way shortcoming in his service, it would be a great and serious defect. If he is arrogant in this regard he would be considered blameworthy in the view of all sensible people. Now when such is the case of a slave who has been purchased at the cost of a few dirhams, what can be said about the one who has God given Wilayat? The Almighty Allah mentions this in His great Book as follows:

  1. The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves.466

After the Holy Prophet (s), this position is given to the Imam (a). Anyone who is conversant with the traditions of Aale Muhammad would not deny any of the points that we have mentioned above. We have refrained from quoting all such traditions as it would have unduly prolonged the discussion and we think that this much is enough for the intelligent. A poet says:

One who is conversant with the city Knows where my goods lie.

  1. Jamaal al-Usboo, Pg. 230

  2. Surah Ahzab 33:6

  1. 66: Giving precedence to the wish of Imam Zamana (a) to our wishes

It means that when we intend to take a step, we should ponder upon it whether Imam Zamana (a) shall be pleased with it or not. We should do it only if it is as per his wishes and not if it is going to earn his displeasure. In such situations we should overcome our personal desires and achieve the Imam’s pleasure. You shall become his loved one and remembered in good words by Imam (a) and his forefathers.

This is mentioned in the tradition recorded by Fazil Muhaddith Noori quoting from Amali of Shaykh Tusi that the narrator467 asked Imam Sadiq (a), “Why do we hear so much about Salman the Persian from you?” Imam (a) said, “Do not call him Salman the Persian, say Salman the Muhammadan. Do you know why I remember him so much.” “I don’t know,” said the narrator. “It is due to three things”, said the Imam (a), “He gave preference to the desire of Amirul Momineen (a) over his personal wishes. Befriending the poor and preferring them over affluent people and his attachment to knowledge and scholars. Indeed Salman was a righteous Muslim and not of the polytheists.”468
I say: Ponder upon these qualities and all the good things that are related to him and know that the Imam himself has these traits and he likes these qualities and has praised them. So please put these traditions into practice and gain the good of the world and the hereafter. May the Almighty Allah give me and all believers the Taufeeq to act on these things; He is the proximate One and the One Who answers the supplications.

  1. It is Mansur bin Yunus.

  2. Biharul Anwar, Vol. 22, Pg. 227, Tr. no. 33

  1. 67: Respecting all those who are near to Imam (a) or those who are associated with him

Whether those who are close to Imam (a) by relation, like the Alawi Sadaat or spiritually near ones like the scholars and religious personalities. This is so because respecting them is respecting Imam

(a) and it is usually observed by the intelligent people. They accord respect and honor to the children, brothers and near ones or great personalities and thus they are respectful to all the persons associated with Imam (a). They also consider any kind of failure in according respect to them an act of audacity against Imam (a). It is something that no sensible person would deny. And our Imams (a) have mentioned this in a number of traditions that have come down from them. Some of them we have quoted in duty no. thirty-one, thirty-seven and forty eight etc. In addition to this is that which will come in duty sixty-eight; and that also supports this point. The reader may refer to those sections and think upon it. Thus it is our duty to honor those who are related to the Imam, be it the Sadaat who are related to him or the scholars who specialize in the traditions of the Holy Imam (a) and his ancestors; so that we may be able to gain the proximity and love of the Imam of the Time (aj). May the Almighty Allah give us all Taufeeq to act on this duty.

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