Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani Duties of People towards the Imam (a) Extracted from Mikyal al-Makarim fee fawaaid ad-duaa LIL qaaim Criterion of Nobilities on the benefits of praying for al-Qaim

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Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani

Duties of People towards the Imam (a)

Extracted from

Mikyal al-Makarim fee fawaaid ad-duaa lil qaaim Criterion of Nobilities

on the benefits of praying for al-Qaim

  • www.islamic-sources.com

Duties of People Towards the Imam (a)

Extracted from:

fee fawaaid ad -duaa lil qaaim

on the benefits of praying for al -Qaim
by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani

  1. Duties of People Towards the Imam (a) - Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani

1: To obtain knowledge about the special characteristics of Imam (a) and to have information about the certainsigns of his reappearance 7

2: To be respectful while mentioning him 12

Some reminders 29

3: Loving Him 31

4: Making him Popular among the People 34

5: Awaiting his Reappearance 35

1: Excellence of awaiting and the reward of the awaiter and the awaiting of the Holy Prophet (s) and the Imams regarding this 35

2: Awaiting for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) is obligatory for all 42

3: The Real Meaning of Intezar: 43

4: Is the intention of seeking Allah’s nearness a necessary condition for Intezar? 44

5: Intezar is the opposite of despair or hopelessness 46

Hopelessness is of two types 46

6: Expressing an eagerness to see him 51

7: Relating the Praiseworthy Qualities of Imam (a) 53

8: Grief of a Believer due to Imam’s Separation 55

9: To be Present in Assemblies where the Fadail and Manaqeb of Imam (a) are Discussed 57

10: To organize gatherings where the Fadail of Imam (a) shall be discussed 59

11-12: Composing and Reciting poems in Imams Praise 60

13: To Stand up with Respect at the Mention of Imams name 61

14-15-16: Due to the sorrow of Imam’s separation one should weep, make others weep and make a sorrowful expression 62

Weeping in separation of the Imam of the Age 64

17: To Pray to Allah that He bestows us with the Marefat (Recognition) of Imam (a) 69

18: To Pray for Imam (a) Regularly 71

19: Steadfastness in Praying for Imam (a) 73

20: Reciting Supplications During the Period of Ghaibat 74

21: Knowledge of the Signs of Reappearance 75

Testimony of some signs 80

22: We must be Submissive as well as Impatient 81

Part One: Some traditions narrated from the Holy Imams 81

Section Two: Types of hastes that are denounced, that lead to corruption, apostasy and infidelity

................................................................................................................................................................ 86 23: Giving Sadaqah on Behalf of Imam (a) ............................................................................................ 92

24: Giving Sadaqah for the Safety of Imam Zamana (a) 97

25-26: Performing Hajj on behalf of Imam (a) or sending someone as a proxy for Imam (a) 98

27-28: To perform Tawaf (circumambulation) on behalf of Imam (a) or to send someone for performing Tawaf on his behalf 101

29: Ziarat of the Holy Prophet and Imams (a) on behalf of Imam (a) 102

30: To Send a Pilgrim for Ziarat on Behalf of Imam (a) 104

31: Striving for Imam (a) 105

32: Organizing help of Imam Zamana (a) 110

33: Having a firm Intention of Helping Imam (a) in event of his reappearance 112

34: Renewal of Oath at the hands of Imam (a) Every day - Every Friday 114

Discussion One - Meaning of Bayat 114

Discussion Two Regarding the command of Bayyat 116

Renewal of Bayyat Everyday: 117

Dua Ahd 118

Renewal of oath every Friday: 120

Command for Bayyat in the second meaning 120

Another aspect of Bayyat 127

35: Helping Imam (a) with ones property 131

36: Monetary Assistance to the Pious Shias and Friends of Imam (a) 136

37: Pleasing the Believers 137

38: Being a well-wisher of Imam Zamana (a) 138

39: Ziarat of Imam (a) 143

40: Meeting the righteous believers and socializing with them 144

41: Reciting Salawat and Salutations upon Imam (a) 145

42: Gifting the Thawab of prayers to Imam (a) 147

43: Gift of a Special Prayer 148

Prayer for Hadiya to Amirul Momineen Ali (a) 148

Prayer for Hadiya to Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a.) 149

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Hasan (a) 149

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Husain (a) 150

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Sajjad (a) 150

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Baqir (a) 150

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a) 151

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Musa Ibne Jafar (a) 151

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Ali Reza (a) 151

Prayer for Hadiya to Imam Muhammad Taqi, Imam Ali Naqi and Imam Hasan Askari (a) 152

44: A Special Prayer in a particular time for Hadiya of Imam Zamana (a) 154

45: Reward of Reciting Quran for Imam (a) 155

46: Tawassul and seeking intercession through Imam Zamana (a) 156

47: To ask from Imam (a) and address him in supplications 158

48: Inviting people towards Imam (a) 160

49: To take care of the rights and duties towards Imam (a) 167

50: Humility and soft-heartedness while remembering Imam (a) 168

51: The Scholars should make their Knowledge Evident 169

52: To practice Taqayyah with mischief-makers and to maintain secrecy from people of other faiths

.................................................................................................................................................................. 170

53: To bear hardships, denials and other testing circumstances for the sake of Imam (a) 175

54: Pray to Allah for Patience in Imam’s Separation 182

55: Enjoining Patience During Ghaibat 184

56: We should not sit in the Assembly where disrespect is caused to Imam (a) 186

57: To Feign support to tyrant rulers 189

58: Avoiding Fame 190

59: Self Improvement (Development) 192

60: Unity and Co-operation in Imam’s help 193

61: Sincere Repentance and fulfillment of Rights 194

62-63: To Remember Imam (a) and act upon his Teachings 195

64: Praying to Allah that we do not lose the remembrance of Imam (a) 198

65: Humbling our body for Imam (a) 199

66: Giving precedence to the wish of Imam Zamana (a) to our wishes 200

67: Respecting all those who are near to Imam (a) or those who are associated with him 201

68: Venerating the Places visited by Imam (a) 202

Discussion One: We are the Signs and Companions 202

Discussion Two: Regarding the value of honoring those places and tombs 211

69-70: Not to fix the time of reappearance and to falsify those who fix the time 214

Conclusion of discussion 233

71: Falsifying all those who claim special Deputyship during the Greater Occultation 235

72: To pray for seeing the Imam (a) with forgiveness and faith 243

73: Following Imam (a) in Moral behavior and deeds 253

74: Restraining our tongue except for Allah’s Remembrance 259

75: Prayer of Imam Zamana (a) 272

76: Weeping for Imam Husain (a) 277

77: Visiting the tomb of Imam Husain (a) 278

78: Excessively Cursing the Umayyads, openly and secretly 280

79: Active involvement in the fulfillment of rights of brothers-in-faith 282

80: Awaiting for the Reappearance (Zuhoor) and making Preparations for it 286

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