Azerbaijan state university of economics unec sabah center

The maximum amount of mortgage loan is small

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The maximum amount of mortgage loan is small - the maximum amount of the mortgage loan is 50,000 manat, which does not correspond to real market prices. Also, the annual increase in prices is also ignored. That is, despite the 25 % -35 % increase in prices for the last 6 years in the real estate market, the maximum amount of mortgage loans remains constant. It would be better for the maximum amount to be abolished. If there are problems such as lack of demand and financial shortage, the maximum amount of mortgage loan should be around 100 times the average selling price per 1 square meter in the housing market. That is, when determining the maximum amount of a mortgage, the mechanism of taking into consideration market prices should be formed and the amount for the next year should be indexed in accordance with a price cycle in the real estate market. Thus, equality of opportunity created for citizens will be ensured. Of course, the key question that will arise is the increase in the monthly fee. In this case, the amount of monthly payment for the mortgage loan of 80,000 manat in current interest and time increases to 617 manats. However, if interest rates for ordinary mortgages are reduced to 4 % and the period is increased by 30, then monthly payment for 80,000 manat loan will be 382 manats, which corresponds to 25-year monthly payment of AZN 50,000 (386 manats) on current terms. As can be seen, if mortgage loan interest rates are accepted and the term increases, it is possible to increase the maximum loan amount without changing the amount of monthly payment.

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