Patient's full name - surname and forename (initials are not acceptable)
Date of birth and sex of patient
NHS number and, if known, hospital number
Patient’s address including the postcode
Patient’s contact telephone number
The requesting clinician and location
Relevant clinical information and any drug therapy
The tests being requested
Type of specimen with the date and time it was collected
Indication if HIGH RISK status
Additional information may be required for some investigations ie “Special Haematology, Thrombophilia and Ante natal screening”. Please see separate departmental sections.
‘Unknown’ patients e.g. those admitted unconscious, unaccompanied and without documentation, should have their specimens identified with the casualty number. See the Trust Policy for Unconscious Patients.
Regrettably, specimens will be discarded if they are inadequately labelled, if the patient’s identification is in doubt, or if they have leaked and/or been contaminated.
Request cards for Blood Transfusion and/or blood grouping must have at least three identification points.