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Guisasola, J., Almundi, J. M. , Ceberio, M. (2001). Students' mental represenations and the choice of teaching goals in magnetostatics. In R. Pinto, Surinach, S. (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 (pp. 229-232). Paris: Elsevier // g6,P,MAG,FLD.

Guisasola, J., Almudí, J. M., & Furió, C. (2005). The nature of science and its implications for physics textbooks. Science & Education, 14(3-5), 321-338 // g6, P, TXT, MAG, FLD.

Guisasola, J., Almudí, J. M., & Zubimendi, J. L. (2004). Difficulties in learning the introductory magnetic field theory in the first years of university. Science Education, 88(3), 443-464 // g7, P, MAG, FLD.

Guisasola, J., Ceberio, M., & Zubimendi, J. L. (2006). University students' strategies for constructing hypothesis when tackling paper-and-pencil tasks in physics. Research in Science Education, 36(3), 163-186 // g6, P, PROSOL, GC.

Gunckel, K. (2004). The nature of science in curriculum materials and possible implications for achieving scientific literacy. Paper presented at the NARST Conference 2004, VANCOUVER // g6, CSC, TXT.

Gunel, M., Hand, B., & Gunduz, S. (2006). Comparing student understanding of quantum physics when embedding multimodal representations into two different writing formats: Presentation format versus summary report format. Science Education, 90(6), 1092-1112 // g7, P, Q.

Gunel, M., Hand, B., & Prain, V. (2007). Writing for learning in science: A secondary analysis of six studies. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(4), 615-637 // g7, WRITING.

Gungor, A., Eryilmaz, A., & Fakioglu, T. (2007). The relationship of freshmen's physics achievement and their related affective characteristics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(8), 1036-1056 // g7, P, AFF.

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Gunstone, R. (2001). The education of teachers of physics: Contents plus pedagogy plus reflective practice. In R. Pinto, Surinach, S. (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 (pp. 27-33). Paris: Elsevier // g9.

Gunstone, R., McKittrick, B., & Mulhall, P. (2005). Textbooks and their authors: Another perspective on the difficulties of teaching and learning electricity. In K. Boersma, M. Goedhart, O. De Jong & H. Eijkelhof (Eds.), Research and the quality of science education (pp. 435-445). Dordrecht: Springer // g1, TXT, g8, P, E, ANA.

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Gunstone, R. F., Northfield, J. R. (1988). Inservice education: Some constructivist perspectives and examples. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans // g9.

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Gunstone, R. F., Slattery, M. , Baird, J. R. (1989). Learning about learning to teach: A case study of pre-service teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Resaerch Association, San Francisco, 1-40 // g9.

Gunstone, R. F. (1990). 'Children's science': A decade of developments in constructivist views of science teaching and learning. The Australian Science Teachers Journal, 36(4), 9-19 // g1,g6,CTL.

Gunstone, R. F. (1991). Implications for classroom teaching and learning. In J. Northfield, Symington, D. (Ed.), Learning in science viewed as personal construction (pp. 25-33). Perth, Australia: Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics // g1,g7,g8.

Gunstone, R. F. (1992). Constructivism and metacognition: Theoretical issues and classroom studies. In R. Duit, Goldberg, F. , Niedderer, H. (Ed.), Research in physics learning: Theoretical issues and empirical studies (pp. 129-140). Kiel: IPN // g1,g7,ANA.

Gunstone, R. F. (1992). Integrating physics, pedagogy and psychology in the education of physics teachers. In D. K. Nachtigall, Bartsch, H. , Scholz, C. (Ed.), International Conference on Physics Teachers' Education. Proceedings (pp. 94-99). Dortmund: University of Dortmund // g1.

Gunstone, R. F. (1992). Metacognition and the importance of specific science content. In D. K. Nachtigall, Bartsch, H. , Scholz, C. (Ed.), International Conference on Physics Teachers' Education. Proceedings (pp. 100-119). Dortmund: University of Dortmund // g1,g7,P.

Gunstone, R. F., Gray, R. , Searle, P. (1992). Some long-term effects of uniformed conceptual change. Science Education, 76(2), 157-197 // g6,g7,P,M,CTL,.

Gunstone, R. F., Slattery, M. , Baird, J. R. , Northfield, J. R. (1993). A case study exploration of development in preservice science teachers. Science Education, 77(1), 47-73 // g8,g9,CTL.

Gunstone, R. F. (1994). The importance of specific science content in the enhancement of metacognition. In P. Fensham, Gunstone, R. , White, R. (Ed.), The content of science (pp. 131-146). London: The Falmer Press // g1,g7,P,M,E,CTL.

Gunstone, R. F., Northfield, J. (1994). Metacognition and learning to teach. International Journal of Science Education, 16(5), 523-537 // g6,g9,CTL.

Gunstone, R. F. (2000). Construcivism and learning research in science education. In D. C. Phillips (Ed.), Constructivism in education: Opinions and second opinions on controversal issues (pp. 254-280). Chicago, IL: The National Society for the Study of Education // g1,CON.

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Guo, C.-J., Chiang, W.-H. , Wang, S.-Y. P. (2001). Collaborative action research as a way toward establishing school-based professional development for secondary mathematics and science teachers. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 1 (pp. 420-422). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki // g8,CTL.

Guo, C.-J. (2007). Issues in science learning: An international perspective. In S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 227-256): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates // g1.

Guo, C.-J., & Chang, H.-P. (2004). Action research aiming at improving high school science teachers' teaching proficiencies through the development of instructional modules. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(4), 435-453 // g8, CTL.

Gurney, B. F. (1988). Conceptual change through negotiation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Education, Windsor, Ontario // g7.

Gurney, B. F. (1989). A constructivist perspective on preservice science education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Education, Quebec City, 1-24 // g7,g9.

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Gurney, B. F. (1995). Tugboats and tennis games: Preservice conceptions of teaching and learning revealed through metaphors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(6), 569-583 // g6,g8,CTL,ANA.

Guruswamy, C., Somers, M. , Hussey, R. (1997). Students' understanding of the transfer of charge between conductors. Physics Education, 32(2), 91-96 // g6,P,E.

Gussarsky, E., Gorodetsky, M. (1988). On the chemical equilibrium concept: Constrained word associations and conceptions. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25(5), 319-333 // g5,g6,C.

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Gustafson, B., Rowell, P. (1995). Elementary preservice teachers: constructing conceptions about learning science, teaching science and the nature of science. International Journal of Science Education, 17(5), 589-605 // g8,CTL,CSC,.

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Gustafson, B. J. (1990). Children's changing conceptions. Paper presented to the 18th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, British Columbia // g6,CTL,.

Gustafson, B. J., Rowell, P. M. (1995). Elementary preservice teachers: Constructing conceptions about learning science, teaching science and the nature of science. International Journal of Science Education, 17(5), 589-605 // g8,CTL,CSC.

Gutierrez, R., Ogborn, J. (1992). A causal framework for analysing alternative conceptions. International Journal of Science Education, 14(2), 201-220 // g6,P,M,.

Gutierrez, R., Pint , R. (1997). Mental models in physical systems: From descriptions to explanation. In S. Oblak, Hribar, M. , Luchner, K. , Munih, M. (Ed.), New ways of teaching physics. Proceedings of the GIREP-ICPE International Conference 1996 in Ljubljana (pp. 381-384). Ljubljana: Board of Education of Slovenia // g6,GC.

Gutierrez, R. (2001). Conversation theory and self-learning. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 1 (pp. 423-425). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki // g1,DISCOURSE.

Gutierrez, R. (2001). Mental models and the fine structure of conceptual change. In R. Pinto, Surinach, S. (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 (pp. 35-44). Paris: Elsevier // g1,CC,MM,g7,P,M.

Gutierrez, R., Pinto, R. (2001). Ontologies and physics teachers training. In R. Pinto, Surinach, S. (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 (pp. 185-188). Paris: Elsevier // g8,CSC,P,EN.

Gutierrez, R. (2003). Conversation theory and self-learning. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P., Tselfes, V., Hatzikraniotis, E., Fassoulopoulos, G., Kallery, M. (Ed.), Science education research in the knowledge-based society (pp. 43-49). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers // g1, PROSOL, SELF-EXPLANATIONS, g7.

Gutwill, J., Frederiksen, J. , Ranney, M. (1996). Seeking the causal connection in electricity: Shifting among mechanistic perspectives. International Journal of Science Education, 18(2), 143-162 // g7,P,E.

Gutwill, J. P., Frederiksen, J. R., White, B. Y. (1999). Making their own connections: Students' understanding of multiple models in basic electricity. Cognition and Instruction, 17(3), 249-282 // g7,P,E,ESTAT,MODEL.

Guzzetti, B., Williams, W. , Skeels, S. , Wu, S. (1997). Influence of text structure on learning counterintuitive physics concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(7), 701-719 // g7,P,LPRO.

Guzzetti, B. (1998). Case studies in conceptual change: Contextual influences on learning with text. In B. Guzzetti, Hynd, C. (Ed.), Perspectives on conceptual change (pp. 3-6). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates // g7,P,GEN.

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Guzzetti, B., Hynd, C. (1998). Perspectives on conceptual change. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates // g1,CC.

Guzzetti, B. J., Glass, G. V. (1992). Promoting conceptual change in science: A comparative meta-analysis of instructional interventions from reading education and science education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, 1-46 // g1,g7.

Gwimbi, E., Monk, M. (2003). A study of attitudes to the philosophy of science with classroom contexts, academic qualification and professional training, amongst A level biology teachers in Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science Education, 25(4), 469-488 // g8, CSC.

Gwimbi, E. M., Monk, M. (2003). Study of classroom practice and classroom contexts amongst senior high school biology teachers in Harare, Zimbabwe. Science Education, 87(2), 207-223 // g8, CTL.

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