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Niedderer, H. (1987). Alternative frameworks of students in mechanics and atomic physics. Methods of research and results. In J. Novak (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2. Int. Seminar Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics, Vol. I (pp. 335-348). Ithaca: Cornell University // g6,g7,P,M,Q,CSC.

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Niedderer, H., Schecker, H. , Bethge, T. (1989). Computer-based modelling, student-centered teaching strategy and the development of physics concepts. Paper based upon the research and development project "Computers in Physics Education", University of Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany // g7,P.

Niedderer, H. (1989). Qualitative and quantitative methods of investigating alternative frameworks of students - With results from atomic physics and other subject areas. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers. American Association for the Advancement of Science // g5,g6,P,Q,CSC.

Niedderer, H., Bethge, T. , Cassens, H. (1990). A simplified quantum model: a teaching approach and evaluation of understanding. In P. L. Lijnse, Licht, P. , Vos, W. de, Waarlo, A. J. (Ed.), Relating macroscopic phenomena to microscopic particles: a central problem in secondary Science Education (pp. 67-80). Utrecht: CD-ß Press // g6,g7,P,Q.

Niedderer, H. (1991). Eine Unterrichtsfallstudie zur Atomphysik. In H. Wiesner (Ed.), Aufsaetze zur Didaktik der Physik II. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Walter Jung (pp. 173-188). Bad Salzdetfurth: Franzbecker // g7,P,Q,.

Niedderer, H. (1992). Eine Studie ueber Denken und Lernen am elektrischen Stromkreis - mit einem Elektronengasdruck Modell (Computer). In K. H. Wiebel (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie. Probleme und Perspektiven. Vortraege auf der Tagung fuer Didaktik der Physik/Chemie in Hamburg, September 1991 (pp. 163-165). Alsbach: Leuchtturm // g5,g6,P,E.

Niedderer, H., Bethge, T. , Meyling, H. , Schecker, H. . (1992). Epistemological beliefs of students in high school physics. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Boston 1992 // g6,g7,P,Q,.

Niedderer, H., Schecker, H. (1992). Foerderung der Kreativitaet durch einen am Schuelerverstaendnis orientierten Physikunterricht. Physik in der Schule, 30(1), 14-18 // g7,P,M,.

Niedderer, H. (1992). Science philosophy, science history and the teaching of physics. In S. Hills (Ed.), The history and philosophy of science in Science Education. Volume II (pp. 201-214). Kingston, Ontario: The Faculty of Education, Queens University // g1,g6,P,Q,M,CSC.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. M. (1992). A study of thinking and learning in electric circuits. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Boston, 1-20 // g6,g7,P,E,.

Niedderer, H., Schecker, H. (1992). Towards an explicit description of cognitive systems for research in physics learning. In R. Duit, Goldberg, F. , Niedderer, H. (Ed.), Research in physics learning: Theoretical issues and empirical studies (pp. 74-98). Kiel: IPN // g1,g6,g7,P,M,CSC.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. M. , Duit, R. (1992). Towards learning process studies: A review of the workshop on research in physics learning. In R. Duit, Goldberg, F. , Niedderer, H. (Ed.), Research in physics learning: Theoretical issues and empirical studies (pp. 10-28). Kiel: IPN // g1,g5.

Niedderer, H. (1992). What research can contribute to the improvement of classroom teaching. In D. K. Nachtigall, Bartsch, H. , Scholz, C. (Ed.), International Conference on Physics Teachers' Education. Proceedings (pp. 120-157). Dortmund: University of Dortmund // g1,g7,P.

Niedderer, H. (1992). What research can contribute to the improvement of classroom teaching. Occasional paper, University of Bremen, Institute for Physics Education, 1-33 // g1.

Niedderer, H. (1993). Die Veraenderung von Schuelervorstellungen im Physikunterricht - eine Lernprozessstudie zum elektrischen Stromkreis. In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie - Probleme und Perspektiven - Vortraege auf der Tagung fuer Didaktik der Physik / Chemie in Kiel, September 1993 (pp. 304-306). Kiel: Leuchtturm-Verlag // g6,P,E.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. M. (1993). Qualitative interpretation of a learning process in electric circuits. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, 1-31 // g5,g6,g7,P,E,.

Niedderer, H., Petri, J. (1993). Student learning processes in a computer based teaching approach of quantum physics. Paper presented at the International Conference 'Science Education in Developing Countries: From Theory to Practise', Jerusalem, 1993 // g6,g7,P,Q,.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. (1994). An individual students' learning process in electric circuits. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Anaheim, CA, 1994 // g6,g7,P,E,.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. (1995). Learning pathway and knowledge construction in electric circuits. Paper presented at the First European Conference on Research in Science Education, Leeds, UK, April 7.-11. , 1995 // g7,P,E,.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. (1995). Lernprozesse beim elektrischen Stromkreis. Zeitschrift fuer Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 1(1), 73-86 // g6,P,E,.

Niedderer, H. (1995). A multidimensional approach to characterise a conceptual 'state' in students: The role played by questions (L. Viennot). In D. Psillos (Ed.), European Research in Science Education II (pp. 188-190). Thessaloniki: Art of Text S. A. // g5.

Niedderer, H., Goldberg, F. (1996). Learning processes in electric circuits. Paper presented at 1996 NARST annual meeting in St.Louis, Missouri, 1-19 // g6,P,E,LPRO.

Niedderer, H. (1996). Ueberblick ueber Lernprozessstudien in Physik. In R. Duit, Rhoeneck, C. von (Ed.), Lernen in den Naturwissenschaften (pp. 119-144). Kiel: IPN, Kiel // g1,LPRO.

Niedderer, H. (1996). Was kann man von fachdidaktischer Lernprozessforschung erwarten? In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie: Probleme und Perspektiven (pp. 248-250). Alsbach/Bergstrasse: Leuchtturm-Verlag // g1,CON,LPRO.

Niedderer, H., Petri, J. (1997). Kognitive Modellierung von physikalischem Wissen am Beispiel der Atomphysik. In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie. Probleme und Perspektiven (pp. 319-321). Alsbach: Leuchtturm-Verlag // g7,P,Q,LPRO,.

Niedderer, H., Deylitz, S. (1999). Evaluation of a new approach in quantum atomic physics in high school. In D. Zollman (Ed.), Research on teaching and learning quantum mechanics (pp. 23-27): National Association for Research in Science Teaching // g7, P, Q.

Niedderer, H. (1999). Physiklernen als kognitive Entwicklung. In M. Laukenmann (Ed.), Didaktik der Physik: Vorträge - Physikertagung 1999 - Ludwigsburg (pp. 33-48). Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft // g1.

Niedderer, H., Petri, J. (1999). Relations between teaching and learning in a quantum atomic physics course. In M. Komorek, Behrendt, H. , Dahncke, H. , Duit, R. , Graeber, W. , Kross, A. (Ed.), Research in Science Education - Past, Present, and Future Vol.1 (pp. 177-180). Kiel: IPN Kiel // g7,P,Q.

Niedderer, H. (2001). Analyse von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen beim elektrischen Stromkreis aus Videodaten. In S. v. Aufschnaiter, Welzel, M. (Ed.), Nutzung von Videodaten zur Untersuchung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen (pp. 89-100). Muenster: Waxmann // g7,P,E,CRIC,LPRO,VIDEO.

Niedderer, H., Hucke, L. , Sander, F. , Fischer, H. (2001). The effectiveness of computer-based modelling integrated into labwork with respect to students' linking of theory and experiment. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 1 (pp. 35-37). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki // g7,P,LAB,MMEDIA.

Niedderer, H. (2001). Physics learning as cognitive development. In R. H. Evans, Andersen, A. M., Soerensen, H. (Ed.), Bridging research methodology and research aims (pp. 397-414). Gilleleje, Denmark: The Danish University of Education // g1.

Niedderer, H., Jorde, D. , Jimenez Aleixandre, M. P. (2001). Research about the use of information technology in science education. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 1 (pp. 27-28). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki // g1,MMEDIA.

Niedderer, H., Buty, C., Haller, K., Hucke, L., Sander, F. Fischer, H. E., v. Aufschnaiter, S., Tiberghien, A. (2002). Talking physics in labwork contexts - A category based analysis of videotapes. In D. Psillos, Niedderer, H. (Ed.), Teaching and learning in the science laboratory (pp. 31-40). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers // g7, P, LAB.

Niedderer, H., Sander, F., Goldberg, F., Otero, V., Jorde, D., Slotta, J., Stroemme, A., Fischer, H. E., Hucke, L., Tiberghien, A. Vince, J. (2003). Research about the use of information technology in science education. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P., Tselfes, V., Hatzikraniotis, E., Fassoulopoulos, G., Kallery, M. (Ed.), Science education in the knowledge-based society (pp. 137-144): Kluwer Academic Publishers // g7, MMEDIA.

Niedderer, H., Fischer, H., Goldberg, F., Jorde, D., Hucke, L., Valerie, O., Sander, F., Slotta, J., Stromme, A., Tiberghien, A., Vince, J. (2003). Symposium; - Research about the use of information technology in science education. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P., Tselfes, V., Hatzikraniotis, E., Fassoulopoulos, G., Kallery, M. (Ed.), Science education research in the knowledge-based society (pp. 309-321). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers // g7, MMEDIA.

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