
Banner, F., ‘Uncivil Wars: “Suicide Bomber Identity” as a Product of Russo-Chechen Conflict’, in Religion, State & Society, vol. 34, no. 3, September 2006, pp 215-53

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Banner, F., ‘Uncivil Wars: “Suicide Bomber Identity” as a Product of Russo-Chechen Conflict’, in Religion, State & Society, vol. 34, no. 3, September 2006, pp 215-53.

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АДЫГЭ УЭРЭДХЭМРЭ ПШЫНАЛЪЭХЭМРЭ, ЕТIУАНЭРЕЙ ТХЫЛЪ. Adige Weredxemre Pshinalhexemre, Yet’wanerey Txilh. Narodnie pesni i instrumental’nie naigrishi adigov, tom 2 [Circassian Songs and Instrumental Folk-Tunes, Vol. 2], Moscow: All-Union Book Publishing House ‘Soviet Composer’, 1981.

АДЫГЭ УЭРЭДХЭМРЭ ПШЫНАЛЪЭХЭМРЭ, ЕЩАНЭРЕЙ ТХЫЛЪ. Adige Weredxemre Pshinalhexemre, Yeschanerey Txilh. Narodnie pesni i instrumental’nie naigrishi adigov, tom 3 [Circassian Songs and Instrumental Folk-Tunes, Vol. 3, Parts 1 and 2], Moscow: All-Union Book Publishing House ‘Soviet Composer’, 1986, 1990.

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