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A1. Papers Communicated / Accepted / Published in International Journals    

  1. Dev Dutt Patel, Deen Dayal Bansal, Saurabh Mishra, Rajesh Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Swatantra Kumar Jain, Raj Kumar. A Semiquinone Glucoside Derivative (SQGD) provides protection to male reproductive system of the mice against gamma radiation toxicity. Environmental Toxicology (TOX-11-319.R1, accepted, 20th March 2012, IF 1.932).

  2. Sabna Kotta, Abdul Wadood Khan, Kannissery Pramod, Shahid H. Ansari, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Javed Ali (2012). Exploring oral nanoemulsions for bioavailabilty enhancement of poorly water soluble drugs. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. (accepted, Manuscript ID EODD-2011-0120.R1, Impact Factor= 4.482)

  3. Abdul Wadood Khan, Sabna Kotta, Shahid Hussain Ansari, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Sudha Rana, Vinod Kumar, and Javed Ali (2012). CBRN decontamination technologies and Recent Patents. Journal of Sustanable and renewable energy (accepted, Impact Factor 0.855).

  4. A. Zheleva, Y. Karamalakova, G. Nikolova, R. Kumar, R. Sharma and V. Gadjeva (2012). A new antioxidant with natural origin characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy methods. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (doi:10.5504/50YRTIBM.2011.0027, Impact Factor 0.503)

  5. Y. Karamalakova, J. Sharma, R. K. Sharma, V. Gadjeva,R. Kumar and A. Zheleva (2012). Comparative investigation on radical scavenging activity and protective properties of natural isolated and synthetic antioxidants. Journal of Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (doi:10.5504/50YRTIBM.2011.0032, Impact Factor 0.503)

  6. S. Rana, S. Bhatt, M. Dutta, A.W. Khan, J. Ali, S. Sultana, S. Kotta S.H. Ansari, R.K. Sharma(2012). Radio-decontamination Efficacy and Safety Studies on Optimized Decontamination Lotion Formulation. International J of Pharmaceutics, 434 (1-2), 43-48 (I.F. 3.01).

  7. Sudha Rana, Mita Dutta, Nakshe Lal. Soni, Mahendra Kumar Chopra, Aseem Bhatnagar, Vinod Kumar, Rajeev Goel, Sarwat Sultana, and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2012). Decontamination of human and rabbit skin experimentally contaminated with 99mTc radionuclide by using the active components of SHUDHIKA- a skin decontamination kit. Pre-hospital Disaster Medicine 27 (2), 1-5.

  8. Sunil Kamboj, Deepak Sharma, Suman Bala, S. H. Ansari, Javed Ali, Pramod K, Dhruv Nishad, Sudha Rana and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2012). Optimization of disodium edetate topical gel using central composite design and evaluation for external radioactive decontamination. Elixir Pharmacy 42 6144-6150.

  9. Rajesh Arora, R Chawla, J. Sharma, A. Zheleva, Yanka Dimitrova, R. Kumar, D. Gupta, A. Sharma, SC Puri, RK Sharma, Veselina Gadjeva. Antioxidant and radioprotective properties of rutin isolated from Nothapodytes foetida (wight) sleumer established by in vitro/ex vivo studies and electron paramagnetic resonance. Central European Journal of Agriculture (accepted).

  10. Rajesh Arora, A.S. Dhaker, M. Adhikari, J. Sharma, R Chawla, D. Gupta, A. Zheleva, Yanka Dimitrova, R. Kumar, Raj K. Sharma, Ashok Sharma, Sarwat Sultana, Rajendra P. Tripathi, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Veselina Gadjeva (2011). Radiomodulatory Effects of Extracts of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. evaluated by in vitro Assays and EPR Spectroscopy. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung C, 66c, 35-46. (Impact Factor 0.776).

  11. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Rohit Marwah, Preeti Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Vinod Kaushik, R Goel, Amarjeet Kaur, M Silambarasan, R.P. Tripathi and J.R. Bhardwaj (2011). Potential of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Preventive Management of Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) Pandemic: Thwarting Potential Disasters in the Bud. Evidence Based Complement Alternat Med; vol. 2011, Article ID 586506, 16 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/586506. (Impact Factor 2.064).

  12. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora, Ashok Sharma, Raman Chawla, SK Jain, RP Tripathi and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). Role of apoptotic proteins in REC-2006 mediated radiation protection in hepatoma cell lines Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2011, Article ID 758326, 11 pages (Impact Factor 2.064).

  13. Pankaj Chaudhary, Sandeep Shukla and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). REC-2006 - a fractionated extract of Podophyllum hexandrum protects cellular DNA from radiation-induced damage by reducing the initial damage induction and enhancing its repair in vivo. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol.. 2011, Article ID 473953, 9 pages. (Impact Factor 2.064).

  14. Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Deen Dayal Bansal, Dev Dutt Patel, Saurabh Mishra, Lyuba Miteva, Zlatka Dobreva, Veselina Gadjeva and Spaska Stanilova (2011). Induction of Immunostimulatory cytokine genes expression in human PBMCs by a novel Semiquinone glucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from a Bacillus sp. INM-1. Cellular Immunology. 267(1): 67-75. (Impact Factor= 2.698).

  15. Raj Kumar, Deen Dayal Bansal, Dev Dutt Patel, Saurabh Mishra, Yanka Karamalakova, A Zeleva, Veselina Gadjeva, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). Antioxidative and radioprotective activities of semiquinoneglucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from Bacillus sp INM-1. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 349: 57-67. (Impact Factor 1.6).

  16. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Rajesh Arora (2011). Fukushima, Japan: An Apocalypse in the making. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 3(2), 339-340

  17. Veselin Ivanov, Rajesh Arora, Vasil Hadjiiliev, Radostina Stoyanova, Rosica Ruseva, Radostin Nikolov, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). EPR as a tool for evaluation of novel lyоphilized blood products as absorbents for chemical gas masks. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 3(2), 342-343.

  18. Yanka Karamalakova, G Nikoplova, V Gadjeva, A Zheleva, RK Sharma, R Kumar, A Tolekova (2010). A new promising hepatoprotector AQGPD with natural origin. European Journal of Medical Research, 15(1)181. (Impact Factor= 1.13)

  19. Raman Chawla, Sarita Jaiswal, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). Himalayan bioresource Rhodiola imbricate: A Promising Radiation Countermeasure Agent for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 213-219.

  20. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Rohit Marwah, Vinod Kumar, Rajeev Goel, Preeti Arora, Sarita Jaiswal, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). Medical Radiation Countermeasures for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies (NREs): Current Status and Future Perspectives. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 202-212.

  21. Sudha Rana, Raj Kumar, Sarwat Sultana, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). Radiation-induced biomarkers for the detection and assessment of absorbed radiation doses. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 189-196.

  22. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, and Surendra Kumar (2010). Chlorine Leak on Mumbai Port Trust's SewriYard: A Case study. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 161-165.

  23. Vinod Kumar, Rajeev Goel, Raman Chawla, M Silambarasan, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). CBRN Decontamination: Recent Trends and Future Perspective. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 220-238.

  24. Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). CBRN Disasters: Pitfalls and Perils. J Pharm Bioall Sci, 2 (3) 155-156.

  25. Manish Adhikari, Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Jyoti Sharma, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Damodar Gupta, Raj Kumar, Veselin Ivanov, Gevrenova, Vaselina Gadjeva, Rakesh Kumar Sharma.. Evaluation of Silymarin as a Promising Radioprotector. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung C, 65c, 337-346 (2010). (Impact Factor 0.776 )

  26. Sudha Rana, Raman Chawla, Raj Kumar, Shefali Singh, Antoaneta Zheleva, Yanka Dimitrova, Veselina Gadjeva, Rajesh Arora, Sarwat Sultana, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010) Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in radiation research: Current status and perspectives. . J Pharm Bioall Sci 2 (2), 80-87

  27. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Jyoti Sharma, Shikha Singh, Damodar Gupta, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Rajender P. Tripathi (2010). Podophyllum hexandrum as a Potential Botanical Supplement for the Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies (NREs) and Free Radical-Mediated Ailments: Leads From In Vitro/In Vivo Radioprotective Efficacy Evaluation. J Dietary Supplements 7(1), 31-50.

  28. Yana Karmalakova, I. Ionkova, G. Nikolova, P. Hadjibojeva, T Georgiev, A. Tolekova, V. Gadejeva, R. Arora, R.K. Sharma, A. Zheleva (2010).Comparative EPR in vitro and ex vivo spectroscopy study of the levels of lipid peroxidation processes in liver and kidneys of mice after treatment by naturally isolated antioxidants. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 8(2), 137-143.

  29. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Jyoti Sharma, Sarita Jaiswal, Damodar Gupta, Touseef Amnaa, Satish Chandra Puria, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, R.P. Tripathi (2010). Pro-Antioxidant Activities of Fractions of a Novel Camptothecin-producing Endophyte (Entrophosphora infrequens). Trakia Journal of Sciences 8(2), 1-15

  30. Sanyog Jain, Prateek Dani and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009). Pharmacoscintigraphy: A blazing trail for evaluation of new drugs/delivery systems. Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst, 26(4), 373–426 (2009). (Impact Factor 3.038)

  31. Pankaj Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Swatantra Jain and Rakesh Sharma (2009). Podophyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2006) shows higher radioprotective efficacy in p53 carrying hepatoma cell line: A role of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 8(3), 261-272. (Impact Factor 2.264)

  32. Raman Chawla, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Deepali Madaan, Neha Dubey, Rajesh Arora, Rajeev Goel , Shefali Singh, Vinod Kaushik, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Vivek Chabbra, Janak Raj Bhardwaj (2009). Mitigation approaches to combat Flu Pandemic. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 1(2), 117-130.

  33. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora, Swatantra Kumar Jain, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009). Pifithrin- decreases the radioprotective efficacy of Podophyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2006) in HepG2 cells. Biotech Applied Biochem 54(1), 53-64. (Impact Factor =1.288)

  34. Raj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Rakesh Kumar Sharma. Radioprotective activities of Podophyllum hexandrum: Current Knowledge of the Molecular Mechanisms. Trees for Life 2009; 4: 1 (

  35. Anupum Haksar, Ashok Sharma, R Chawla, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora, S.S.Lahiri, Fakhrul Islam, M.P. Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009). Mint Oil (Mentha spicata Linn.) offers Behavioral Radioprotection: A radiation-induced Conditioned Taste Aversion Study. Phytother Res, 23(2),  293-296. (Impact Factor 1.772)

  36. M. Lata, J. Prasad, S.Singh, R.Kumar, L.Singh, P. Chaudhary, R. Arora, R. Chawla, S. Tyagi, NL Soni, RK Sagar, M.Devi, RK Sharma, SC Puri and RP Tripathi (2009). Whole body protection against lethal ionizing radiation in mice by REC-2001: A semi-purified fraction of Podophyllum hexandrum. Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology, 16(1), 47-55. (Impact Factor 2.333)

  37. Y. Varalakshmi and R.K. Sharma (2008). Effect of Centella asiatica on age-related changes in the content of monoamines in the mice brain. J Rad Res Appl Sci, 1(1), 203-218.

  38. Rajesh Arora, Shikha Singh, Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Raman Chawla, R. Kumar, S.C.Puri, S. Surender, J. Prasad, M.L.Gupta, B.Krishna, M.S.Siddiqui, AK Sharma, R.P.Tripathi, G.N.Qazi, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Radiomodulatory and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of the Fractionated Aquo-Alcoholic Extract of the Adaptogenic Nutraceutical (Rhodiola)- A Comparative In Vitro Assessment with Ascorbate. J Dietary Supplements 5(2), 147-163

  39. Santosh Kumar, Anil Kumar Mishra, Bhupender S. Chhikara, Krishna Chuttani and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Preparation and pharmacological evaluation of a new radiopharmaceutical, technetium-99m-5-fluorouracil, for tumor scintigraphy. Hell J Nucl Med, 11(2), 91-95.

  40. Snehalatha Movva, Kolachina Venugopal, Ranendra N. Saha Anil Kumar Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Etoposide Loaded PLGA and PCL Nanoparticles II: Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics after Radiolabelling with Tc-99m. Drug Delivery 15(5) 277-87. (Impact Factor 1.55)

  41. Minakshi Garg, Babu Ram Garg Sanyog Jain, Pushpa Mishra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Anil K. Mishrac, Tathagata Dutta and Narendra Kumar Jain (2008) Radiolabeling, Pharmacoscintigraphic Evaluation and Antiretroviral Efficacy of Stavudine Loaded 99mTc Labeled Galactosylated Liposomes. Euro J Pharm Sci 33(3), 271-281. (Impact Factor 3.65)

  42. S. Arora, J. Ali, A. Ahuja, A.K. Babbar, R.K. Sharma and R. K. Khar (2007). Formulation and development of floating capsules of celecoxib: In vitro and in vivo evaluation. The AAPS PharmSciTech 8(4): Article119 (Impact Factor 1.445)

  43. Hetal Thakkar,  Rakesh Kumar Sharma, and R.S.R. Murthy (2007). Enhanced retention of celecoxib loaded solid lipid nanoparticles after intraarticular administration in joints. Drugs in R & D 8(5), 275-285. (Impact Factor 1)

  44. J. Ali, S. Arora, A. Ahuja, A.K. Babbar, R.K. Sharma and R. K. Khar (2007). Formulation and development of hydrodynamically balanced system for metformin: In vitro and in vivo evaluation. Euro J Pharmacokinetics Biopharm 67(1), 196-201. (Impact Factor 3.344)

  45. Hrushikesh B. Agashe, Anil Kumar Babbar, Sanyog Jain, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Anil Kumar Mishra, Abhay Asthana, Minakshi Garg, Tathagata Dutta and Narendra Kumar Jain (2007). Investigations on biodistribution of Technetium-99m-labeled carbohydrate coated poly(propylene imine) dendrimers. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 3(2), 120-127.

  46. Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Shikha Singh, Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Manju L. Gupta, Surender Singh, Jagdish Prasad, Haider A. Khan, Anand Swaroop, A.K. Sinha, A.K. Gupta, Rajender P. Tripathi, P.S. Ahuja (2007) Radioprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Fractionated Extracts of Berries of Hippophae rhamnoides. J Medicinal Food 10 (1), 101-109. (Impact Factor 1.288)

  47. Rajesh Arora, Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Shikha Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Jagdish Prasad Bal Krishan, Surendar Singh, Manju Gupta, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Satish Chandra Puri, MS Siddiqui, SS Lahiri, Rajender Prasad Tripathi, and Ghulam Nabi Qazi (2007). Cytoprotective effect of Podophyllum hexandrum against gamma radiation is mediated via hemopoietic system stimulation and up-regulation of heme-oxygenase-1 and the prosurvival multidomain protein Bcl-2. Integrative Cancer Ther 6(1), 54-65. (Impact Factor 2.264)

  48. Pallavi Gupta, Gangenahalli U. Gurudutta, Yogesh Kr. Verma,Vimal Kishor Singh, H.G. Raj, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Ramesh Chandra (2006). PU.1: An ETS Family Transcription Factor That Regulates Leukemogenesis Besides Normal Hematopoiesis. Stem Cells Dev 15(4), 609-17. (Impact Factor 3.273)

  49. Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Pankaj Chaudhary, Indracanti Prem Kumar, Indracanti Namita, Farhat Afrin, Manju Lata Gupta, Upendra Kumar Sharma, Arun Kumar Sinha and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2006). Protection of ionizing radiation – induced mitochondrial and genomic DNA damage by a fractionated extract of Hippophae rhamnoides. Envi Mol Mutagenesis 47(9), 647-656.  (Impact Factor 2.181)

  50. Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Shikha Singh, R. K. Sagar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, R. Kumar, A. Sharma, RP Tripathi, S. C. Puri, H. A. Khan, A.S. Shawl, P. Sultan, Tej Krishan, and G.N. Qazi (2006). Podophyllum hexandrum offers Radioprotection by Modulating Free Radical Flux: Role of Aryl-Tetralin Lignans. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3(4), 503-11. (Impact Factor 1.954)

  51. Pankaj Choudhary, Sandeep Kumar Shukla, I. Prem Kumar, I. Namita, Farhat Afrin and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2006). Radioprotective properties of apple polyphenols: An in vitro study. Mol Cell Biochem 288(1&2), 37-46. (Impact Factor 1.764)

  52. Anupum Haksar, Ashok Sharma, Raman Chawla, Raj  Kumar, Rajesh Arora, Surendar  Singh, J.  Prasad, M. Gupta, R.P. Tripathi, M. P. Arora, F. Islam and R. K. Sharma (2006). Zingiber officinale Rosc. Exhibits Behavioral Radioprotection against Radiation-Induced Conditioned Taste Aversion in a Gender Specific manner. Pharmacol Biochem Behavior 84(2), 179-188. (Impact Factor 2.751 )

  53. Anjani K. Tiwari, Anil Kumar Mishra, Aruna Bajpai, Pushpa Mishra, R. K. Sharma, Vinay Kumar Singh (2006). Synthesis and pharmacological study of novel pyrido-quinazolone analogues as anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anticancer agents. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters 16(17), 4581-4585. (Impact Factor 2.531)

  54. G.U. Gangenahalli, V.K. Singh, Y.K. Verma, P. Gupta, R.K. Sharma, R. Chandra, and PM Luthra (2006). Hematopoietic stem cell antigen CD34: role in adhesion or homing. Stem Cells Dev 15(3), 305-313. (Impact Factor 3.273)

  55. Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Pankaj Choudhary, Indracanti Prem Kumar, Farhat Afrin, Satish Chandra Puri, Ghulam Nabi Qazi and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2006) Radiomodifying effects of a fractionated extract of Podophyllum hexandrum: A mechanistic study. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 22(1), 113-120. (Impact Factor 1.051)

  56. Y.K. Verma, G.U. Gangenahalli, V.K. Singh, P. Gupta, R. Chandra, R.K. Sharma and HG Raj (2006). Cell Death Regulation by B-Cell Lymphoma Protein. Apoptosis 11(4), 459-471. (Impact Factor 3.971)

  57. L. Harivardhan Reddy, Jawahar Singh Adhikari, Bilikere Srinirasa Rao Dwarakanath, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, and Rayasa Ramachandra Murthy. (2006). Tumoricidal effects of etoposide incorporated into Solid Lipid glyceride nanoparticles after Intraperitoneal Administration in Dalton’s Lymphoma bearing mice. The AAPS Journal 8(2), Article 29.) (Impact Factor 5.529)

  58. Satish Chandra Puri, Asiya Nazir, Raman Chawla,Rajesh Arora, S. Riyaz-ul-Hasan, Touseef Amna, Bilal Ahmed, Vijeshwar Verma, Shikha Singh, Ravinder Sagar, Ashok Sharma, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Ghulam Nabi Qazi (2006). The endophytic fungus Trametes ccurri as a novel alternative source of podophyllotoxin and related aryl tetralin lignans. J Biotech 122(4), 494-510. (Impact Factor 2.748)

  59. Sheetal Soni, Anil K. Babbar, Rakesh K. Sharma and Amarnath Maitra (2006). Delivery of hydrophobised 5-fluorouracil derivative to brain tissue through intravenous route using surface modified nanogels. J Drug Target 14(2), 87-95. (Impact Factor=2.771 )

  60. Lakkireddy Harivardhan Reddy, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Rayasa.Ramachandra Murthy (2006). Enhanced delivery of etoposide to Dalton’s lymphoma in mice through Polysorbate 20 micelles Acta Pharm 56, 143-145.

  61. Tushar K. Vyas, A. K. Babbar, R. K. Sharma, Shashi Singh, Ambikanandan Misra (2006). Preliminary Brain Targeting Studies on Intranasal Mucoadhesive Microemulsions of Sumatriptan. AAPS PharmSciTech 7(1), Article 8. (Impact Factor 1.445) Awarded 2008 AAPS Outstanding Manuscript Award in PharmSciTech by American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

  62. Sanyog Jain, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Suresh P. Vyas (2006). Chitosan nanoparticles encapsulated vesicular systems for oral immunization: preparation, in vitro and in vivo characterization. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 58(3), 303-310. (Impact Factor 1.847)

  63. Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Shikha Singh, Bal Krishna. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Satish Chandra Puri, Jagdish Prasad, Surender Singh, Raj Kumar, Pankaj Singh, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Vinay Gupta, Bilal Ahmed, Kanya Lal Dhar, Haider Ali Khan, Manju Lata Gupta, Ghulam Nabi Qazi (2006). Protection of the hemopoietic system by Podophyllum hexandrum against gamma radiation-induced damage. Planta Medica. 72 (2), 114-120. (Impact Factor 1.96)

  64. Tushar K Vyas, A K Babbar, R K Sharma, Shashi Singh, Ambikanandan Misra (2006). Intranasal Mucoadhesive Microemulsions of Clonazepam: Preliminary studies on Brain Targetting. J Pharm Sci 95(3), 570-580. (Impact Factor 2.996)

  65. Gurudutta U. Gangenahalli, Vimal K. Singh, Yogesh K. Verma, Pallavi Gupta, Rakesh K. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra, Shweta Gulati, Pratibha M. Luthra (2005). Three-Dimensional Structure Prediction of the Interaction of CD34 with the SH3 Domain of Crk-L. Stem Cells Dev 14(5), 470-477. (Impact Factor 3.273)

  66. Sheetal Soni, Anil K. Babbar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Tanima Banerjee and Amarnath Maitra (2005). Pharmacoscintigraphic Evaluation of Polysorbate 80 coated Chitosan Nanoparticles for Brain Targeting. Amer J Drug Delivery 3(3), 205-212.

  67. Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Satish Chander Puri, Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Shikha Singh, Raj Kumar, Surender Singh, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Jagdish Prasad, Haider Ali Khan, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Kanya Lal Dhar, Michael Spiteller and Ghulam Nabi Qazi (2005). 3-O-β-D- galactopyranoside of quercetin as an active principle from high altitude Podophyllum hexandrum and evaluation of its radioprotective properties. Z Naturforsch [C] 60(9/10), 728-738. (Impact Factor 0.776 )

  68. Hetal Thakkar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Anil Kumar Mishra, Krishna Chuttani and Rayasa Ramchandra Murthy (2005). Albumin microspheres as carriers for the antiarthritic drug celecoxib. AAPS PharmSciTech 6(1), E65-73. (Impact Factor 1.445)

  69. Tushar K. Vyas, A.K. Babbar, R.K. Sharma, Ambikanandan Misra (2005). Intranasal Mucoadhesive Microemulsions of Zolmitriptan: Preliminary Studies on Brain-targeting. J Drug Target 13(5), 317-326. (Impact Factor 2.771)

  70. Puja Panwar, Vibha Srivastava, Krishna Chuttani, Ramesh Chandra, Rakesh K. Sharma and Anil K. Mishra (2005). Radiolabeling and Biological Evaluation of DOTA-Ph-A1 Derivative Conjugated to anti-EGFR antibody ior egf/r3 for Targeted Tumor Imaging and Therapy. Cancer Biol Therapy 4(8), 854-860. (Impact Factor 2.761) Image highlighted on the front cover page.

  71. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Satish Chander Puri, Ravinder Sagar, Shikha Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Jagdish Prasad, Surender Singh, Gurpreet Kaur, Pankaj Chaudhary, Gulam Nabi Qazi, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Radioprotective and Antioxidant Properties of Low Altitude Podophyllum hexandrum (LAPH). J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol, 24(4), 299-314. (Impact Factor 1.519)

  72. Ashok Sharma, Anupam Haksar, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora, Surendar Singh, Jagdish Prasad, Raman Chawla and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Zingiber officinale Rosc. Modulates gamma radiation-induced conditioned taste aversion. Pharmacol Biochem Behavior 81(4), 864-870. (Impact Factor 2.751)

  73. Anand Swaroop, Arun Kumar Sinha, Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and J. Kotesh Kumar (2005). Isolation and characterization of 1,3-Dicapryloyl-2-linoleoylglycerol: A Novel triglyceride from berries of Hippophae rhamnoides. Chem Pharm Bull, 53(8), 1021-1024. (Impact Factor 1.623)

  74. Raj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Rajesh Arora, Ashok Sharma, Jagdish Prasad, Ravinder Sagar, Surendra Singh, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Radioprotection by Podophyllum hexandrum in the liver of mice: A mechanistic approach. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 20 (2), 326-334. (Impact Factor 1.051)

  75. L. Harivardhan Reddy, R.K. Sharma, A.K. Mishra, K.Chuttani and R.S.R. Murthy (2005). Influence of administration route on the uptake and biodistribution of etoposide loaded tripalmitin nanoparticles in Dalton’s Lymphoma tumor bearing mice. J Controlled Release 105(3), 185-198. (Impact Factor 5.69)

  76. Gangenahalli U. Gurudutta, Yogesh Kr Verma, Vimal Kishor Singh, Pallavi Gupta, H.G.Raj, R. K. Sharma and Ramesh Chandra (2005). Structural conservation of residues in BH1 and BH2 domains of Bcl-2 family proteins. FEBS Letters 579 (17), 3503-3507. (Impact Factor 3.264)

  77. Raj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Ashok Sharma, Jagdish Prashad, Ravinder Sagar, Surender Singh, Rajesh Arora and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Podophyllum hexandrum extract provides radioprotection by modulating the expression of proteins associated with apoptosis. Biotech Applied Biochem 42(1), 81-92. (Impact Factor 1.288)

  78. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla,, Jagdish Prasad, Ravinder Sagar, Jagdish Prasad, Surendar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Shikha Singh and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Evaluation of radioprotective activities of Rhodiola ccurring Edgew – A high altitude plant. Mol Cell Biochem 273, 209-223. (Impact Factor 1.764)

  79. Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Jagdish Prasad, Surendar Singh, Ravinder Sagar, Pankaj Chaudhary, Sandeep Shukla, Gurpreet Kaur, Rakesh Kumar Sharma. Satish Chander Puri, Kanya Lal Dhar, Geeta Handa, Vinay Kumar Gupta, Ghulam Nabi Qazi (2005). Antioxidant activity of fractionated extracts of rhizomes of high-altitude Podophyllum hexandrum: Role in Radiation Protection. Mol Cell Biochem 273, 193-208. (Impact Factor 1.764)

  80. Gurudutta U. Gangenahalli, Pallavi Gupta, Daman Saluja, Yogesh K Verma, Vimal Kishore, Ramesh Chandra, R K Sharma, T Ravindranath (2005). Stem Cell Fate Specification: Role of Master Regulatory Switch –Transcription Factor PU.1 in differential hematopoiesis. Stem Cells Dev 14(2), 140-152. (Impact Factor 3.273)

  81. Rajesh Arora Damodar Gupta, Raman Chawla, Ravinder Sagar, Ashok Sharma, Raj Kumar, Jagdish Prasad, Surinder Singh, Namita Samanta, and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Radioprotection by Plant Products: Present status and Future Prospects. Phytotherapy Research 19(1), 1-22. (Impact Factor 1.772)

  82. T. Banerjee, A.K. Singh, R.K. Sharma and A.N. Maitra (2005). Labeling Efficiency and Biodistribution of Technetium-99m labeled nanoparticles: Interference by colloidal Tin Oxide Particles. Int J Pharm 289 (1-2), 189-195. (Impact Factor 3.061)

  83. Anil Kumar Mishra, Puja Panwar, Makoto Hosono, Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Jean-Francois Chatal (2004). A New Bifunctional Chelating Agent Conjugated with Monoclonal Antibody and Labeled with Technetium-99m for Targeted Scintigraphy: 6-(4-isothiocyanatobenzyl)-5,7-dioxo-1,11-(carboxymethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotridecane. J Drug Target, 12 (9 &10), 559-567. (Impact Factor 2.771)

  84. Hetal Thakkar, R.K. Sharma, A.K.Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, R.S.R.Murthy (2004) Celecoxib incorporated Chitosan microspheres: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. J Drug Target, 12(9& 10), 549-557. (Impact Factor 2.771)

  85. L. Harivardhan Reddy, R.K. Sharma, A.K. Mishra, K.Chuttani and R.S.R. Murthy. (2004). Etoposide incorporated Tripalmatin Nanoparticles with different surface charge: Formulation, Characterization and Biodistribution studies. AAPS Journal. Oct 7, 6(3), e23. (Impact Factor 5.529)

  86. L. Harivardhan Reddy, R.K. Sharma and R.S.R. Murthy. (2004). Enhanced Tumour uptake of Doxorubicin Loaded Poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles (DPBC) in Mice Bearing Dalton’s Lymphoma tumor. J Drug Target, 12(7), 443 - 451. (Impact Factor 2.771)

  87. Puja Panwar, Vibha Srivastava, Vibha Tandon, Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Rakesh K.Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and Anil K. Mishra. (2004) 99mTc-Tetraethylenepentaamine-Folate: - a new 99mTc based folate derivative for the detection of folate receptor positive tumors: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation. Cancer Biol Ther, 3(10), 995-1001. (Impact Factor 2.761)

  88. Hetal Thakkar, R.K. Sharma, A.K.Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, R.S.R.Murthy (2004) Efficacy of Chitosan microspheres for controlled intraarticular delivery of Celecoxib in inflammed joints. J Pharm Pharmacol, 56(9), 1091-1099. (Impact Factor 1.847)

  89. L. Harivardhan Reddy, R.K. Sharma and R.S.R. Murthy. (2004). Tumor retention and biodistribution studies of etoposide loaded tripalmitin nanoparticles in Dalton's Lymphoma bearing mice. Alasbimn Journal, 6, (25), July 2004.

  90. N. Arulsudar, N. Subramanian, K. Chuttani, P. Mishra, R.K. Sharma and R.S.R. Murthy. (2004) Preparation, characterisation and biodistribution study of Tc-99m labeled leuprolide acetate loaded liposomes in Ehrlich ascites tumor bearing mice. AAPS Pharm Sci, 6(1) Article 5. (Impact Factor 5.529)

  91. N. Arulsudar, N. Subramanian, P. Mishra, R.K. Sharma and R.S.R. Murthy. (2003). Preparation, characterisation and biodistribution of Tc-99m labelled liposomes encapsulated cyclosporine. J Drug Target, 11(3), 187-96. (Impact Factor 2.771)

  92. N. Subramanian, N. Arulsudar, K. Chuttani, P. Mishra, R.K. Sharma and R.S.R. Murthy. (2003). Radiolabelling, biodistribution and tumour imaging of stealth liposomes containing methotrexate. Alasbimn Journal, 6(22), Article 6.

  93. Anil Kumar Mishra, Puja Panwar, Madhu Chopra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Jean-Francois Chatal (2003). Synthesis of novel bifunctional Schiff-base ligands derived from condensation of 1(p-nitrobenzyl) ethylenediamine and 2-(p-nitrobenzyl)-3-monooxo-1,4,7-triazaheptane with salicylaldehyde. New J Chem, 7, 1054-1058. (Impact Factor 2.942)

  94. A.K. Mishra, N. Iznaga Escobar, R.. Figueredo, V.K. Jain, B.S. Dwarakanath, R. Perez-Rodriguez, R.K. Sharma and T. Lazar Mathew (2002). Preparation and comparative evaluation of 99mTc-labelled 2-iminothiolane modified antibodies and CITC-DTPA immunoconjugates of anti-EGF-receptor antibodies. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 24(10), 653-60. (Impact Factor 1)

  95. AK. Mishra, P. Mishra, P. Panwar, K. Chuttani, V. Tandon and R.K. Sharma (2002). Synthesis and Characterization of N5-Folate to Label with Tc-99m for Receptor Specific Radiopharmaceuticals. Technetium, Rhenium and other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine, 6, 391-394.

  96. A.K. Mishra, K Chuttani, P. Mishra R.K. Sharma (2002). 12-(4-isothiocyanato)-5,7-dioxo-1,11-(carboxymethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetra-azacyclotridecane: a New Bifunctional Chelating Agent to Label Monoclonal Antibody with Tc-99m and its Biodistribution in Tumor Bearing Nude Mice. Technetium, Rhenium and other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine, 6, 395-398.

  97. Tanima Banerjee, Susmita Mitra, Ajay Kumar Singh, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Amarnath Maitra (2002). Preparation, characterization and biodistribution of ultrafine chitosan nanoparticles. International J Pharmaceutics, 243(1-2), 93-105. (Impact Factor 3.061)

  98. G. U. Gurudatta, A.K.Babbar, S. Shailaja, P. Soumya and R.K. Sharma (2001). Evaluation of potential tracer ability of 99mTc labeled acetylated-LDL for scintigraphy of LDL-scavenger receptor sites of macrophageal origin. Nucl Med Biol, 28 (3), 235-241. (Impact Factor 2.419)

  99. R.K. Sharma and V. Jain (2001). Radiotherapeutic response of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells perfused in agarose-gel threads and implanted in mice: A 31P MR Spectroscopy study. Strahlenther Onkol, 177(4), 212-19. (Impact Factor 3.005)

  100. AK Babbar, AK Singh, HC Goel, U.P.S. Chauhan, and R.K. Sharma. (2000). Evaluation of 99mTc-labeled Photosan-3, a hematoporphyrin derivative, as a potential radiopharmaceutical for tumor scintigraphy. Nucl Med Biol, 27(4), 419-426. (Impact Factor 2.419)

  101. R.K. Sharma, S. Singh, M. Degaonkar, P. Raghunathan, A. Maitra and V. Jain (2000). Optimization of Tumour Radiotherapy Part-VI-Modification of Tumour Glucose Metabolism for increasing the bioavailability of 2-deoxy-D-glucose in Murine tumour model. Strahlenther Onkol, 176(3), 135-143. (Impact Factor 3.005)

  102. S. Prakash, S. Kumar, M.V.S. Suryanarayana, R.K. Sharma and K.M. Rao (1988). Effectiveness of macrogol and talcum base formulations of a new insect repellent, N, N'-diethyl phenyl acetamide. International J Cosmetic Sci, 10, 23-28.

  103. H. Singh, M.R. Yadav, S.P. Garg, R.K. Sharma, and D. Paul (1985). Steroids and related studies. Part 73. Steroidal (3,4,-c)-1',2',5'-oxadiazoles. Heterocycles 23, 2931-2938. (Impact Factor 0.98)


A2. Papers Accepted / Published in National Journals

  1. Sudha Rana and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). Medical Preparedness for Mass - Casualty Incidents involving CBRN Agents: A Pharmacist’s Perspectives. The Pharma Review 69-76.

  2. Sunil Kamboj, Deepak Sharma. Anroop B Nair, Suman Kamboj, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Javed Ali, Pramod K and SH Ansari (2011). Simple Spectrophotometric Method for Estimation of Disodium Edetate in Topical Gel Formulations. Pharmaceutical Methods, 2(2), 148-151.

  3. Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011). DRDO’s CWG Shield. Defence Security Alert. 2 (10), 32-35.

  4. Sunil Kamboj, Deepak Sharma. Anroop B Nair, Suman Bala, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Javed Ali, Pramod K and SH Ansari (2011). A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for estimation of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) in topical gel formulations. Der Pharmacia Lettre 3(3), 23-28.

  5. Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). Radiological terrorism. Defence and Security Alert. 1(12), 72-74.

  6. Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009). Creating Awareness, Raising Preparedness and Honing Radiological Emergency Response: A Glimpse into the Future. Indian Journal Radiation Research 6(1-2), 7-9.

  7. Rajesh Arora, R Kumar, A Sharma, J Prasad, S Singh, D Gupta, RK Sharma, RP Tripathi. (2009). Radiation countermeasure Agents from Novel High-altitude Himalayan Herbs: Promise and Prospects. Indian Journal Radiation Research 6(1-2), 33-36.

  8. Rajeev Goel, Raman Chawla, Vinod Kumar, M. Silambarasan, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009). Role of Pharmacist in the Management of CBRN Disasters. The Pharma Review November 2009, 61-69.

  9. Raman Chawla, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Janak Raj Bhardwaj (2009). Influenza A (H1N1) Outbreak and Challenges for Pharmacotherapy. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 53(2), 113-126.

  10. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajeev Goel, Vinod Kumar, M. Silambarasan (2009). Mock Exercises - An important step to meet Chemical Industry Incidents. Chemical Industry Digest, 22(8), 97-102.

  11. Raman Chawla, Vinod Kumar, Rajeev Goel and Rakesh Kumar Sharma, (2008). Management of CBRN Disasters: Challenges and opportunities for Pharmaceutical Enterpreneurs. Pharma Rainmaker, 1(1), 13-16.

  12. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajeev Goel and Vinod Kumar (2008). Towards developing community resilience for chemical emergencies. Chemical News, 5(1), 9-14

  13. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajeev Goel and Vinod Kumar (2008). Secure Chemical Industry against acts of terrorism. Chemical Industry Digest, 21(1), 172-178.

  14. Ashok Sharma, Anupum Haksar, R. Chawla, Rajesh Arora, R. Kumar, S. Singh, J. Prasad, M.L. Gupta, S. S. Lahiri, R. P. Tripathi, M.P. Arora, F. Islam and R.K. Sharma (2007). Behavioral Protection by Mentha spicata Linn. against Radiation-induced Conditioned Taste Aversion: A Comparative Study With a Radioprotective Calcium Channel Blocking Drug. Indian J. Radiation Research, 4(1), 47-56,

  15. Janak Raj Bhardwaj, Raman Chawla, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2007). Chemical Disaster Management: Current Status and Perspectives. J Sci Indust Res, 66(2), 110-119. (Impact Factor 0.229)

  16. Shalini Singh, Riyaz Ahmed, Deepti Mathur, Ravinder Kumar Sagar, Bal Krishna, Rajesh Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma. Neuroprotective effects of BDNF in young and aged 6-OHDA treated treated rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Indian Journal Experimental Biology, 44(9), 699-704 (Impact Factor 0.599)

  17. Gangenahalli U. Gurudutta, Yogesh K Verma, Vimal K Singh, Pallavi Gupta, H G. Raj, Rakesh K Sharma, Ramesh Chandra. Hypothetical model for the suppression of stress induced apoptosis in hematopoietic stem cells. Indian J Nucl Med, 21(1), 1-11

  18. Anupam Haksar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora, Raj Kumar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2006). A simple method for HPLC analysis of Acetylcholine and Choline through indirect UV-visualization technique Ind. J Hospital Pharmacy, 43(3), 28-32

  19. Yogesh Kumar Verma, Gurudutta U Gangenahalli, Vimal Kishor Singh, Pallavi Gupta, Ramesh Chandra H.G.Raj and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Homology modeling of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Bioinformatics India, 3(3), 23-27.

  20. Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). MR spectroscopy of perfused intact cells as an alternative method for high-throughput prepharmacological evaluation of promising radiotherapeutic strategies. Biomedicine, 25(1), 50-59.

  21. Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Kumar Mishra (2004). Radiolabelling and Biological Evaluation of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and its comparison with Phytate and Sulfur Colloid for RES Imaging. Indian J Nucl Med, 19(2), 25-29

  22. G. Mittal, AK Singh, M.Gulati, RK Sharma and A Bhatnagar (2004). Principles and applications of Positron Emission Tomography – a review. Biomedicine, 24, 45-57.

  23. Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, Puja Panwar, Madhu Chopra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Kumar Mishra. (2003) Radiolabelling and biological evaluation of a non-peptidic compound from Terminalia chebula (Harar) for CCK expressing tumours. Indian J Nucl Med, 18 (1&2), 19-24.

  24. Anil Kumar Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2003). Formulation of lyophilized cold kit for instant preparation of Tc-99m-glucarate and its scintigraphic evaluation in experimental models of infarction. Awarded Chandra Kanta Dandiya Award in Pharmacology, and Jaipur Award of Indian Pharmacology Society Indian J Pharmacol, 35(1), 13-20.

  25. Krishna Chuttani, AK Mishra, AK Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma. (2003). Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part VI-Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapy. Indian J Hosp. Pharm, 40(3), 90-98.

  26. Pushpa Mishra, Anil Kumar Mishra, Anil Kumar Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2003). Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part V – Radiopharmaceuticals for Positron Emission Tomography. Ind. J Hospital Pharmacy, 40(2), 52-59.

  27. Anil Kumar Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2003). Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part IV – Formulation, Quality Control and Dispensing Issues. Ind. J Hospital Pharmacy, 40(1), 8-14.

  28. R.K. Sharma and Viney Jain (2002). Tackling radioresistance of hypoxic cancer cells by metabolic modulation of bioenergetics: A P-31 MRS study on perfused Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 46(1), 51-60.

  29. Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, U.P.S. Chauhan, Ravi Kashyap, AK Singh, Anil Mishra and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2001). Technetium-99m labelled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody: A potential agent for imaging breast carcinoma and its metastasis. Indian J Nucl. Med, 16(3), 119-123.

  30. AK Babbar, JC Dhall and RK Sharma (2001) Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part III- Radiation Safety Procedures. Indian J Hosp. Pharm, 38(4), 131-135.

  31. G.C. Bhola, A.K. Babbar and R.K. Sharma (2001) Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part II- Principles and Practices of Radiation Protection. Indian J Hosp Pharm, 38(3), 89-94.

  32. A.K. Babbar and R.K. Sharma (2001). Hospital Radiopharmacy: Part I- Radionuclides used in Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine. Indian J Hosp Pharm, 38(2), 51-56.

  33. R. Chandra, D.C. Tiwari and R.K. Sharma (2000). A conceptual model of biomedical network in DRDO. DESIDOC Bull. Info Technol, 20(3), 3-13.

  34. R.K. Sharma, A. Maitra and V. Jain (2000). Effects of 6-aminonicotinamide and 2-deoxy-D-glucose combination on the bioenergetics of perfused Ehrlich ascites tumour cells as monitored by 31P MR spectroscopy. Ind J Biochem Biophy, 37, 307-312. (Impact Factor 0,579)

  35. N. Mehrotra, K.Chuttani, P. Mishra, R.K. Sharma, T. Lazar Mathew and AK Mishra (2000). Initial studies on 99mTc-somatostatin analogs: Stannous mediated direct and indirect labeling and biodistribution in animals. Ind J Nucl Med, 15(1), 14-18.

  36. S. Ravi, R. Chandra and R.K. Sharma (2000). Are we ready for Digital Libraries. Herald Liby Sciences, 39, 11-18.

  37. P. Mishra, K.Chuttani, AK Mishra and RK Sharma (1999). Radiolabelling of Diltiazem with 99mTc and its evaluation for tumor scintigraphy. Ind J Nucl Med, 14(3), 249-254.

  38. R.K. Sharma, A.N. Maitra and V. Jain (1996). Cellular MR spectroscopy: A useful tool for developing new strategies for tumor radiotherapy. Mediquest, 14, 4-11.

  39. R.K. Sharma, H. Hanssum and V. Jain (1996). In vivo NMR spectroscopy studies on the bioenergetic changes induced by metabolic modulators in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Ind J Biochem Biophys, 33, 122-130. (Impact Factor 0,579)

  40. R.K. Sharma and V. Jain (1994). Effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on the photosensitization-induced bioenergetic changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as observed by in vivo NMR spectroscopy. Ind J Biochem. Biophys, 31, 36-42. (Impact Factor 0,579)

  41. U.P.S. Chauhan, R.K. Sharma, A.K. Singh, Pushpa Mishra, Thakuri Singh, Anil Babbar and R.S. Dass (1993). Radiopharmaceuticals used in SPECT imaging with special reference to brain. Ind J Nucl Med, 8, 34-41.

  42. U.P.S. Chauhan, A.K. Singh, R.K. Sharma, Pushpa Mishra, Anil Babbar, R.S. Dass and Thakuri Singh (1992). Radiolabelled Immunoglobulins - a new agent for localization of Infection and Inflammation. Ind. J Nucl Med, 7, 28-33.

  43. R.K. Sharma and U.P.S.Chauhan (1992). Radiopharmacy and its place in Pharmacy Curriculum. Ind J Pharm. Edu., 24, 4-10.

  44. D. Paul, M.R. Yadav, R.K. Sharma, V.R. Agrawal and H. Singh (1985). Steroids and related studies. Part 64. 5x-Pregnano [3,4-c]-1',2',5'-oxadiazoles. Ind J Chem, 24B, 1. (Impact Factor 0,575)

  45. S. Kumar, S. Prakash, R.K. Sharma, S.K. Jain, M. Kalyanasundram, R.V. Swamy, and K.M. Rao (1984). Field evaluation of three repellents against mosquitoes, blackflies & land leeches. Ind J Med Res, 80, 541-545. (Impact Factor 1.883)

  46. R.K. Sharma, S. K. Jain, S. Kumar and K. M. Rao (1984). Evaluation of some Insect Repellent Formulations. Part-I. Water Soluble Ointment Bases. Ind J Hosp Pharm, 21, 26-29.

A3. Short Papers

  1. Jyoti Sharma, Manish Adhikari, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Yanka Karmalakova, Vasselina Gadjeva, Rajesh Arora (2010). Upregulation of Endogenous Antioxidant System by Dietary Ingredient IBG15 Results in Mitigation of lonizing Radiation-Induced Conditioned Taste Aversion (CTA) in Sprague Dawley Rats. Advanced Biotech, 10(5), 115.

  2. Manish Adhikari, Vaselin Ivanov, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Jyoti Sharma, Vasselina Gadjeva, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Rajesh Arora (2010). The Radioprotective Properties of Silymarin for the Management of Radiological Incidents. Advanced Biotech, 10(5) 128.

  3. Poonam Malhotra, Manish Adhikari, Jyoti Sharma, Raman Chawla, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Damodar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Rajendra Prasad Tripathi, Rajesh Arora,(2010), Optimizing Radioprotective Efficacy of a Fractionated Extract of Podophyllum hexandrum for Mitigation of Radiation-Induced Free Radical-Mediated Biological Effects in the Hemopoietic Syndrome Range. Advanced Biotech, 10(5), 128.

  4. Atlar Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Jyoti Sharma, Poonam Malhotra, Antoaneta Zheleva, Yanka Karmalakova, Vasseline Gadjeva, Raman Chawla, Damodar Gupta, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Shama, Sarwat Sultana, Rajesh Arora,(2010), EPR Spectroscopy Confirms Modification of Oxidative Stress by Psoralea corylifolia lin. as the Mechanism of Radioprotection. Advanced Biotech, 10(5), 129.

  5. Sudha Rana, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010). Studies on the Urinary Metabolomic Biomarkers of lonizing Radiation. Advanced Biotech, 10(5), 149.

  6. V. Ivanov, R.K Sharma, V. Gadjeva, V. Katselianska-Stancheva (2009). Innovative Methods of Education of Medicine. Trakia Journal of Sciences 7(3) 95,

  7. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajeev Goel, M.Silambarasan and Vinod Kumar (2008). Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Decontamination Issues. Radiation Protection and Environment, 31(18-19).

  8. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Swatantra Kumar Jain and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Pifithrin- mediated decrease in radioprotective efficacy of Podphyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2006). Indian J Red Res, 5(3-4), 70-71.

  9. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora , Deen Dayal Bansal, Swatantra Kumar Jain, Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Podophyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2006) provides radioprotection in Hepatoma cell lines by modulating apoptotic, cell cycle, regulatory and DNA repair protein expression. Indian J Rad Res, 5(3-4), 71.

  10. Atlar Singh Dhaker, Rahesh Arora, Manish Adhikari, Raman Chawla, Damodar Gupta, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and R.P Tripathi (2008). Study on the aqueous extract of INM-2008 as a potent antioxidant and putative radio protector. Indian J Rad Res, 5(3-4), 85.

  11. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Rajeev Goel and Vinod Kumar (2008). Medical preparedness for radiation disaster management. Indian J Rad Res, 5(3-4), 106-107.

  12. Rajesh Arora, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Raman Chawla, Damodar Gupta, Manish Adhikari, Raj Kumar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, S. Jain, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and R.P Tripathi (2008). Critical issues in development of novel radiation countermeasures from natural sources for nuclear and radiological emergencies. Indian J Rad Res, 5(3-4), 108.

  13. Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Satish Chandra Puri, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Damodar Gupta, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Ghulam Nabi Qazi and Rajender Prasad Tripathi (2008). Fractionation, isolation, and chemical characterization of 3-O-β-D galactopyransoside of quercetin form Podophyllum hexadrum Royle and evaluation of its biological properties vis-à-vis radioprotection. Indian J Rad Res, 5(3-4), 108-109.

  14. Rajesh Arora, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Shikha Singh, Raman Chawla, Damodar Gupta, Raj Kumar, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and R.P Tripathi (2008). Evaluation of antioxidant and radioprotective efficacy of a dietary ingredient commonly used in Indian Cuisine. Indian J Rad Res 5(3-4), 109.

  15. Raman Chawla, Rajesh Arora, Shikha Singh, Raj Kumar, Satish Chandra Puri and Rakesh Kumar Sharma, (2006). Aryltetralin lignans of Podophyllum hexandrum exhibit lipoprotective effect and thereby render protection against ionizing radiation. Indian J Radiation Research, 3(4), 162.

  16. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Raman Chawla, Anupam Haskar, Shikha Singh, Ashok Kumar Sharma and Rajesh Arora (2006). Antiemetic and behavioural radioprotective properties of ginger. Indian J Radiation Research, 3(4), 162-163.

  17. S.K. Shukla, P. Chaudhary, I.Prem Kumar, F. Afrin and R.K.Sharma (2006). Hippophae rhamnoides protects from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from radiation induced DNA damage. Indian J Radiation Research, 3(4), 215-216

  18. P.K. Singh, Raj Kumar, S.K.Jain, A.K.Sharma, R. Arora, M. Gupta, S.S. Lahirir, R.K.Sharma and R.P. Tripathi (2006). Differential radiation protection in human HEP G2 (P53++) and HEP 3B (P53-) cells by Podophyllum hexandrum fractions: Possible role of P53 in radiation Protection. Indian J Radiation Research, 3(4), 219-220.

  19. P. Chaudhary, S.K. Shukla, I.Prem Kumar, F. Afrin and R.K.Sharma (2006). Podophyllum hexandrum enhances repair ofgamma radiation induced non-specific and gene specific DNA damage in murine thymocytes in vivo. Indian J Radiation Research, 3(4), 223-224.

  20. S. Jain, RK Sharma and SP Vyas (2005). Mannosylated niosomes for non-invasive topical genetic vaccination against Hepatitis B. Indian J Pharmacol, 37, S4.

  21. Pranav Shah, Pushpa Mishra, RK Sharma, Ambikanandan Mishra and Anil Kumar Mishra (2005). Use of 99mTc-Mannitol for Determination of Cell Monolayer Integrity. Indian J Nucl Med, 20(4), 109-110.

  22. Anil Kumar Mishra, Madhu Chopra, Puja Panwar, Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Rakesh K. Sharma, and Rajnish Sharma (2005). Novel Targeted Delivery of Folate Conjugated Tetramethyl Phosphonate to Bone: Biodistribution Studies of Technetium-99m Labeled Folate-Aminobenzyl Ethylene Diamine Tetramethyl Phosphonate (Folate-Bz-EDTMP). Indian J Nucl Med, 20(4), 119-120.

  23. Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, Pooja Tyagi, Rajneesh Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Kumar Mishra (2005). Radiolabeling and Evaluation of 99mTc-Labeled Imatanib Mesylate for Tumor Scintigraphy. Indian J Nucl Med, 20(4), 120-121.

  24. Anil Kumar Babbar, Hrushikesh B. Agashe, Narendra Kumar Jain, Sanyog Jain and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2005). Evaluation of Carbohydrate Coated Poly (propylene) Imine Dendrimers as Potential Drug Delivery Carries (s): Pharmacoscintigraphic Studies with Tc-99m Labelled Systems. Indian J Nucl Med 20(4), 121.

  25. Gaurav Mittal, Krishna Chuttani, Nitin Kumar, Rakesh K. Sharma, Rajnish Sharma and Anil K. Mishra (2005). Synthesis and Radiolabeling of –LHI-FA-N4 Peptide for Infection Imaging. Indian J Nucl Med, 20(4), 122.

  26. Anjani K. Tiwari, Pushpa Mishra, Rashi Mathur, R. K. Sharma and A. K. Mishra (2005). Novel 99mTc Radiolabeled Phthalamide Substituted Pyrane Analogue: Synthesis and Biological Studies in Mice. Indian J Nucl Med, 20(4), 122-123.

  27. Javed Ali , Shweta Arora ,  Alka  Ahuja , R. K.Khar , A.K. Babbar and R.K. Sharma (2005). Development And Evaluation Of HBS Capsules For Metformin: In Vitro And In Vivo Performance, #728, Proceed. 32nd Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society, USA.

  28. Sheetal Soni, Anil Kumar Babbar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Tanima Banerjee and Amarnath Maitra (2005). Pharmacoscintigraphic Evaluation of Polysorbate80 Coated Chitosan Nanoparticles for Brain Targeting. #653, Proceed. 32nd Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society, USA.

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  36. Gaurav Mattal, Nitin kumar, Krishna Chuttani, Jaspal Singh, Harish Rawat, Aseem Bhatnagar, Rajnish Sharma, Rakesh Kuamr Sharma, A.K. Mishra (2004). Radiolabeling of a Natural Product Isolated from Apis mellifera having Multiple Coordinating sites with Tc-99m and its Potential Application as an Infection Imaging Agent. Indian J Nucl Med 19(4), 127.

  37. Puja Panwar, Vibha Shrivastava, Pushpa Mishra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and A.K. Mishra (2004). Preclinical Evaluation of a New N-monosubstituted DOTA Derivative with Labile Linker conjugated to anti-EGFR Antibody ior egf/r3 for Tumour Imaging. Indian J Nucl Med, 19(4), 127-128.

  38. Santosh Kumar, Krishna Chuttani, Nitin Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, A.K. Mishra, T. Ravindranath (2004). Radiolabelling and Evaluation of 99mTc-labeled 5-Fluorouracil as a Tumor Marker. Indian J Nucl Med, 19(4), 128.

  39. A.K. Mishra, Puja Panwar, Bhupender S. Chikara, Krishna Chuttani, Nitian Kumar, Ramesh Chandra and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2004). Synthesis, Characterisation and In vivo Skeletal Localisation of a New 99mTc-based Bifunctional Multidentate Phoshonate Chelate. Indian J Nucl Med, 19(4), 128-129.

  40. A.K. Mishra, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Rajnish Sharma, Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, Nitin Kumar, Harish Rawat, Rakeah Kumar Sharma, Anupam Mondal, Ravi kashyap, T. Ravindranath (2004). Synthesis of Isoniazid Based (INDISCAN): Potential Infection Imaging Agent Using NM and MR Techniques. Indian J Nucl Med, 19(4), 133.

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  42. A.K. Mishra, M. Hosono, K. Chuttani, P. Mishra, R.K. Sharma and J.F. Chatal (2003). Isothiocyanato-dioxo-carboxymethyl-tetraazacyclotridecane as a new chelate to label antibody with technetium-99m. J Nucl. Med. (Abstract issue).

  43. AK Mishra, P Panwar, G Mittal, K Chutani and RK Sharma (2003). Novel receptor specific radiopharmaceutical for targetted scintigraphy: Tc-99m-Am-Bz-DTPMPA-Folate and Tc-99m- Am-Bz-DTPMPA-CCK peptides. Indian J Nucl Med, 18(4), 13.

  44. AK Singh, N Bhardwaj, A Bhatnagar, RK Sharma and R Kashyap (2003). Multicentric trials of DiagnobactTM developed at INMAS. Indian J Nucl Med, 18(4), 2.

  45. Tanima Banerjee, A.K.Singh, Susmita Mitra, R.K.Sharma and A.N.Maitra (2002). Comparative evaluation of Stannous chloride and Sodium Borohydride as reducing agents for preparation of Technetium-99m labeled Chitosan nanoparticles. Indian J Nucl Med, 17(4), 11.

  46. R. Kashyap, A. Dhal, A. Bhatnagar, A.K. Singh, J. Verma, R.K. Sharma, C. M. Jain, N. L. Soni, and H. Rawat (2002). Tc-99m-Ciprofloxacin scintigraphy in evaluation of orthopedic infection. World J. Nucl Med. 1(2), S60.

  47. Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Mishra (2001). A potential brain imaging agent: 99mTc-labeled-CDTA and its comparison with phosphonate derivative CDTMP. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 147.

  48. AK Babbar, A Bhatnagar and RK Sharma (2001). Tc-99m Folic Acid. A potential radiopharmaceutical for pancreatic scintigraphy. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 148.

  49. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Anil Kumar Mishra, Normando Iznaga-Escobar, Alejandro Perara and T. Lazar Mathew (2001). 99mTc-labeling of humanized monoclonal antibody h-R3 using NH2-Lys-DTPA. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 149.

  50. AK Mishra, S. Prasad, K Chuttani, P Mishra, RK Sharma and T. Lazar Mathew (2001). Synthesis and radiolabeling of N4-CAP-K-Peptide for imaging of bacterial infection. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 149.

  51. Krishna Chuttani, Madhu Chopra, Pushpa Mishra, Mohan Prakash, RK Sharma, T. Lazar Mathew and Anil K Mishra (2001). Extraction, radiolabeling and biological evaluation of Terminalia bellerica (Bahera) and Terminalia chebula (Harar) for cholecystokinin expressing tumours. Indian J. Nucl. Med. 16(4), 150.

  52. Anil K Mishra, Puja Panwar, Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Mohan Prakash RK Sharma and T. Lazar Mathew (2001). Synthesis and characterization of N2-Folate to label with different radionuclides for receptor specific radiopharmaceutical. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 151.

  53. Anil K Mishra, Alain-Faiver Chauvet, Mercedes Cedeno Arias, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Jean-Francois Chatal and T. Lazar Mathew (2001). Synthesis and biological evaluation of Yttrium-labeled-CHXA-DTPA-Conjugate EGFr monoclonal antibodies. Indian J Nucl Med, 16(4), 155.

  54. Anil Kumar Mishra and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2000). Radiolabeling of Epidermal Growth Factor Antibody with 99mTc using 2 Immunothiolane (2-IT): A comparison with existing kit. Ind. J. Nucl. Med. 15(3), 118.

  55. Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Kumar Mishra (2000). Radiolabelling and characterization of Ethylene diamine tetramethyl phosphonic acid (EDTMPA) synthesized by an improved process. Ind J Nucl Med, 15(3), 120.

  56. Anil Kumar Mishra, Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, T. Lazar Mathew and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2000). Synthesis, 99mTc-Labelling, and in vitro characterization of CITC-DTPA and Hynic modified Tyr3 Octerotide. Ind J Nucl Med, 15(3), 118.

  57. Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Anil Kumar Mishra.(2000) Radiolabelling and characterization of Tc-99m-CDTMP for brain scintigraphy. Ind J Nucl Med 15(3), 120.

  58. Anil Kumar Mishra, Sudhanand Prasad, Pushpa Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Seema Benwal, Bhupendra Singh, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and T. Lazar Mathew (2000). Novel Route for the preparation of DTPA-K-CAP-Biotin, 99m-Tc-labelling, and in vitro characterisation of Avidin-Biotin conjugate (2000). Ind J Nucl Med, 15(3), 121.

  59. Anil Kumar Mishra, Krishna Chuttani, Anil Kumar Babbar and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2000). Synthesis of 99mTcDTPA-K-Folate and its evaluation as a Folate-Receptor-Targeted Radiopharmaceutical. Ind J Nucl Med, 15(3), 121.

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  63. Krishna Chuttani, Pushpa Mishra, R.K. Sharma and Anil Mishra (1999). Radiolabelling of 5,7 Diamido-1, 11-Diacetate Tetraaza-Cyclotridecane (DADAT) with 99mTc and its Characterization Ind J Nucl Med, 14(2), 9.

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