Most of the Tarkine is in a very ‘natural’ condition according to the biophysical naturalness scheme adopted in the Tasmanian Comprehensive Regional Assessment. Biophysical naturalness is an indicator of the level of disturbance to the functioning of natural systems on a scale of 0 (high disturbance) to 5 (low disturbance). Over 90% of the Tarkine area entered onto the Register of the National Estate was found to have a biophysical naturalness rating of 5.
Limited areas have been subjected to intensive forestry operations, small scale mining and mineral exploration as well as cattle grazing on the coastal strip. Plantations and extensive areas subjected to intensive silviculture have generally been excluded. Off road vehicle use is increasing, particularly in the coastal zone.
The condition of the Aboriginal shell middens along the west coast is varied; however the most common disturbance is related to off road vehicle and bike use, cattle grazing, development (telephone tower installation and shack construction) and deflation through exposure to wind and rain (Collett et al 1998a and 1998b). During inspections of some of these hut depressions sites by Collett et al in 1998, they found that a large number of the huts depressions and the middens where stable and in places covered by grass. Some of the hut depressions have been directly affected by the disturbance listed above (Collett et al 1998a and 1998b), however the current status of these sites is unknown and a source states that the middens at West Point have not been inspected since the1990s but at the time were stable and covered in grass (O’Connor 2007). A number of hut depression sites have also been subject to archaeological excavation including a hut at Sundown Point (TASI 2421), completely excavated by Ranson in the 1970s (Jones 1980:159; Stockton 1984a:28; Richards and Sutherland-Richards 1992:28, 31) and part of a hut depression at West Point midden was excavated by Jones between 1964-5 (Jones 1965).
There are some in-holdings within the proposed boundary, notably the Savage River Mine and the Reece Powerstation. Developments in or adjacent to the proposed area referred under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 include road construction, kelp collection, offshore seismic testing, the Heemskirk Windfarm, the Tarkine Road and mining and related developments.
Although the magnesite karst features are not visually significant, and the surface landforms are of limited extent, they are sensitive to direct damage by souveniring and excavation. Karst areas are also very sensitive to fire management and other land management practices undertaken within their catchment areas.
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