Student Name
Shows awareness of possible conflicts by crying, turning away, or showing distress.
Engages in conflict with peers regarding possession of items (e.g., steals a toy from another child, shouts “mine”).
Begins to engage in simple, reciprocal interactions (e.g., rolls a ball back and forth). Shows awareness of feelings displayed by peers.
Demonstrates a preference towards select peers. Begins to engage in more complex play with 2 or 3 children. Shows awareness of peers’ personal space and belongings.
Responds to directions from adults to put items away or to be careful with group possessions some of the time.
Responds to directions from adults to put items away or be careful with group possessions most of the time.
With adult assistance, places personal items (backpack, jacket, shoes, etc.) in designated space and participates in cleanup time.
Places personal items in designated space without assistance (may need reminding), and participates in cleanup time with some independence and some adult help.
Places personal items in designated space without assistance, and participates in cleanup time independently (without adult help) almost every day.
Routinely demonstrates responsibility in caring for personal and group possessions with minimal prompting, and may engage peers to assist with care of classroom environment.
Internalizes expectations around caring for personal and group possessions, demonstrating a consistently high level of responsibility by exercising reasonable care and returning found items to their proper places or owners.
Practices citizenship in all areas of the school, demonstrating a consistently high level of responsibility that extends beyond what they are personally responsible for (e.g., picks up garbage on the playground that they did not put there).