Student Name
Explores objects with different shapes.
Explores objects with different shapes.
Attempts to name two-dimensional shapes in environment, often incorrectly.
Recognizes and names two-dimensional shapes with adult guidance.
Matches simple two-dimensional shapes in form boards and puzzles (e.g., circles, squares, triangles).
Sorts simple two-dimensional shapes in sorting boxes and other materials with adult help.
Distinguishes familiar shapes from one another.
Identifies 5 familiar two-dimensional shapes (e.g., circle, triangle, square, oval, rectangle) in various sizes, orientations, or circumstances.
Compares and sorts two-dimensional shapes by common attributes and states reasons for grouping (e.g., shape, size). Composes simple shapes using objects or by drawing.
Identifies shapes as two-dimensional (“flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”) (cone, cube, cylinder, sphere). Names both types of shapes with some accuracy. Composes both types of shapes using objects or drawing.
Accurately describes attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes. Composes simple shapes to form larger shapes.
Consistently and accurately describes attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes. Analyzes similarities and differences of various shapes by composing and decomposing them.