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Emergency Student Funds
Engineering Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Fellowship Programs
Government Scholarship Grants
How to Get a Scholarship
LLM Scholarships
Make Advance Africa Better!
Master Scholarships
MBA Scholarships
NGO & Organisation Grants
PhD Scholarships
PhD & Masters by Research Scholarships
Public Health Scholarships
Research Grants
Scholarships & Grants FAQ
Scholarships for Africa
Scholarships for African Countries
Scholarships for International Students in USA
Scholarships for Muslims
Scholarships for Primary and High School students
Scholarships for the Deaf
Scholarships for the Disabled - grants for the disabled
Scholarships for Refugees
Scholarships for Women
Theology Scholarships
Travel Grants
Undergraduate Scholarships
Undergraduate Scholarships FAQ
African Women in Science Fellowships Program
AACC International Scholarships (Scholarship Grants)
AAUW International Fellowships
Academic Scholarships at USIU University Kenya
ACCES scholarship program
Access to Learning Award - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
ACLS Fellowships for Africans
ACM International Collegiate Contest
Acumen Fund Fellows Program
Adam Smith Research Foundation Scholarships
ADB Internship Program
Adelaide Graduate Fee Scholarships, The University of Adelaide
Adelaide Scholarships International - Australia
Adelaide Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships (APCS), The University of Adelaide
Adrian Hastings Africa Scholarship - Theology Scholarships
Aerospace Russia Scholarships
Africa Educational Trust Undergraduate International Outreach Bursaries
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
Africa Google Ambassador Programme
Africa Initiative Graduate Research Grant
Africa LLM/MSc Tercentenary Scholarship
Africa London Nagasaki Scholarship - African Scholarships
Africa Masters Scholarship
Africa MBA Fellowship - Stanford Graduate School of Business
Africa Nursing Scholarship
Africa Organizations Grants
Africa Scholarship Scheme
Africa Scholarships at University of Edinburgh
Africa Scholarships Program - University of Bologna, Italy
Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies
African Economic Research Consortium Awards
African Scholarships Grants
African Scholarships at University of Edinburgh
Africa Study Scholarships
African Fellowship
African Fellowships on Neglected Tropical Diseases
African Fellows Programme (AFP) - Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme
African Girls Congress Fellowship Awards
African Guest Writer Scholarship
African Guest Researcher Scholarship Programme
African Leadership Fellowships
Africa Scholarship Program, University of Steubenville
African Staff Exchange Programme
Africa Thesis Award
African Commonwealth Scholarships » Education for Sustainability
African Development Journalism Fellowships
African Economic Research Consortium Awards
African Fellows Programme
African Guest Researchers Scholarship Programme
African Guest Writer Scholarship
African Graduate Fellowship, American University in Cairo
African Graduate Scholarships
African Human Rights Fellowships
African Leadership Academy Scholarships
AfricaAdapt Knowledge Sharing Innovation Fund
African Peacebuilding Network Research Grants
African Scholarships
African Union Research Grant
Africa Union Scientific Awards
African Small Grants - Small Research Grants for African Scientists
African Scholarships for Undergraduate Women
African Students PhD Fellowships in UK
African Studies Scholarships - University of Oxford
African Watt Club Scholarship
African Women Development Fund
African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Fellowships
African Women Public Service Fellowship
Africa University Scholarships
AfriCOG Investigative Journalism Fellowship
Afrika Kommit
Afya Bora Global Health Fellowships
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme
Aga Khan University Scholarships
Agriculture Short Courses Scholarships
Agriculture PhD Scholarships
Agris Mundus Master in Sustainable Development - Agriculture Scholarships
AIDS International Conference Scholarships
Aircraft Maintenance Trainee Sponsorships
Air Liquide International Scholarships in France
Airey Neave Trust
AIESEC International Internships
Aklilu Lemma Scholarship Awards (Ethiopia Scholarships)
Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)
Alfred University Presidential Scholarship
Alfred University Presidential Scholarship
ALGANT Master Scholarship
ALJ Scholarship
Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust
Al-Maktoum Foundation Bursaries
Al-Maktoum Foundation Scholarships
Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship
Altrusa International Foundation Grants
Amani African Youth Peace Fellowship
Ambassadors Girls' Scholarship Program
AMCT Bursary
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
American Jewish World Service - AJWS
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships
Amy Rustomjee International Scholarship
Angus Sawise Scholarships for Women
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships
Andrzejewski Memorial Fund
Anne van den Ban Fund Scholarships
Annual Fund MBA Scholarships - The London Business School
ANSTI Conference Grants
Anzisha Prize for Young African Entrepreneurs
Architecture Postgraduate Research Scholarships - University of Kent
ARRL International Humanitarian Award
Art Moves Africa Grants
Ashoka-Lemelson Fellowship Program
Asian Scholarship
Assistance for Women and Women Refugees
Associated Board International Scholarships
Atlas Service Corps Fellowship Opportunity
ATREE Small Grants Program
Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship
Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation
Australia Scholarships for International Students
Australian Development Scholarships
Australian National University Undergraduate Scholarships
AVLM – Management, Production and Activities Training Grants
AW Howard Memorial Trust Travel Grant
Awards for Women from Developing Countries
AWAM - Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance Scholarships
Award for Best Practices in Sustainable Development of Human Settlements
Award for Human Rights Defenders
AWARD Scholarships for African Women
Awards Creative Women and Women’s Groups
Awards for Women And Children Rights
AWS Foundation Scholarships
BA and MA Scholarships for International Students in Denmark
Bachelor of Laws Scholarships by Distance Learning
Bank of Ireland Fellowship in Human Rights
Barakat Trust and Bakarat Foundation Scholarships
Barratt Rotary Award - South Africa
Bat Conservation International Scholarships
Batonga Foundation Girls Scholarships
Bavarian Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships for Foreigners
BBC World Challenge Competition
BEE Living Allowance Scholarship
Bellagio Center Creative Arts Residencies
Beit Trust Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies
Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship
Berlage Institute Scholarships
Bernardin Scholars Program
Biomedical Repair Training Program
Birmingham Law School Scholarships
Birmingham Law School Master's in Law Scholarships
Birmingham Law School Research Scholarships - UK
Bloomsbury PhD Scholarships
Boehringer Foundation Travel Grants
Boehringer Ingelheim Fund PhD Scholarships
Boehringer Ingelheim Travel Grants
Borlaug Award for Field Research
BPP LLM Scholarships
BREMEN TRAC Fellowships for Post-docs
British Ecological Society Overseas Fellowship Scheme
British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries
British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants
British Institute in Eastern Africa Grants
Broadlands Home Trust - UK
BSc & MSc Scholarships for African Female Students
Building Capacity Fellowships
Bursaries for Overseas Undergraduate Students - University of Southampton
Business School Scholarships Competition
Call for Applications for Visiting Lectureships
Call for Application - Research Fellowship
Call for Field Research Grants
Call for Proposals in Good Governance & Human Rights
Cambridge International Scholarships (CISS)
Campbell Fellowships for Women from Developing Nations
CANADA-HOPE Scholarship Program
Canadian Window on International Development Award
Canon Collins Scholarship Programme
Capacity Building Fellowships
Capacity Building Grants - Travel & Accommodation Grants
Cape Peninsula University Research Fund
Career Development Grants
Carl Duisberg Medicine Scholarships
Medicine Scholarships in Africa
Cartier Women's Initiative Award
Cartoon Contest
Catherine B Reynolds Foundation Fellowship
Catholic Theological Union Scholarships
Carnegie Corporation Of New York-Grant
CCBI Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neurosemantics and Autism
CCMP Fellowships to the Climate Summit in South Africa
Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships
Centenary Masters Scholarships - University of London
Certificate in Conflict Resolution Skills Scholarships
Certificate, Diploma & MSc Water and Environmental Management Scholarships - Distance Learning Scholarships
CFC Stanbic Bank Education Fund Scholarship
Charlotte Conservation Fellows Program
Charlotte Conservation Fellowships
Charlotte W Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
Charles Pick Fellowship
Chevening Scholarships
Chinese Government Scholarships
Christine Bolt Scholarship
Church Development Service Scholarships
Churches Commission on Overseas Students Hardship Fund
Cicops Scholarships - University of Pavia Italy
CIDA Conference Fund
CIME Fellowship Programs
Civil and Building Engineering PhD Research Studentships
Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships
Clarendon Fund - Oxford University UK
Claude Ake Uppsala University Fellowships
Climate Change Conference Fellowships
Clive Menell Fellowships, South Africa
Clive West Travel Grants
Clutton-Brock Scholarship For Zimbabwe - Cambridge University, Magdalene College
CN Yang Scholars Programme
CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards
CODESRIA Research Grants
CODESRIA Small Grants for Thesis Writing
Colleges in Nairobi Kenya
Collegiate Inventors Competition
Colt Foundation Fellowships
Common Fund for Commodities Grants
Commonwealth Essay Competition
Commonwealth Foundation Grants
Commonwealth Foundation’s Civil Society Responsive Grants
Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program
Commonwealth Scholarship
Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships in Cameroon
Commonwealth Scholarships in Mauritius
Commonwealth Scholarships in Singapore
Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa
Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa
Commonwealth Scholarships in South Pacific
Commonwealth Scholarships in Sri Lanka
Commonwealth Scholarships in Swaziland
Commonwealth Scholarships in Tanzania
Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Scheme
Commonwealth Youth Awards
Competition for African Journalists
Computer Science and Information Technology Scholarships
Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Scholarships
Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship
Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowships
Conference and International Meeting Scholarships
Conference Scholarship
Conservation Awards
Connect4Climate Competition for African Youth
Constance McCullough Award
Co-operative Bank Foundation Scholarships Kenya
Coral Reef Conservation Project (CRCP)
Courage in Journalism Awards
Coursework Masters Awards - University of Otago
Cranfield Scholarships
Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award
Creative Writing Residency - National University of Singapore
Crisis-reporting Grant
C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers
Czech Republic Government Scholarships
DAC Countries 20 PhD Scholarships
DAAD-NRF in-Country Scholarships
DAAD In-Country & In-Region Scholarships
DAAD Scholarships Programme
DAAD Scholarships for Artists
DAAD Study Scholarships for Foreign Students in USA
Dan David Scholarships
Danish Culture Fund
Danish Government Scholarships for International Students
Danish International Scholarships
Dairy Industry Scholarships
David C. Lincoln Fellowship
David Montefiore Trust Grants
Dean’s Prize Scholarships - USA
Dell Social Innovation Competition
Denis Burkitt Fellowship
Deutsche Bank Scholarships for Women at London Business School
Development in Africa Scholarships
Developing Country Literacy Project Support Fund
Developing Countries Partnership Scholarship
Developing Countries Scholarship
Developing Countries Scholarships - CUD Scholarship Program
Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarships
Developing Solutions Undergraduate Scholarships
DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University
Diageo African Business Reporting Awards
Diploma and First degree Commonwealth Scholarships
Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management Scholarships
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Scholarships
Directorate General for Development Cooperation Scholarships
Disability Rights Scholarship
Dissertation and Young Investigator Grants
Dissertation Fellowship for African Students
Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship - Social Science Research Council
Dissertation Research Fellowships
Dissertation Writing Scholarships for Muslims
Distance Learning Masters Scholarships
Distance Learning MBA Scholarships at Edinburgh Business School (EBS)
Distance Learning Scholarships for Construction Professionals - University of Bath
Drama for Life Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships
DRD Scholarships for PhD and Master Studies in Africa
Doctoral Research Award - Canada
Doctoral Researcher and PhD in Business Administration
Doctoral Scholarships for Developing Countries - IRO Scholarships
Doctoral Scholarships in Law, Science and Technology
Doctoral Scholarships in Law - Uppsala University
Doctoral Scholarships in West Africa
Doctoral Scholarships in Law, Science and Technology
Doctoral Scholarships
Doctoral Fellowships - Pre, Doctoral & Post-doctoral Fellowships
Doodle 4 Google Competition
Dr Wanjiru Kihoro Scholarships
DTC PhD Studentships
Du Bois-Mandela-Rodney Fellowship
Duke Law School Scholarships USA
e8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships
e8 Internship Programme
EABL Foundation Scholarships
EABL Pan Africa Graduate Programme
EABL Scholarships
EADB Graduate Scholarship in Development Studies
Early Career Scholars Program
Earth Science Masters Programme Scholarships
EARTH University Scholarships
East Africa PhD Fellowships
East African Community LLM & PhD Scholarships
East Africa Scholarship Opportunity
East Anglia Scholarships - UK
Echoing Green Fellowship Program
Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships
Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Training Award
Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Scholarships
Educating Africa Pan-African Awards for Entrepreneurship in Education
Educating Africans for Christ Scholarships
Educational Grants for Female Students
Educational Pathways International Scholarship
Eiffel Scholarships, Masters and PhD
Eira Francis Davies Scholarship (Sponsors Undergrad & Postgrad Female Students in Developing Countries)
ELCA International Scholarships
eLearning Africa Photo Competition
Electric Power Engineering Scholarships - Chalmers University of Technology
Electronic and Computer Engineering Scholarships, Politecnico di Torino
Elimu Fund Scholarships for High School Students
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants
Elva Knight Research Grant (funding available to students in African universities)
EMBO Short Term Fellowships
Emergency Small Grants Programme - UK
Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program
Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Emile Boutmy Scholarship
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
End Impunity Poster Contest
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships - University of Sydney
Endeavour Vocational Education & Training Awards
Engineering International Undergraduate Scholarship
ENS International Scholarships - France
ENS Lyon Master Program International Scholarships
Environment, Food, Health and Technology Scholarships
Environmental Management MBA Scholarships
Environmental Studies Commonwealth Scholarship, University of Oxford
Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems Scholarships
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) Grants
Equity and Merit Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries
Erasmus Mundus FUSION-EP Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship in Geospatial Technologies
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Master in Industrial Management
Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Programme
Erasmus Mundus OpSciTech Scholarships
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship
Ernst Mach Grants
ESA Foundation Computer & Video Game Scholarships
Esso International Postgraduate Scholarships - Nigeria
Esso National Postgraduate Scholarship Awards - Nigeria
Ethiopia Postgraduate Scholarships
Ethiopia Scholarship - Sylvia Pankhurst Scholarships for Ethiopians
European Conference Travel Grants
European Grants for Masters Students in Advanced Robotics, Erasmus Mundus
European Masters in Clinical Linguistics Scholarships
European Masters in Informatics Scholarships
European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships
European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Scholarship
European Master of Science in International Health
European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme
European Master in Vision and Robotics Scholarships
Evan Lewis-Thomas Law Scholarships
Ewha Global Partnership Program
Exeter International Masters Scholarships
Excellence Scholarships for International Students at University of Bern
Fahamu Pan-African Fellowship (FPAF) Program
Faculty for the Future Fellowships
Family Bank Scholarships
FAO International Arts Competition
FAO Photo Contest
Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders
Fellowship Program for Media Professionals
Fellowships for Engineers and Transport Managers
Fellowships for enhancing capacity of African Institutions in Environmental Economics
Fellowships for People of African Descent
Fellowship in Medical Statistics for African Scientists
Fellowships in Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Fellowships to Promote Mental Health Journalism
Femmes Africa Solidarité Internships
Ferguson Trust Scholarships - Coventry University, UK
Film and Fiction Scholarships
Filmmaking Workshop Sponsorship - One Fine Day Film Workshop
Film Your Issue Global Competition
Financial Aid and Practical Training for MS in Computer Science
Financial Aid for Masters Students
Financial Assistance for Young Entrepreneurs
Fine arts and music school scholarships for Foreign Students
First Weir Scholarship for Africa
Fisheries Scholarships
FitzGerald Scholarship for African Journalists
Five College African Scholars Program
Flemish Government fellowships
Flying Scholarships for the Disabled
Fondation Rainbow Bridge Scholarship
Food and Nutrition Security Training Scholarships
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