1.2 Museums
Museum network
In the beginning of 2004 Azerbaijan had 159 museums and 30 picture galleries. Of these, 150 museums (including 21 branches) operate under the Ministry of Culture, and 4 under the National Academy of Sciences and other government institutions.
By type, these museums break down as follows:
Museums (01/01/2004)
In the years following independence, a lot of attention has been paid on the museums by the government, mainly as a way of weaving and reinforcing national identity.
As per statistics of 2003, the collections in the largest museums of Azerbaijan held over 1,650 million cultural assets. Among these museums are the National Museum, State Museum of the Arts, State Carpets and Applied Arts Museum, State Historical Museum, Shirvanshah Palace Complex, State Theatrical Museum, State Museum of Musical Culture, State Literary Museum and others.
Their collections could be classified in two main groups, with percentages: