Cathi Cain Thanks for article in "Capital Outlook" Robert Smith letter to prospective student

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interest in community development & Planning Proposals for University Research

letter of recommendation for Denis Curry acknowledge pledge completion

re dificulties with job. clarification with letter to prospective student

re assistance for book project

re problems of dog in rental unit

letter to retiring business associate and response to request for biographical info State of the College message

re activities during trustee visit to Lonview academic leave and responsiblity thereto

letter of recommendation for Duke Kuehn endorsement of SJR 110

evaluation for Dr. Paul Olscamp

unable to attend retireme~t dinner

contact United Way office, make arrange. for materials re comment from WSU advisor

response to student at WSU re advisors comment re TESC Bernard Saibel Memorial Fund

act on redesignation of Saibel Mem. Fund in Oct.

response to bill presented for services not quite delivE assessment of historical decisions by our government

re article from PARRDE mag.

re request for Public Relations position


sharing ofc. responsibilities, organization etc response to natural resource institute idea

Dept. of Gam~

public servant on Evans













































15 John McKibbin welcome to TESC Foundation Board of Governors

Rocco Siciliano

Ellis Dunn

Helen Dygert

Larry Hobbs

Ron Coffey

Susan Hansen

Michael Hall

Tom Juarez

Debbie Creveling

Russ Hauge

Molly Phillips

Chris Meserve

Bob Butts

Lee Riback

Doug Ellis

J.P. Jones


Mike Stanton

Hattie Woodruff

Eleanor Siegal



Will Humphreys

Les Eldridge

Margaret McDaniel

Jennifer Rich

James Rocheleau

Carnegie Council

Richard Kirk

Robert Schmidt

Elizabeth Miller

E. J. McWilliams:

Louis Reis

Rindetta Stewart


Byron Youtz

Will Humphreys

Jerry Chapman

Dean Clabaugh

Rita Cooper

Dean Clabaugh

Dean Clabaugh

Walker Allen

Les Eldridge

Diana Gale

accept advisorship on Exec. Offc of the President invitation to attend~Bd of T. mt. at Vancouver samealso sent to John Lee, Ron Morrison, Dean Mosier same also sent to Suzanne Mulligan, Joann Peekema same also sent to R. Strong, R.A. Jones, J. Justin congrats Bd of Dir. TESC Alumni, same to Anne Fuqua, Jill Fleming, Joe Dear, Bob Crocker, Grant Bunker, George Barner Terry Oliver, Kevin Phillips, R. Ray Scott Salzer, Shelly Sullens,,Joyce Weston, thanks for job done on Alum Assoc Bd. same to Vern Justice, Kerry KIockner, Dale Martin, Pat Pearson, John Praggestis, Eleanore Price, Ellen Sogge, K. StevenL Karen Wallis, Edward Willert, Tom Juarez, Congrats on re election to Alum Bd. same to B. Milbrathi Gary Mozell, Andy Ryan, Pat Foster, thanks for job on Found. Bd.of Gov. & Alum Assoc. congrats on elect. as treas. of Alum Assoc. thanks for job as treas of Alum Assoc. congrats on election as secretary to Alum Assoc. thanks for job as Vice Pres. of Alum Assoc. congrats on elect. as VP of Alum Assoc. thanks for job as Sec'y of Alum Assoc. thanks fo job as 2nd VP of Alub Assoc. letter of indroduction for E. Cokke and A. Orleck suggestion that report look ahead to 1980 letter of recommendation for Norward Brooks outline needed for letter of recommendation release of funds for Evergreen 38

information ofn transportation planning assistance for Dr. Stanislaw Eile, polish lecturer form of response to leg. on CPE changes congrats as scholarship recipient


letter to interested applicant

expenses for Oct 4-6 meeting in Rhode Island re Evergreen and FarEast program

reBink Memorial

congrats to semifinalist in Natl. Merit Scholar. comp. Thanks for support thru Fidelity Sav. Bk Scholarships demographic trends chart re speech

legal notice re leave status

social life on campus for young students

TESC students as aides for International Trade fair suggestions for Port Angeles Advisory Bd. members

re suggestions of investing at todays prices for future re letter from Jerry~chapman

be resp. for United Good Neighbor Drive? financial resp. of governing Bds

re letter to Rindy re~leave re diploma selection

problems integrating resource people from Hetitage Prog appointmeht to talke over disertation

Month/Date Recipient Subject

October Cont

15 Jane Sylvester

15 Robert Ingersoll

15 Duke Kuehn

15 Sonja Brown

15 Maxine Minns

15 Clabaugh

12 Arnaldo Rodriguez

16 Gail Norris

17 Bob Carr

17 Glenn Terrell

17 Barbara Cooley

17 Byron.Youtz

17 Gisela Taber

17 Rich Montecucco

17 Eleanor Siegal

17 Alexander Simis

18 Richard McLean

18 Clabaugh et al

18 Robert Hollister

18 Jane Sylvester

18 Robert Flowers

18 James Remis

18 Michael Hester

19 Ed Kormondy

Mary Stevenson

19 Duke Juehn et al

19 Duke Kuehn

19 Dean Claubaugh

19 Youtz/Smith

19 Youtz et al

19 Barbara Smith

19 Edmund G. Ryan

19 Byron Youtz

19 James Thebaut

19 Dean Clabaugh

17 Carl Donovan

22 All Evergreeners

22 Larry Stjllwell

22 Judith Olmstead

22 Pete Steilberg

22 Byron Youtz

22 Frank Motley

22 Rudy Martin

22 - Peta Henderson

22 Dave Carnahan

22 Suzanne Mulligan

22 Matthew Deller

23 Steve Charak

23 Jerome Farris

23 Gail Martin

23 Budgetary Unit Heads

24 Claudia White

copy of marketing plan

Japan United States Friendship Commission meet. date. publishing advance schedule

unable to furnish speeh text welcome as faculty rep. to Bd. of Trustees proposal on parking fee increases grad, Harry Speer as recruitment aide Displaced Homemaker Program Organizational chart re to recreation & athletics

re student report that faculty at WSU disclaimed TESC Secretarial support

Request from Koenninger & Little re cable TV report on Comparable Worth

Willie Jackson 10-8-79 memo VA problem acknowledge worth of The Little School decline invite as political commentator for KAYO thanks for gift to TESC

ready for reaccreditation team - reception per~ission for R. Cooper to access retirement acct. report on Vancouver Board Meeting

results of Vancouver public relations re Bd Mtg. invitation to dessert - evaluation committee confirm appointment as KAOS advisory Bd member same to Al Saari, Robert Sellers sabbatical financial arrangements member of President's club

task and timing charts-for Bd of Trustees Baile Memorial Boys Ranch Ratification of conversations The Evergreen Foundation

availability of publications of Carnegie Comm & council. Authorization for transfer of funds

re communications confereance Graduate program meet;[ng

Region at the Crossroads - perhaps further ideas of in alternative to use of Pres. Fund for refreshments TESC participate in WSLGA student loan program United Way campaign

congrats to CPJ on first-rate edition utilization of the seimming pool conver for above letter

effective inventory control for library & equipment how The Cost of Living Index is put together? thanks for participation of Bd of Trustees as fac. rep. willing to serve of Seed Grant Review Board?

same to Bob Bluss, Dave Gallagher, Richard Brian response to self-evaluation

re off-campus coordinator to be added to staff re late evaluation, letter to student thanks for willingness to serve on Campus Hear. Bd. congrats pn new post in Appelate court Request for funds for Information days Enrollment Reserve

re receiving complete set of pubs. from Carnegie Com &

Month/Date Recipient OCTOBER Cont


24 Jeanne Brockmann

Dear Friend

24 Hear. Bd. Mbrs

24 Faul/Allen Hearing

25 Nelson/Darling

25 Jon Cruz

25 Will Humphreys

25 Walker Allen

25 Ho. Al Bauer

25 Kenneth Brown

25 Takasuke Suenaga

25 Byron Youtz

25 Ann Turner

25 David Broder

25 Sonya Rogers

25 Byron Youtz

25 Herbert Gelman

29 Susan Mejer

29 Trustees

29 Dean & Dir.

29 Robert Lyon

29 Hon. Barney Goltz

29 Donnagene Ward

30 William Milliken

30 Glen Terrell et al

30 Russ Lidman

30 Rhomas Langevin

30 Herbert Hadley

30 Sue Washburn










Nancy Carison

Milt Bosell

Will Humphreys

Robert Jaedicke

Wesley Estes

Laura Thomas


1 Barbara Smith

1 Marilyn Akita

1 Byron Youtz

1 Dave Walibom

1 Claudia White

1 Gail Norris

2 Hon. B. Goltz

2 Will Humphreys et al

2 Rita Cooper

5 Herb Hadley

5 Bryan Downes

7 Budgetary Unit Heads

TESC abstract of Wash. St. CPE report letter soliciting funds Faul/Allen Hearing

Witnesses and alternatie mambers thanks for work with VEG - also Phillipson congrat on grant award from Am. Sociol. Assoc. Ed. Television consortius, Vancouver, Washington Confirmation of enrollment statistics willing to serve of Evergreen-Vancouver Advisory Bd. re enrollment from 1967 to 1970

re Richard Alexander's visit to Japan Incomplete fac. evaluations & lack of response to reque thanks for welcome of Bd of T. at Vancouver personal note

unable to attend Halloween program response to goals set by Trustees for institution goals and president's evaluation commentary invitation to serve on VEG, same to D. Robinso~, Mandeb Cathi Carr hearing

Nov. 1 meeting notice

your organization provide in-service opport. to teacher remodeling women's gym

handwritten note

decline invitation ~o participate in Denter Bd of Adv. items for discussion at COP mtg.

support for initiative 62, but unable to be auditable unable to accept position on committee

re correspondence with Cowlitz County Bd of Realtors Forum Club of Houston report

Annual report to CPE 1979 creating coalition for cooperation unable to accept invitation to speak how light are changes in parking lot Draft ltr. to Pub. Adm. Advisory committee

problems related to servingon Stanford Sch. of Busines. re request for "House sitters"

Request from Wes Estes for "house sitter

Your proposals for potential projects listing Rita Cooper at institution Affirmative Action Replacement on Human Subjects Review Board Redecorating President's office

obtaining Carnegie pub1ic~tions currently in print Draft reg. for Wash. St. Ed. Services Reg. Act 1979 summary of report to CPE on TESC

Secretarial support Title IX Compliance Officer

being brought up to date on Ken Binkley letter of recommendation for Lowell Kuehn7 Enrollment Reserve

Month/Date Recipient Subject
























































Sharon Martin letter to interested applicant

Jullian Parks letter to interested student

Judy Annis Logo consistency

Will Humphreys Orientation session for Vancouver & Pt. Angeles Adv. Bd

Michael Griggs use of campus recording equipment

Susanne Mygatt Wakefield assistance to hi schs about Evergreen program

Dean Clabaugh Request for information for President Potter

Tom Foote Concerns over performing art center

Ken Jacobsen employee-member named to Bd of Dir. of REI

Hon. Dan Grimm invitation to have lunch with faculty & student reps.

Tom Koeninger providing cable TV in Clark County

James Bemis exit interview of accreditation team

Byron Youtz Study of Ramapo

Byron Youtz Ed. TV Consortium Representation

Clabaugh et al Nov. 13 weekly discuss mtg.

Arnaldo Rodriquez Dr. Wakefield letter

Charles Fauls Campus Hearing Bd. decision

Richard Ford letter of introduction for Bob Filmer

Doris Cooper endorsement of Judy Annis for Superior Perform. Award

Mike Bieglow Request from reserves

Pat Kelly unable to accept invitation to speak

Stanford University confidential evaluation form for Bill Hicks

William Murray cable TV for Adult Ed for Vancouver area

DFT on Marine Facilities development of Marine facilities for TESC

Robert Jaedicke acceptance of membership to Adv. Council to

George Potter outline of campus and facilities for sister

Sandra Simon thanks for job on Pub Board

Lois Berg same

Paul Marsh- same

Ronald Hoffman letter to interested applicant

Mohammad Habib same

James Smith same

Lolita R. Knight same

Mike Bigelow responsibility for Athletic Bd?

Carla Black invitation as member of Athletic Advisory Board

Larry Eickstaedt same also to Dwight Noll, Kris Robinson,

Mary Kalihi same also to Robert Kim, Rudy Martin, Pete Steilberg

Barbara Fricke same

Dean Clabaugh Jane Sylvester request - exempt officials resume Monthly budget & expend. summary graph

Draft memo re reorganization Marion Oppeit letter baccalaureate program for nursing at TESC letter to student soon to graduate TESC image and the 0lympia~School Board Membership on Athletic Adv. Bd. Recruiting plan for minority students Saul & Dayee Hass Foundation grant request Outreach with Tektronix in Vancouver Outreach in Vancouver same

Evergreen 38 same



Grad Sch. college

Byron Youtz

Will Humphreys

Marion Oppelt

Karen Kramer

Wallace Fisher

Evergreen Council

Arnaldo Rodriguez

Charles Kincaid

James Sayer

Ardis Bound

James Doub

Louis Larsen

Jerry Husted

Tedrowe Watkins

John Condon

Month/Date Recipient Nov. Cont


20 Carl Sutter

20 Walker Allen

20 Youtz et al

21 Hon. Dixy Lee Ray

21 Trustees

21 Youtz

23 Budgetary Unit heads

26 Jo Ann Charles

26 Robert Drake

28 Athletic Adv. Bd.

28 Brian Johnson

28 Barbara Wooten

28 Doug Barnard

28 Steve Murdock

30 Greetings

30 Judy Annis

30 Budget Unit Heads

3o Mr. Forry


America's Cup and Evergreen 38 Robert J. Drake letter - problem Need to work on role and mission TESC Capital budget request

re supplemental budget documents external credit for Bill Paris, business degree Enrollment Reserves

letter to student with problem tuition and fee payment problems additions to Board roster invitation as member of Athletic Adv. Bd. same

Eagle Award receipent same

President's message - comparison flyer Board of Publications Reorganization plan

football coach volunteer


letter to student

3 George Beckmann

4 Dee Holder

4 Dean Thornton

4 Wm. Paris

5 ~iomas Gray

6 Whitney Deschner

6 Dave Meharg

6 Charles Kincaid

7 Carin Christian

10 Barbara Smith

10 Slade Gordon

11 Arnaldo Rodriguez

11 Youtz et al

11 Allen/ Rodriguez

11 Richard Sorenson

11 Lois Pearson

11 Burt Guttman

11 Donnagene Ward

11 Arnaldo Rodriguez

11 Eliot Bartlett

11 M/M Carl Major

11 Sue WAshburn

11 William Nicolai

11 Jerry J Horn

11 Bob Nelson

11 5. E. Heymann

11 Marianne Jolley

11 Patricia Griffith

12 Rachel Katz

12 Pippa Coiley

12 Phup Phibbs

12 George Kinnear

12 Dwight Noll

12 Jay Porter

inaugual activities for Pres. Gerberding expense for Carnegie Fdn for Adv. of Teaching trip Evergreen 100 club letters also President's Club Lette External Credit Program

letter to interested applicant problems for report of "no credit" - resolved Willi Unsoeld tape and slides presentation acknowledgement of Saul Haas Foundation award program letter to interested applicant Marketing position

congrats to turdkey run participant Funding for guest rentals cancell of mtg on Fisheries' biologist position Nov. 16 memo: specia1~students title of address to Western Deans conference public service announcement on Ch. 5 for TESC laboratory building access Aerospace/Aviation Ed workshop Eliot Bartlett letter

assistance with recruitment inNew England area condolence at death of young daughter

Ed radio service for Grays County

decline service on Bd of Director of private co. same

acknowledge TESC as eonference site letter to parent of student re housing recommendation for Johnn'ie Harris Presidents 100 Club welcome - several Thanks for Evergreen Council job well done same

explanation of missed concert Thanks for your support to Evergreen Thanks for contribution to athletic fund welcome to President's Club

Month/Date Recipient Subject
Dec. cont.

13 Dave Mehaug thansk for tapes and slides of Willi Unsoeld

13 Harry Speer Evergreen 38 project redesign

13 Lovelace Owusu-Asante international student admission & fina~cia1 provisions

13 Mary Lou Block letter to high school counselor about TESC opportunitie

13 K.K. Marker letter to parent of previous student

13 Rita Cooper Director of College Relations search

13 Barbara Smith Proposed conference on alternative education

13 Bruce Baker acceptance of speaking engagement

13 Josef Cray same

13 Ernest Boyer recommendation for direction of Carnie Foundation

13 Dir. of College Rel. Com proceedure to follow for selection

14 David L. Keller letter to previous student

14 Sue Washburn Acknowledgement letters to Foundation donors

14 Larry Stenberg marketing tasks

14 Rita Cooper Mary Isabell's letter

14 Burt Guttman Position paper on teaching problems in SKI

14 Ruben Marti letter to interested applicant - refered to Humphreys

14 Michael McTeague request of grant for develop. simulator for PLATO

14 Michael McTeague 3 proposals for computer course development

14 Joseph Collins response to request for Willi Unsoeld signature

14 Judy Annis Speakers Bureau as per marketing plan

14 Les Eldridge requests for info from Legislators & Exec. agencies

14 Walker Allen Jo Ann Charles petition

14 Byron Youtz Converstaion with Greg Portnoff

14 Joanne Evans letter re opportunities with Frank Russell & Co.

14 Ray Meredith welcome to Evergreen 100 Club

17 M/M Ceo. Duecy same

17 Debbie Fetterly thanks for work on Christmas cards

19 Michael Dederer welcome t9 Evergreen 100 club

19 James Ellis same

10 Byron Youtz Recruitment of Academic Dean

19 Trustees meetings of interest to trustees

20 Arnaldo Rodriguez Admissions open House

21 Rita Cooper Process for hiring the Dir. of College Relations
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