Cathi Cain Thanks for article in "Capital Outlook" Robert Smith letter to prospective student

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Month/Date Recipient Subject


9 1 Cathi Cain Thanks for article in "Capital Outlook"

2 Robert Smith letter to prospective student

4 Judith R. Cohen acknowlegment of accomplishment of past student

4 Richard H. Sullivan list of past directorships and trusteeships

4 Greg Smith info re graduate program to prospective applicant

5 Josie Reed/Barnard March 16 In-Service Day

5 Dorey Whealan follow up re camera damage

5 Mildred Leman response to letter of recommendation -Robert Stein

5 Harriet Crawford letter to supporter of Evergreen

5 Pres. Hanson/Malik/S tory Invitation to President's home with Trustee's

5 Trustees invitation for cocktails at Evan's

9 Larry Stenberg ICRC Representation

9 Robert Flowers cover letter for college investment policy proposal

9 Robert Cumbow thanks for offer of assistance - enrollment

9 Eugene Schoblaska invitation for overseas programs in Malaga Spain

9 John Gordon regret, unable to offer restaurant career training

9 Tami Hickle thanks for ideas re recruitment

9 George Lotzenhiser regret, unable to attend open house

9 Gerry Seppi regret, unable to serve on WACLD committee

10 M/Mjames Mason acknowledge gift given in memory of daughter 5100

11 Les Eldridge formally appointed to expanded responsibilities

Ti Mrs. E. R. Farrell acknowledge receipt of tennis trophy

11 Kenichi Yanagi thanks for 1979 Japanese calendar

11 Rindetta Jones re educational leave for non-faculty menber

12 Michael WiTs response to letter re problems with Registrar's staff

12 Herbert Fuller thanks for opinion expressed in Post-Intelligence

12 President's Council Establishment of Coals and Objectives.

15 Gayle Layton thanks for letter to the Editor re Evergreen

15 Tommy Ambrose thanks for letter of support

15 Robert Sellers thanks for suggestions re enrollment

15 Wm. Doebele submission of Mr. Pollard to Loeb Fellowship

16 Gary Smith thanks for offer of assistance while in Port Angeles

17 Evans Nguyen letter child - namesake

17 Dick Granger letter to retiring public official

17 Dean Clabaugh Bob Flowers request whereby trustees can return per d::

17 Dean Clabaugh Intercollegiate Athletics report

17 Tom Rainey Trilateral Task Force Proposal

17 N/N Harris enclosing perceptive analysis of your paper

17 Byron Youtz Clifton R. Wharton speech

17 Rita Grace invite principals to meeting with Trustees

17 Arnaldo Rodriquez admissions activities and suggestions

17 Jerry Storvich thanks for help while at Clover Park

17 Arnaldo Rodrigues meeting with David Moberly

17 David Moberly further association with Seattle schools

17 Pete Steilberg Soccer coaches

17 Dean Clabaugh problem with student loan

17 Arnaldo Rodriguez Admissions Counselor selection

17 Arnaldo Rodriguez Admissions plan

17 Charles Stokes letter to retiring legislator and judge

17 Les Eldridge Faculty accomplishment file

17 Don Kraft thanks for guidance re curriculum and our dilemma

17 Karen Terwilleger explanation of closure of Northern State Hospital

17 Don Frisbee hopes cooperative efforts are revived Washington/Ore

17 Fonda Ray thanks for willingness to serve at student rep.

Month/Date Recipient
January (Cont)

. 18 John Bagnariol 18 Duane Berentson

22 Jerry Zubrod

23 Leslie Netzger

23 Michael Perry

23 Larry Norwood

23 Knutson/Buck

23 Clayton Peterson

23 Mike Layton

23 Kent Young

23 Martha Le Valley

23 Youtz et al


24 Trustees

25 Arnaldo Rodriguez

29 Ralph Fregosi

29 Jean Ameluxen

29 Stephen Gill

29 Ed McBride

30 David Macmillan

30 Hobart Jenkins

30 Tim Gilmour

30 Eleanore Kenny

30 Byron Youtz et aT

31 Trustees

31 Dean Clabaugh

31 Eugene Nicholas

31 Gordon Prehm

31 Nat. Fellowship in

31 Nieman Foundation

Feb ruar~

1 Duane Berentson

1 John Bagnariol

1 Donald Thompson

1 Vic Atiyeh

1 Dan Grimm

1 Darney Goltz

2 Charles Newschwander

2 Ray Isaacson

1 Worthington Mayer

1 Dean Clabaugh

2 Rodney Vliet

2 Dr. Allan Spitz

2 Dr. Robert Russo

2 Dr. Samuel Magill

2 Dr. Allan Hershfield

2 Dr. Robert Hatala

2 Dr. Allan De Giuho

2 Dr. Rod Dugliss

2 Dr. Brian Copenhaver

2 Gregory Armstrong

2 Graham Johnson

2 Affidavit of DJ Evans


confirm him as speaker to Rotary same

Newspaper publishers Assoc. to tour Evergreen invite Hi school Principal to discuss TESC with trusts same


complimentary use of the recreation ctr by Leg. pages thanks for offer to help - development ofc. Thanks for service to Bd. of Publications acknowledge rescue of Eli Higgins efforts letter to interested applicant - dance Wash. News. Publishers' Assoc. tour voluntary student contributions to Evergreen Foundatio, Leg. reception co-sponsored by ECCO & Alumni Organ. Prospective student - Marlena Sessions thanks for letter of interest

cannot accept invite to speak re date of your proposed visit letter to interested applicant - sports same

Industrial Adm. Program now in our Manage. & Public In cover to "Off-Campus Initial Inventory Form!! Cover for Rec. of the Interinst. Task Force report confirmation of meeting arranged by phone agenda - private mtg. at lunch, status of college act. proposed investment policy

Hi Sch. Principal invited to meet with trustees same

Humanities recommendation for David Ammons as fellow same

Thanks for speaking to Rotary same

letter to interested applicant - administration regret unable to attend

thanks for sponsorship re Master's degree at TESC same



cover letter for enc. background material financial info for investment committee thanks for application - VP & Provost same









re nomination for B of D of Unigard Ins. Unigard exemption

Month/Date Recipient Subject
February (Cont)

2 Gail Norris

2 M/M Ricahrd Poff

2 Christine Meserve

2 Steve Francis

2 Bill Hucks

2 Lewis Yarbrough

2 Nancy Taylor

2 Dennis Peterson

2 Joseph Saltzer

2 Cheryl Sjoblom

5 Wm. Fortney

5 Mary Isabell

8 Shirley Vradenburgh

8 Richard Cowley

8 Academic Classified

8 Washington Generals

8 Frederic Salinger

9 Paul Farrier

14 Faculty

20 Katherine Piper

21 Daean Clabaugh

21 Dave Carnaham

21 Wes Berglund

21 Barbara Smith

21 Byron Youtz

21 Les Eldridge

21 Frederick Gies

23 Bill Parker

23 Phyllis Kaiser

23 Carol Sherr

23 Dr. Yukiko Tanaka

23 David Fineman

23 Carl Cooper

23 James Mason

26 Robert Russo

26 Virgil Myers

27 Forbes Bottomly Ins.

27 Duke Kuehn

28 Will Humphreys

28 Youtz/Clabaugh

28 Adele Simmons

28 Barbara Cooley

28 Charles Blame

28 Howard Klemme

28 Dean Clabaugh

28 M/MFrand Roberts

28 Elena Perez

28 Sarah Favret

28 Youtz/Clabaugh

28 Dee Holder

28 Dorothea Morgan

28 Barney Coltz

28 Youtz/

28 Prasert Lohavanijaya

28 Ronald Olson

to attend UPS discuss - off-campus instruct. for legislators & Evergreeners reception for presentation - Alumni Assoc rep. for presenting view to Higher Ed. Committees


thanks thanks thanks same same

thanks for presentation to Chamber of Commerce mtg. thanks for presentation to Higher Ed. Com.

return of ½ of tuition returned thanks for offer to help - recruitment letter to interested applicant - teaching Final selection of VP & Provost letter to interested applicant - teaching letter to past student and interested applicant-Librac

Personnel - Provost interviews regrets unable to attend same

letter to interested applicant - history interviews with finalist for VP & Provost letter to interested applicant - recruitment re consistant policy as host to invited groups

appreciate offer to serve of facilitator-Enroll. Task~ thanks for efforts with Housing Design Gp.

thanks for great job

re lack of communication with Bruce Chapman leisure Ed. followup for caucus wives re cooperative efforts with Sch. of Ed., Seattle U. unable to speak at banquet

decline to speak at Women's Repulbican Club letter to interested applicant - teaching same



establishment of scholarship award fund letter to VP & Provost applicant letter to Eagle scout

re grad. program in Public Adm. direction Community College Trustees/Evergreen Olympia Lakefair videotape

memo from Kuehn re Enrollment recommendations re great article in Harper's on Ed. trends & needs thanks for remarks re enrollment facilitator letter of recommendation - Kormondy


Housing on campus for prospective students thanks for gift - contribution negotiate a repayment schedule for acct now in collect:

re student problems with evaluation - reinstatment Outline for VP discuss

expenses at Guadalajara meeting of Carnegue letter to supporter of outreach program cover for enclosure/ Harper's article by A. Simmons Adele Simmons article

letter to interested applicant - teaching same

Month/Date Recipient Subject


1 Shirlee Schiffer

1 7 state survey


2 Myron Thompson

2 Sondra Seigel

2 Alice Boytz

1 Editor Chron. of

6 M/M Glen Carey

6 M/M C.S. Matthews

6 Dr. Mary Ann Haas

7 Ed LcChapelle

7 Scott Williams

7 Ross Jardine

7 Mark Coulding

7 Kevin

8 Dennis Peterson

8 Howard Cherry

8 Victor Atiyeh

8 Barbara Cooley

8 Tim Ball

8 William Bennett

8 M/M Byron Youtz

8 M/M Dean Clabaugh

8 J. Mark Pfouts

8 Paul Roberts

12 George Kinnear

12 J .C .G.Kine

12 Paul Moredock

14 Cinny Ingersol et al

14 Larry Curfman

14 Joyce Welty

14 Ronald Strickland

14 Mbr of Salary Task

15 Ronda Richardson

19 Inez DeCau

19 Peter Conn

19 Dr. Adrian Tinsley

19 Mrs. J. Gillian

19 Deipenbrock family

19 Jolene Unsoeld

20 mbrs of Provost

22 Phil Honohue

22 Bob Barnard

22 Josie Reed

22 Martena Sasnett

22 Trustees

22 Duke Kuehn

22 Edward White

23 Neal Peirce

23 M/M Youtz

23 M/M Conner

23 B. Youtz

23 Elsie Geissmar

Get Well message

4 yr college academic salaries 1978-79 Faculty salary comparison re Channell 13 license transfer to TESC unable to attend Torch Honor Society festivities

accept commencement speaking at Roosevelt Hi. Higher Ed. re article about suit with VA

thanks for contribution same

letter of recommendation - Ed Kormondy request inquiry into deaths of Unsoeld & Diepenbrock Eagle awardee



thanks for great job with Enrollment DTF thanks for contribution

Malbeur Field Station controversy same

appointment to Campus Hearing bd. same

condolences at loss of father thanks for contribution - gift same

please to have internship arrange with Capitol~oemat.~e Enclose gift for one tuition scholarship at TESC thanks for work on Bd. of Governors of TESC foundatioc letter to interested applicant - teach history same - Counseling & teaching

letter from Ii. Jenkins re Industrial Adm. Program regret unable to speak at graduation not a Mason, no authority to resolve problem

routing letter to Jeanne Hahn re research projects Force Job description for exempt statis - B Beeman

letter to interested ~~adidate - administrative letter to prospective student letter to VP & provost candidate results of Provost Search Handwritten note with check enclosed same with check enclosed


Search announcement of Bryon Youtz as Provost to committee Comments on show featuring admission difficulties

thanks for great job - In-Service training Day same

Thank~ for Oct. 77 colloquium - Unsoeld death turning per diem back to college - proceedure appointment as Special Assistant to President Letter of reference for J. Dolliver thought on liberal arts ed. to WashPost Writer's grp. thanks for support during Unsoeld/Diepenbrock ordeal Thanks for offer to keep Diepenbrock family Public Administration

re Unsoeld death and climbing risks

March (Cont)








































Philip Swain

Dr. Lilya Filippova

Jim Gulden

Dr. T. Hombein

Jolene Unsoeld

Phyllis Miletich

Helen Ratcliff

Dan Dissault

Martha Turner

Hon. Gordon Walgren


Duke Kuehn

Hon. John Anderson

Helga Teske

Barbara Cooley

Ted Hiltner

Stanley Little, Jr.

Howard McCaw

M/M Zane Lambert

Dr. Louis Benezet

Dana Evans

Applied Soc. Sc.

John Schwenker

Ted Watkins

CPJ Ediotrs

Leo Daugherty

Sid White

Grant Bunker

James Haseltine

Betty Jo Neils

Stanley Little

B. Youtz

Debbie Robinson

Wm. Toskey

Rev. Wm. Edelen

Kevin Moore

Maclyn Burg


28 Ricahrd Atkinson

29 Ray Jewison

29 Trustees


Welcome to Board of Governors of TESC sent materials describing TESC method of operation enclosed editorial from Pt. Angeles News - Unsoeld thanks for suggestion of someone to replace Unsoeld enclosed column re Willi's philosophy - Pt. Angeles thanks for great article in Pt. Angeles News - Unsoelt Prison rehabilitation opportunities

thanks for use of microphotographic exhibit congrats on job well done

thanks for evaluation of intern, Bill Coan Review of recent events, Schmidt will, Provost, thanks for outstanding contribution of Enrollment DTF letter of reference for Them Richardson

teacher certification at Evergreen Community Volunteer Service

letter to interested applicant Co~ acknowledgement of request to be released from Bd. of,, re oil protrait of Cov. Evans

letter to parent of student enjoying Evergreen decline invitation to write paper response to letter about common relatives letter of support of Grant - Tngersoll/ Jenny response to affirmation fo TESC concept of learning report of Evergreen 38

funding of CPJ marketing plan for college


Evergreen experience comparedto U of W - graduate request for him to servie as adviser re portrait loss of KCPQ TV, Channel 13 WiT son (( Boeings interest in Securities Studies Program at/ formal adivse of appointment at Provost

Add B. Beeman as signatory for Budgets 3000 and 3010 letter to interested applicant

letter to interested applicant Letter to Eagle Scout letter to interested applicant

accept invitation as panel member -copy of speech enc. on Adult Ed change in Board day for April

3 David Shaw letter to applicant

3 Al Leisenring Thansk for serving on Campus Hearing Bd for 79-80

4 John McClelland internship at newspaper ofc for Bill Hucks

4 James Campbell letter to applicant - referred to Humphreys

4 Youtz/Humphreys Phil Shinnick interest

4 Clabaugh Release time program

4 Jeff Frohner High School Outreach scholarships

4 Charles Rich letter to applicant - referred to Kuehn

4 Essie Steward same -referred to Humphreys

4 Clifford Knitter same

4 Rowena Alcorn Official Portrait

4 Mary Ellen Cecil same

4 B. Youtz Jim Hayes interest

Month/Date Recipient April (Cont)

4 Richard Nichols Proud of Evergreener being chosen as Citizen of year

5 David Hart letter acknowledging letter of reference - Sumner

6 parents of students involved in Rainier avalanche - enclosed news clipping

6 Leisenring Campus Hearing Bd. To consider Larsen petition

6 Hoyt Brown thanks for assistance re KOIN TV on recruitment

9 Dan Montgomery Request exemption for Youtz to serve as Petit Juror

9 Hon. Tokitada Sakai Pleased we were able to exchange professors

9 Dr. Rakasuke Suenaga Congrats for 50 yrs of founding University at Kobe

9 Stome Thomas Third World Educational needs being covered

9 Judy Annis Special rates at teb Westwater Inn

9 Byron Youtz 1977-78 Faculty Contact Hours Study

9 Harvil, Steinke, Erickson handwritten notes

10 David Wallbom VEG

10 lone Eastby visit of students to old counselors not a part of Adm

10 Catherine Burke Prospects of 4 yr. Univ. at Ft. Steilacoom

10 Stephen Gill unable to meet with him during U. -S. trip

10 Kenneth Risher Official Portrait

10 Kevin Wildermuth letter to student leaving studies to pursue art

10 John Terry recommendation of Claubaugh to writter

10 Mervin Roberts re admissions standards and Graduate program

10 Lopez Bible unable to attend celebration

10 Robart Jenkins thanks for suggestion re Manage. and the Public Tnt.

10 Sid White thanks for taking initiative action

10 Youtz et aT Retreat at President's Residence

11 Randall Stevenson development of experimental Learning center on Orcas;

11 Neal Baxter letter to applicant - referred to Clabaugh

12 Dianne Devlin Proposed annual Indian World's Fair

12 James Strong Prefer name not be submitted as candidate at Grinell

12 Ardie Allen unable to participate in Bothell Library ceremonies

12 Provost Search Committee- Provost Search celebration at Evans

13 Pat Emerson welcome to Bd. of Governors of TESC

13 Trustees Report on status of college issues

13 Geo. Weigel Unable to respond to request for participation

13 Jean Leed regret unable to participate in conference for Ratelk'

16 TESC Payroll Ofc Salary for B. Youtz

16 Milo Clarence Release transcript to WWU and notify them of del. lo~

16 David Story Ways to inform grads of opportunities at Evergreen

16 NeTs Hamson same with numerous Comunity colleges

17 Clark Kerr National Youth Service Program

18 Mark Hoehne Quasar video- cassette

18 WAlter Hunt letter to applicant

18 David Holt Official Portrait

19 Marvin Weber returned applicant materials for VP candidate

19 Career Planning Services- University requested to return their materialsdira

19 Paul Kavadas decline to present paper to Joint Ed. seminar

19 Michael Schmotzer letter to applicant - referreto Humphreys

19 Francis Robrer letter to applicant = same

20 Sally Peterson Thanks for service to TESC Vancouver

20 Mark Overland TESC unable to support Killer whale research project

20 Inaugural PLan Comm unable to participate in inauguration at CWU

23 Mr. Dinsmore David Wallbom our contact to the Energy Ofc.

24 John Bateman unable to accept invitation to Awareness movememt

25 John Robinson Official portrait

24 Brad Freeman Eagle Award

Month/Date Recipient
April (Co~t)


26 Rick Ricks

26 Keith Cluckey

27 M.K.Belanger

27 Maureen Kawaeka

27 Madeleine Jablonski

30 Maureen Pierre

30 Robert Roach

30 Donna Hayes

30 Philip Phibbs

30 Robert Satterwhite

30 Dick High

30 Mike et aT

30 H. D. Halliett

30 Gred Goldberg

30 Editor, Oregonian

30 Patrick Morgan

30 Angelo Pelligrini

30 Ginny Ingersoll

30 To Whom It Nay Concern

1 J.P. Jones

1 Evans/Humphreys/Youtz

3 Tom Fotte

3 Barbara Smith

3 Edward Lindaman

4 Del Langbauer

4 News release -

4 Rindy Jones

9 Trustees

10 Donald Marquardt

10 Donald Kleckner

14 M/M Willis

14 Laurel Gloor

11 Agency Directors

15 Harris Wofford

15 Duke Kuehn

15 Matt Smith

15 Morris Alhadeff

15 Andy Keller

15 Elliot Marks

15 Dave WAllbom

15 Don Von Volkenburg

15 Hahn/Annis

15 Homer Huniston

15 L.R. Hennings

15 Ceo. Corcoran

15 Bob Cleland

15 Wm. Perry

15 Hugh Bone

15 Judy Annis

15 Mike Beug

15 Dave Carnahan

15 Mervin Roberts

or law sch.

Response to comments of former student re preparation letter to applicant - referred to Kuehn Official Portrait

Expense report to Carnegie Council expense for Trilateral meeting letter to applicant -congrats on grant from National Science Foundation congrats as Outstanding Black Coeds contract between UPS and TESC letter to applicant - referred to Clabaugh letter of recommendation for Bill Hucks Evergreen Council

recommendation for Ed Kormondy thanks for Glen Alps print - TESC re colum by Wayne Thompson Master's Degree consortium

speaker at Heritage program - invitation for seminars Prerequisites for junior year MPI Program

- recomendation for John Beachamp

Art Collection

thanks for help with legislative reception Board of Publications

thanks for help with recruiting Com. Coil grads Use of Human Subjects Ins. Review Bd letter to friend as President of Whitworth grant to John Randolf

meeting date of Bd. of Trustees

inquiries from potential employers not responded to trustees contributions to Foundations as memorial letter to applicant - referred to Humphreys recomendation for Ed Kormondy

personal note

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