Each Respondent is responsible for ensuring that its response and all associated documents are submitted by the proper date and time.
Dun and Bradstreet reports must also be delivered to the address noted in Section 3.1 if they are not included on the response CD. Failure to provide all requested information within the response package by the date and time specified may result in rejection of the response. The Proposal Preparation Checklist included within this solicitation does not relieve the Respondent of responsibility for ensuring that all requirements of the solicitation are included with the submittal.
DO NOT RELY ON THE MYFLORIDAMARKETPLACE SOURCING TOOL’S TIME REMAINING CLOCK. THE OFFICIAL SOLICITATION CLOSING TIME SHALL BE AS REFLECTED IN SECTION 1.2, TIMELINE. The response deadline(s) shall be as reflected in Section 1.2, Timeline, of this solicitation. The MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing Tool’s time remaining clock is not the official submission date and time deadline, it is intended only to approximate the solicitation closing and may require periodic adjustments