Chapter 1 code of ordinances

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2.01 Title

2.04 Number and Term of Council

2.02 Form of Government

2.05 Term of Mayor

2.03 Powers and Duties of City Officers

2.06 Copies on File

2.01 TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the charter of the City of Cresco, Iowa.

2.02 FORM OF GOVERNMENT.  The form of government of the City is the Mayor-Council form of government.

(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.4)

2.03 POWERS AND DUTIES OF CITY OFFICERS.  The Council and Mayor and other City officers have such powers and shall perform such duties as are authorized or required by State law and by the ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations of the City.

2.04 NUMBER AND TERM OF COUNCIL.  The Council consists of two Council Members elected at large and one Council Member from each of three wards as established by this Code of Ordinances, elected for overlapping terms of four years.

(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.2)

2.05 TERM OF MAYOR. The Mayor is elected for a term of two years.

(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.2)

2.06 COPIES ON FILE.  The Clerk shall keep an official copy of the charter on file with the official records of the Clerk and the Secretary of State, and shall keep copies of the charter available at the Clerk’s office for public inspection.

(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.1)
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3.01 Definitions

3.04 Correction of Errors

3.02 Wards Established

3.05 Publication of Changes

3.03 Precincts Established

3.01 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. “Annexed territory” means territory annexed to the City after Census Day.

  2. “Census Day” means April 1, 2010, the official date of the 2010 United States Decennial Census.

  3. “City” includes all territory within the Corporate Limits of the City of Cresco and all annexed territory.

  4. “Commissioner of Elections” means the County Auditor of Howard County.

  5. “Corporate limits” means the corporate limits of the City of Cresco on Census Day.

  6. “Legislative District” means a district represented by a member of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the State of Iowa.

  7. Points of the Compass are approximate unless otherwise stated.

  8. “Street” or similar language means the centerline of the right-of-way, and a straight extension of that centerline.

  9. All names, boundaries, lines, features and fixtures are to be construed as they existed on Census Day.

3.02 WARDS ESTABLISHED. The City is divided into three (3) Wards, as follows:

  1. The First Ward consists of that territory bounded by a line as follows:

Beginning at the West corporate limits on 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9), thence easterly on 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9) to the intersection of 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9) and Elm St., thence northerly on North Elm St. to the intersection of North Elm St. and 3rd Ave E, thence easterly on 3rd Ave E to the intersection of 3rd Ave E and 8th St. E, thence southerly on 8th St E to the intersection of 8th St. E and 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9), thence easterly on 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9), to the East corporate limits, thence south along the East corporate limits to the South corporate limits, thence West along the South corporate limits to the West corporate limits, thence North along the West corporate limits to 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9), being the point of beginning, all of which is part of the Iowa Senate District #26 and Iowa House District #51 and Congressional District #1.

  1. The Second Ward consists of that territory bounded by a line as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of 12th Ave E and Division St., and thence southerly along Division St. to the intersection of Division St. and 9th Ave, thence easterly along 9th Ave to the intersection of 9th Ave and North Elm St., thence southerly along North Elm St. to the intersection of North Elm St. and 3rd Ave E, thence easterly along 3rd Ave E to the intersection of 3rd Ave E and 8th St. E, thence southerly along 8th St. E to the intersection of 8th St. E and 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9), thence easterly along 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9), to the East corporate limits, thence northerly along the East corporate limits to the North corporate limits, thence westerly along the North corporate limits to the intersection of 12th Ave E and Division St, being the point of beginning, all of which is part of the Iowa Senate District #26 and Iowa House District #51 and Congressional District #1.

  1. The Third Ward consists of that territory bounded by a line as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of 12th Ave W and Division St., thence southerly along Division St. to the intersection of Division St. and 9th Ave, thence easterly along 9th Ave to the intersection of 9th Ave and North Elm St., thence southerly along North Elm St. to the intersection of North Elm St. and 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9), thence westerly along 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9) to the West corporate limits, thence northerly along the West corporate limits to the North corporate limits, thence easterly along the North corporate limits to the intersection of 12th Ave W and Division St., being the point of beginning, all of which is part of the Iowa Senate District #26 and Iowa House District #51 and Congressional District #1.

3.03 PRECINCTS ESTABLISHED. The City is divided into four (4) Precincts as follows:

  1. The First Ward is divided into two (2) Precincts as follows:

  1. Precinct 1A consists of that territory bounded by a line as follows:

Beginning at the west corporate limits on Vernon Road; thence northeast on Vernon Road to the intersection of Vernon Road and 7th Ave SW; thence east on 7th Ave SW to the intersection of 7th Ave SW and 3rd St SW; thence north on 3rd St. SW to the intersection of 3rd St. SW and 3rd Ave SW; thence east on 3rd Ave SE to the intersection of 3rd Ave SE and 5th St. SE; thence north on 5th St SE to the intersection of 5th St. SE and 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9); thence east on 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9) to the intersection of 2nd Ave SE (State Highway 9) and 8th St E; thence north on 8th St E to the intersection of 8th St. E and 3rd Ave E; thence west on 3rd Ave E to the intersection of 3rd Ave E and North Elm St.; thence south on North Elm St. to the intersection of North Elm St. and 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9); thence west on 2nd Ave SW (State Highway 9) to the West corporate limits; thence south along the line of the west corporate limits to the Vernon Road being the point of beginning.

  1. Precinct 1B consists of that territory located in Ward 1 and not included in Precinct 1A.

  1. Precinct 2 consists of all the area located in Ward 2.

  2. Precinct 3 shall consist of all the area located in Ward 3.

3.04 CORRECTION OF ERRORS. If this chapter fails to place any part of the City within a ward or precinct established by Ordinance #434, codified by this chapter, the Commissioner of Elections shall assign the omitted area to an adjacent ward or precinct within the same Legislative District. If this chapter places any part of the City in more than one ward or precinct established by Ordinance #434, codified by this chapter, the Commissioner of Elections shall assign that territory to an adjacent ward or precinct within the proper Legislative District. The Commissioner of Elections may also correct obvious clerical errors in this chapter.

3.05 PUBLICATION OF CHANGES. The Commissioner of Elections is hereby directed to publish notice of the boundaries and polling places for the precincts and wards established by this chapter, pursuant to law. The Commissioner of Elections shall also certify a copy of Ordinance #434, and a map drawn in conformance thereto, to the Secretary of State within ten (10) days.

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