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Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter of the SAR
Editor – Jim Clemons –
Vol. 11 No. 1 January 2009
. Contents
1. Chapter news
EDITOR 5. General news
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Congratulations to Bill Simpson, charter member of the Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter, member of the Board of Managers, editor of The Gunnery News, and also the 1st Vice President of the Virginia Society. Bill will become President of VASSAR beginning February, 2009. In consideration of his new duties, president-elect Bill Simpson passed the editorship of The Gunnery News to Jim Clemons who continues to serve as the Veterans Chair for the chapter. On the occasion of his presiding over the VASSAR 2009 Annual Meeting at Richmond February 13-14, as many CFL chapter members as possible should be in attendance to give Bill Simpson solid support and chapter representation.
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The next luncheon meeting of the Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 10, 2009 at the Fredericksburg Country Club. The cost of the luncheon is $20.00 per person. The guest speaker will be Clifford Normand, the Louisiana State Registrar who will present a program about the Galvez Expeditions on the Gulf Coast, 1779-1781, an historic and interesting aspect of American Revolutionary War history.
Please let Chapter Secretary Dave Hazel know by January 6, 2009 if you plan to attend, along with the name(s) of your guests. Call Dave at 1-800-245-7037 or email him at for reservations.
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Photos from Chapter Luncheon, November 13, 2008: L to R: 1. VASSAR President Art Batten presents a 1st Virginia Regiment certificate to Secretary Dave Hazel Contribution to VASSAR Trust Funds; 2. CFL President Wayne Rouse presents the SAR Medal for Heroism to Dwight “D.J.” Wills; 3. Emergency Medical Technician Award presented at the December 10, 2008 luncheon by CFL President Wayne Rouse to EMT Angela Wilhelm, Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad.
President’s Call
I want to thank all of you for allowing me to represent the Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter at the various SAR functions around our great state of Virginia as well as in other parts of the country. Thank you also for electing me for a second term as Chapter President for 2009. I am looking forward to continuing my representation of the chapter and to expanding some of our programs for the coming year. The chapter has participated in almost all of the various SAR programs and awards in 2008 and we will do our very best to increase that participation in 2009.
We hope to see you at all of our chapter luncheons in the upcoming year and I would encourage all of you to join us in Richmond for the Virginia Society Annual Meeting in February.
Wink and I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and we wish you and yours the very best for 2009.
Wayne Rouse, President
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hapter Veterans Chair Jim Clemons reports the annual USS Stark Memorial Award Report is now being prepared. The purpose of the report is to recognize outstanding chapters and the most outstanding state society within the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for their participation within the Veteran community, and supporting activities of the NSSAR Veteran’s Committee. Points submitted for the chapter include each mile travelled to visit a Veteran in a VA Hospital, Nursing Home or at home; each lap robe made and donated to a Veteran in a VA Hospital or nursing home, personal care gifts donated to Veterans in a VA Hospital or nursing home; each publication donated to a VA Library;
Special observances sponsored by the Chapter with other veterans organizations or Chapter attendance in cooperation with veterans organizations; marking Revolutionary Patriot War Veteran’s and compatriot graves, donations of used clothing (men’s and women’s) and donations of used but working items such as TV’s, computers, VCR’s radios, etc. Chapter members are urged to report their individual contributions and veterans donations to the Veterans Chair Jim Clemons by email or by phone (540) 368-2493.
A significant donation of lap robes, personal care items, men’s suits totaling $866.52 in value was donated by the CFL Chapter to the Hunter Holmes Mcguire VA Hospital in Richmond, Virginia on November 19, 2008. Special recognition is given to Diane who crafted 15 knitted lap robes and six knitted tote bags to be used on walker equipment. Dianna is also noted for her historic re-enactor work at Ferry Farms, Kenmore, and at various historic events. Our hats are off to Diane and her outstanding work. Please note that the Veterans Chair is planning another donation for hospitalized and wounded veterans resident at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Hospital in March. Donations are gratefully accepted.
Genealogist Debbie Sue DeHart in a workshop co-sponsored by the Mine Run Daughters of the American Revolution and Friends of the James Monroe Museum, will have the latest software on hand to help you figure out if you can claim James Monroe on one of the other Founding Fathers among your ancestors. The workshop will be on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Red Room, Woodard Campus Center, UMW Fredericksburg campus. There will be a walk-in Q&A session until 2 p.m. Ms. DeHart will talk about the lineage of Monroe and other famous Fredericksburg-area families like the Mercers and the Lewises, and will show you how to conduct genealogical research on your own at home. The program is free and open to the public. Call the museum at (540) 654-1043 for further information.
Ms. DeHart is Honorary Regent and Registrar, Mine Run Chapter, NSDAR, phone (540) 854-6700, email
The news from the C.A.R Wilderness Bridge Society, submitted by Kathy Thierfeldt, is that the society is planning a trip to Mt. Vernon on George Washington’s Birthday, Sunday, February 22, 2009. Any one interested in participating in the trip to Mt. Vernon on Washington’s Birthday or joining the C.A.R Wilderness Bridge Society please contact Kathy at (540) 226-3346.
Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter, Virginia Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2008
After a social period of about 30 minutes, the November meeting of the Chapter was called to order at 12:05 PM at the Fredericksburg Country Club by President Wayne Rouse.
Officers present: President, Wayne Rouse
Secretary, Dave Hazel
Treasurer, Chris Dort
Registrar, Skip Nolan
Historian, Marv Pixton
There were 29 attendees including 14 members of the Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter, 3 prospective members, 2 VASSAR Officers (not CFL members,) 2 DAR, and 8 guests.
The invocation was given by President Wayne Rouse.
The Colors were posted by Treasurer Chris Dort and Historian Marv Pixton.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Compatriot Jim Clemons and the Pledge to the SAR was led by Registrar Skip Nolan.
President Wayne Rouse introduced the following guests: DJ Wills (Heroism Award recipient) and his mother and father, prospective member Bill Turner and his wife, transferring SAR members Tom Cook, Wade Cook and Mark Crooks, Registrar Skip Nolan and his grandson Parker Weeks, and VASSAR Officers Art Batten (President,) Bill Simpson (President-Elect,) Bob Bowen (2nd Vice President,) Kent Webber (Secretary,) and Walt Sheffield (Chancellor.)
Following some remarks about Art Batten attending a James Monroe Chapter meeting, CFL President Wayne Rouse invited Art to make a special presentation. VASSAR President Art Batten commented on the James Monroe Chapter meeting, thanked the CFL Chapter for the luncheon invitation, and discussed the First Virginia Regiment trust fund program. President Batten then gave a commission at the rank of Colonel in the First Virginia Regiment to David Hazel.
President Rouse announced that the Chapter is looking for back issues of The Gunnery News. He then recognized Compatriots who had celebrated birthdays since the last meeting, who were himself and Will Simpson. President Rouse also recognized that prospective member Bill Turner’s birthday was the day of the meeting.
Wink Rouse announced that the National Ladies Auxiliary for the SAR is selling cookbooks to raise funds for the Center for Advancing American Heritage. She informed the meeting that the cookbook can be purchased through the National Society website.
President Rouse adjourned the meeting for lunch and then called it back to order at 12:55 PM.
New Business:
The business portion of the meeting began with a report from the Nominating Committee Chairman Walt Sheffield. He reported that the Nominating Committee, consisting of Rob Andrews, Bill Simpson and himself, was making the following nominations for CFL Chapter officers:
President, Wayne Rouse
Vice President, Rolf Saben
Secretary, Dave Hazel
Treasurer, Chris Dort
Registrar, Skip Nolan
Historian, Marv Pixton
Chaplain, Bob Bailey
Chairman Sheffield then asked if there were any other nominations for President. Since there were none, he declared the nominations for President to be closed and turned the floor back over to Wayne Rouse. President Rouse then asked for additional nominations for each other office individually, and asked for motions to close the nominations for each office as follows:
Vice President, no additional nominations, motion to close by Marv Pixton, 2nd by
Chris Dort, passed unanimously.
Secretary, no additional nominations, motion to close by Marv Pixton, 2nd by
Chris Dort, passed unanimously.
Treasurer, no additional nominations, motion to close by Marv Pixton, 2nd by
Will Simpson, passed unanimously.
Registrar, no additional nominations, motion to close by Jim Clemons, 2nd by
Walt Sheffield, passed unanimously.
Historian, no additional nominations, motion to close by Jim Clemons, 2nd by
Chris Dort, passed unanimously.
Chaplain, no additional nominations, motion to close by Rolf Saben, 2nd by
Chris Dort, passed unanimously.
President Rouse then asked for a motion and vote to accept the nominations for the slate of officers as listed above. A motion to accept the slate of officers was made by Marv Pixton, seconded by Jim Clemons and passed unanimously.
President Rouse announced that Jim Clemons would serve as Veterans’ Affairs Chairman and Newsletter Editor. He also gave thanks to Bill Simpson for serving as the past Newsletter Editor.
President Rouse also announced that Mark Crooks, a transferring member, would serve on the Eagle Scout Committee for the CFL Chapter as well as on the VASSAR state committee. He added that the Boy Scouts will be 100 years old in 2010 and that the CFL Chapter will be involved in the celebration at Fort AP Hill.
President Rouse stated that he would continue to handle the Revolutionary War Graves Committee himself, He indicated that there were openings on other committees, and asked the Membership to contact him if anyone could volunteer to serve on a committee. He then stated that the new officers would be installed by Art Batten at the January 10th meeting.
President Rouse summarized a letter to the CFL Chapter from the George Washington Foundation acknowledging the Chapter’s $300.00 gift, given at the Kenmore meeting.
President Rouse presented a new fee schedule showing that there are no dues for VASSAR Junior Members, and proposed that the CFL Chapter no longer charge dues for Junior Members. Chris Dort made a motion to accept the new fee schedule, dropping the $5.00 fee for Junior Members. The motion was seconded by Rolf Saben and passed unanimously.
President Rouse discussed the possibility of a Virginia SAR license plate, showed the sign-up form, and indicated that it would take at least 350 participating SAR members to make it possible. He then talked about the Harry S. Truman Chapter’s fundraiser to help pay for the 2013 National Congress to be held in the Kansas City area, jointly sponsored by the Kansas and Missouri Societies. The fundraiser consists of a badge showing one’s Patriot Ancestors.
President Rouse reported that 2009 dues notices had been mailed out, stated that about one half of the membership had responded, and asked that all members respond by December 1st.
President Rouse informed the meeting that the minutes from the last meeting had been published in The Gunnery News and asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Secretary Dave Hazel made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Chris Dort and passed unanimously. President Rouse then referred to the Treasurer’s Report as published in the meeting agenda insert:
Checking Balance as of 9/10/08 $2189.66
Deposits $1695.00
Expenditures $1940.00
Checking Balance as of 11/5/08 $1944.66
Certificate of Deposit as of 11/5/08 $1112.27
Treasurer Chris Dort made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Will Simpson and passed unanimously.
Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Jim Clemons reported that donated items would be delivered to the McGuire Hospital in Richmond on November 19th. He asked for donations and for a volunteer to help with the program. BJ Simpson added that the DAR had some donations for the veterans.
The Civic Awards part of the meeting began with President Wayne Rouse reading a Heroism Award Citation for Dwight “D.J.” Wills. The Heroism Award Certificate was presented to Dwight Wills by Wayne Rouse. The Heroism Medal was presented to Dwight Wills by his father, Dewight Wills. President Rouse announced that he would also be submitting Dwight Wills for the state award.
The Good Citizen of the Year Award Recipient, Elani Zotos, was unable to attend the meeting due to an illness. President Rouse summarized Ms. Zotos’ patriotism and qualifications for the award and indicated that the award would be presented to her in January.
President Rouse reported that he and Bill Simpson presented the Law Enforcement Award to Sgt. James N. Ezzell, USMC, on November 4th at a Quantico parade field.
President Rouse discussed the Emergency Medical Technician Award, which has not yet been presented. The award will be presented to Ms. Angela Wilhelm, a member of the Aqua Harbor Volunteer Rescue Squad.
President Rouse announced that the Chapter had received two streamers. One was for his attendance at Battle Days at Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The other streamer was for his attendance at the anniversary of the Battle of King’s Mountain. President Rouse asked Dave Hazel to place the streamers on the flag.
After a brief break, Skip Nolan gave the Registrar’s report; the Chapter has recently received two prospective new members and seven supplementals. Registrar Nolan then gave a presentation entitled “Colonial Houses of 18th Century Fredericksburg.” Following the presentation, President Rouse presented Skip Nolan with a Certificate of Appreciation and a pen.
President Rouse made some closing remarks, commenting that even though the Chapter has lost several dual members, the Chapter is growing with several prospective new members. He also mentioned the Kenmore meeting and suggested that the Chapter consider going back again next September, but with a different caterer. He reviewed the First Virginia Regiment program and invited all of the members to participate.
Marv Pixton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Chris Dort.
The Colors were retired by Chris Dort and Marv Pixton.
The SAR Recessional was led by Marv Pixton.
The Benediction was given by President Wayne Rouse.
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Reminder: The Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution will hold its 119th Annual Meeting February 13-15, 2009 at the Holiday Inn Select Hotel, Koger Conference Center, 1021 Koger Center Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia 23235-4756. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the Holiday Inn Select Hotel, phone 1-804-379-3800 or 1-804-397-2763 or Web: Cut off date for Registrations and Hotel Reservations is Friday, January 23, 2009. For questions please contact Steve Atkinson, Chairman of the BOM, Richmond Chapter ( or call him at
804-425-5813, or Wayne Rouse, President, Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter ( ) , phone 540-659-5258

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