Public Health Act 2005 (Qld)
Section 191: A mandated reporter must report ‘the harm or likely harm’ if they ‘become aware, or reasonably suspect, during the practice of his or her profession, that a child has been, is being, or is likely to be, harmed’
Section 158: Harm means ‘any detrimental effect on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing—
(a) that is of a significant nature; and
(b) that has been caused by—
(i) physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect; or
(ii) sexual abuse or exploitation.’
Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld)
Section 364 defines ‘sexual abuse’. Sections 365, 366 (State and non-State schools respectively): ‘if a staff member becomes aware, or reasonably suspects, in the course of the staff member’s employment at the school, that a child attending the school has been sexually abused’
Sections 365A, 366A (State and non-State schools respectively): ‘if a staff member becomes aware, or reasonably suspects, in the course of the staff member’s employment at the school, that a child attending the school is likely to be sexually abused’
Focus is ‘abuse’ explicitly
Sexual abuse only (school staff)