Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal Committee Members

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August/September 2004

Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal

Committee Members

(Phone Number Area Code is 031 unless otherwise stated)





BLUFF 4052

(H) 466 2108

Fax 466 2108







(H) 9036007

(W) 467 0382






(H) 201 3316 (W) 265 3000

FAX 265 3011

CELL 082 465 5839




As above

(H) 2013316

CELL 082 3967022






(H) 563 7986 (W) 3002281

CELL 083 309 0233

Fax: 3056952




BLUFF 4052

(H) 467 8648

(W) 301 6422

CELL 082 377 8580



As above

(H) 467 8648





(H) 9163128

CELL 082 9292844




BLUFF 4052

(H) 467 7294

(W) 902 3209

CELL 082 653 8971





BLUFF 4052

(H) 467 7209

CELL 082 202 2841



As above

(H) 467 7209





(H) 2056844

(W) 9104636

CELL 082 673 1335





(W) 765 6012

CELL: 083 4141988



P O BOX 41587


(H) 4655831

(W) 3612054






(W) 363 1629

(H) 464 9121






(H) 708 5934

(W) 464 0900

CELL: - 083 922 0133







(H) 563 2403



As above

(H) 563 2403



P O BOX 39355



(H) 4644148

CELL 083 738 0527
Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal


137 TARA ROAD P.O.BOX 21759




Editorial: - Chairman’s Chirp

Our Durban Wheels Expo which, as last year, we staged in partnership with Lions International is now a thing of the past. Thanks to all of you for bringing and delivering bikes and necessary goods for the stands. And what fantastic stands they were. Ranging from the sparkling two bike

(BSA/Suzuki) revolving stand of Roy Redlinghuis to Jock Adamson’s huge BMW stand with an illuminated BMW emblem. Then there was Don Bristol’s vast Japanese collection, Alan Crookes five terrific Excelsiors (surely the largest private collection of these pre-war masterpieces in South Africa – or in the world?) the Norton stand manned by Toosie Hudson, “Vintage Workshop/Ye Old Byke Shoppe” stand of Robin Inggs, Aubrey Cilliers D.J. Stand, Alan Young’s Racing bike stand, Dave Strauss’ Triumph stand (even I would buy one of those handsome modern ones if I could afford it!) Dave Stone’s Royal Enfield stand, Bryan Hinks Harley Davidson stand, Ken and Barbara Sink’s AJS/Matchless stand ----- sorry if I’ve missed any out. Of course apart from the stands there were many mouth watering bikes of all makes standing separately in the marquee – for example Roy Colborne’s MHR Ducati, Clive Rossiter’s HRD Vincent, Roy Choromanski displayed a magnificent Indian. The list is too long to mention, but between AJS and Zenith there were plenty of different makes. Of course one of those was the terrific ’35 Sunbeam belonging to Jimmy Forrest which was voted the “Best on Show.” And as such won the R15000 prize. Congratulations Jimmy and Congratulations to all of you for your hard work in ensuring that we once again won the “Best Stand” and the R10000 prize. We have been putting on displays and shows virtually since day one of our clubs’ formation. Our very first Show was in 1983 at a large Service Station on Marine Drive on the Bluff. The weather didn’t co-operate with us but in spite of the rain we had an excellent turnout of bikes which we parked at the Stations lower level and charged the customers R2 to go down and view them. My caravan was used to provide (and sell of course) soft drinks, tea and coffee. I remember us pushing a race prepared Vincent up and down Marine Drive trying to get it fired up, but to no avail. I also remember Roy Choromanski and Alan Pirie selling bike bits and pieces from a lorry load that they had only just recently acquired. Our activities attracted a new member to our ranks. His name? – Mike Mathews – the owner of a restored BSA Bantam which he later swapped for a chronometric Speedo with Mike Lang – for an A10 BSA which he was restoring. Compared to today’s monetary value we made very little but every bit helped towards the building of our Clubhouse. None the less we had great fun doing it as many of our long standing members will remember. Mike Lang was Chairman at that time and as such he was a most excellent organiser. I think I was Vice Chairman, but in any case I was Chief fundraiser for our Clubhouse. Those were the days -------

Jim Cramer



Vice Chairman’s Natter

The Breakfast run in June was down the South Coast. We intended going the old road all the way but roadworks in Toti put paid to that. So we had to nip onto the Freeway for a short distance and back on again at Warner Beach. For those that partake we had a smoke break at Aliwal Shoal and then went inland and stopped at an African Bike shop, where everyone scooted around to see if they could find that part to finish off their project. Money changed hands and deals were made to collect parts later. We then rode the back roads to the Flour of Scotland and had a fantastic breakfast.

Racing at Masons Mill on 13th June saw an encouraging turnout of bikes for the Historic “PARADE”. Rod Thomas on his 500 BSA, Alan Young’s 250 Ducati, Howard Sink’s 350 BSA, Rob Wiles on a 500 AJS, Geoff Isacks 350 BSA, Reg Venter 750 Norton, Ian Nash 500 Ducati, Ian Noton 500 Ducati. And for August 15th at Idube there will be a 500 Norton and a 650 Triton and a 350 Honda. So if you are interested please get there before 8a.m. and pay R50 and come and have fun. No Taxis or diesel on the track. You ride at your pace. Rod Thomas set a cracking pace at Masons on his BSA, I wonder if he can do the same at Idube. Remember it’s not a race it’s a PARADE so if you are interested – 15th August at Idube. The pace Mally Doyle rides at on a breakfast run should give Rod Thomas a run for his money, so how about it Mally.

I went to the Show on the Sunday morning with my little dog Gizmo to whom Janet Muller’s son took an instant liking and went for a trot around the whole field with myself and Janet in hot pursuit. I don’t know who was taking who for a walk, but they both seemed to get along like a house on fire. In the end it was like taking the kids favorite toy away from him.

I bought myself a new 125cc bike at the show to race in the Veterans Class. A Veteran in Racing is anybody over 35 years of age, so about 90% of club members are veterans.
Baffled Muffler


New Members

We welcome Rob Broker who was voted for at our July Main Meeting (held at the end of June – because of our Wheels Expo) Hope you enjoy the club Roy.

For Introduction-Saturday 7th August

Arthur Siviter.


Past Events

Show bike Trophy-Saturday 5th June

4 BSA’s on Show, 1 Honda, 2 Yamaha, 1 Norton, 1 Velocette and 1 Ducati. All immaculate machines. Winner was Graham Isacks eye catching 1956 500cc BSA Gold Star. Congrats Graham and many thanks to all of you whose bikes were on show.


Flower of Scotland Breakfast Run-Sunday 6th June

See Vice Chairman’s Natter.


Natal Classic 2004, Drakensville-11th/12th June Varkie (Howard Sink)

Well that time of the year has come and gone. Those of you who missed this years rally missed a really good one. The number of entrants was down on previous years with 54 riders competing, but what was lacking in numbers was more than made up for in spirit. It gave everyone a chance to move out of their usual groups and mix more with the guys from the other clubs. This rally always has a special friendly feel attached to it---maybe it’s the social aspect--who cares? ---it’s always great!

Overall winner was Kevin Robertson of VMC

2nd place went to Eric/Marie Grimbeek of OFS VCC

3rd place & first CMCN rider Dennis Pullon. Congratulations to each and every one of you.

For myself I had to be content with a scientific discovery. The morning started out with Varkie (my AJS for those of you who don't know Varkie) and myself cruising sedately through the fresh bracing mountain air. After refueling ourselves at the lunch stop we set out on the next leg. Riding slowly through Winterton astride Varkie, waving casually to the local inhabitants, I began to feel like Thabo Mbeki on a Freedom- day type parade. Suddenly I was returned to stark reality as Varkie backfired, spluttered, coughed a couple of times and worst of all just stopped. Dismounting I pushed him to the side of the road and started an exploratory search. Within 30 seconds I was surrounded by an eager crowd of local schoolchildren. Quite a few Hau's and Eish's were heard as I struggled to get Varkie going again. Finally I was successful and anxious to now make up lost time we took to the road like demons, whipping past other competitors who were almost blown off the road as we swooped past. Just after the next T-junction, which we nearly missed seeing that we were, at that stage, just below the speed of light, trouble returned as I noticed SMOKE drifting up between my legs. Its true ---Viagra really does work. Thoughts of damage to my nether regions prompted a speedy stop and whipping off the side cover revealed the sight of insulation dripping off the wires like toasted marshmallows, at a girl guide picnic. Quickly disconnecting the battery sorted things out, but that was that! So onto the trailer went Varkie. What I want to know is how do they get the smoke into the wires in the first place? Have you noticed that once it leaks out, usually accompanied by a bad smell, then those wires don't work anymore?

Day 2 was spent helping the Marshals as there is always a shortage in this department. Marshaling exposes you to another facet of rallying and gives a better understanding of what goes into a rally like this, as well as being an enjoyable experience. I would like to suggest that every rider should Marshal perhaps every 5th or 6th rally as obviously there could be no rally without Marshals. Guys give it some thought please.

Anyway there's another 12 months to prepare and we can do it all over again. To all who organized, worked or participated in any way on behalf of all the riders, I thank you for an excellent event.

Terrific weather, terrific company, terrific weekend. Many many thanks to Ken Sink and his team. And to all other officials, and of course to the Competitors. Thanks Howard and Varkie.



Classic Racing/Parading, Masons Mill- Sunday 20th June Varkie (Howard Sink)

After having our arms twisted, literally and physically, by Reg Venter, Rob Wiles and I decided that if we wanted to stay in a healthy state we had better pitch up at Masons Mill and support the classic racing. Bob West had done such a persuasive sales pitch on Rob that Rob thought he was going to take part in a parade. Anyway Sunday arrived and bright and early (too damn early -- the previous nights party vibes were still buzzing around in my head) saw us heading off to the track. Arriving there we were met by Reg & Jean who gave us the reassuring pep talk, everything's just fine blah blah blah My bike decided it did not want to have anything to do with this and refused to play ball. After much persuading, fiddling, draining of the petrol, changing the plug refilling the tank and a few other things which escaped me in my hung- over state it changed its mind but only after Darren had pushed us about 5kms around the pits. Thanks guys.

Finally the time arrived and we lined up behind some real racing types. Rod Thomas had joined us on his trusty BSA and off we went on a practice lap. Then came the real thing, lots of revving, and at last we got the green light and away we went. I think Rod tried to stay with the other guys as I never saw him again. I placed myself just behind Rob Wiles and we did our own thing in our own time. The people watching most probably thought time had stood still as we were moving so slowly. The main thing was we were enjoying a completely new experience. After what seemed to me like 3 or 4 laps it was all over and we were feeling much more relaxed about the whole thing. After lunch the barbie had subsided to a mere "kloppende hoofpyn" and we were looking forward to the second heat which pretty much was a repeat of the first one. What was great was that the experienced riders gave us plenty of space and didn't crowd us in the corners or anything like that. We all agreed that it had been a worthwhile day and lots of fun. In fact Rob Wiles couldn't get rid of his grin for almost a week. If you have ever wanted to ride on the track then this is your chance. Take advantage of the situation while it exists because without support it won't last. We will definitely be going back again. If anyone has an eligible machine, bring it out and give it a go you'll love it!

So come on all the rest of you, get your Classics up to Idube on Sunday 15th August. Parading costs are a minimal R50. Have a chat to Bob if you are interested.


Concourse Trophy-Saturday 26th June

1 Norton, 2 Yamahas, 1 Honda, 1 BMW.

Judges were appointed by Reg Venter under whose jurisdiction the judging was carried out. Winner was the 1955 Norton Dominator of Toosie Hudson which scored the highest points. Congrats Toosie and thanks to the other four of you for entering your mouth watering machines.

Thanks Reg and all the other judges.


Durban Wheels Expo-3rd/4th June Barbara Sink

All I can say is everybody who put their bike on Show must be congratulated. It only gets better they could not help but give us First Prize. The tent was worth the R20 just to see the bikes.

Thanks to all who helped me – Rod Thomas with the field, Mike and his Night Watchmen (who it seemed had a party every night or so a little bird told me), Ron and Hav with the money ,Pip with his Computer – I think he takes it to bed with him., and Salome with the raffle.

We have a lot to sort out with the Lions and I don’t think we made any money! But I will let you all know soon. Sorry to anybody who saw me throw my toys out but I was tired (had been there from 6a.m.) and my leg hurt. No excuse I know.

First Bike R15000 went to a new CMCN members Sunbeam.

First Car R15000 Cobra belonging to ……..

Best Club Stand – CMCN.
I would like to call a special meeting in the near future for all Club members so we can talk about the Show.


Breakfast run, Ballito-Sunday 18th June

Some 20 of us set off from the Hyper-by-the-Sea, along the coastal road, led by Pip Lorentz on his lovely ’36 Triumph 500 S.V. and Mally Doyle doing the “vocals” on his AJS!

We had a little diversion/stop at Westbrook to put the gang to a little test in observation, which consisted of memorizing an assortment of objects which could only be viewed for 3 minutes.

We proceeded on to Ballito Wimpy where they had prepared for us.

During breakfast everyone had to now jog their memory and list the items they had viewed. Salome was our winner of the bar ticket with Aubrey and Andrew tying for second. Well done Salome. All those years of Rallying have honed your memory bank.

From Ballito we dropped in on the Micro light club and had an interesting visit. They are a very relaxed and friendly group (just like us). The young lady in charge that day suggested we could plan a Breakfast Run to their club if we so wished. Something definitely worth bearing in mind.

Leaving the ML club the remainder of us continued on a good winding route through the Compensation area back to Tongaat and then cutting back to the lower coastal road to Umhlanga where Pip stood us to Coffee at Nino’s. Thanks Pip.

All in all a lovely ride in weather that would be the envy of millions considering we’re in winter.

Thanks to all who took part and sorry you had to go back to graft so early on Mike.
Obviously a most enjoyable run. Thanks for the report Dave.



Forthcoming Events

Main Meeting-Post Classic Trophy-Saturday 7th August

Bikes from 1981 to 1993 – i.e. at least 10 years old but not older than 1981. SAVVA Dating NOT APPLICABLE to bikes younger than 1980.

Classic Racing/Parading, Idube-Sunday 15th August

Strong support required. Refer all enquiries to Vice Chairman Bob West. Suggest those riding depart from Kloof Engen Service Station at 07h30 and meet up with others at top of the off ramp to Hillcrest – departing from there at 08h00. Members trailering bikes to do the same if they so wish. See also report by Howard Sink on 20th June event.


Club to Club Brunch Run-Sunday 22nd August

Departs from clubhouse at 09h00. Route to be advised. Returning to club at approximately 11h00 for brunch at R25 per head, children under 12 R10 each. Numbers attending to be called for at Main meeting on Saturday 7th August.


Main Meeting, Best Sidecar Award-Saturday 4th September

Any outfit from any era is eligible. Come on now Guys and dolls; let’s see a huge turnout of sidecars. You listening Andrew Mather, Robin Inggs, Mike Mathews, Dave Muller – and all the rest of you sidecar owners? Be great to see all of them.


Classic Racing/Parading, Masons Mill-Sunday 12th September

As per details and comments re Idube event on Sunday 15th August.


Breakfast Run, Restaurant at Hilton Quarry-Sunday 19th September

Leaves club at 07h30 heading for the Engen Service Station at Kloof to join up with those waiting there. Leaving there at 08h00 heading for the Hillcrest turnoff where others may meet up, opposite the robot. No stopping, continuing on Old Main Road through Hillcrest, Bothas Hill etc. N.B. Inland members to join up at Van der Merwes Restaurant then on to Hilton.

Derek Pirie – Organiser. Home phone 031 2056844


Main Meeting, Best Matchless Trophy-Saturday 2nd October

This trophy, in memory of the late Lionel Morgan, has been dormant for several years in spite of there being 44 Matchless’ recorded in our Members register. So come along now all you owners, lets see some of them on Show. Any era but SAVVA dating IS APPLICABLE or must have been applied for via our Dating Officer Gus Heinze.


Classic Racing/Parading, Idube-Sunday 10th October

See details and comments re 15th August, 12th September events.


Breakfast Run, Shelly Beach-Sunday 17th October

Venue will probably be Skippers Restaurant but still to be confirmed.

Leaving clubhouse 07h30 heading south via Old South Coast Road, Prospecton, Windy Hill, Toti etc, meeting up with our South Coast members and South Coast Wheels Club at the Hibberdene lay-by, then proceeding to Skippers Restaurant at Shelley Beach, Breakfast cost is R30 – proceeds to South Coast Hospice. R10 donation slips are included in this Shoptorque. (SEE LAST PAGE) And more will be available at 2nd October Main meeting. Please do your best to return the slip. along with R10 or more to Ron Dukes. If times are hard try to get five people to each donate R2. PLEASE DO YOUR BEST, AND IF YOU ONLY ATTEND ONE RUN THIS YEAR MAKE IT THIS ONE. Ride your ancient or classic if possible, but come on your modern or by car if necessary. Be great to see some of our new members on the run.
N.B. See Calendar of Events for all other events.


Library- Alan Young

My thanks to Bryan Hinks for handling the library during my absence from the June regular meeting. I was lucky enough to be in the I.O.M watching the TT.

The Wheels Expo has come and gone and there are a number of members I must thank for assistance in preparing the “Racing” stand

To Mike and Alan Trevethan for helping to assemble the stand and for putting their Triton on display. To Dave and Paul Muller for rigging up their TV on the stand and showing racing DVD’s as well as displaying one of their large collection of bombers. To Don Bristol for his outstanding Yamaha TDIC and TZ 250A. Mike Mathews for his Yamaha AS1 and general help on the stand. To Ron Richmond for allowing us to display his magnificent Velo. The 2 Gold Star BSA’s, one ex Stan Setaro special, belonging to Ray Nel and Geoff Isacks 350, which is raced regularly in classic events. Reg Venter for his Norton Atlas Featherbed and last but not least Duncan Day for the loan of 2 bike stands, on which to display bikes.

If I have overlooked anyone, my sincere apologies, without all of you the display would not have been possible


Good Customer Relations-Dave Stone

A subject dear to every workshop manager’ heart.

The Enfield Indian Company still makers of the famous “Bullet”, in Madras, sum it up very well in the preface of their workshop manual and I quote: -

“We develop certain simple and honest behavior patterns to be effective in customer relations. It revolves around making our customers feel important at our place. Greeting them with smile, eye contacts, waving open hands, active listening are some of such behaviors. Saying things sweet to them, make them happy. Promptly attending to their complaints and “thanking” them generally earns their loyalty.”

“Saying things Sweet” to some grumpy customers must be quite a challenge!


100 Club-Saturday 26th June Salome van Niekerk

1st Prize R500 No. 53 Nan Truman

2nd Prize R20 No.21 Dave Turnbull

3rd Prize R10 No.41 Don Swithenbank

Collected R380, paid R530

100 Club-Saturday 5th June

1st Prize R500 No. 65 Steve Horn

2nd Prize R20 No.88 Bob West

3rd Prize R10 No.67 Janet Muller

41 members have paid in full, 26 pay monthly leaving 33 numbers to choose from



We received a bit of a surprise this month when we were advised that the Department of Transport were in the midst of changing the Road Traffic Act with severe implications for the old car movement. Before going into the detail what has been highlighted is that with so many of us in the retirement zone and away from the benefits of the Corporate world and access to the Government Gazette we need the assistance of those members who are still at the pit face to keep a look out for our interests. The planned draft to the Act is to remove the exemptions around roadworthiness testing, Regulation 220 subsection (3), that would make it necessary for “vintage’ vehicles to meet all the requirements set out for the roadworthy certificate on modern vehicles. Once published the Gazette allows 14 days for submissions by interested parties. I am most grateful to Roelof Viljoen for bringing this to our attention. I immediately made a detailed submission on behalf of SAVVA to the Minister via email and fast mail to Pretoria and am pleased to report that the Managing Director of MSA also made a submission fully supporting ours on behalf of the Historic Vehicle movement as a whole. The SAVVA Dating Certificate will more than likely be required in the future.
I have been requested to remind clubs of CARS IN THE PARK – Pretoria, on Sunday, 1 August 2004. This year will be the 24th CARS IN THE PARK exhibition of Vintage and Veteran vehicles hosted by the Pretoria Old Motor Club in Silverton, Pretoria held on the grounds of the POMC and the Pioneer Museum. Over the years this event has grown to be probably the largest exhibition of its kind in Africa. I am told it is extremely well organized and attended by more than 80 car and motorcycle clubs coming from all over Gauteng, Northern Province, Free State and Natal. Approximately 2 000 vehicles are on exhibition with an attendance of about 20 000 people. This year’s main attraction will be a display commemorating the 100th anniversary of Rolls Royce and Rover cars. Most of the clubs attending are either SAVVA or SAMCA clubs. For more information phone Frans du Toit on 082 893 9342 or Rita Coetzer on 012 348 2470 office hours or visit their web site on
Congratulations to the Eastern Province Veteran Car Club on the successful running of the 35th Continental Milligan between Port Elizabeth and East London, the biggest ever with 70 starters including two motorcycles. The support by members from around the country and the way in which the entry list fills up so quickly emphasizes the popularity of this well organised event as the premier vintage vehicle rally on the Motorsport calendar in South Africa. The largest out of town contingent came from the Crank handle Club, Cape Town with good representation from the Gauteng Clubs. Clearly those wishing to enter future events will have to respond immediately when the entry documents are sent out to ensure their participation. Congratulations to Phil and Sharon Hamond in their 1958 Austin Healey of Queenstown on an outstanding performance followed by Neville and Susan Koch of Grahamstown in the 1928 Ford LDV and Peter Fulton with Trevor Hoole of Port Elizabeth in the 1948 Chevrolet
Clint Morris


Eye of the Fish Eagle

Apart from the ten bikes on show, competing for the Show Bike Trophy on Saturday 5th June, Raymond Taylor’ Fish Eagle spied 14 bikes in the “Troo Blue Park”, 4 outfits in the “Sidecar Park” and 38 machines in the “Paddyfield”.

Then on Saturday 26th June, other than the 5 bikes being judged for our Concourse Trophy the Eagles beady eye spotted classic bikes in the “Troo Blue Park”, moderns in the “Paddyfield” and several outfits in the “Sidecar Park”.

Apologies to Raymond (and his birdy) the list of the bikes in the various parking areas which you gave to me went missing. Sorry, sorry sorry- - - - - -




From all of us to Peggy Palmer on the sad demise of Len. We will miss him on our runs, on our Regularity Trial and of course at our meetings. He was a true motorcyclist. When his son was studying medicine in Cape Town Len rode there and back 16 times on his beloved BMW’s. During World War 2 he was a wireless operator in S.A. Armored Car Division.

He and Peggy celebrated their Golden Wedding just two years ago. His name will be recorded on our Memorial Board which bears the words “We remember them with much affection”.

Indeed we do

We also extend sincere condolences to Jo and Dulcie Pheiffer on the recent sad loss of their son.


Sick Parade

Dave Turnbull is not only a true motorcyclist but also a true and brave fighter. Please keep those prayers going and those thumbs held for him. Jim


This and That

Hey all you guys in and around Pmb how about some news of what you folks are doing in those parts? Please, please, send me some news even if its only a few lines. And please join us on our run to Hilton – see details elsewhere


For Sale

1961 BSA Gold Flash 650cc Spotless re-build, full history of same available. Licensed and with matching frame and engine numbers. R14500 negotiable. Phone Jim Woods 031 4643586

1935 Triumph 350cc S.V. Excellent re-build. Has completed 6 D.Js R22500 negotiable. Phone Andre Whitehorn 031 4665030 (b) 031 4664004 (h).

  1. Triumph Bonneville – good condition R30000

  2. Norton Commando Dunstall Conversion R35000 Phone Mark Wright 084 5260862

Black/Red medium size Leather jacket and gloves. Very good condition. R800 Phone Martinus 082 2022821

I have an old Triumph Trophy 250W 1963 model I think, for sale.

It was rebuilt and refurbished about 20 years ago and was then in excellent show and running condition. It has stood unused since, and will need rebuilding, chroming, painting etc but is probably a good proposition for an enthusiast. It has some damage to the seat, but is otherwise whole with all or most of its original parts and fittings. It has no papers, and no doubt will require a scrapping certificate if is to be registered as a runner.

Phone Tim Tyrrell Phone and Fax 031 2012155 Cell 082 571 4285


1956 Matchless 500 single. Perfect collectors delight. Asking R15000 Phone Dave 082 4532618
BSA Speedo. Half round/moon shape. Phone 031 467 3203 or 083 4257586

Triumph Tiger 2000 Dual purpose, black/silver. Just had full service. Excellent condition. Phone Mark 083 9586330

CJ750 Classic sidecar, based on the original 1938 BMW R71. Elec. Start, reverse, genuine 900km. R30000 Phone Mark 033 3305123/082 8642753
Classics – all from a personal collection.

1965 Ariel Arrow 250cc two stroke R6000, Douglas Dragonfly 1958 350 Twin R16000, James Villiers 1958 197 two stroke R4500, Matchless 1951 500 twin R15000, Royal Enfield 1948 500 twin R8000, Royal Enfield Continental 1954 250 single R5000, BMW R50/S 1971 500 twin R10000, BSA Beagle 1968/80 single 2 and a half bikes for R4000 BSA Thunderbolt 1968 650 twin R7000, BSA Lightning 1965 650 twin R20000, Triumph T100C 1967 500 Twin R20000, Triumph Tiger Electro 1982 750 Twin R30000,Triumph Trident 1973 750 triple R17500, Yamaha SR500 1985 single R8000.

Miguel 083 263 1263 Fax 011680 2217

Any Classic bike at any reasonable price Phone Ron Zima 031 7012137/082 5770919

Any Classic bike at any reasonable price Phone Wessie 031 466 3448/083 7883448



Do yourself a favour – support our advertisers, they are the very best. If you own a business whose services are as good as that then why not arrange with Ron Dukes (Club treasurer) for an advert in Shoptorque?

The service can be of any nature, it does not have to be related to bikes only. We could do with more ads to subsidize the costs of producing Shoptorque.


Sound Off

BEING a biker chick is all part of the American dream. This one left it a little late, but she can still turn heads, can’t she.

See you at the club. Regards till then




AUGUST 2004.

Wednesday 4th Race Meeting 19h30

Saturday 7th Main Meeting 12h30 Display bikes from 1981 to 1993 inclusive.SAVVA Dating obviously NOT Applicable. Competition is for our Post Classic Trophy.

Wednesday 11th Committee Meeting 19h30

Saturday 14th Midlands Meeting 12H30 VSCC clubhouse Oribi PMB

Sunday 15th Racing at Idube

Saturday 21st Social Meeting 12h30

Sunday 22nd Club to Club Run. Details provided elsewhere.

Friday 27th Month end Braai 18h30


September 2004

Wednesday 1st Race Meeting 19h30

Saturday 4th Main Meeting 12h30 BEST SIDECAR AWARD Outfits from ANY ERA.

Wednesday 8th Committee Meeting 19h30

Saturday 11th Midlands Meeting 12H30 VSCC clubhouse Oribi PMB

Sunday 12th Racing at Masons Mill. Details elsewhere.

Saturday 18th Social Meeting 12h30

Sunday 19th Breakfast run to Restaurant at Hilton Quarry. Departs club 07h30 – further details elsewhere.

Wednesday 22nd Deadline for Shoptorque. News, ads,etc.

Friday 24th Month end Braai 18h30

Wednesday 29th Race Meeting 19h30


October 2004

Saturday 2nd Main Meeting 12h30 BEST MATCHLESS TROPHY Details elsewhere.

Wednesday 6th Committee Meeting 19h30

Saturday 9th Midlands Meeting 12H30 VSCC clubhouse Oribi PMB

Sunday 10th Racing at Idube. Details elsewhere

Saturday 16th Social Meeting 12h30

Sunday 17th Breakfast Run to Shelley Beach for South Coast Hospice. Leaves club 07h30 further details elsewhere.

Friday 29th Month end Braai 18h30

Donations to South Coast Hospice


Phone #








Members Name

Donations to South Coast Hospice


Phone #








Members Name

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