t Titler : This specifies the characters to be used for font and style samples in the
Adobe Titler frame.
t Trim: This adjusts how many frames and audio time units are trimmed if you
select Large Trim Offset (a quick way to chop off chunks of video) in the Trim
Note: When you finish reviewing the various options, click Cancel, or click OK if you made any
changes you want to keep.
Any changes you make in the preferences take effect immediately and remain in
effect the next time you start Adobe Premiere Pro. You can change them again at
any time.
Tip: An important
preference to
understand here is the
“Default scale to frame
size” setting. If this
option is selected, any
media you import will
automatically scale to
the frame size of the
sequence. This may be
desirable for importing
a lot of still images. If
you intend to do a lot
of zooming or panning,
you may not want
stills to automatically
scale. We’ll look more
closely at zooming and
panning in Lesson 11.
Note: Some
sequences, such as
those containing
high-resolution source
video or still images,
require large amounts
of memory for the
simultaneous rendering
of multiple frames.
These assets can force
Adobe Premiere Pro
to cancel rendering
and to give a Low
Memory Warning alert.
In these cases, you can
maximize the available
memory by changing
the Optimize Rendering
For preference from
Performance to
Memory. Change this
preference back to
Performance when
rendering no longer
requires memory