t Adobe Premiere Pro automatically
anti-aliases , or smoothes the edges of,
the Illustrator art.
t Adobe Premiere Pro converts all empty areas into a transparent alpha
channel so that clips below those areas on the Timeline can show through.
2 Close the Properties dialog.
Editing Illustrator files in Illustrator If you right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) Illustrator_file.ai again, you’ll
note that one option is Edit Original. If you have Illustrator installed on your com-
puter, selecting Edit Original will open this graphic in Illustrator, ready to be edited.
So, even though the layers are merged in Adobe Premiere Pro, you can return to
Illustrator, edit the original layered file, and save it, and the changes will immediately
show up in Adobe Premiere Pro.
3 To see more information in the Project panel, drag its right edge to the right as
far as possible to reveal more columns.
4 Click one of the image assets again, and then press the Tab key to move from
column to column. Note that you can enter text “spreadsheet style” into fields
that are editable. This is also another way to see properties of the assets.
Note: You may
be prompted with a
dialog asking where
a particular file is. This
will happen when the
original files were saved
on a hard drive other
than the one you’re
using or when the files
were moved since the
last time you used this
project. You’ll need to
tell Adobe Premiere Pro
where the file is. In this
case, navigate to the
Lessons/Assets folder,
and select the file for
which the dialog is
prompting you.