3 Optimizing performance Editing video is memory- and processor-intensive work for a desktop computer.
A fast processor and a lot of memory will make your editing experience much faster
and more efficient; 2 GB of memory is the minimum, and 8 GB or more is better for
high-definition (HD) media. Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 takes advantage of multicore
processors on Windows and Macintosh systems and will run on Macintosh com-
puters with multicore Intel processors.
A dedicated 7200 RPM or faster hard drive is recommended for standard-definition
(SD) or high-definition video (HDV) media. A RAID 0 striped disk array or SCSI
disk subsystem is recommended for HD. Performance will be significantly affected
if you attempt to store media files and program files on the same hard drive.
The Mercury Playback Engine in Adobe Premiere Pro can operate in software-only
mode or GPU acceleration mode. The GPU acceleration mode provides significant
performance improvement. The GPU acceleration is possible with select video
cards. You can find a list of these video cards on the Adobe website at
http://www. adobe.com/go/premiere_systemreqs .
Copying the lesson files The lessons in
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Classroom in a Book use specific source files,
such as image files created in Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 and Adobe® Illustrator® CS5,
audio files, and videos. To complete the lessons in this book, you must copy all the
files from the
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Classroom in a Book DVD (inside the back
cover of this book) to your hard drive. You will need about 3.5 GB of storage space
in addition to the 12 GB you need to install Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.
Although each lesson stands alone, some lessons use files from other lessons, so you’ll
need to keep the entire collection of lesson assets on your hard drive as you work
through the book. Here’s how to copy those assets from the DVD to your hard drive:
1 Open the
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Classroom in a Book DVD in My Computer
or Windows Explorer (Windows) or in the Finder (Mac OS).
2 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS; if you’re using a super mouse
or pen, you can right-click) the folder called Lessons, and choose Copy.
3 Navigate to the location you set to store your Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 projects.
The default location is My Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\5.0 (Windows) or
Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/5.0 (Mac OS).
4 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the 5.0 folder, and choose Paste.
Following these steps will copy all the lesson assets to your local folder. This process
may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the speed of your hardware.
Tip: A common disk
configuration is to put
the operating system
and applications on
drive 1, video and audio
files on drive 2, and
export files on drive 3.
For HD work, drive 2
should be a RAID 0
striped disk array or
SCSI disk subsystem.