100 LESSON 6
Adding Video Transitions
1 Start Adobe Premiere Pro, and open Lesson 06-01.prproj.
2 Choose Window > Workspace > Effects.
This changes the workspace to the preset that the Adobe Premiere Pro
development team created to make it easier to work with transitions and effects.
Tip: Did your toolbar move when you changed to the Effects workspace? If you prefer to have
your toolbar closer to the Timeline, feel free to dock it wherever you like. Many people like to dock
the toolbar to the right or left of the Timeline where it is close to most of the work you will be doing.
3 Drag the three video clips from the Project panel to the Video 1 track, in the
order shown here. Press the backslash key (\) to expand the view to show all
the clips on one screen.
Clip Handles You’ll see little triangles in the upper-right and upper-left corners of the clips (shown here). They indicate the
clips are at their original, full length. There are no additional frames past the beginning or end of the clip. For
transitions to work smoothly, you need handles—some unused head and tail frames to overlap between the
clips. Trimming both ends of the clips will give you those handles. Notice that when your clip has handles, there
are no triangles displayed in the upper corners of the clip.
4 Select the Ripple Edit tool (or press B on your keyboard), and drag the end of
the first clip to the left to shorten it by about 30 seconds (note the time in the
pop-up menu).
5 Use the Ripple Edit tool to drag the beginning of the second clip to the right
about 30 seconds into the clip.
6 Press the backslash key (\) to expand the Timeline.
7 Create handles at the end of the second clip and beginning of the third clip in the
same way. Use the Ripple Edit tool to drag the end of the second clip 20 seconds
to the left, and drag the beginning of the third clip 20 seconds to the right.
8 To make the transition you are about to apply easier to see, you need to zoom in
closer to the Timeline. Put the current-time indicator at the edit point between
clip 1 and clip 2 on the Timeline, and then press the equal sign (=) four times to
zoom in fairly close.
Note: Since you
used the Ripple Edit
tool, these two trims
should have no gap. If
there is a gap, right-click
(Windows) or Control-
click (Mac OS) the gap,
and choose Ripple