Diocese of Johannesburg
Prayer Diary 2014
COME, Thou Holy Spirit, come
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come!
And from Thy celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
Come, Thou Father of the poor!
Come, Thou Source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine!
Thou, of comforters the best;
Thou, the soul’s most welcome Guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;
In our labour**, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessèd Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill!
Where Thou art not, man hath naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour Thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away;
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess Thee, evermore
In Thy sev’nfold gift descend;
Give them virtue’s sure reward
Give them Thy salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
Archbishop Stephen Langton Tr. E. Caswall and Compilers
June Sunday
Easter 7
Psalm: 107:23-32 Exod. 32:1-14
A hymn of glory let us sing New songs throughout the world shall ring Christ, by a road before untrod Ascendeth to the throne of God. Alleluia
As per our Lectionary we pray for Orphans and Children at risk in the Anglican Community.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well -being in the world.
Eternal Father, through Jesus Christ our ascended Lord you sent your Holy Spirit to be the bond of fellowship in the Church: unify the whole created order in Christ who reigns supreme over all things with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen
02 June Monday
The Martyrs of Lyons, 177
Psalm: 107:33-43 Rev. 7:1-8
Cuernavaca - (Mexico) The Rt Revd Enrique Treviño Cruz
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well-being in the world.
03 June Tuesday
The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886
Psalm: 144:1-10 Rev. 7:9-12
Curitiba - (Brazil) The Rt Revd Naudal Alves Gomes
We pray for the Clergy Day taking place today. We pray for the facilitator and all the clergy who will be attending.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
04 June Wednesday
Psalm: 99 Rev. 7:13-17
Cuttack - (North India) The Rt Revd Dr Samson Das
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
05 June Thursday
Boniface, Bishop and Martyr in Germany, c.755
Psalm: 98 Rev. 11:1-6
Cyangugu - (Rwanda) The Rt Revd Geoffrey Rwubusisi
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
Today we celebrate World Environment Day, let us ask God to help us protect our environment.
Prayer for the Environment
This we know: the earth does not belong to us.
The earth is the Lord’s and so are all its people
This we know: we did not weave the web of life.
The earth is the Lord’s and so is all that breathes on it.
This we know: we are called to till and work the earth.
The earth is the Lord’s and so are all who work the land.
This we know: that we are called to take care of creation.
The earth is the Lord’s yet we have polluted and abused it.
This we know; that whatever befalls the earth
Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth
This we know: that the earth is the Lord’s
And so we will serve Him in it
06 June Friday
Psalm: 127 Exod. 32:15-25
Cyprus and the Gulf - (Jerusalem & Middle East) The Rt Revd Michael Augustine Owen Lewis
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
Recycling Prayer:
Living God Where there is waste, let us bring recycling,
Where there is recycling, let us bring re-use,
Where there is re-use, let us bring sustainability,
Where there is sustainability, let us bring justice Where there is justice, let us bring love
(Source:John Polhill - from Eggs and Ashes published by Wildgoose)
07 June Saturday
Corpus Christi Psalm: 130 Exod. 32:26-35
Daejeon - (Korea) The Rt Revd Michael Kwon
We pray for the Ordinations taking place today at St. John’s College.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well-being in the world.
"My covenant was with him, a covenant of life and peace, and I gave them to him; this called for reverence and he revered me and stood in awe of my name.” Malachi 2 5-7
08 June Sunday
Psalm: 134 Isa. 30:15-22
PRAY for La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico The Most Revd Francisco Moreno Presiding Bishop of La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico & Bishop of Northern Mexico
We pray for St. Monnica’s parish as Bishop Steve visits them today. We also pray for Revd Xolani Dlwati and Mmathabo together with their family.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well-being in the world.
09 June Monday
Columba of Iona, Missionary in Scotland, 597
Psalm: 84:1-7 Rev. 11:15-19
Dallas - (VII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd James Stanton Suffragan Bishop of Dallas - (VII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Paul Lambert
We pray for the unemployment that is facing the youth in our country.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
10 June Tuesday
Psalm: 101 Exod. 33:1-10
Damaturu - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Abiodun Ogunyemi
We pray for those who influence Public Opinion in South Africa.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well-being in the world.
11 June Wednesday
St Barnabas, Ember Day
Psalm: 124 Exod. 34:1-10
Dar-es-Salaam - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Valentino Mokiwa
We pray for the Oppressed in our society.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well-being in the world.
12 June Thursday
Psalm: 122 Exod. 40. 1-16
Davao - (Philippines) Vacant
We pray for all Educational Institutions in our country with their challenges.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
13 June Friday
Antony of Lisbon, Religious, 1231, Ember Day
Psalm: 128 Exod. 40:17-33
Delaware - (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Wayne Wright
We pray for Responsible Citizenship amongst fellow South Africans.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
14 June Saturday
Basil and his Companions, Teachers of the Faith, 4th century
Psalm: Exod. 40:34-38
Delhi - (North India) The Rt Revd Sunil Singh
We pray for the young people in South Africa.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
Prayer for Young People
Father of everlasting compassion you see your children growing up in an uncertain and confusing world: show them the path of life enable them to triumph over failure and frustration to hold fast their faith in you and to keep alive their joy in your creation;
through jesus Christ our lord.
15 June Sunday
Psalm: 1 Acts 3:1-9
PRAY for The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma) The Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo Archbishop of Myanmar and Bishop of Yangon
We pray for all our Youth organizations in our Diocese.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
Father most holy
Father most holy, merciful and loving,
Jesus, Redeemer, ever to be worshipped,
life-giving Spirit, Comforter most gracious,
God everlasting;
Three in a wondrous Unity unbroken,
one perfect Godhead, love that never faileth,
light of the angels, succoUr of the needy,
hope of all living;
All thy creation serveth its Creator,
thee every creature praiseth without ceasing;
we too would sing thee psalms of true devotion: hear, we beseech thee.
Lord God Almighty, unto thee be glory,
one in three Persons, over all exalted.
thine, as is meet, be honor, praise and blessing, now and for ever.
16 June Monday
Youth Day
Psalm: 2:1-8 Acts 3:10-26
Derby - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Alastair Redfern Derby - Repton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Humphery Southern
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
The prophet Isaiah (40:30) tells us: “Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted. But
those who hope in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed”.
17 June Tuesday
Psalm: 3 Acts 4:1-12
Derry & Raphoe - (Armagh, Ireland) The Rt Revd Kenneth Raymond Good
We pray for those suffering from addictions and pray that they seek help.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
18 June Wednesday
Bernard Mizeki, Martyr in Mashonaland, 1896
Psalm: 4 Gen 2:4-14
Diocese in Europe - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese in Europe - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd David Hamid Europe - (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Pierre Whalon
We pray for the 17th Bernard Mizeki Conference starting today in the Diocese of Port Elizaberth.
We pray for God’s guidance as we lead our lives.
We pray for the Ministry Leadership Team as they meet today to help move our Diocese in a positive direction.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
19 June Thursday
Psalm: 5:1-8,11-12 Gen 2:15-25
Eastern Kowloon - (Hong Kong) The Rt Revd Louis Tsui
We pray that God protects our homes and shelters.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
20 June Friday
Psalm: 6:1-9 Gen 3:1-7
Diocese of the Free State (formerly Bloemfontein) - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Dintoe Letloenyane
We pray for those who suffer for the sake of conscience.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
21 June Saturday
Psalm: 7:1-11,17 Gen 3:8-19
Western Kowloon - (Hong Kong) The Rt Revd Andrew Chan
We pray for peace in the World.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
22 June Sunday
Pentecost 2
Psalm: 8 Gen 3:20-24
PRAY for The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) The Most Revd Nicholas Okoh Metropolitan & Primate of all Nigeria & Bishop of Abuja
We pray for the safe return of the abducted Nigerian School girls.
We pray for All Saints Fourways Gardens parish as Bishop Steve visits them today. We pray for Father Michael Oliphant, Bridgette and their family.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
23 June Monday
Psalm: 9:1-10 Acts 4:13-31
Diocese on the Coast formerly (Ikale-Ilaje) - (Ondo, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Joshua Ogunele
We pray for the new cabinet to run a clean and transparent office.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
24 June Tuesday
The Birth of St John The Baptist
Psalm: 10:1-12,16-18 Acts 4:32-37
Doko - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Uriah Kolo
We pray for Rakgadi Khomo and Dave Prangley who are at the College of Transfiguration.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
25 June Wednesday
Psalm: 11:1-5,7 Gen 4:1-16
Dominican Republic - (IX, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Julio Holguin
We pray for sufferers of mental depression and other related psychological illnesses; remember also those caught in the violent situations of conflict and warfare.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
26 June Thursday
Psalm: 12 Gen 6:1-8
Dornakal - (South India) The Rt Revd Dr Bachu Satyanandam Devamani
Pray for the economies of the world, especially that of our region, to improve and expand resources essential for decent living conditions.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
27 June Friday
Psalm: 13 Acts 5:1-11
Down & Dromore - (Armagh, Ireland) The Rt Revd Harold Creeth Miller Dublin & Glendalough - (Dublin, Ireland) The Most Revd Michael Geoffrey St Aubyn Jackson
We pray for the Liturgy Committee, may they seek your guidance hear your voice.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
28 June Saturday
Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons and Teacher of the Faith, c.202
Psalm: 15 Gen 6:9-22
Dunedin - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd Dr Kelvin Peter Wright
We pray for our Archdeaconries and Archdeacons, may you strengthen them to minister whole heartedly.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
29 June Sunday
Pentecost 3
Psalm: 119:1-6 Acts 5:12-16
PRAY for The Church of North India (United) The Most Revd Dr Philip Marandih Moderator of CNI & Bishop of Patna
Thank God, and continue to pray for skillful people like doctors, nurses and social workers who serve in far-flung rural areas of our land.
We pray for the Anglican Student Federation Provincial Conference taking place in Heidelberg. We pray that the young students will open their hearts and let God talk to them and that they will hear when God speaks.
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
30 June Monday
Saints Peter & Paul
Psalm: 16 Acts 5:17-26
Dunkwa-on-Offin (Ghana) - (West Africa) The Rt Revd Edmund Dawson Ahmoah
We pray for Steve our Bishop and for Liziwe his wife.
We pray for those who have authority and responsibility among the nations, that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and well- being in the world.
Thou art the Christ o Lord
Thou art the Christ, O Lord,
the Son of God most high!
For ever be adored
that Name in earth and sky,
in which, though mortal strength may fail,
the saints of God at last prevail!
O surely he was blest
with blessedness unpriced,
who, taught of God, confessed
the Godhead in the Christ!
For of thy Church, Lord, thou didst own
thy saint a true foundation-stone.
3. Thrice fallen, thrice restored!
The bitter lesson learned,
that heart for thee, O Lord,
with triple ardour burned.
The cross he took he laid not down
until he grasped the martyr's crown.
4. O bright triumphant faith,
O courage void of fears!
O love most strong in death,
O penitential tears!
By these, Lord, keep us lest we fall,
and make us go where thou shalt call.
Diocese of Johannesburg June Prayer Diary 2014
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