Lavinia-Ileana GEAMBEI, PhD, is a philologist, lecturer at the University of Piteşti, Romania, and a member of the Centre of Research on the Imaginary. Text.Discourse. Communication. IMAGINES, of the Faculty of Letters in the University of Piteşti. Her research mainly tackles a new chapter of modern Romanian literature, i.e. the literature of communist prisons and penal camps. Initially, these researches addressed the lyrical poetry of detention and materialized in the book Ipostaze ale metaforei în lirica detenţiei (Aspects of metaphor in the lyrical poetry of detention), published at Piteşti University Publishers, 2007; currently, they especially approach memories writing of communist detention and camps, with some of the results presented as papers in several international conferences, and published in their proceedings volumes. Her research concern for the interwar Romanian literary phenomenon has also materialized in the work Tradiţionalism şi modernism în interbelic. Şase trasee lirice (Traditionalism and modernism in the interwar period. Six lyrical tracks), Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House, 2014.