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WP 4 - To create VI content for thermal conductivity and diffusivity

WP no: 4

Starting Date: Month 4

Duration: 36 months

Total Effort

(MD): 249


Task Description/ Contribution

Effnnort (MD)


Task 4.4 - Engineering materials data Member



Tasks 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 Member



WP 4 leader

Tasks 4.0 and 4.4 Task Leader, Task 4.1 Member



Tasks 4.1 Member, Task 4.2 Task Leader



Tasks 4.1 and 4.3 Task Leader, Task 4.4 Member



Tasks 4.1 to 4.5 inclusive Member, Task 4.0 Task Leader



Task 4.4 Member, Task 4.5 Task Leader



Task 4.1 Member



Tasks 4.1, 4.3 and 4.5 Member


3 Invited participants (*without labour costs)

Tasks 4.0 to 4.5 inclusive


Sub-contract costs

Task 4.4, Database compilation - Via IKE


Other project specific costs

Task 4.0, Organising meetings with industry and research institutions and report publication costs - via IKE



WP 4 serves to define the technical content of the VI for thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and electrical conductivity. This will include information on best practice guides, measurement and standardisation of thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and electrical conductivity, qualified data, standards, reports of meetings and latest developments. Industrial members will review the information generated in this work package.

Description of Work Tasks

Task 4.0 Define the technical content and review with industrial members and invited participants.

Task 4.1 Compile best practice guides to measurement techniques, standardisation and calibration.

Provide links and directions to associated data bases and measurement techniques and suitable laboratories. Expertise in special material groups exists among others for semitransparent materials (ZAE), insulation materials (NPL), metal melts (IKE, NPL). Expertise in all relevant measurement techniques is also available: stationary techniques (LNE, ZAE), transient techniques (SAS, LNE, ZAE), micro/nano-scale techniques (INSA), subsecond techniques (IMGC) el. resistivity (IKE, IMGC), Heat flow (TNO). Guidance lists as already available at T2PAC, UK, AK Thermophysik, Germany, EU- Network MEBSP shall be completed.

Task 4.2 Compile written standards.

A number of activities are foreseen by the contributing members:

  • Collection of national, European, ASTM and international standards (LNE, NPL)

  • Compilation of the written standards especially regarding pulse transient, step-wise transient and hot plate transient (SAS)

  • Compilation of written standards existing and executed at individual laboratories (ZAE).

  • Publication on EVITherM web-page (NPL)

  • Definition of needs to develop new written standards on CEN/ISO-level (LNE, NPL)

Task 4.3 Compile information about and specify needs for reference materials.

  • Identification of available certified reference materials (high quality, first level) and sources of supply for , a, (electr.)

  • Identification of additional reference materials (second level) with sources of supply

  • Data base for properties of reference materials (certified/recommended value, uncertainty, recommended use)

  • Publication on EVITherM web-page

  • Identification of other needed reference materials e.g. for thermal conductivity of super insulation.

Task 4.4 Compile qualified data for relevant engineering materials

The materials in question comprise metals (up to and above melting point), ceramics, glasses, carbon based, and synthetic materials. Much of this data is available in existing databases (e.g. from THERSYST with approximately 4500 datasets). This task will add value to existing databases by providing additional information to enable the user to make informed choices. Results received by direct input via Internet shall be reviewed.

Task 4.5 Compile qualified data for relevant insulation materials.

Thermophysical properties of insulation materials both for building and industrial applications are practically not available in the form of databases. Due to the complex structure of such materials the scatter of available properties data is very large. Therefore well-defined material characterisation is important to enable critical evaluation of data.


D4.0 Report defining the form and content of the VI re: thermal conductivity and diffusivity - month 9

D4.1 to D4.5 Sets of data compiled in tasks 4.1 to 4.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site, months* 12 - 30

D4.6 Approved compiled data reviewed for phased insertion into the live EVITherM web site,

Months* 12 - 30

Milestones and criteria

M4.0 Formulation of final content, month 9

M4.1 Sets of data compiled in tasks 4.1 to 4.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site,

months* 12 - 30

M4.2 Phased completion of approved inputs to EVITherM live website, months* 12 to 30
* Note. A plan defining the target dates for phasing information generated within this WP into the EVITherM website will be developed by the steering committee in WP1 during the first 6 months of the project

Interrelation with other workpackages

WP4 depends on WP1 (general definition, review and harmonisation of technical content) and interacts with WP2 and WP3 as necessary in order that the needs of industry are addressed. WP4 will also be developed in conjunction with the other scientific workpackages to ensure that interrelated technical issues are adequately covered and appropriate links between corresponding themes are incorporated in the EVITHerM web site.

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