Work package 5 will produce information for the EVITherM web site on Expansivity and Density. This will include:
- Standards and accreditation rules
- Reference materials: traceability and providers
- Overview of methods, procedures, laboratories and best practice guides
- Examples of technical data
- Training courses
Description of Work Tasks
Task 5.0: To define the detailed contents of tasks 5.1 to 5.7 and the activities of Members in these tasks
Task 5.1: To provide a compilation of relevant standards (e.g. EN, ISO and ASTM) and, where appropriate, to include information on additional needs for standards as identified by discussion with industry. In addition a list of European accreditation rules will be generated.
Task 5.2: To produce a list of reference materials – including their traceability. Providers of certified and non-certified reference materials will be identified
Task 5.3: To provide an overview of established techniques and techniques in R&D. The state of the art will be described and a tentative list of providers of measurement facilities for expansivity and density will be given. The task overviews technical data of pre-selected materials, gathers information related to current R&D projects in the fields of expansivity and density and overviews expected improvements of today’s equipment
Task 5.4: To produce a description of relevant measurement and calibration procedures and an online library of best practice guides which focus the calibration and verification of expansivity/density data and the procedures for temperature calibration. Additional industry needs will be identified and an overview of the relevant literature in the field will be given
Task 5.5: To compile a list of European laboratories with information about the measurement devices and the available calibration facilities available
Task 5.6: To review available training courses and to organise courses for specific topics as appropriate
Task 5.7: To critically review all data entries for the database.