But, besides the demesnes, the tenants at will, who were all the inhabitants of the town,
occupying with their houses small tenements of five, six, or eight acres each, were com-
pelled to enter into new contracts, probably at advanced rents. Yet the whole sum paid
by them was only 18Z. 2s. Qd. per annum : the price of houses from Is. to 6d. and even 4
each. The demesne lands averaged about 2s. per acre, Lancashire measure, and at this
low rate produced 621. lls. 2d. The herbage of the park and wood (the Lord's Park), two
miles in circuit, was demised to Sir Alexander Osbaldeston for 12L This, I suppose, was
pretty near the current price of land at the time. Every acre of land, then let for 2s., is
now worth thirty times the sum ; and yet the price of the necessaries of life is not advanced
1 I find, by a comparison of hands, that this was written by Rob. Paris, al. Parishe, one of the last monks.
2 [This must be a fragment, for a status of the monastery and an inventory of all the inoveable goods would
include much more than the plate.]
8 A very early instance of the use of cocoa-nuts as cups.
4 Massers, i.e. mazer or maple bowls, called by Ralph de Diceto, ad ann. 1182, Cuppas Mazerinai. Vide Juniuin
in voce. Ex aceris nodis sive tuberculis crispo macularum discursu conspicuis fiunt scyphi iusignes. Ib.
in the same interval more than ten or twelve fold. The reason of this disproportion is,
that, in times when there is no trade, farmers must live wholly from the produce of their
farms, and therefore require a much larger profit in them. This was also a reason why
landowners retained so large a portion of their estates in their own occupation. 1
The following reflections may not improperly close this part of the subject :
Had the Dissolution of Monasteries heen conducted on other principles than sacrilege
and rapine, had the application of their revenues been directed by those high ideas of the
inalienable nature of tithes and offerings which prevailed a century later, and, in conse-
quence, their spiritualities completely restored to officiating incumbents, while the tempo-
ralities, instead of being squandered with thoughtless prodigality, had been disposed of at
an extended value, the necessities, even of Henry VIII. might have been abundantly
supplied, and a Avealthy yet not overgrown establishment have been formed as the basis of
Eeformation. But as it was in fact conducted, nothing but the overruling Providence of
God could have procured even a decent reception for the reforming clergy. For, on the
sites of these great foundations, and among people, above all others, bound to the old
religion by interest, by imagination, by gratitude, and by regret, they were turned out,
armed indeed with the word of God, but destitute of all external means to conciliate or to
reward. On the very sites where whole districts had so lately been feasted and pensioned,
tliey had neither kitchens for hospitality, nor purses for alms. Dejected and dissatisfied,
and many of them, it is probable, deeply tinctured with old prejudices, they performed their
stated offices without spirit, and without effect, and tbey transmitted to their successors a
people only Christian inasmuch as they had received the rite of baptism, and only not
Catholics because the mass had been abolished among them.
IXDEXTURA testatur quod cum controversia mota fuissct inter religiosos viros fratrern Robertum
Abbatcni do Whalley ct ejusdem loci coiiventu [sic] ordinis Ccsterciensis ex parte una et parochianos
capcllarum Ecclcsia) Whallcy, viz. do Burneley, Colne, Alvetham, Church, Haslingeden, parochianosque
villarum dc Symondeston, Padiham, Twisclton, Hapton, Rochcdham, Downam, Pendleton ct Chatburne ex
parte altcra pro dccima feni, dicta coutroversia sub hac forma tandem amicabiliter quievit, viz. quod omnes et
singuli dicti parochiani et corum heredcs tarn prcseutes quam futuri impcrpetuum solvent de cetero singulis
annis fide media dictis abbati ct conventui et eorum succcssoribus pro decima cujuslibet plaustrate feni unum
quadrantem argent! bone etc. tempore quadragesimal! quando computant procuratoribus dictorum abbatis et
conventus de aliis minutis decimis in Ecclesia dc Whalley et in Capellis ejusdem supra dictis, &c. Dat.
apud Whalley in festo Sancti Hillarij Auno Domini 1333. (Harl. MS. 2077, f. 128.)]
1 At the death of Sir John Townley, of Townley, A.D. 1541, the whole estate was valued at 1001. per annum.
The same, when stripped of all additions by purchase or iuclosures, is now worth 3,0001. Nor was the price of land
in this district greatly advanced in the reign of James the First. In the year 1612 the demesnes of Townley were
surveyed, and valued at 2*. per acre. In the Parliamentary Survey, about 40 years after, the same lands averaged
between 4s. and os. Eight shillings per acre was about the average rent of farms here in the reign of Queen Anne.
In half a century more it had increased in a ratio of two and a halfUo one. In the same interval, from that time to
the present, it may generally be considered as trebled again.
[(Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous Book, vol. vii. fol. 19.)
SEQUITUR brevis quedam Declaratio totius valoris omnium terrarum et possessionum Attinctorum in
partibus Borealibus et existentium infra circuitum Philippi Lentall judicis domini Regis earundem terrarum in
Comitatibus predictis. 1 Anno regni ejusdem domini nostri nunc Henrici VIII". Dei gratia Anglie Francie et
Hibernie Eegis, Fidei Defensoris, in terris Anglicane et Hibernice Ecclesie supremi Capitis, xxxvi anno.
Whalley nuper Monasterium in com. Lancastr' et Cestr' infra recepta Johannis Kechyu Receptoris
generalis ibidem.
Domiuium sive manerium de Whal-
Dominium sive manerium de Byl-
Wysewolde et Wytton .
Chatborne .....
Clayton .....
Penlmlton .....
Cliderowe .....
Croenton et grang' de Staynynges
Colcotes .....
Acryngton .....
Cadeleswalhed, Walden Magna,
Walden Parva et Willaton Ma-
Harrowes bankes ....
Rosendale .....
IStanden juxta Clyderowe
Romesgreve et Maunton
xvij s viij d xxxij 3
Downliam et Rede infra parocliiam
de Whalley ....
Maner' de Spotland, Chatterton,
Whyteworthe, Tonge, RoclyfF,
et Brandwood ....
Harwood Parva
Summa Annui Valoris.
Prima facie.
iiij xx x li. xiiij s. iiij d.
xlv li. vj s. iiij d.
xvij s. vj d.
xiij s. iiij d.
xd. cancellatos.
Ivjs. ij d.
xiij li. xviij s. x d.
C s. xd. ob.
viij s. viij d.
xiij s. iiij d.
xli s. iij d.
Ixv s.
xxxiiij s. viij d.
ix s. iiij d.
Ivs. viij d.
xlix s. viij d. cancell.
Ixxi s. iiij d.
ix s. iiij d. cancell.
iiij li. xij s. vj d.
viij s. iiij d.
iiij xx vj li. xxij d.
xlv li. vj s. iiij d.
xvij s. vj d.
xiij s. iiij d.
x d. cancellatos. 2
Ixvj s. ij d.
xiij li. x s. vj d.
cs. xj d. ob.
viijs. viij d.
xiij s. iiij d.
xlj i. iij d.
Ixv s.
Ixv s.
xxxiiij s. viij d.
ixs. iiij d.
Iv s. viij d.
xlix s. viij d. cancell.'
Ixxj s. iiij d.
ix s. iiij d. cancell. 3
1 Viz., Lancaster, Chester, York, Lincoln, Rutland, and Suffolk.
2 Quia conceditur inter alia Johanni Braddell' et heredibus imperpetuum per literas patentes domini Eegis xxiij tk>
die Martii anno xxxvi to Eegis.
3 Quia responsum est domino Eegi de eadem in Curia Augmentationis revencium Corone.
[Boon II. CHAP. II.
Castleton et Hundersfeilde .
Maneria de Wheleton et Wythinhill
Preston in Aunderness .
Bankehouse in Wharton
Barston et Sikebarthe .
Swynton, Haugton, Westslacks,
Kepull, Westwood et Merland .
Marton .....
Ellcswycke .....
Carlcton .....
TVygan .....
Sunnn.a Annni Valeria.
Prima facie.
xxij s. iiij d. ob. q a .
xviij s. vij d.
iiij d.
iiij li.
xij d.
ij s. j d.
xxiv s. ij d.
iv d.
xviij d.
v s.
viij s.
xxij s. iiij d. ob. q a .
xviij s. vij d.
iiij d.
xij d.
ij s. j d.
xxiv s. ij d.
iij s. iv d.
xviij d.
vj s.
viij s.
Graung' do Acton et Aston
Graunge do Stanlowe .
Graunge do Stanye
Bakcfortlio .
Xortliwychc .
Nantwyclic .
Civitas Cestr.
Waddington in Com Ebor.
Rector' do AVhalley
Rector' de Blackeburno
Rector' de Rachcdale .
Rector' de Eccles .
Com. Cestr'.
xxxvij li. xj s. ij d.
xiij li. vj s. viij d.
xlij s.
v s. iiij d. cancell'.
iiij li. vij s.
ccxxxvij li. xiij s. iiij d.
Cxxxixli. ijs. ij d.
cij li. vij d.
Cxiiij li. xviij s. viij d.
xxv s.
xxvj li. xiij s. iiij d.
xxij li.
x li. xiij s. iiij d.
xxxvij li. xj s. ij d.
xij li. vj s. viij d.
xlij s.
v s. iiij d. cancell'. 1
tlyij li. xijj g. iiij d,
Cxij li. viij s. x d.
iiij** li. vij d.
ciiij li. v s. iiij d.
Summa totius valoris tcrrarum et pos- ~\ C Lancastr' vil c iiii xx j li. iij s. ij d. ob. q a .
,, . I vill c xxixh. xviii s. ob. q a . I ~ , . ........ ,
sessionum pcrtincncium Monasteno > . . s Cestrie xlvnj li. xij s. x d.
de Whalley predicto. J
viz. in Com.
. , . f Lancastr cxin j h. vij s. vj d.
Kepensuns diversis 1 ... , ...
rv,^i:= f CXV J xv s- V J ** V1Z- in Com. < Cestrie xlvnj s.
I Ebor' li.
Et sic remanet ultra omnia 'J c Lancastr' vi c lxxj li. xvs. viij d. ob. q a
Repensura in computis > vn e xiij li. ij s. v d. ob. q a . viz. in Com. < Cestrie xlvj li. iiij s. x d.
ministerii. J \_ Ebor'
Repensuris in Coniputo Recepto hoc Anno .
. Ixxvj li. ij s. iiij d. q a .
1 Quia responsum est domino Eegi de eadem in Curia Augmentation) s revencionum Corone.
The very curious paper which now follows was unknown to Dr. Whitaker. It con-
tains minute directions for the lections, or lessons, to he read throughout the year in the
Refectory or Infirmary at Whalley, " according to the use and laudable custom of this
Locus Benedictus" No such document has occurred for any other English monastery r 1
Quicunque scire desiderat quomodo libri Veteris ac Novi Testament! necnon Ser-
mones sanctorum patrum secundum usum et laudabilem consuetudinem hujus Loci
Benedict! legi debeant in Eefectorio vel Infirmatorio, legat hanc sequentem scripturam
et inveniet.
Dominica prima Advcntus Domini legantur in refectorio Sermones beati Bernardi
Abbatis. 2 In Adventu Domini legatur Isaias propheta in refectorio, et incipiatur ibi ubi
lecciones finales terminantur. 3 Post Ysaiam proplietam legantur Sermones beati Ber-
nardi, incipiat lector ubi finerit dominico die. 4 Post Sermones sancti Bernardi legatur
Alredus de undecim oneribus. Septimana tertia legantur quatuor Omelie beati Bernardi
super Evangelium, Missus estf et incipiatur fcria quarta, post quas omelias legatur
Alredus usque ad vigiliam Nativitatis Domini. Die Sancti Nicbolai Episcopi legatur
legenda sanctorum. Die Sancti Thome apostoli legatur legenda sanctorum. 7
In Nativitate Domini legantur Sermones beati Bernardi. In die Nativitatis Domini
Advent, First Sunday.
Advent, Third week.
Dec. 8. St. Nicholas, Bp.
of Myra.
Dec. 21. St. Thomas, Ap.
and II.
1 Illustrations from the Usus Ordinis Cisterciensis, the Cistercian Breviary, and other authentic sources, are appended
in the footnotes, which will materially assist the reader in his perusal, and will afford him some idea of the great pains
bestowed by my coadjutor the Rev. Ponsonby A. Lyons, as well upon this as upon the other documents now for the
first time accurately edited in these pages. (J. G. N.)
2 S. Bernardi Abbatis Clarse Vallensis Sermones de Tempore. In Adventu Domini (seven sermons). Migne,
Patrologise Cursus Completus, cxxxiii. col. 35 56.
3 That is. where the lessons in the Breviary, which had been read in the church, end. In Adventu Domini ;
Dominica prima Esayas incipiatur ad Vigilias : et deinceps totus legatur per Adventum, non solum ad Vigilias, sed
et in refectorio prout tempus expetierit. Usus Ordinis Cisterciensis. Paris 1643; cap. 1.
4 Sermones xxxu. in Adventu Domini de oneribus in capp' xiii. et seq. Isaise prophets. Migne, cxcv.
361 502. Alredus is one of the many synonyms of Aelred third abbot of Kivaulx in Yorkshire. He
died 12 Jan. 1166, aged between 57 and 67. (Acta Sanctorum, Bollandus, Januarius, torn. i. p. 749.) These
sermons are usually quoted as Aelredus De oneribus Isaia;. He thus enumerates the eleven burdens in his first
sermon (omitted by Migne). Sanctus Isaias undecim nobis onera prophetica describit: Onus Babylonis, Onus
Philistiim, Onus Moab, Onus Damasci, Onus jEgypti, Onus deserti Maris, Onus Duma, Onus in Arabia, Onus Vallis
Visionis, Onus Tyri, Onus jumentorum Austri. La Bigne, Maxima Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum, torn. 23, p. 5 G.
In the MS. the transcriber has written omnibus in mistake for oneribus.
* De laudibus Virginis Maria;. Super verba Evangelii, Missus est angelus Gabriel, etc., Luke i. 26, 27. Four
homilies and preface. Migne, clxxxv. 55 87.
6 Leg. sanct. cap. iii. De Sancto Nicolao, p. 22 29. " Legenda Sanctorum que alio nomine Lombardiaj vocitatur
Historia." Title of the Nurenberg edition of 1492. It is best known as Legenda Aurea, and was written by
Jacobus de Voragine, born about 1230, Archbishop of Genoa 1292, died 1298. It was a most popular book.
Echard says that the manuscript copies are nearly innumerable, and he mentions thirty-eight Latin editions.
(Scriptores Ordinis Pradicatorum, i. 435.) There are twenty-three Latin editions in the British Museum. That
here referred to is by Dr. Th. Graesse : Lipsise, 1846, 8vo. : 214 chapters and 957 pages, of which 101 are additions
to the original work. The monks of Whalley read more than one-fifth of the whole.
? Cap. v. De Sancto Thoma Apostolo, p. 32 39.
VOL. I. 2 C
legantur Sermones beati Bernard!. 1 De Sancto Stephano, Johanue, et Innocenciis Ser-
mones beati Bernardi. Septimana Nativitatis Domini legantur fines leccionum que lecte
erant ad vigilias in die Nativitatis Domini, 2 preter omeliam super evangelium liber
generacionum, 3 post fines omnium leccionum legantur Sermones Bernardi de Nativitate
Domini, 4 postea si necesse fuerit legantur Sermones beati Bernardi de nativitate Domini 5
usque ad finem Sancti Silvestri. In die Sancti Silvestri legatur De vita ejusdem in
parvo passionario.
circumcision Jan. i. ^ n die Circumcisionis Domini legantur Sermones beati Bernardi. 6 Post Circum-
cisionem Domini legantur epistole beati Pauli. 7 Post epistolas legatur vita Sancti Sil-
vestri. Post vitam Sancti Silvestri legatur sanctus Augustinus de verbis apostoli 8 usque
Epipimny, Jan. o. ad lxx aiu . In die Epiplianie legantur Sermones beati Bernardi. 9 Dominica prima post
octavain Epiplianie legantur Sermones beati Bernardi de nuptiis in Cana Galilee. 10 Die
st. vmcnt, Jan. S2. Sancti Vinccncii logantur legenda sanctorum. 11 In conversione Sancti Pauli legantur
conversion of st. Paul, Sermones beati Bernardi. 12
purifica-ionofB ii Fet 2 ^ n purificacione beate Marie legantur Sermones beati Bernardi. 13 Dominica in lxx a
septuagesima. egantui' Sermones beati Bernardi. 14 Deinde super Abvil'. 15 In lxx a legantur quinque
1 In Nativitate SS. Innocentium. Sermo unicus. Migne, clxxxiii. 129 132.
2 The Lessons for Christmas are taken, in the Cistercian Breviary, from Isaiah, chapters ix., xl., and lii. ; from
St. Leo Magnus, Sermo xxi., In Nativitate Domini nostri Jesus Christi, i. cap. i. (He wrote ten sermons on the
Nativity.) Migne, liv. 190 193 ; from S. Jerome on Matthew ; from St. Gregory the Great, xl., Homiliarum in
Evangelia Lihri duo. Lib. i. Horn. viii. 1. Migne, Ixxvi. 1103 1105 : from Bede, Homilia vi. In aurora
Nativitatis, Migne, xciv. 34 88 : and from Bede, Homilia vii, In die Natali Domini. Ibid. 38 44.
y S. Eusebii Hieronymi Commentariorum in Evan. Matthei Libri Quatuor, lib. i. caput i. ; of which the first few-
sentences were read as a lesson. Migne, xxvi. 21 26.
4 In Nativitate Domini, (five sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 115 139.
5 In vigilia Nativitatis Domini, (six sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 87 116.
6 In Circumcisione Domini, (three sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 132 142.
7 Si tempus a eircumcisione usque ad Ixx. breve fuerit non solum in Ecclesia : sed etiam in refectorio legantur
Epistolse Pauli, quod fiet secundum quod cantor ordinaverit. Usus Ord. Cist. cap. viii. p. 17.
3 Two classes of St. Augustine's Sermons, De Verbis Domini and De Verbis Apostoli, are found thus named in
MSS. of the ninth century. When both classes are found in the same MS. the first of the Sermones de verbis
Apostoli is numbered 65 ; but the order of those De Verbis Domini varies in different MSS., of which an instance
occurs in this paper.
In Epiphania Domini, (three sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 141 152.
Dominica Prima post Octavam Epiphanise, (two sermons). I. De Miraculo facto in Nuptiis (Jo. ii. 1 11),
&c. II. De Spiritualibus Nuptiis. Migne, clxxxiii. 115 130.
11 Cap. xxv. De Sancto Vincentio, pp. 117 120.
12 In Conversione S. Pauli, (two sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 359365.
13 In Purificacione beatse Marire, (three sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 364372.
14 In Septuagesima, (two sermons). Migne, clxxxiii. 161 168.
15 Johannes Alegrin of Abbeville. Sermones de Tempore, id est in Epistolas et Evangelia totius anni. Marrier,
Bibliotheca Cluniacensis ; Preface, p. 6. None of the sermons of this author ever seem to have been printed, but
MSS. of the various series are not uncommon. His Summa Festivalis is in MS. Reg. 3 A. ix. ; his Dominicales
Sermones in HarL 4951, and Reg. 2 E. ix. All are folio volumes. He was born at Abbeville of the noble family
of Alegrin. Doctor of Theology at Paris 1220. He was Master of the Schools of Paris, and taught Theology there for
several years. He was canon of St. Vulfran in Abbeville. Occurs as Dean of Amiens 1218. Consecrated Archbishop
St. Matthias, Feb. 24.
First Friday in Lent.
First Saturday in Lent.
Tuesday after 3rd
Sunday in Lent.
St. Gregory, Pope, Star. 12,
Annunciation B.M. Mar. 25,
The week before Palm Sun-
day, or the two weeks be-
fore Easter.
Palm Sunday.
Holy Thursday.
Good Friday.
Easter Eve.
Easter day and week.
Friday in Easter week.
libri Moysi delude Josue Judicum et Kuth' usque ad dominicam Passionis Domini. 1 In
die Sancti Mathie apostoli legitur legenda sanctorum. 2 Feria quarta in capite Jejunii
legantur Sermones beati Bernardi. 3 Dominica prima xl e leguntur sermones beati Ber-
nardi. Feria sexta ejusdem septimane legitur sermo beati Bernardi, De languido
jacente juxta piscinam. 4 In die sabbati legitur sermo beati Bernardi de transfiguracione
Domini. 5 Post historiam Ruthe leguntur sermones beati Bernardi super Psalmum, Qui
habitat. 6 Postea si necesse fuerit legitur Sanctus Augustinus super Johannem. Feria
iij a post tertiam dominicam Quadragesime legitur sermo Sancti Augustini de verbis
Domini, Si peccaverit in te frater tuus. 7 In die Sancti Gregorii legitur legenda sanc-
torum. 8 In die Sancti Benedict! Abbatis leguntur sermones beati Bernardi. 9 In An-
nunciacione beate Marie leguntur sermones beati Bernard!. 10 In Passione Domini legitur
Jeremias prophcta, 11 post Jeromiam prophetam legitur Sanctus Augustinus super Jo-
hannem. Dominica in Palmis leguntur sermones beati Bernardi. 13 In Cena Domini
sermo beati Bernardi. 13 Li Parasceve Augustinus super Johannem.
In vigilio Pasche legitur sermo beati Bernardi ; vicit ho de tribu Juda. u Postea
Augustinus super Johannem. In die Pasche et septimana leguntur sermones beati
Bernardi. 15 Deinde sermo beati Lconis pape, De passiono Domini. 10 Feria vi ta ejusdem
septimane legitur omelia Origenis leccione evangelica, 17 Maria Stabat. Deinde si necesse
of Besancon 1225. Cardinal Bishop of Sabino Sept. 1227. He had been appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by
Honorius III. but was kept in Rome by Gregory IX. lie died in 1237.
1 Eeliqua pars vero (Genesis) si quid ab his vigiliis residuum est, aliique libri qui sequuntur usque ad libros
Eegum in refectorio legantur. Ubi hoc sollicite provideatur ut ante Dominicam qua canitur officium Judica me Deus,
perfect! sint (that is, before the 5th Sunday in Lent). Usus Ord. Cist. cap. xi. p. 21.
2 Cap. xlv. De Sancto Matthia apostolo, pp. 133 188.
3 In capite jejunii et in quadragesima. (Seven sermons.) Migne, clxxxiii. 167 186.
4 Not in his printed works.
5 Nor this.
6 In Psalmum xc., Qiii habitat, Sermones septem decim. Migne, clxxxiii. 185 234.
7 S. Aug. Episcopi, Sermo Ixxxiii. (alias De verbis Domini 16). De verbis Evan. Mat. xviii. 15 18. Et de
Dostları ilə paylaş: |