H Nappe
Section along AA
Plan of suppressed weir
Plan of contracted weir
Fig. 5.11 Flow over suppressed and contracted weirs Thin-Plate Weirs
A sharp-crested (or thin-plate)
weir is formed in a smooth, plane, and vertical plate and its edges are bevelled on the downstream side to give minimum contact with the liquid. The area of flow is most commonly either triangular or rectangular and, accordingly, the weir is said to be a triangular or rectangular weir.
In general, the triangular weir (or simply the V-notch) is used for the measurement of low discharges, and the rectangular weir for the measurement of large discharges.
The pattern of the flow over a thin-plate weir is very complex and cannot be analysed theoretically. This is due to the non-hydrostatic pressure variation (on account of curvature of streamlines), turbulence and frictional effects, and the approach flow conditions.
The effects of
k1 = correction factor to account for the effects of viscosity and surface tension
(Fig. 5.13),
Re =
g1/2 H3/2/ν
(typical Reynolds number),
ν = kinematic viscosity of the flowing liquid,
W1 =
(typical Weber number),
σ = surface
tension of the flowing liquid, ρ = mass density of the flowing liquid, and
g = acceleration due to gravity.
It should be noted that
k1 = 1.0 for
Re0.2 W10.6 greater than 900. This limit corresponds to a head of 11.0 cm for water at 20°C. The mean line drawn in Fig. 5.13 can
be used to find the value of k1. The scatter of data (not shown in the figure) was generally less than 5 per cent implying maximum error of ± 5 per cent in the prediction of discharge.
Equation (5.15) along with Fig. 5.13, and Eq. (5.14) along with Figs. 5.12 and 5.13 enable computations of discharge over a suppressed thin-plate rectangular weir and a thin-plate 90°-triangular weir, respectively. A weir is termed suppressed when its width equals the channel width and in such cases the ventilation of nappe becomes essential. Broad-Crested Weirs
Broad-crested weirs are generally used as diversion and metering structures in irrigation systems in India. The weir (Fig. 5.14) has a broad horizontal crest raised sufficiently above the bed so that the cross-sectional area of the approaching flow is much larger than the cross-sectional area of flow over the top of the weir. The upstream edge of the weir is well rounded to avoid undue eddy formation and consequent loss of energy. The derivation of the discharge equation for flow over a broad-crested weir is based on the concept of critical flow. Ranga Raju and Asawa (6) proposed the following discharge equation for a broad-crested weir with well-rounded upstream edge and vertical upstream and downstream faces: