4. GROUND WATER AND WELLS 121—164 4.1 Ground Water Resources 121
4.2 Well Irrigation 122
4.3 Occurrence of Ground Water 123
4.4 Flow of Water through Porous Media 127
4.5 Well Hydraulics 128
4.6 Ground Water Exploration 139
4.7 Pumping Tests (or Aquifer Tests) 143
4.8 Design of Water Wells 145
4.9 Methods of Well Construction 150
4.10 Well Completion 156
4.11 Development of Wells 157
4.12 Pumping Equipment for Water Wells 160
Exercises 163
References 164
5. CANAL IRRIGATION 165—225 5.1 Canals 165
5.2 Command Areas 167
5.3 Planning of an Irrigation Canal System 167
5.4 Alignment of Irrigation Canals 169
5.5 Curves in Canals 172
5.6 Duty of Water 172
5.7 Canal Losses 173
5.8 Estimation of Design Discharge of a Canal 174
5.9 Canal Outlets 175
5.10 Canal Regulation 187
5.11 Delivery of Water to Farms 188
5.12 Flow Measurement 192
5.13 Assessment of Charges of Irrigation Water 207
5.14 Waterlogging 208
5.15 Drainage of Irrigated Lands 219
Exercises 224
References 224