The basic data, usually required for planning of dams and reservoirs, can be grouped in the following categories (1):
(i) Hydrologic data: Stream flows, flood flows, evaporation, sedimentation, water qual-ity, water rights, and tail-water curves.
(ii) Geological data: Reservoir sites, dam sites, and construction materials.
(iii) Topographic surveys: Catchments, reservoir sites, dam sites, and borrow areas. (iv) Legal data: Water rights.
(v) Reservoir site cost data: Land acquisition, clearing, and relocations.
(vi) Environmental factors: Fish and wildlife, recreation, scenic, historical, and archaeo-logical.
(vii) Economic data: Economic base for area benefited, crop data, land classification, and market data for various purposes.
The desirable quality of these data would depend on the level of investigations. Investigations for a water resource project are generally carried out in three separate steps (or levels or stages): reconnaissance (or preliminary), feasibility, and pre-construction.
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