Heavy equipment use, soil disturbance and clearing. Areas of special concern include:
steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands or stream banks
Sensitive habitats and trees
Wet season construction
Large construction project
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Design to follow natural contours
Cleary delineate preserved vegetation on site map/plans
Include appropriate buffer zones around sensitive habitats
Extend buffers to include tree drip lines
Project phasing (areas) must be clearly identified
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Use existing roads, paths and paved/graveled areas for movement of equipment where possible
Use construction fencing around preserved vegetation and sensitive areas
Clip vegetation at ground level; no grubbing if possible
Wet season shutdown and winterization to be implemented for multi year projects
Develop separate plans for different phases with start and end dates identified for each phase
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Project contains steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands or stream banks
Disturbed soils with potential to cause turbid runoff; indirect or directly to surface waters
½ inch of rain in 24 hour period forecasted
Snow melt – freeze/thaw causing runoff
Include vegetation establishment criteria and inspection frequency for BMPs such as wetlands, bio-swales, etc.
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Include appropriate buffer zones between construction and sensitive areas
Phasing incorporated into site plan
Include inspection frequency; agency notification guidelines
Plan to include installation of sediment control BMPs before soil disturbance
Include establishment criteria and schedule for all vegetative BMPs.
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Use orange safety fencing around preserved vegetation and sensitive areas
Seed or cover exposed soils immediately upon completion of final grade or phased work
Inspect site within 2 hours of ½ inch of rain during work hours
Develop and implement inspection and maintenance schedule
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Streams, waterways or ditches in project vicinity
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Design water diversion techniques into grading plan
Protect and use natural features to manage and infiltrate flows
Promote LID site design
Design and indicate methods of infiltration
Identify up-gradient or upslope water sources and divert them around the project or install BMP to manage flows
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Construct ditches, water bars or diversion into vegetated areas for infiltration
Monitor changing conditions to identify up-gradient or upslope water sources and divert them around the project or install BMP to manage flows
Store and use materials (and equipment) in a way that prevents releases
Use and storage of any waste, equipment or construction material on site. Areas of special concern include:
hazardous materials use
Operations close to waters of the state or water conveyance system
Concrete wash-outs
Equipment wash
Proximity to regulated or sensitive habitats
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Produce and Implement a Pollution Control Plan in compliance with 00290.30.
If required, produce and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan for petroleum storage.
Where possible, locate storage areas away from sensitive environments or waters of the state
Use recycled materials wherever feasible
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When recycled materials are specified during design
When a construction contractor requests to use an alternative recycled material
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Consider use of recycled materials during design, when economically feasible
Identify project generated materials which may be re-used or recycled on-site
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Identify sources of usable recycled materials near project location
Determine whether locally available recycled materials can be used on the project without impacting costs, engineering requirements or the environment.
Identify project generated materials which may be re-used or recycled on-site
Manage waste to minimize environmental impacts
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Whenever waste will be generated
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Consider waste management options when it is apparent waste will be generated and provide options in the project specifications.
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Develop waste management options prior to generating waste
Protect waste storage areas to prevent release of pollutants
Determine how wastes will be stored, disposed of and documented prior to generation
Identify contaminants and hazardous materials impacting the project as early as possible
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When a project includes excavation, demolition or property acquisition.
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Conduct hazardous materials assessments for projects early in the design process, following the “ODOT HazMat Program Procedures Guidebook”
Prepare special provisions for management of the hazardous materials identified during construction
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Follow special provisions regarding management of hazardous materials within the project.
If unanticipated hazardous substances are discovered during construction stop work and notify the engineer immediately, according to 00290.20(f)
Respond to spills immediately and clean up completely
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When any amount of a hazardous material is spilled
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Include a spill response plan in the project Pollution Control Plan (see 00290.30), and any other required pollution prevention plans
Implement the spill response plan, in full, immediately.
Response must include containment, required regulatory reporting and cleanup to original condition.