Continuity and change: employers’ training practices and partnerships with training providers
Erica Smith
Andy Smith
Jacqueline Tuck
Federation University Australia
This document was produced by the author(s) based on their research for the report Continuity and change: Employers’ training practices and partnerships with training providers, and is an added resource for further information. The report is available on NCVER’s Portal: .
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Victor Callan
University of Queensland
© Commonwealth of Australia, 2017
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This document should be attributed as Smith, E, Smith A, Tuck, J & Callan, V 2017, Continuity and change: employers’ training practices and partnerships with training providers — support document, NCVER, Adelaide.
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Extended literature review 5
Introduction 5
Why do employers train? 6
How do employers train? 8
Major barriers to, and enablers of, training 15
Contemporary issues in employer training 16
Conclusion 20
References 21
Detailed research method 24
Procedure and samples 25
Respondent characteristics 26
Data analysis 27
Limitations 28
Detailed findings from the employer survey 30
Nature of the responding organisations 30
Reasons for training 32
Organisations’ training structures and practices 32
Relations with external providers of training 37
Employers who use nationally recognised training and those who do not 40
Conclusion 42
Detailed findings from the survey of registered training organisations (RTOs) 45
Characteristics of the respondents 45
The nature of the partnerships 46
Partnership drivers 49
Characteristics of successful partnerships 51
Partnership performance 53
Government funding for partnerships 58
Summary 61
Detailed findings from the interviews 62
Nature of the partnerships 62
Benefits of partnerships to RTOs 64
Benefit of partnerships to employers 65
Success factors for partnerships 66
Employer survey – selected results by firm size 69
Employer survey qualitative data – selected results by firm size 91
RTO survey – results by organisation type 107
RTO survey qualitative data - by organisation type 116
Comparison between responses to employer survey and to 2003 survey, for selected questions 157
Comparison between responses to RTO survey and to 2002 survey, for selected questions 162
Comparison between TAFE responses to RTO survey and to 2002 survey, for selected questions 169