Coordinator: Dr. Nadia Pinardi

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    1. 1997

    1. 1998

    1. TASK

    1. Tot

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    1. 527.5

    1. 550

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    1. 1042

    1. 1361

    1. C

    1. 939

    1. 870

    1. D

    1. 325

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    1. E

    1. 30

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    1. TOT

    1. 2863.5

    1. 3146

  1. It is interesting to point out that over 550 Millions per year are used to fund young scientists to participate to the scientific activities of SINAPSI.

  2. Subproject E

  3. Project Management

  4. Scientific Steering Committee

  5. The project is coordinated by Dr N.Pinardi of IMGA-CNR and by a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) formed by:

  6. A. Artegiani-IRPEM-Ancona

  7. M. Astraldi-ISDGM-La Spezia

  8. G. Bombace-Presidente Istituto Nazionale di Coordinamento Scienze del Mare

  9. C. Corselli, Univ. Milano

  10. G. Dalla Porta-ISDGM-Venezia

  11. B. Della Vedova-Univ. Trieste

  12. D. Levi-ITPP-Mazara del Vallo, Palermo

  13. W. Maggi-Univ. Milano

  14. P. Malguzzi-FISBAT, Bologna

  15. B. Manca, OGS, Trieste

  16. A. Navarra-IMGA, Bologna

  17. N. Pinardi-IMGA, Bologna

  18. M. Ravaioli, IGM-CNR, Bologna

  19. M.Ribera D’Alcalà, SZN, Napoli

  20. F. Trincardi, IGM, Bologna

  21. The SSC will supervise the scientific achievements of the Project, coordinate with International programs and other Italian Commettees such as the National IGBP Commission and the Italian Oceanographic Commission. The Istituto Nazionale coordinamento delle scienze del Mare (ISMARE) is integral part of the SSC and will administer the funding received by SINAPSI. The structure of the administrative partnership between different Institutes will be evaluate after the funding will be found. It si suggested, however, that the different sources of funding will be merged in a unique fund for SINAPSI administered from the central CNR with the supervision of the President of ISMARE and the coordinator.

  22. It is also recommended that an external panel of reviewers will be asked to participate to meetings and working sessions of the Project to ensure the correct level of Internatioanl discussion.

  23. Workshops and meetings

  24. SINAPSI will hold two annual meetings in 1997 and 1998 and will sponsor the publication of scientific Proceedings from the two meetings. The Thematic Working groups will meet twice a year to elaborate the synthesis of the scientific achievements on the topics indicated as priorities.

  25. Costs of coordination and workshops organization (external invited speakers, etc.) amount to 30 ML/year and they are administered by Dr. Bombace at IRPEM.


  1. Acronym

  1. Explanation


  1. Centro di Calcolo Interuniversitario dell’Italia Nord-Orientale

  1. DINMA

  1. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale del Mare e per l’Ambiente


  1. Dipartimento scienze della Terra

  1. ENEA

  1. Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente


  1. Istituto per lo Studio dei Fenomeni Fisici e Chimici della Bassa ed Alta ATmosfera

  1. IB-CNR

  1. Istituto di Biofisica-CNR

  1. IBM

  1. Istituto di Biolgia del Mare

  1. IAN

  1. Istituto Automazione Navale

  1. IFA

  1. Istituto di Fisica dell’Atmosfera

  1. IGM

  1. Istituto per la Geologia Marina

  1. IMC

  1. International Marine Center

  1. IMGA

  1. Istituto per lo studio delle Metodologie Geofisiche Ambientali

  1. IRPEM

  1. Istituto di Ricerche sulla Pesca Marittima

  1. ISDGM

  1. Istituto per lo Studio della Dinamica delle Grandi Masse


  1. Istituto Nazionale coordinamento Scienze del Mare

  1. IST

  1. Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico

  1. ITT

  1. Istituto sperimentale Talassografico di Trieste

  1. ITPP

  1. Istituto di Tecnologia della Pesca e del Pescato

  1. IUN

  1. Istituto Universitario Navale

  1. OGS

  1. Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale

  1. SO

  1. Stazione Oceanografica

  1. SZ

  1. Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn


  2. Adkins J.F. et al. 1995. Paleo-ventilation ages from paired C-14 and Th-230 dates of deep-sea corals, AGU Fall Meeting, F292.

  3. Albertelli G., M. Chiantore, S. Fraschetti, 1994. A one-year study of a sandy-bottom community: seasonal fluctuations compared to a previous sampling period. Atti X Congresso A.I.O.L., Alassio 4-6 Novembre 1992: 529-542.

  4. Albertelli G., A. Covazzi, S. Doidge-Harrison, 1996. A preliminary study of a soft-bottom community in Prelo Cove (Ligurian Sea, Italy): A comparison with a sandy-bottom community. Atti XI Congresso A.I.O.L., Sorrento 26-28 Ottobre 1994: 353-362.

  5. Albertelli G., S. Fraschetti, 1992. Observations on the structure of three communities of the continental shelf in the Ligurian Sea. Atti IX Congresso A.I.O.L., S. Margherita Ligure, 20-23 Novembre 1990: 351-362.

  6. Albertelli G., M. Chiantore, A. Covazzi, 1994. Persistence and changes in suspension and deposit-feeding species in a shallow soft-bottom macrobenthic community. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, Vol. I, N. 1, Atti XXIV Congresso S.I.B.M., San Remo 1-5 Giugno 1993: 277-278.

  7. Albertelli G., A. Covazzi, S. Fraschetti, 1994. Population dynamics, biomass and production of the bivalve Spisula subtruncata (da Costa) in the Ligurian Sea (Italy). Atti X Congresso A.I.O.L., Alassio 4-6 Novembre 1992: 189-200.

  8. Albertelli G., A. Bonomi, A. Covazzi, N. Della Croce, S. Fraschetti, 1993. Macrobentos y parametros ambientales en fondos arenosos del Mar de Liguria, Italia. VII Simposio Ibirico de Estudio del Bentos Marino, Murcia (Spain), 1-4 Ottobre 1991.

  9. Alcoverro, Duarte & Romero, 1995. Annual growth dynamics of Posidonia oceanica: contribution of large-scale versus local factors to seasonality. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,120:203-210

  10. Aliani S., R. Meloni. 1996. Relationship between transport of benthic species and hydrological

  11. characteristics: note on settlement in the Corsican Channel. Atti XI Congresso AIOL. Sorrent 26-28

  12. Ottobre 1994. 259-269.

  13. Aliverti, Picotti, Trotti, De Maio, Lauretta, Moretti Atlante del mare Tirreno, isoterme ed isoaline dedotte dalle misure eseguite durante le crociere AGI 1957-58. Stab. Tip. Genovese, Napoli, 1968.

  14. Ambrogi R., P. Fontana, I. Sala, 1994: Evoluzione a lungo termine del macrobenthos marino di fondo mobile davanti al delta del Po. Biol. Mar. Med., 1 (1): 179-188.

  15. Ambrogi R., P. Fontana, M.C. Gambi, 1995: Population dynamics and estimate of secondary production of Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje (Polychaeta, Oweniidae) in the coastal area of the Po River Delta (Italy). 28 EMBS Symposium, 207-214.

  16. Ambrogi R.e A. Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1987: temporal variation of secondary production in the marine bivalve Spisula subtruncata off the Po river delta (Italy). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 25: 369-379.

  17. Alcoverro, Duarte & Romero, 1995. Annual growth dynamics of Posidonia oceanica: contribution of large-scale versus local factors to seasonality. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,120:203-210

  18. Archer, S. N. (1995) Molecular biology of visual pigment molecules. In: Neurobiology and Clinical Aspects of the Outer Retina (Djamgoz, M. B. A., Archer, S. N. & Vallerga, S., eds) Chapman & Hall, Lond.

  19. Archer, S. N., Hope, A. & Partridge, J. (1995) The molecular basis for the green-blue sensitivity shift in the rod visual pigments of the European eel. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 262, 289-295.

  20. Archer, S. N., Endler, J., Lythgoe, J. N. & Partridge, J. C. (1987) Visual pigment polymorphism in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Vision Research, 27, 1243-1252.

  21. Astraldi M., Bianchi C.N., Gasparini G.P. & Morri C., 1995 - Climatic fluctuations, current variability and marine species distribution: a case study in the Ligurian Sea (north-west Mediterranean). Oceanol. Acta, 18 (2): 139-149.

  22. Astraldi M. and G.P. Gasparini, The seasonal characteristics of the circulation in the north Mediterranean Basin and their relationship with the atmospheric-climatic conditions. J. Geoph. Res., 97, C6, 9531-9540, 1992.

  23. Barnes D.J. & Lough J.M., 1993 - On the nature and causes of density banding in massive coral skeletons. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 167: 91-108.

  24. Belmonte G., Castello P., Piccinini M.R., Quarta S., Rubino F., Geraci S., Boero F., 1995. Resting stages in marine sediments off the italian coasts. Proc. XXVIII EMBS Creete.

  25. Bertotti, L., L. Cavaleri and N. Tescaro, 1996. Long term wave hindcast in the Adriatic Sea, Il Nuovo Ciimento, n.1

  26. Bianchi S. and C. Corselli, Intraspecific variation related to climatic changes in Clio Pyramidata Linneus, 1767, from Holocene/Pleistocene sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean. Atti XI Congresso AIOL, in press, 1996.

  27. Bianchi C.N. & Morri C., 1993 - Range extension of warm-water species in the northern Mediterranean: evidence for climatic fluctuations? Porcupine Newsletter, 5 (7): 156-159.

  28. Bianchi C.N. & Morri C., 1994 - Southern species in the Ligurian Sea (northern Mediterranean): new records and a review. Boll. Ist. Mus. biol. Univ. Genova, 58/59 (1992-1993): 181-197.

  29. Bianchi S. and C. Corselli, The BC10 box core (PALEOFLUX Cruise 1) from the Innersome area in Urania Basin (Eastern Mediterranean). Paleoclimatic data from pteropod assemblages. Rapp. CIESM, 34,

  30. 1995.

  31. Boero F., G Belmonte, G. Fanelli, S. Piraino, F. Rubino, 1996. The continuity of living matter and the discontinuities of its constituents; do plankton and benthos really exist? Trend Ecol.Evol., 11: 177-180.

  32. Brasseur, P., Beckers, J.M., Brankart, J.M., Shoenauen, R., 1995. Seasonal temperature and salinity fields in the Mediterranean Sea: climatological analyses of an historical data set, Deep Sea Res, in press.

  33. Buia, Zupo & Mazzella, 1992. Primary production and growth dynamics in Posidonia oceanica. P.S.Z.N. I: Marine Ecology, 13(1):2-16

  34. Caruso G., Zaccone R., Acosta Pomar M.L.C., Crisafi E. (1995). Preliminary data on microbial aminopeptidase activity in the meromictic lake of Faro (Messina, Italy). 7° ISME, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

  35. Capotondi L., Borsetti A.M., Vergnaud-Grazzini C. & DíOnofrio S., (1989)- Biostratigrafia e stratigrafia isotopica della carota AC 85-4: considerazioni sulla paleoceanografia tardo-quaternaria del mar Tirreno orientale. Giorn. Geol., 51 (1), 201-212.

  36. Cattaneo M., G. Albertelli, 1983. Macrobenthos dei fondi batiali liguri. Atti V Congresso A.I.O.L., Stresa, 19-22 Maggio 1992: 251-260.

  37. Cavaleri, L., L. Bertotti and N. Tescaro, 1996. Long term wind hindcast in the Adriatic Sea, Il Nuovo Cimento, n.1

  38. Cavaleri, L., L. Bertotti and P. Lionello 1989. Shallow water application of the third generation WAM wave model. J. Geoph. Res., C94, pp. 8111-8124.

  39. Cavaleri, L., L. Bertotti and P. Lionello 1991. Wind wave-cast in the Mediterranean Sea, J. Geoph. Res., C96, pp. 10739-10764.

  40. Cesari, R. and F. Tampieri, On some properties of Langrangian dispersion models with non-Gaussian noise. Submitted to Il Nuovo Cimento C, 1996

  41. Cheng H. et al. 1995. 230Th dating of deep-sea solitary corals, AGU Fall Meeting, F292.

  42. Cita M.B., De Lange G.J. and Olausson E. (1991): Anoxic basin and sapropel deposition in the Eastern Mediterranean: Past and Present. Mar. Geol. 100 (1/4), 1-5

  43. Civitarese G., A. Crise, G. Crispi and R. Mosetti, Circulation effects on nitrogen dynamics in the Ionian Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 19, 6, 609-622, 1996.

  44. Colognola R., Labanchi L., Fresi E., Chessa L.A., 1983-84. Distribuzione degli Echinodermi nei fondi mobili del Golfo di Salerno: aspetto invernale. Nova Thalassia, 6 suppl.: 637-644.

  45. Corselli C. et al., The Mediterranean Ridge. An accretionary complex rich of surprise, submitted to EOS, 1996.

  46. Corselli C. and D. Basso, First evidence of benthic communities based on chemosynthesis on the Napoli mud volcano (Eastern Mediterranean). Marine Geology Special Issue "Mediterranean Ridge Diapiric Belt". Cita M.B., Ivanof M.K. and Woodside J.M. (eds.), in press, 1996.

  47. Corselli, C., D. Basso and G. deLange, and J. Thomson, Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex yields rich surprises, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 77(24), p. 227, 1996.

  48. Couteaux M. (1983)-Fluctuation glaciaires de la fin du Wurm dans les Alpes francaises Ètablies par des analyses polliniques. Boreas, 12: 35-56

  49. Crise A., G. Crispi and E. Mauri, Toward a Mediterranean coupled model of the nitrogen cycle. The Oceanography Society meeting, Amsterdam 7-11 July, 1996.

  50. Della Vedova B., J.P. Foucher, G. Pellis F. Harmegnies and the MEDRIFF Consortium, Heat flow measurements on the Mediterranean Ridge indicate transient processes of heat transfer between thesediments and the water column. Rapp. CIESM, 34, 100, 1995.

  51. Della Vedova, B., Pellis G., Camerlenghi A., Foucher J.P. and Harmegnies F., 1996. The thermal history of deep sea sediments as a record of recent changes in the deep circulation of the eastern mediterranean. JGR (in review).

  52. Della Vedova B., G. Pellis and the MEDRIFF Consortium, Thermal transients in the sediment of the Mediterranean Ridge. Atti XIII Convegno annuale GNGTS, Roma, 223-230, 1995.

  53. Duarte et al., 1994. Reconstruction of seagrass dynamics: age determination and associated tools for the seagrass ecologist. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,107:195-209.

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