However, several additional useful resources for operationalizing integrated care into Counseling Psychology training exist. One is the 2011 Interprofessional Education Collaborative Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, created jointly by the professional organizations in dentistry, medicine, public health, nursing, and pharmacy and endorsed by APA. Another is APA’s Division 38 Integrated Primary Care Curriculum (2016), whose modules are available to programs free and online. There are also dozens of examples of implementation in the literature from which programs could draw inspiration.
Regarding interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and translational research, opportunities abound for Counseling Psychologists to partner with others. In preparation for such work, Counseling Psychology students will benefit from training in an inclusive and flexible range of quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as hybrid designs (Chor, Olin, & Hoagwood, 2014; Tebes, Thai, & Matlin, 2014). Program evaluation, quality assurance/improvement, outcomes assessments, non-linear/dynamic systems evaluations, population health management strategies, community-based research, and critical research perspectives are all likely to be in demand (Beacham et al., 2017; Smith et al., 2015; Teo, 2015). Counseling Psychology program faculty can assist students in learning grant-writing skills and in accessing funding outlets for interprofessional work (see Chor, Olin & Hoagwood, 2014 for several examples of Behavaioral Health Education and Training Grants; also the National Institute for Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program, 2017).
Whether in the practice or research domains, studies show that interprofessional experiences seem to work best when power hierarchies can be reduced or eliminated, when team members have a shared mental model/super-ordinate goal, when joint work can be approached from a position of curiosity and non-judgment, and stereotypes about other professionals are suspended or better yet, directly discussed and processed (Smith et al., 2015; Tebes, Thai & Matlin, 2014). Counseling Psychology training, with its focus on systemic, holistic, diversity, and social justice perspectives, is well-positioned to foster such attitudes and behaviors for effective collaboration.
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