Supply chain management, strategy creation. About the problems with the administrative issues on the agenda to provide information. Logistics operations of these areas with areas of supply chain positioning strategy, order management, value-added services provider. Raw materials, production and transmission and then up to the end user's design.
War-Time (convoy) Transportaion
Transportation is an issue in the special transport convoy fundamentals. Military and civilians during the war as needed cargoes can be moved for safe convoy operations. Marine convoy operations, land convoy operations. By deception against the risks.
Transportation Policies
Transport Policies According to the preferred means of transport types and the choice of the policy, the comparison between the decision-making, written text, creating and sharing application. To be used in road transport vehicles and transport selection.
Sea Transportation Policies
Cargo and passenger transportation objectives considering distance according to the selection of the ship, the line opening up decision-making in all matters. Pricing. Creating competition policy. Crew training and in-service training policy creation.
Logistics Modeling
Linear programming, transportation problems, road problems, network modeling, regression analysis and prediction of them all in the decision analysis applications.
Class, Survey & Maintanance
Transport vehicles surveys, relevant of international and national-class organizations, survey procedures. Certeficates of vehicles. Maintenance fundamentals. Authorities.
Transportation Meteorology
Meteorology, weather effects of transportation, transportation and meteorological events, will take measures, meteorological data in planning evaluation. Effects of road, rail, air, water and pipeline transportations. Meteorological warning systems.
Just-In-Time Production (jit) and Logistics
Just-in- time production (JIT) philosophy, applicability. The importance of procurement in (JIT) production. The role of logistics in the production of (JIT), place and importance. Planning. Effects may arise from the disruption of logistics to production. Cost effect.
Bu ders, öğrencilerin daha sonra alacağı TMAT102 dersi için gerekli olan belli matematiksel kavramları gözden geçirip geliştirmek amacıyla tasarlanmıştır. Her iki derste de başarılı olan öğrenciler matematikte belli bir seviye gerektiren diğer esas alan derslerini kolayca takip edebileceklerdir. TMAT101 dersi cebir işlemlerini, denklemlerini, fonksiyonları, fonksiyonların grafiklerini ve alanla ilgili uygulama problemlerini içermektedir.
İşletme Matematiği II
Bu dersin esas amacı işletme ve ekonomi problemlerinin cözümü için gerekli olan matematiksel altyapıyı sağlamaktır. Konular bazı seçilmiş gerçek hayat uygulama problemleriyle desteklenmistir. TMAT102 dersi Matrisler, limit ve süreklilik, Türevler ve uygulamaları, Eğri çizimi, İntegraller ve uygulamaları ve cok değişkenli fonksiyonları içermektedir.
Psikolojinin tanımı, temel kavramları ve tarihsel süreci, bireyin kendini ve dünyayı anlamlandırma atılımı olarak psikoloji ve bir bilim olarak psikolojinin genel çerçevesi. Psikanalisttik, davranışçı, bilişsel, hümanist / varoluşçu ve sistem kuramları. Psikolojinin temel alt alanlarından sosyal, klinik, deneysel, gelişim, okul, eğitim ve endüstri - örgüt psikolojileri. Psikolojinin Felsefe, Sosyoloji, Antropoloji, Eğitim, Psikiyatri gibi diğer bilim dallarıyla ilişkisi. Davranışın normal ve normal dışı boyutta biyolojik, psikolojik, sosyal ve kültürel temelleri. Psikolojide araştırma yöntemleri, davranışın biyolojik temelleri, duyum ve algı psikolojisi, bilinç durumları, öğrenme ve bellek, zeka ve diğer temel bilişsel süreçler, normal-dışı davranışlar ve kişilik. Kişilerarası ilişkilerin psikoloji bilgileri ışığında yorumlanması ve psikolojinin özel eğitim alanı ile ilişkisi.
Public Speaking in English I
Basic elements of public speaking. Principles of effective speech and methods for developing communicative skills. Message preparation, overcoming stage fright, audience analysis, non-verbal communication, effective use of language, reading from text, objectives in speaking and choice of topics, planning and preparation of speeches, short oral presentations.
Public Speaking in English II
Application of all theoretical approaches covered in TRA 101. Extensive discussions and practice with different communicative purposes: various types of informative and persuasive speeches, addresses for special occasions, speaking in small groups and debates. Long oral presentations.
Reading Skills I
The aim is to improve the students' reading comprehension skills through exposure to authentic texts and help them establish the link between vocabulary, language structure and meaning.
Reading Skills II
The course aims to improve the students' skills in understanding and solving authentic English texts which are structurally and semantically more complex.
Listening and Note Taking I
Techniques and practice in recording the content of oral presentations in English. Understanding rapid speech, recording of details, and summarizing. Preparation for consecutive and bilateral interpreting.
Listening and Note Taking II
Techniques and practice in recording the content of oral presentations in English. Understanding rapid speech, recording of details, and summarizing. Preparation for consecutive and bilateral interpreting.
The objective of this course is to compare and contrast Turkish and English within the framework of translation to understand the influence of one language on the other in terms of grammar and usage. This course shall provide the necessary basic skills, techniques and strategies involved in two-way translation.
Comparative Structure II
The objective of this course is to analyse complex structures of the language and to enable the students to perform translation activities via emphasis on usage and style regarding the structural aspect of English.
Writing Skills in English I
The course aims to improve the students' skills in various types of paragraph and composition writing that include explanation, comparison and contrast and cause and effect relationships.
Writing Skills in English II
The course aims to improve the students' skills in various types of paragraph and composition writing that include explanation, comparison and contrast and cause and effect relationships.
Although translation is never a word-for-word transfer process, words are the building blocks of language and translation. Thus, vocabulary is one of the major tools in both the comprehension and reformulation phases of translation. So as to facilitate the translation process, the translator has to have a good amount of vocabulary stored in their active memory, besides having a good command of the dictionary. This course aims at enabling translation students to have a comprehensive amount of vocabulary, to recall words readily, during interpreting especially, and to use the dictionary efficiently and accurately.
Principal schools of linguistics in the 20th century. The basic concepts, principles and methods. Branches of linguistics with their fields of application; associations with other relevant disciplines. Linguistic analytical methods applied at both sentential and textual levels, followed by semantic analysis. General terminology and the formation of a Turkish terminology for linguistics.
Western Civilizations
A survey of western civilizations and philosophy reflecting Western thinking.
Translation for Social Sciences
This course aims at developing students` awareness and understanding of the terminology in the field of social sciences and concentrates on practice in the translation of topics such as international politics, international organizations, history, music, art, theatre, etc.
Contemporary Western Literature I
Understanding the basic concepts in contemporary western literature; analysis and criticism; introducing some samples of representative master pieces.
Contemporary Western Literature II
Understanding the basic concepts in contemporary western literature; analysis and criticism; introducing some samples of representative master pieces
Brief history of translation. Theory and practice at the introductory level. Problems of equivalence. Text types and relevant techniques of translation. Exercises and presentations in class as well as written assignments.
Introduction to Interpreting
This course aims at combining aural comprehension of English speeches with the ability to translate the gist of what is heard into Turkish. Speeches on various topics shall be dealt with to heighten the students' awareness of register and intonation in oral translation and to expand their knowledge of terminology.
Writing Skills in Turkish
Structural features of Turkish. Principles of syntax, word derivation, and spelling rules. Conceptualization and techniques of written expression. Turkish usage and readings. Presentations, written assignments, and class discussion.
Public Speaking in Turkish
Extensive discussions and practice with different communicative purposes: various types of informative and persuasive speeches, addresses for special occasions, speaking in small groups and debates. Long oral presentations.
Discourse Analysis
The aim of this course is to teach the basic concepts of semantics, the fundamental movements of philosophy and psychology, and discourse theory. Students study various texts of social sciences and literature
Introduction to theoretical reflection on translation and relevant current issues. Approaches specific to the cultural paradigm in translation studies in which context, situation and power relations are foregrounded.
Translation for Business
Translation of business language (English and Turkish) with emphasis on technical terms from economics, management, banking, commerce, insurance, and business law. Format, style and expression in business documents (contracts, proxies, etc.). Translation of articles from Turkish and English newspapers. Exercises and presentations in class as well as written assignments.
Consecutive Interperting
This course aims at enabling students to acquire mastery in sight translation and consecutive interpreting. The techniques of effective listening, note-taking and memory development are introduced to students. Speeches on various topics are dealt with for the practice of sight translation and consecutive translation.
Translation for Law
Translation of legal English (English and Turkish) with emphasis on technical terms from the field of law. Format, style and expression in legal documents (contracts, proxies, etc.). Exercises and presentations in class as well as written assignments.
Simultaneous Interperting I
Theoretical/practical introduction to the basic processes and strategies of simultaneous interpreting with a brief history of the profession. Simulated interpreting in translation booths. Graded audio recordings of authentic conference material.
On-Sight Interperting
Training in the skills of ad hoc interpreting of written texts (English-Turkish, Turkish-English). Intensive practice with authentic conference material using terminology from different fields.
Medical Translation
Translation of medical English (English and Turkish) with emphasis on technical terms from the field of medicine. Format, style and expression in medical reports and certificates. Exercises and presentations in class as well as written assignments.
Research Techniques in Translation
Methodological approach to research. Designing a research project in translation studies: selection, planning and techniques of research. Focus on interconnecting different theories with appropriate research.
Technical Translation
Theoretical approaches to technical translation. Intensive practice with texts related to science, technology and major industries. Exercises and presentations in class as well as written assignments.
Literary Translation I
This course shall consist of written translation from English into Turkish of literary materials including literary articles, poems, short stories, screenplays and plays.
Information Technology for Translators
Review of current information technology (IT) and its impact on contemporary communication. Various IT-related concepts (Internet, www, e-mail, Telnet, FTP, hypertext, browser, homepage, URL, etc.) and the use of computer technology in accessing information for translating/interpreting purposes. Software localization practices (various software translation and glossary maintenance applications, current international software localization challenges/opportunities).
Simultaneous Interpreting II
Acquisition of professional skills in actual conference situations. Off campus training under the instructor`s supervision.